Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 112


Shi Rushui pursed his lips, hesitantly said: "Could it be...too early."

As soon as Shi Rushui finished speaking, Gao Tianyi suddenly raised his chin and turned his back for half a minute. Gao Tianyi sucked his slightly thick lower lip angrily, and saw Gao Tianyi rubbed his thumb on him. The dimple under the lips rubbed and said softly: "Finally, I am willing to talk to my brother properly."

The cards in Shi Rushui's hand were almost scattered, his fingers creaked twice, he struggled a bit, and tremblingly took four sixes amidst Gao Tianyi's ruffian laughter.

Gao Tianyi's hand fell back to Shi Rushui's soft waist, and his chin lazily rested on the top of Shi Rushui's head, saying: "The most taboo thing about playing cards is that you have a trump card in your hand, but in the end it becomes a dead card."

"What's so strange about this." Bai Ziyan proudly raised his chin, thinking that he would be able to receive the reward tomorrow: "It's really rare for some people to hold back an internal injury while holding a beauty in their arms, hahaha. "

Gao Tianyi kicked Bai Ziyan, who was opposite him, under the table. He saw Bai Ziyan's facial features distorted and closed his mouth before he withdrew his ferocious big feet and sharp eyes. Gao Wenze.

Ever since Shi Rushui came back to him, Gao Wenze's eyes on Shi Rushui became more and more unrestrained. Today, he finally allowed him to go back to Mingshan Villa. This guy doesn't have a long memory.

Gao Tianyi withdrew his big foot and rushed out again, the toe of the leather shoe was hard on Gao Wenze's calf bone, kicking Gao Wenze, who was sitting on the sofa clapper, almost turned over.

Gao Wenze, who was suffering from pain, leaned back on the sofa, clamped his tail and grimaced: "No, don't."

Xu Nuan and Bai Ziyan are cousins, and all of them are masters of poker. Gao Tianyi is good at mahjong, and at most he can draw with them in poker.

After playing another six or seven rounds, Shi Rushui still lost 100,000 yuan, Gao Tianyi picked up his mobile phone and transferred 100,000 yuan to the wailing Bai Ziyan before unceremoniously issuing an order to evict him.

After the people dispersed, there was only a family of three left in the room, and it was already half past ten. When Gao Tianyi picked up Beibei from the double sofa, Beibei's small body was already limp and sleepy.

The little guy glanced at Shi Rushui to make sure that Baba was by his side, so he nestled obediently in the crook of Gao Tianyi's arms, "Babe, pee pee."

"Okay." Gao Tianyi bowed his head and kissed Beibei's forehead, looked at Shi Rushui and said, "Sit on the bed and rest, and I'll bring you water later."

"No need." Shi Rushui followed Gao Tianyi into the bathroom, and after Beibei finished peeing, Gao Tianyi held Beibei, and Shi Rushui washed Beibei's face and feet on the washstand.

After Beibei finished washing, the little guy had lazily narrowed his little fox eyes, and stretched out his hand to hug the stone-like neck: "Baba, sleepy."

"Be good, little Baba is washing your face, and I will come out to sleep with the baby soon." Gao Tianyi carried Beibei out of the bathroom, kissed Beibei's little face all the way, and gently coaxed the little guy to put him on the big bed .

"Then..." Beibei's lips moved vaguely: "Papa, hurry up, come here."

"Okay." Gao Tianyi covered Bei Bei with the blanket, and said in a low voice, "I'll go and call you little papa."

When Gao Tianyi entered the bathroom again, Shi Rushui was brushing his teeth. He smiled at Shi Rushui in the mirror, then walked into the bathroom from behind him, opened his trousers and poured out the water.

The washroom is large, and there is a separate toilet with a door behind the washstand, and a separate shower room behind it.

Gao Tianyi didn't close the door, and made a loud splash, as rude and uninhibited as his people, Shi Rushui's scalp tingled when he heard the angry sound of water in Sao Li, he turned on the faucet quickly, trying to dilute the extremely lethal sound , but from the corner of his eye, he unconsciously glanced at Gao Tianyi who was throwing water with his buttocks upright.

Because of the wall blocking it, Shi Rushui couldn't see where the water was released, but he could see most of Gao Tianyi's body, heard that embarrassing voice, and knew in his heart how much Gao Tianyi's little brother was. Powerful and domineering.

Especially, when he unconsciously tilted his head in the direction of Gao Tianyi, he met Gao Tianyi's teasing eyes, and then saw Gao Tianyi shrugged his arms, turned around with his pants up...

Shi Rushui hastily bent down to spit out the toothpaste froth in his mouth, and hastily rinsed his mouth.

After Gao Tianyi got up, he was wearing soft home clothes, and he picked it up, and he quickly came behind Shi Rushui.

He passed his hands under Shi Rushui's armpits, stretched them under the faucet to wash, his chin was higher than the top of Shi Rushui's head, his deep eyes were narrowed with interest, and he walked carefully through the mirror covered with water vapor. The panic-stricken stone is like water.

Shi Rushui's face is small and exquisite, with delicate features, picturesque eyebrows, white skin and red lips, imprinted in the mirror wrapped in moisture, it is as beautiful as a picture scroll, which makes people suffocate, a little unreal.

The only thing that is real, I am afraid, is the white gauze on the forehead that spoils the beautiful scenery.

His back was burned, and Shi Rushui's heart beat like a drum, he couldn't tell whether it was anxiety or shyness.

He leaned forward again, bowed his head and spit out the warm water in his mouth, firmly grasped the handle of the toothbrush, put it into the cup, and placed it heavily on the wall cabinet on the right.

After wiping his hands, Shi Rushui bit his lower lip, raised his head, and calmly looked at Gao Tianyi from the mirror: "I've finished washing."

"En." Gao Tianyi responded lightly, and the sound of running water stopped under his hands. He skillfully pulled the towel to wipe his hands, but his eyes kept hitting Shi Rushui's face openly.

Hearing the sound of the water, Shi Rushui suddenly heard his own heavy breathing, he tightened his throat suddenly, looked at Gao Tianyi's movements of wiping his hands in a large and slow way, his arms firmly restrained his left and right ribs, and his chin moved towards Whereabouts in his mind.

The ambition is obviously very heavy, and I don't plan to let go of the rhythm for a while.

Shi Rushui bit his lip, and from the mirror, he saw the undisguised madness and possessiveness in Gao Tianyi's eyes.

This kind of unscrupulous eyes was most common when Shi Rushui was in pain and happiness in Gao Tianyi's arms.

Shi Rushui's head buzzed, and he took a step back subconsciously, but was completely embraced by Gao Tianyi into his strong and fiery arms.

Shi Rushui's eyes were full of beautiful water vapor, and his already swollen lips became more colorful after being bitten. When trembling slightly in Gao Tianyi's arms, it reminded him of the docile and touching deer in his arms three years ago. .

Shi Rushui realized that he was about to be pressed by Gao Tianyi on the sink, he twisted his body backwards suddenly, but unexpectedly, he hit Gao Tianyi's arms, and was embedded in his arms frontally by Gao Tianyi's amazing palm force, and then fell on the stone. Before Rushui exclaimed, she kissed his lips.

This is the real Gao Tianyi, he is as direct as before and has no room for it, kissing fiercely and swiftly to the deepest part of Shi Rushui.

It's been a long time since I was treated so roughly by Gao Tianyi, Shi Rushui softened in an instant, tears overflowed because of the loss of breath, and my mind went blank...

Gao Tianyi has indeed been suffocated these few days, otherwise he would not have forced Shi Rushui on a rampage the day before yesterday.

After reading the book written by Shi Rushui this afternoon, the desire and fire in his heart was ignited beyond control. This little thing, the process of wanting him back then, was written so realistically and with such a sense of imagery.

Although in the book, he was not gentle at all when he treated Shi Rushui, but...

Shi Rushui at that time was probably because he loved him, so he could always feel the sweetness in this kind of semi-violence.


Mo Ran's slender legs were trembling constantly, he gritted his teeth, feeling everything that Zhuo Tianyi gave him.

Mo Ran felt that his heart was being hit hard again and again, making him unable to breathe, making him in unbearable pain, making him feel as if he would die in the next second, but...

He looked at Zhuo Tianyi, who was sweating profusely, gritted his teeth, smiled and raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead: But, if he died in this person's arms, then he is willing.

Mo Ran grabbed two beautiful pleated flowers on the bed with his fingers. He tried to relax himself completely and accept everything about Zhuo Tianyi. He hoped that he could bring happiness to Zhuo Tianyi.

Gao Tianyi grinds his stone-like teeth, his cheekbones twitch because of forbearance, the male's natural aggressive movements, and the emotional scene of wildly cultivating on Mo Ran's body almost makes him fall into the abyss again.

He pulled Shi Rushui's thin clothes with great strength, let go of Shi Rushui's lips, bit his chin, and then the pulse on his neck, he wanted him, wanted him desperately.

Shi Rushui didn't make any more struggles, let Gao Tianyi put him on the table, buried him in his arms, and let his tears fall on his hair, he finally closed his eyes resignedly, and finally said: "Gao, Tian, Yi!"

Gao Tianyi, after all, I misjudged you!

"Huh..." Although it was only three plain and emotionless words, it hit Gao Tianyi's heart like thunder and lightning. He finally pecked Shi Rushui, hugged Shi Rushui and buried his face in the ground. on his shoulders.

Shi Rushui froze, and after Gao Tianyi calmed down for half a minute, he slowly opened his eyes. He stared blankly at the milky white tiled wall in front of him, keeping his composure.

About two minutes later, Gao Tianyi suddenly picked up Shi Rushui's buttocks, carried him off the sink, and strode out of the bathroom.

"I'm sorry." When he stepped out of the bathroom door, Gao Tianyi bowed his head and kissed Shi Rushui heartily, and when he was about to approach the big bed: "I'm sorry, you sit down first, I'll bring you the water to wash your feet."

As soon as Shi Rushui was put on the bed by Gao Tianyi, he quickly got into bed, changed into thin pajamas, hugged Beibei, turned his back to the bathroom door, and closed his eyes.

His heartbeat has not yet calmed down, Gao Tianyi was able to let him go, which was unexpected to him, but... it seems to be taken for granted.

When Gao Tianyi brought the water basin, he saw that Shi Rushui had rolled into the bed, squinted his eyes and stood by the bed for a while, finally sighed, squatted down, wet the towel in the hot water and twisted it , sat at the end of the bed and pulled out his stone-like feet and wiped him with a hot towel.

Shi Rushui, who was holding Beibei, suddenly rolled up, pursed his lips and shrunk his neck, his feet were trembling.

However, Gao Tianyi wiped it very gently and did not make any strange movements. He quickly put his feet back, and after a few footsteps, the ceiling light in the room went out, leaving only Xiao Ye by the bedside. The lamp emits a pale blue light.

Ten minutes later, Shi Rushui still hadn't heard Gao Tianyi coming out of the bathroom, so he let go of Beibei, turned around and looked back, the bathroom door was closed, and there was a decorative door with vertical frosted glass White light shines from inside.

Shi Rushui frowned, narrowed his eyes, and guessed what Gao Tianyi was doing. Just as he was staring at the white light and lost in thought, he suddenly heard a few uncontrollable growls from behind the door, followed by two There was a subtle panting.

Shi Rushui's eyes widened suddenly, an indescribable complexity welled up in his heart.

Five years ago, he knew that Gao Tianyi had more needs for this than ordinary people, so he must be self-reliant inside!

Shi Rushui's heart softened, he pursed his lips, and felt that the sight of the light softened a lot.

Bai Ziyan said tonight that since he left three years ago, Gao Tianyi has been self-reliant for three years. Could it be that he has never found anyone else in the past three years!

After thinking about it, the sound of Gao Tianyi's sudden opening of the door startled Shi Rushui. His widened eyes suddenly looked at Gao Tianyi who stepped out of the door. The light reflected a layer of golden light on his wheat-colored firm texture, unambiguously showing the strength and beauty of a man.

"Baby, I haven't slept yet." Gao Tianyi said softly, and at the same time, he closed the door and pressed the switch of the door, leaving only a faint blue light in the room.

"!!!" Shi Rushui gasped in shock, and quickly turned over, facing the terrifying beast.

Beibei fell asleep, Gao Tianyi approached the big bed softly, turned off the night light, turned on the bed and embraced Shi Rushui from behind.

Sensing the habitual stiffness of Shi Rushui's body, Gao Tianyi kissed the hair next to his ear, but seemed to keep a certain distance from him deliberately: "Don't be afraid, I've already... masturbated."

Shi Rushui moved forward cautiously, but felt uncomfortable in his heart, so he only moved a little symbolically.

After all, in his heart, Gao Tianyi is a king who intimidates the world, a king, how could...

Even for a high-ranking person like Gao Tianyi, if he wronged himself for him, he felt even more uncomfortable.

"Chirp~" Gao Tianyi knew why Shi Rushui hid, he also moved back and sighed: "Sorry, it won't go away so quickly, if you don't allow it, I won't move you."

Shi Rushui's eyelashes trembled, "..."

He seemed to be able to taste a little bit of sweetness from Gao Tianyi's sourness.

"Honey, you're wearing too thick." After a while, Gao Tianyi calmed down, touched the overly thick pajamas on Shi Rushui's body, and said worriedly: "It's easy to catch a cold when I get up tomorrow."

Shi Rushui closed his eyes and did not answer.

"Be good, huh? I'm going down now." Gao Tianyi said patiently, seeing that Shi Rushui was not moving like a mountain, he got up and pulled Shi Rushui's small body pretending to be dead, and saw Shi Rushui trembling in the night at close range Eyelashes, he couldn't help but scratched his little nose and chuckled: "Little thing, are you disobedient?""

Shi Rushui turned his face away very shamelessly, stubborn and cute.

The two of them were sticky in the bed, and their breaths were compatible. Gao Tianyi relaxed, and inexplicably wanted to tease Shi Rushui, so he pinched his chin, straightened his face, and said in a very golden tone , Evil said: "You lost 100,000 yuan tonight, you have to pay back the money or take off your clothes, 10,000 yuan each."

After Gao Tianyi finished speaking, Shi Rushui suddenly opened his eyes, and his charming fox eyes stared at him in the night.

Gao Tianyi's throat tightened, realizing that he had hurt Shi Rushui, and said dryly, "Baby, I, I..."

Shi Rushui interrupted him with a cold and domineering voice: "No money! Don't take it off!"

"Uh..." Gao Tianyi took a heavy breath, nervous like a little pet who was afraid of offending the patron: "Then, you can just give me a kiss."

"Really?" Shi Rushui said and hooked Gao Tianyi's neck, his arm exerted a little force, and Gao Tianyi, who was stunned for a moment, obediently followed his strength and bowed his head.

But two centimeters away from Shi Rushui's lips, Gao Tianyi paused uncertainly.

Under the faint night light, Shi Rushui's eyes stared deeply at Gao Tianyi's for about a minute, then with the last of his arms, he pulled Gao Tianyi's head down, and his lips met his. valve.