Bright Moonlit Night

Chapter 26


On this day, when Jin Yi returned to the mansion, the disturbance had subsided, so he did not hear about it.

But Bai Lu still chose the moment and whispered today's events to Jin Yi.

After Jin Yi left to go to Fangmanting, Bai Xue asked Bai Lu, "Sister, why did you tell me about this? Didn't the old lady order no one to mention it again?"

Bai Lu said: "Naturally no one will mention it in front of people, and there will be fewer people who will talk about it in private? If we don't talk about this matter, the only master will be kept in the dark and let Young Master Ming swallow his grievances. The style of the subordinate who solves the problem.”

Bai Xue said with a smile: "It's still my sister who is thoughtful and has a style. It sounds very particular."

Bai Lu also smiled and said, "Although we are servants, not everyone can do it, but we must not be particular about it?"

When Jin Lai came to Fangmanting, Fu Ming had just sent Zhaoyan out, when he was standing in the courtyard, the few yellow leaves on the top of the branches were swaying in the evening wind.

"Go into the house, although the wind isn't too cold, but it will blow for a long time and you will get cold." Jin Yi said, and he half-embraced and half-pushed him into the house.

"Do you feel cold? I'll make you a cup of tea." Fu Ming shook Jin Yi's hand, which was warm. Jin Yi said:

"Not cold, not thirsty, you sit, I have something to tell you."

Under Jin Yi's suggestion, the maids all withdrew, and Fu Ming asked, "What do you want to say? It's so mysterious."

Jin Yi is not pretending to be mysterious. He rarely does such a thing. The reason why he sent his servants is to make Fu Ming feel more comfortable and give him more face.

"I don't have anything to say, but I heard about today's events. The old lady was angry for a while, and what she said was a bit too heavy. Don't take it to heart. What kind of person are you, the old lady is watching of."

Fu Ming's tone sounded flat: "Master is serious, I don't dare, and I won't be angry with the old lady."

Jin Yi shook his head and said, "I'm not here to speak for the old lady, I am. I'm worried that you can't speak because you're feeling uncomfortable, and it's even more depressing when you hold it back."

Fu Mingyuan wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh. He turned his head slightly and didn't say anything for a long time.

Jin Yi took his hand and said softly, "We all know how sincere you are to us." After a while, he said, "You have seven minds, and intelligence is good, but thinking too much about some things is not good for you. It's better not to want to. I'll be happier this way."

Fu Ming finally showed some smiles and replied, "I understand what you mean. I'll stop here. I don't want to, and I don't need to think about it anymore."

Jin Yi said: "Okay, don't think about it anymore. If you want to go out in the future, tell me, and I will take you out."

"Well, well, I'll tell you when the time comes."

Jin Yi saw that Fu Ming's brows seemed to be relieved a lot. He felt relieved, and he felt empty in his stomach, so he smiled and said, "Do you still have anything to eat here? Forgot to eat dinner."

Fu Ming laughed dumbly, "I'll ask them to let the kitchen do it again."

"Don't bother, it's ready, just heat it up."

Fu Ming shook his head, "You can't spend the night with the food you ate tonight. I also said that I have to go to bed early tonight, so I didn't make preparations for midnight. I'm afraid it won't be ready. Let's do it again. It's not too much trouble to do something simple. It won't be long."

"That's good. You're probably not in the mood to eat tonight, why don't you eat some more with me?"

Fu Ming nodded, "Okay. Wait a minute, I'll go find the girls. You took someone away, so why don't you find them first?"

When Jin Yi saw that Fu Ming was thinking about joking, he also felt a lot better. He used to dislike the word "children's affection", because he often felt that a hero would be short-hearted if a child's affection was long. But when I really meet someone who can make me miss me, I feel that the occasional love affair comes from the heart, and it's good to just let it go.

After Fu Ming was imprisoned in Jin's house by the old lady, before he took the initiative to tell Jin Yi that he wanted to go out, he received an invitation from the servants of the Zhou family, asking him to visit before the beginning of winter. Lou Yihui, the invitation was signed "Xifu".

Fu Ming asked people to show the invitation to the old lady. Knowing that it was Zhou Chengyan's invitation, the old lady agreed with Fu Ming to go out.

On this day of winter, the weather is a lot cooler. Fu Ming put on his winter clothes and took Bai Hua out the door. Now, Bai Hua has become his servant, and he only attends to his affairs outside the mansion, following him out, or running errands.

In the harsh winter of Beijing, it is difficult to store fruits and vegetables in the fields, so these days, the business of stalls selling winter vegetables in the street market is very hot. The people in the city are buying them for the whole winter. Fu Ming watched as he walked, took the scenes of the winter market one by one into his eyes, kept them in his heart, and prepared to add them to his records when he returned.

The two of them were walking, and they saw the housekeeper of Jin's house with a lot of people shopping on the street. The two sides greeted each other, the housekeeper continued to work, and Fu Ming took Bai Hua to the Jianlou.

When he arrived at the place, he was led to the box upstairs by the hall-runner, and the person sitting there waiting for him was not Zhou Chengyan, but Zhou Yuqing.

Although "Xifu" was written on the invitation from the Zhou family, it was not in Zhou Chengyan's handwriting. Fu Ming thought it was because he was lazy for a while and had someone ghostwrite it. But Fu Ming didn't know that Zhou Chengyan had never had the practice or idea of fake someone else's hand if it was an invitation to him.

Although he was deceived to come here, Fu Ming didn't rush to leave since he came here. He wanted to see why this girl Zhou took so much trouble to find him.

Zhou Xingqing saw Fu Ming with a three-point smile on his face, and poured Fu Ming a glass of light wine himself, "It's cold outside, Mr. Fu first drink a glass to warm up."

"Thank you." Fu Ming took a cup and drank the wine.

"If I didn't use my elder brother's name as a taboo, I'm sure Young Master Fu would not come to my appointment. Although he is suspected of cheating, it is really a last resort. Master Fu forgive me." After speaking, Zhou Xingqing held the cup, "I will drink a cup myself and ask Fu Your lord apologizes."

Fu Ming didn't stop her, let her drink the wine, and asked, "Miss Zhou's so tortuous invitation, why is it so expensive?"

Zhou Yanqing still smiled and said, "Firstly, I apologize to Master Fu for my blunders. Second, I have something to say to Master Fu in advance."

Fu Ming nodded, "You talk."

"Where do you start?" Zhou Yuqing moved his eyes to the empty space, as if thinking about it. After a while, she said, "Mr. Fu, what kind of person does my brother-in-law think?"

Fu Mingdao: "What kind of person is he? Miss Zhou doesn't know? If you don't know, why are you willing to go so hard to enter the Jin residence?"

Zhou Xingqing sneered, "Outsiders say that Mr. Fu is gentle and kind, and treats people kindly. I don't think so. You can be aggressive at times."

"Miss Zhou, let's talk straight, no need to beat around the bush."

The smile on Zhou Qingqing's face gradually faded, "I originally wanted to be friendly with you, and I will be a family from now on. Why should the east wind and the west wind oppose each other? But it seems that Master Fu doesn't have the same idea."

Fu Ming said, "The girl is only allowed to set fire, not to light the lamp below. If this is what Miss Zhou's friendship means, then I can't cooperate."

Zhou Yuqing shook his head slightly, his tone turned cold: "That's it. I thought, if Mr. Fu knows the current affairs, then I will give you some points in the future. But it seems that Mr. Fu is now in the Jin Mansion. Status, refuse to take me seriously."

Fu Ming smiled and said, "Miss Zhou is serious. I look at people, who is who he should be, so I didn't take it seriously."

"Whoever he should be." Zhou Yanqing said, "Then Master Fu thinks, who am I?"

"You are the girl from the Zhou family, Seung Yeon's younger sister. One of the housekeepers in the future for the eldest grandfather."

"Yes, I'm a girl from the Zhou family. So what does Young Master Fu think about the Zhou family compared to the Fu family?"

"Naturally, the Zhou family is high and powerful."

"As you said, my background is different from yours. What's more, my parents and elder brothers are my backers, and I have also inquired about the Fu family in you, but it is only a deceased mother's family in name. Besides, although you It was the Jin Mansion who was married by the emperor, but after all, it was not the true will of the old lady and brother-in-law. And my brother-in-law and I have affection before you. No matter from which point of view, it is impossible for you, the principal family, to have a relationship with you. I compare."

Hearing this, Fu Ming found it ridiculous. He didn't want to argue one by one. He just said, "If the girl comes to me just to give me a showdown, then there's no need for it. Whatever the truth is, you will have your own testimony in the future."

"Okay, then let's wait and see. When I enter Jin's house, marry my brother-in-law, and have children for him, at that time, I will still be Zhou's auntie, Zhaoyan's aunt, and his child's biological mother, and you, Who are you? Do you think that, at that time, the main office of Jin's residence will still be your place to stand?"

Fu Ming saw Zhou Xingqing's sure-to-win expression, and he didn't want to talk to him any more, so he got up, and before leaving, he stopped and said, "Maybe the girl is very affectionate to the lord, so she would not hesitate to do so. But I think that people The place to stand is not something you can gain or lose by fighting for or giving way. What kind of person you are, you are in what position. I hope the girl can do it for herself." After speaking, he strode away, and his back quickly disappeared from the door.

Zhou Yanqing was stunned for a moment, then smiled coldly, "Deceiving yourself and others, just wait and see."

At night, Jin Lai came to Fangmanting, and when he undressed and fell asleep, he asked Fu Ming, "I heard that you agreed to the appointment of Yan today and went out?"

Fu Ming wanted to hide it at first, but after thinking about it, Jin Yi is a person who is very upright in his thoughts and actions. He really doesn't need to hide it, so he replied, "It's a post that Miss Zhou sent me under the guise of Chengyan."

"What did she do to you?"

"It doesn't really matter, I just said some words and looked forward to her future."

Hearing this, Jin Yi pondered for a while and said, "She is a young daughter, so she won't have any good feelings for you if you think about it. You don't have to let her, and you don't have to care about her, just let her play a one-man show."

Fu Mingdao: "I think she is very smart and has a lot of thought despite her young age. Now she is at Zhou's house, and I am here, so I can still avoid it. When it is time to avoid it, Long borrow, what do you think I should do?"

Jin Yi replied: "Let's see when the time is right. What I say now is just guesswork. Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged."

Fu Ming shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of being wronged, but because of her, I don't think it's worth it. Long borrow, I said this, maybe you think I'm ridiculous, but it's my heart, I hope you can I understand." Fu Ming sighed softly, "I don't regret marrying you. On the contrary, I think you are very good, and I am willing to be by your side. But I am still a man, let me do it for you or something. It's impossible to compete with a woman for your position in the world. But I also understand that many times I can't help myself. I don't want to become a person who makes me feel unrecognizable, and I don't want to give birth to you. Resentment. So, in the future, if it's true—I mean if, if this mansion really doesn't allow me to feel at ease, I hope you can—let me go."

Every word, Jin Yi heard it in his ears, like a gust of north wind outside the window, which made him feel a blow to his heart, and gave birth to a little panic. He suddenly hugged Fu Ming, his voice was deep, but his tone was heavy: "It won't be like that, as long as I stay in this mansion for one day, there will be a place for you to rest in peace here. But if, if there is a time when it really makes you feel uncomfortable, You told me, I will definitely not make you embarrassed." He stroked the face of the person in his arms, like a promise, and like a begging, "Ye Xin, you believe me."

Fu Ming looked at Jin Yi and the various emotions in his eyes, and suddenly there was a lot of reluctance in his heart. It turned out that if a person walked into his heart, it would be so sad if he parted in an imaginary case. He nodded, hugged Jin Yi back, put his face on his shoulder, and replied word by word, "Okay, I believe you."@@@