Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 102


Tonight, he will learn everything about Stone Rushui through this book.

When Shi Rushui was in the orphanage, his original name was Shi Tairan, and he has survived in the orphanage since he can remember. He is humble, cowardly, and gloomy in his bones, but at the same time, he also has perseverance, stubbornness, and brute force that others cannot imagine.

And Mo Ran in the book is completely the true temperament of Shi Rushui in reality.

Environmental factors have caused Shi Rushui or Mo Ran to be good at forbearance, restraint, and camouflage. He can smile brightly when his heart is bleeding, and he can also pretend to be happy on the verge of collapse.

It's like, no one knows what kind of steely heart he has under his soft and deceitful appearance.

The strength of this heart is incomparable to Su Mu who was born in the greenhouse. When necessary, it can be thousands of times stronger than Gao Tianyi's domineering edge.

However, until today, Gao Tianyi saw it with his own eyes, and at this time, he deeply understood it from the lines.

In the book, the third meeting between Mo Ran and Zhuo Tianyi restores every detail that happened between Shi Rushui and Gao Tianyi in reality.

Gao Tianyi was actually very busy that day. He passed by the movie theater when he was rushing back to K City from a business trip in the capital. He suddenly missed Shi Rushui very much, so he ordered someone to quickly check Shi Rushui's whereabouts and rushed over.

So, during the meal, he chatted with Shi Rushui while reading emails.

Shi Rushui was very timid, and he was tied up for the whole meal. After the meal, he proposed to take Shi Rushui to the mall, but Shi Rushui refused with an embarrassed face, saying that he would rush back to filming.

With Gao Tianyi's personality, he would never put a hot face on a cold ass, so when Shi Rushui said to leave, he immediately called his subordinates and ordered him to drive Shi Rushui back to the studio.

Gao Tianyi is not one to give in and play tricks, but his desire for hunting Shi Rushui is increasing every day.

This kind of hunting mind probably also has a part of interest in Shi Rushui Shuang'er's mysterious body structure.

For filming, Shi Rushui did not wear auricles, but Shuang'er's Adam's apple was not as prominent as a woman's. In addition, when he took Shi Rushui for an infusion for the second time, the doctor confirmed Shi Rushui's gender through his pulse.

The people around Gao Tianyi are either rich or noble, almost all of them have played with Shuang'er, Zhidao is the most ecstasy, with his ability, he wants to have a word with Shuang'er, but only Shi Rushui successfully aroused his interest. sexy.

It made him want to see if Shi Rushui's body was as charming as his appearance.

How warm and ecstasy will it be!

Gao Tianyi, who was not very interested in cooperation with film studios, decided to go to 'investigate' because of the existence of Shi Rushui.

After the third separation, in the book, Mo Ran began to stay in the studio twenty hours a day to pick up plays.

I don't know if it's the credit of 'Zhuo Tianyi', he feels that he can receive more scenes, or maybe it's because of this matter, no one dares to really publicize it, so he just gets a few more scenes every day.

Although it was late autumn, the day Zhuo Tianyi went to the film studio, the sun was shining brightly, warming people's bodies and keeping the cold away.

After finishing the last scene in the morning, it was already past noon, and Mo Ran returned to the West Square.

Each crew has a temporary rest room. However, for a walk-on like Mo Ran, usually they will return to the East Square or West Square of the studio after a scene. With the normalization of the studio, these two The place is the gathering place where the assistant directors or assistant directors of each crew come to select extras.

Mo Ran lined up to get a cup of boiling water, and went to buy a box of steamed noodles from an old woman in the northwest corner as usual, and then went to the row of chairs, but at noon, there were the most people and the seats were already full.

Tired, Mo Ran carried the lunch box and walked to the corner behind the last row of chairs, took out the old newspapers and silk jacket in the backpack, put the old newspapers on the floor, put the backpack against the wall behind her, and put the silk jacket in front of her against the wall sat down.

This position is not bad, the sun can warm half of his body, he looked up at the scorching sun in the distance through his fingers, smiled slightly, and opened the lunch box to eat.

Mo Ran ate half of a box of lunch, then carefully covered it with a foam lid, wrapped it in a transparent plastic bag, and placed it on the edge of the newspaper next to the buttocks.

There is still a scene at nine o'clock in the evening, and the rest is just enough for a meal in the evening.

Seeing this, Gao Tianyi's hand holding the book bone trembled suddenly, and the book almost fell.

Seeing Shi Rushui for the fourth time, Gao Tianyi knew that Shi Rushui's life was difficult, but, living in the film city, with his good looks, he could always get into two scenes a day, even if it was one, it would not be so abjection!

That day, Gao Tianyi did find Shi Rushui in the corner after rehearsing the play in the West Square. At that time, it was after two o'clock in the afternoon, and he had just enjoyed a luxurious lunch under the hospitality of the boss of the studio.

After learning the location of Shi Rushui, he went to the movie city to 'investigate' surrounded by the crowd.

When he stood in front of Shi Rushui, Shi Rushui's body was already shrouded in the sun, he leaned against the corner of the wall with his head tilted and his eyes closed, his innocent sleeping face was full of fatigue that could not be concealed.

But, after all, she is a beauty.

Willow-leaf eyebrows, slender eye slits, delicate and slender nose, small and bright red lips, even at that time, the stone-like skin was not as white as it is now, and the fundus of the eyes was also a little dark, but it was just that trembling with breathing. The trembling lips are enough to make him pick up the gun.

He sighed softly: "Why did you fall asleep here?" '

The moment he saw Shi Rushui, his heart couldn't help softening. The boss of the film studio next to him asked a few words, but he raised his hand to stop him.

With his back to the sun, he walked lightly in front of Shi Rushui, his slender legs bent, and his tall body squatted down, wrapping Shi Rushui's petite and slender body under his shadow.

When he put his big hand on Shi Rushui's delicate face, before his rough thumb slid twice on his face, the phone on Shi Rushui's body rang, probably because it was wrapped in a cotton coat, the sound was not too loud .

But Shi Rushui was still awakened, and when he raised his head to meet him, he was obviously frightened, his eyes widened.

He flinched for a while, called out 'Mr. Gao', and tried to stand up from the ground in a panic, like a little white rabbit cornered by a big bad wolf.

'Slow down, if you get up suddenly, you will feel dizzy. As he said, he pressed Shi Rushui's right shoulder hard, looked at Shi Rushui's trembling lips, and couldn't help lowering his voice: "Why do I fall asleep here, and I'm not afraid of catching a cold." '

"I, I..." Shi Rushui bit his lower lip in a panic, and when he looked up at him with trembling eyelashes, he even raised his eyebrows and showed him a beautiful smile: "The sun is too warm today, so I accidentally fell asleep." caught...'

Probably because he didn't speak, Shi Rushui pretended to be calm and asked: "Mr. Gao, why are you here?" '

However, he knew that he was afraid like a little mouse, because his body under the cotton coat was still trembling.

'Come to find you, why don't you call me? With his big hand on Shi Rushui's face, he wiped Shi Rushui's slightly moist lips ambiguously, then in Shi Rushui's suddenly widened eyes, he smiled and withdrew his right hand: "I'm just kidding you, I Come over for an inspection. '

As he got up, Shi Rushui also stood up quickly, with his back against the wall, as if the wall could give him a certain sense of security.

He looked at Shi Rushui covering his cotton-padded coat with his hands in a hurry, and listened to the louder ringing of the mobile phone in his pocket, and raised his eyebrows to remind: "Your mobile phone has been ringing." '

"Uh..." Shi Rushui was taken aback, almost threw away the cotton coat in his arms, quickly went to take out his mobile phone, and lowered his head to explain while pressing down the voice: "Yes... it's an alarm clock. '

'oh? '

'I...'Because he was too flustered, Shi Rushui probably didn't know what to say, so he continued to explain:'Yes, the next scene is about to begin. '

'profound? When he heard it at the time, a smoldering light quickly flashed across his eyes, so he took a step back and said in a cold voice: "Then it won't delay your filming." '

After carrying the stone like water, he heard the heavy breathing behind him, he couldn't bear it at last, so he stopped and said: "Call me if you need it." '

After leaving the West Plaza, the boss of the movie studio immediately apologized, saying that he had not treated his friend well and had ordered someone to take care of Shi Rushui.

He stopped immediately: "No need, remember in the future, give him two extras every day, medium and low salary." '

The owner of the studio is unknown, so: 'This...'

He remembered that he said with a smile at that time: "If you don't suffer in the mud, how can you cherish the comfort in the cloud!" '

What he wants is for Shi Rushui to experience the difference between clouds and mud. He wants him to wash himself, climb onto his bed naked, and beg him to do it!

For the next two days, he was in the film studio, met Shi Rushui twice during the 'investigation', took him to eat two meals of delicacies, and gave him a valuable watch.

However, the watch was confiscated.

Until, for the seventh time, when he was 'researching' in the film city, Shi Rushui came over on his own initiative, asked him with a light shoulder if he had time, and wanted to invite him to dinner to repay him.

It's too late to reply now.

He knows that this is not a 'reward for a guest', this is obviously 'the fish is hooked'.

There are also these fragments in the book, and what’s more, Mo Ran’s elaboration on the eve of inviting Zhuo Tianyi, there is a very important thing that he doesn’t know →

Mo Ran felt that the luckiest thing for her growing up in the orphanage was meeting the vice president, Mo Xiao.

According to other mothers in the orphanage, he had a serious illness when he was less than one year old. Although he was sent to the hospital at the time, he was not a child cared for by his parents. Dean Mo worked hard to the end, and found out about the old Chinese medicine doctor on the side of the mountain, and rescued him with folk remedies.

As he grew up, he was thin, short, low self-esteem, and out of gregarious due to his gender. When he was six years old, he was bullied by the older children in the orphanage and forced him to drink rat poison. Sud was sent to the hospital, and he no longer existed.

When he was less than twelve years old, he was almost raped by a middle-aged man who came to the orphanage as a "volunteer" in the back hill of the orphanage. It was Dean Mo who rushed over with Mo Zui to save him...

Dean Mo is like his mother. While caring for his growth, she taught him many principles of life and taught him how to protect himself, but...

After all, he is a troubled and unlucky person!

Seeing this, Gao Tianyi felt as if his heart had been pricked by the tip of a needle. He glanced at Shi Rushui who was sleeping beside him, and gently held his side face with his big hand, held his breath and raised his eyebrows, feeling his hot and humid body temperature.

book →

Such a person who loves him like a mother, went to the hospital for an examination because of loss of feeling in his arm a month ago, and was suddenly announced to have a brain tumor.

The cause of the brain tumor was precisely six years ago, when Dean Mo was fighting with the gangster who wanted to rape him when he was saving Moran in the back mountain, he was hit in the head by a wooden stick picked up by the gangster. Diagnosed as mild concussion and local soft tissue injury, I bought external medicine and oral anti-inflammatory medicine.

But I didn't expect that there was some congestion in the head, and in the six long years, a brain tumor formed.

Upon receiving the news, Mo Ran almost collapsed. He went back to the small county town to visit Dean Mo. Even though he couldn't lift his right shoulder, Dean Mo still held him with his left hand, chatting and laughing with him.

After meeting Dean Mo, Mo Ran naturally wanted to ask the doctor in charge.

The risk of craniotomy is greater than that of general surgery, the mortality rate is also higher, and the chance of sequelae is also the greatest.

And these are not the key points, the key point is that Dean Mo's condition has developed seriously, and the location of the tumor is also very dangerous. Even if the operation is successful, the possibility of becoming a vegetative state, extensive hemiplegia, or hemiplegia and being unable to stand and walk is very high.

The county hospital couldn't handle this major surgery. They suggested that Mo Ran take Mo Xiao to the National Hospital in Jingcheng, or to Huaren East Hospital in K City, the best hospital in China, which is also nearby.

However, the medical expenses of Huaren East Hospital are notoriously expensive in the whole country. If there is no seven or eight hundred thousand, it is impossible to get it. Including follow-up, it will cost at least a million. It is to go to Jingcheng National Hospital, from surgery to follow-up Treatment also starts at 500,000 yuan.

Even so, the success rate of the operation is not high. If you don't want to take the risk of the operation, you can spend less than 100,000 for the reserved treatment and use traditional Chinese medicine, but the life expectancy of at most two years is a foregone conclusion.

One hundred thousand, as the head of the orphanage, the country should be able to bear it all.

Not to mention that Mo Xiao had taken care of Mo Ran for fifteen years, but just saying that the disease was caused by him, how could Mo Ran allow Dean Mo to gradually sink down and die in the pain.

What's more, Mo Xiao is only in her early sixties. He said that when he becomes famous one day, he will provide her with old age and take care of her until she is a hundred years old.

In the book, Mo Ran made a phone call to Mo Xiao that night. During the call, she joked and joked to make Mo Xiao happy. After hanging up the phone, she was alone in that dark and damp den, crying until the sky was dark.

Seeing this, how could Gao Tianyi's heart not ache, especially thinking about how he treated Shi Rushui when Shi Rushui met him with the same mood as Mo Ran in the book for the seventh time, He clenched the hand of the book bone tightly, wishing he could hit himself hard in the face!

Seventh meeting.

High Hunter lost his patience.

That night, he really wanted Shi Rushui to treat him to dinner, Shi Rushui asked his opinion, he said whatever, so Shi Rushui took him to a mid-range hot pot restaurant outside the studio.

In the book, Shi Rushui wrote that the reason why Mo Ran invited Zhuo Tianyi to the hot pot restaurant was because he heard people say that eating hot pot can bring two people closer.

The hot pot restaurant is on the first and second floors, and the third floor is KTV, and further up is the hotel. When he saw the hotel, he followed Shi Rushui into the hot pot restaurant. He remembered that his heart and his eyes were both obscure and vague Evil.

Shi Rushui walked into the restaurant with him somewhat cautiously, and they were taken to the lobby on the first floor by the waiter. He didn't like the messy environment, so he asked the waiter to take him and Shi Rushui into the private room.

The waiter was very good at observing words and expressions, and quickly turned around and took them to the small private room on the second floor. The space was a little narrow, but the environment was not bad. It was near the window, quiet, and the seats were two rows of double sofa seats.

The smoky mandarin duck hot pot can indeed enhance the intimacy between people, especially that day Shi Rushui still had a seductive thought, seized the opportunity to touch his forehead with him, and when he spoke, his voice was also full of Some deliberate tenderness.

For an old Jianghu like him, such small tricks as stone like water like a piece of white paper, how can they escape his discernment.

It's just that Shi Rushui was still reserved, shy and incomprehensible after all. After eating, he sat stiffly and sat opposite him in a regular manner, murmuring his lips, sobbing and unable to say anything, just like a A shy little deer timidly waiting for the hunter to deal with his fate.

So, the hunter who didn't mind taking the initiative to attack again did what he wanted, he closed the net and said, "I opened an entertainment company under my name, Tianchen Film and Entertainment, have you heard of it?" '

'Tian, Tianchen Film and Entertainment. ’ Sure enough, Shi Rushui raised his head to look at him in surprise, too, who in Hunying City doesn’t know Tianchen Entertainment in K City, Shi Rushui’s lips trembled: “I know, I know. '

'There are no more than two kinds of Shadow City. He said with a satisfied smile: "One, for money, and two, for name." '

Shi Rushui closed his eyes, not daring to look directly at him.

He lit a cigarette, took a puff comfortably, leaned forward slightly, squinted at the expression on Shi Rushui's face, and asked, "What about you, why?" '

Shi Rushui was in a daze, his lips were still shrunk, his rhythmic shoulders meant that his hands under the table were stirring vigorously, and it also meant that he had already made a decision in his heart: 'I...'

'Why don't we... keep it simple. Even though he was sitting, he still looked down at Shi Rushui: "Shi Rushui, I am very interested in you, follow me, I can give you fame and wealth." '

Shi Rushui stopped trembling, and his body froze for a moment.

After waiting for Shi Rushui's answer for a long time, he breathed out a puff of smoke, Xiao Xiao laughed, stretched out his hand to pinch Shi Rushui's drooping chin, and said with the eyes of a businessman and the tone of a businessman: "Sorry, if my words offend you, just take it as me." Never said that, huh? '

'Ahem, no! "Maybe his sudden gentleness confused Shi Rushui, because in the book, Mo Ran loves Zhuo Tianyi humblely, maybe Shi Rushui desperately needs this opportunity, because someone is waiting for his life-saving money:" No... no, I… '

'You're agreeing, huh? He smiled self-confidently, stroking the tender flesh under Shi Rushui's chin that connects to his neck, watching Shi Rushui gently squint his eyes and restrain his breath in the palm of his hand, obediently and flattering: "Come here." '

'...' Shi Rushui seemed to be making the last struggle, and finally walked around the dining table to his side. When his already short and thin body leaned slightly in front of him, he looked respectful.

'good. 'He just sat, slid along Shi Rushui's waist to his buttocks, looked at the lean man, his whole body was skinny, but he didn't expect that the meat here was a little bit more unambiguous, he squeezed it, and felt that Shi Rushui Taking a step back to resist, he smiled at him intriguingly: "Or, do you think I should praise you first before proceeding to the next step, huh?" '

'No, it's not. Shi Rushui shook his head with a stiff neck, bit his lip and took a step forward. When his thigh touched his knee, he trembled and stood still for two seconds, then leaned forward without hesitation, and approached him vaguely: "I... I I don't want to be famous, I, I need money. '

'Okay, that's easier. He laughed, pulled Shi Rushui over, let him kneel on his lap, and rubbed his big hands on the back of his neck in an ambiguous posture: "Say it, I can give you as much as you want at any time." '

"Two..." Shi Rushui froze and trembling his lips: "Two million, is it okay?" '

'Can. "Sure enough, he is a poor man who has never seen the world, two million is too much to think highly of Gao Tianyi!"

However, now that the price has been negotiated, he is not polite, he suddenly tightened his grip, grabbed the back of Shi Rushui's neck, opened Shi Rushui's teeth roughly, and kissed him to the deepest, hearty kiss.

After an unknown amount of time, Shi Rushui's stiff body finally completely collapsed on his legs. At that time, Shi Rushui was much smaller than now. He was just over 1.6 meters tall and weighed about 80 catties. Much like a small pet.

This is why he likes to call him a little pet later on.

After being slightly satisfied, he put his mouth on Shi Rushui's earlobe, and said seductively: "Honey, I'm afraid you won't be able to rest tonight." '

"Gao, Mr. Gao..." Shi Rushui tremblingly raised his hands to caress his shoulders, closed his eyes and muttered: "Money, can you give it to me now." '

No matter how sexy she was, she was spoiled by such a sentence of "a deal without heart".

He, Gao Tianyi, has never had to spend money to buy it. The first time, it made him sick to the point of stomach ache.

'Can! He bit Shi Rushui's earlobe punitively, and when he heard Shi Rushui's choking sound, he smiled cruelly: "However, before I spend money, I always have to inspect the goods!" '

'Inspection, inspection! ’ He still remembered Shi Rushui’s dry and hoarse voice, now thinking about it, he regretted it: ‘How, how to test it? '

'so! As he said that, he grabbed Shi Rushui's waist suddenly, and spread his legs at random, and Shi Rushui, who was kneeling on his knees, was naturally slowly separated.

Shi Rushui was startled, his face changed greatly, he held his shoulders with trembling hands, his eyes widened in fear, and looked at him with fear and pitifulness.

'Hold on, huh? He threw away the cigar and stretched his hand towards the stone-like lower garment, and after a while he sneered without emotion: "That's right, it's quite tender." '

After checking and confirming the purity of Shi Rushui, he rudely pushed Shi Rushui off his legs because of his anger, watching him fall limply on the ground, a moment of compassion sprouted, and he stretched out his hand to hold Shi Rushui The collar threw him onto the opposite sofa, took out the check slip, filled in three million, and threw it on the table in front of Shi Rushui.

'Give you three million. He closed his pen and got up coldly: "Call me in three days, and I'll send someone to pick you up. Before that, finish all your work." '

After leaving the hot pot restaurant, he opened the finger that was still hot and moist in the palm of his hand in a daze, and brought it to his nose to smell it.

Outside, the sky was already dark, a gust of wind blew around his neck, suddenly, he felt cold.


Gao Tianyi's vision was blurred, he couldn't read any of the densely packed words on the book, he put the book on the bedside with trembling hands, turned off the desk lamp and night light, and lay down weakly, and took people under strict control from behind Shi Rushui. Tightly hugged her into her arms, and kissed the hair beside his ear delicately.

"Baby, I'm sorry." If the apology can be forgiven, then he is willing to say it to the person in his arms 10,000 times a day, "Baby, I'm sorry."

When Gao Tianyi's tears fell on the back of Shi Rushui's neck, Shi Rushui's hoarse voice came clearly in the quiet night: "Tianyi..."

I don't know if it was in a dream, or already...waking up.

I really want to write the part where Shi Rushui wakes up and Gao Tianyi dotes on him, but I have no choice but to write too slowly, I don’t have time anymore, do it tomorrow, it must be so sweet that your nose bleeds 2333