Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 115


Gao Tianyi raised the corners of his lips evilly, stretched out his index finger to his own lips, and nodded ambiguously, with obvious meaning.

On Shi Rushui's fair and flawless little face under the sun, two red clouds flew up.

Being gently embraced by the man who had longed for him day and night, and his son's crisp and joyful child's voice and laughter came from behind him, standing in the clear sky after the rain and being shrouded in warmth by the sun, even after going through a thousand things Suffering vowed to forget everything in the past, and now, he couldn't help but couldn't control his heartbeat, and couldn't help the tip of his nose sore.

Looking at Shi Rushui's side face from a close distance, Gao Tianyi can see that he is bathed in the sun, the fine hair on his face, and his skin is silky and delicate like beautiful jade...

Suddenly, he saw Shi Rushui pursing his lips, a charm quickly revealed in his purity, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly stretched his neck forward to please.

Shi Rushui's lips curled up, and when they parted slightly, he let out a slight sound: "Boom~"

Then, he quickly turned his face away and turned his back to Gao Tianyi.

Gao Tianyi's stretched neck froze in mid-air: "!!!"

"Baby." Gao Tianyi put his hands together, hugged Shi Rushui's slender waist, tightly imprisoned him in his arms, lightly pecked Shi Rushui's ears with his lips, and looked aggrieved: "You are too It's perfunctory."

Shi Rushui raised his eyebrows, looked down at the fishes scrambling to bask in the warm sun, and said calmly: "Sound can best soothe and comfort people's nerve cells."

Gao Tianyi: "..."

Gao Tianyi sucked Shi Rushui's sensitive ears: "Then... I don't want spiritual food, I want physical food."

Shi Rushui pulled away Gao Tianyi's arm around his waist, and pushed him away: "Keep an inch!"

Where is Shi Rushui Gao Tianyi's opponent, as soon as he opened his hands, he was embraced into Gao Tianyi's arms frontally, and his lips were sucked finely.

After he struggled for a while, he let Gao Tianyi go, or the sun appeared to sweep away the haze of the past few days, and he was in a better mood today.

Gao Tianyi is like a child, eating lollipops insatiably pecking at his stone-like lips, and occasionally scratching his lips lightly with his teeth: "A foot is equal to ten inches, and I promise to only enter six inches at most."

Shi Rushui was stunned for two seconds, shy and angrily pushed the person away completely, glanced at Bei Bei who was holding the coquettish baby, and quickly walked down the arch bridge.

Hearing Gao Tianyi's deafening owl laughter from behind, Shi Rushui clenched his small fists angrily: This person really can't be soft-hearted to him for a moment!

Gao Tianyi was just taking advantage of his lips, except for talking dirty in front of Shi Rushui and kissing him for sweets, he was very restrained in overstepping things. After all, he played too much, and he was the one who suffered the most.

In addition, Jing Zhixuan was going to propose to Su Mu again, he felt indebted to Shi Rushui in his heart, and he was a little uneasy, so he was very obedient for two days.

The next afternoon, Gao Tianyi took advantage of Shi Rushui and Beibei's lunch break to go out to do some errands.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, after Beibei woke up, she said that she had dreamed of Brother Su Ying, and she was arguing to call Su Ying. Shi Rushui looked at the date, thought for a long time before realizing that tomorrow is Su Mu's birthday, and wished Su Mu in advance. Happy birthday to Su Mu.

After Beibei hung up the phone, Shi Rushui called Mo Han, wanting to ask him about Mao Xiao's situation.

He learned from Mo Han that Jing Zhixuan arranged to formally propose to Su Mu at Mingshan Villa tomorrow, invited him and Xie Lin, and must have called Gao Tianyi as well.

After Gao Tianyi finished the meeting, he came out of Tianchen Building in a hurry. Bai Ziyan, who came with him, went to meet his lover, and Gao Cheng rushed to the Gao family's villa in the North District to meet Gao Qitian and Gao Cheng. Gao Wenze was the only bodyguard left.

Guo Zi is the bodyguard who has been with Gao Tianyi for the longest time. On the return trip, he and Gao Tianyi took the same car, sitting in the passenger seat, while Gao Wenze drove.

After getting in the car, Gao Tianyi rubbed the space between his eyebrows, took out a cigar and put it in his mouth, but did not light it, then took out the book written by Shi Rushui from the safe, and flipped through the pages.

"Brother Yi," Gao Wenze saw the book in Gao Tianyi's hand through the rearview mirror, and a trace of inquiry flashed in his eyes: "I'm really in a good mood recently, and I'm actually reading a book."

"Hmph." Gao Tianyi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Gao Wenze from the rear-view mirror. His little thoughtfulness really couldn't escape his discernment. It seemed that some things were going to be put on the table: "Wenze, don't think that If you are related to me, I will not touch you!"

Gao Wenze was startled, and almost threw the steering wheel out: "!!!"

Guo Zi also sighed, and quickly lowered his head to pick up his phone, lowering his sense of existence infinitely.

After Gao Wenze stabilized the steering wheel, his eyebrows flickered, and he stammered: "Yi, Brother Yi, what's wrong with me?"

"What's the matter! Good question!" Just because of Shi Rushui's flowery face, there are many people who are attracted to him. Gao Tianyi naturally knows, but knowing and accepting are two different things. He raised his legs, Lying on the back of the leather, the voice was sharp: "People who like me, huh?"

"I..." Gao Wenze held his breath and tried his best to hold down the trembling fingers on the steering wheel: "I don't know who you are talking about."

"Fuck! There is something." Gao Tianyi kicked Gao Wenze's seat, the car stopped suddenly, Gao Tianyi jumped up from behind the driver's seat and strangled Gao Wenze's neck, forcing him to look back at him with a fierce tone Zhiji: "In the future, if you dare to look directly at Shi Rushui with your eyes, I will make them see nothing. I will do what I say! Get out!"

Gao Wenze scrambled and got out of the car, while Guo Zi shivered and huddled on the co-pilot.

After Gao Tianyi sat back to his original position, he lit a cigar and exhaled smoke: "Drive!"

"Yes!" Guo Zi quickly replied, and began to move his hips all over the place.

Gao Tianyi took only three puffs, then opened the car window and threw the cigar out, then held the book in both hands, and read it.

Obviously, the name of the article is [Great Favourite], and the introduction is sweet article.

But the tens of thousands of words at the beginning of the article, apart from Mo Ran's love and longing for Zhuo Tianyi, the joy of kissing and hugging Zhuo Tianyi, and the psychological description of being sweet under Zhuo Tianyi's pain, have always given people A faint depression.

After all, in the article, Zhuo Tianyi never treated Mo Ran tenderly. In Zhuo Tianyi's heart, Mo Ran was just a pet kept in custody. He fell on the carpet and wept all night.

However, there is something even more heart-wrenching next, that is, the next part where Mo Ran is given away by Zhuo Tianyi.

The total number of words in the full text is 300,000, and this reached about 70,000 words. Gao Tianyi once again ate mouthfuls of glass shards with his small heart as hard as steel.

The description at the beginning of the article is the same as the reality.

Zhuo Tianyi took Mo Ran to a high-end club to attend a friend's birthday party.

This is not the first time Zhuo Tianyi brought Mo Ran out, so Mo Ran was quite relaxed this time, he was obediently embraced by Zhuo Tianyi, and walked into the smoky special private room on the top floor.

Dozens of people sat in the spacious private room, as well as a swimming pool and gambling machines.

The group of people hugging the beauty is still the same group, but it seems that there are two or three new faces, and the tofu sitting on the lap seems to be all newcomers who have never seen it before. There are sexy pairs of ears with pinnae, and even a coquettish woman with big breasts and fat buttocks.

Mo Ran flinched and leaned closer to Zhuo Tianyi's side, his heart was filled with a layer of gloom, wondering if Zhuo Tianyi was like these people, he took Mo Ran with him today, but yesterday and tomorrow took him differently. Different people, different faces.

If only he could come from a wealthy family and stand at the same height as Zhuo Tianyi, then at least he could win Gao Tianyi's heart.

However, Mo Ran's panic about the environment made Zhuo Tianyi think that he was throwing himself into his arms, so Mo Ran was hugged and sat on Zhuo Tianyi's lap just like those men and women who were posing.

However, Zhuo Tianyi didn't seem interested in doing things outside, he just kissed Mo Ran's lips, stroked his back lightly, smoked a cigarette lightly and chatted with the friends who came to strike up a conversation.

This kind of party is all about drinking and having fun. After an hour or two, everyone was drunk, even Mo Ran was poured a glass of cocktail, his head was a little dizzy, and Zhuo Tianyi's face was also stained a little. wine red.

After the heat was over, the people in the private room also began to become bolder. The night and the wine seemed to force out the evil desires hidden in the depths of people. They released and grew without limit, and in Mo Ran's eyes one by one Like a monster with teeth and claws.

Still, the person holding him in his arms has always been a calm spokesperson. He has a calm appearance from the beginning to the end, hugging him tightly, and smoking a cigarette lazily on the back of the sofa.

And he leaned obediently in Zhuo Tianyi's arms.

The men started yelling that the people in their arms were standing on the stage in the middle of the private room and doing a striptease. Every piece of clothing was very valuable. They fell miserably on the ground as the flying banknotes separated from their owners, and were then caught. The bright red money is buried.

A birthday party turned out to be an extravagant place where lewdness and sex were raised.

Mo Ran began to tremble slightly in Zhuo Tianyi's arms, and he tried his best to hold back the itchy throat that was choked by the smoke.

The body and dignity were exchanged for this night's daughter. I don't know how many hardships they have borne on their naked youthful bodies, and they don't know how many tears are hidden behind their smiles.

Never expect rich men to care about the self-esteem of poor people like them, so Mo Ran was very afraid of being pushed out by Zhuo Tianyi the next moment, very afraid, very afraid.

Fortunately, when the men's interest in this game gradually faded, Mo Ran was still neatly dressed and wrapped tightly in Zhuo Tianyi's arms.

Just as Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief, he saw today's 'Shou Xing' walking forward with his upper body bare. This person had the most fun on the dance floor just now.

The man walked up to Zhuo Tianyi, bent down and poured a glass of wine, and brought it to Zhuo Tianyi respectfully: "President Zhuo, I made you laugh."

"It's okay." Zhuo Tianyi took the wine glass, raised his head and drank it down in one gulp, took a small sip in his mouth, held Mo Randu and put it in his mouth, watching Mo Ran cough lightly, Xiaoxiao smiled Passed the empty wine glass to the man, and gently wiped the wine stains from the corners of Mo Ran's lips with his fingertips.

"Mr. Zhuo," the man looked at Mo Ran and squinted his eyes, "Your vision is really good. You can make every shot in this business field. Even the little pet beside you is so beautiful."

However, in a somewhat autobiographical mode, Shi Rushui rarely embellishes Mo Ran's appearance in the book.

Zhuo Tianyi shook his cigarette and said lazily, "Why, did you like it?"

"Apologize for sin." The man sneered, "President Zhuo's love, it's a great honor for me to feast my eyes on it."

Zhuo Tianyi put the cigarette in his mouth, raised Mo Ran's chin, and smiled vaguely, but Mo Ran still heard vaguely from his mouth: "Love?"

The voice was extremely sarcastic.

Mo Ran's heart beat faster, his fingers tightened the cloth on Zhuo Tianyi's chest, and he looked at him pleadingly.

At this time, someone came over and looked at Mo Ran with a very wretched smile: "Tsk tsk, is the birthday boy very cowardly today? It's all about taking out his wife, and I'm afraid Mr. Zhuo won't be able to part with a little pet."

So, while Mo Ran was pushed out by Zhuo Tianyi, he heard his death sentence from hell: "Go, play with President Li."

Mo Ran staggered a step, and put his back knee against the tea table, trembling all over, he looked at Zhuo Tianyi's gloomy eyes under the light.

At this moment, all the hopes Mo Ran had for Zhuo Tianyi were all shattered in an instant.

He loves him, so his rough hugs and sadistic possessiveness, he can think of as his predatory nature.

He loves him, so he deceived himself, he didn't really love that woman when he got engaged, it was an unspoken rule of a famous family, it was a benefit.

He loves him, so he endured his teasing him during the banquet time and time again, he thought it was not humiliation in Gao Tianyi's heart, it was just fun.

However, at this moment, amidst the smog and turbidity, amidst all the ferocious and evil faces, Zhuo Tianyi treated him like a commodity, making him stand like those people just now and let everyone humiliate him. on the stage.

Aunt Mo's life has already been extended, and Xiao Han has grown up, so he can be counted on, but he has lived too dirty in this life, and he doesn't want to be more dirty.

At this moment, Moran thought of death, he turned around slowly, trying to find a beer bottle, and then, the next second, his shoulder was firmly held by that tall Mr. Li.

don't want!

Mo Ran's head buzzed, he pushed the man away with his usual strength, and without thinking, he suddenly knelt down beside Zhuo Tianyi's feet, hugging his solid calf tremblingly: "President Zhuo, I... I beg you, I am obedient, don't give me to others, okay?"

"Tsk," Zhuo Tianyi threw away the cigarette butt, and raised Mo Ran's chin with his finger: "It's really not good."

"I..." Mo Ran let go of Zhuo Tianyi's leg, but his five fingers tightly grasped his trouser leg: "I beg you."

"Heh!" Zhuo Tianyi took out a piece of tissue, gently wiped away the tears on Mo Ran's face, and mocked him evilly: "Why, I like my hard work, and I'm afraid Boss Li won't satisfy you, huh?"

Mo Ran's mind was in a mess, her lips trembling: "Yes, please."

"Then I'll wait and see how you plan to serve me tonight." Zhuo Tianyi lifted Mo Ran up, hugged him again, bit his lower lip and said, "Little fairy. "

Then, in Zhuo Tianyi's arms, Mo Ran heard Zhuo Tianyi say to the other party in a ruffian way: "I heard, my little pet is very picky, why don't you show off your guys, who are older than me, this little thing I will give it to you in the future, and play casually."

Then, everyone laughed and said that there is no such thing as Mr. Zhuo's style, and this matter is considered to be over.

However, it wasn't the end of the curtain, because it was the first time Zhuo Tianyi had done something to Mo Ran in front of everyone.

This time, Mo Ran didn't dare to beg again, for fear of offending Zhuo Tianyi and being sent away, Zhuo Tianyi still had a serious cleanliness obsession, she just rubbed him a few times before saying it wasn't clean, so she carried him to the suite.

That night, Zhuo Tianyi took away the last of Mo Ran's dignity and completely devoured his remaining arrogance.

That's right, after the dream was shattered, all the madness in the past disappeared with the wind, and since then, he has no desires or desires.

"Fuck!" Gao Tianyi put down the book heavily, and Guo Zi, who was holding the steering wheel, was startled.

After closing the book, Gao Tianyi leaned his neck back and closed his eyes.

He didn't expect that it was this party that hurt Shi Rushui the most back then, and it was also this party that made Shi Rushui slowly push him out of his heart.

Judging from the lines written by Shi Rushui, Zhuo Tianyi really didn't care about Mo Ran, he just let Mo Ran play with anyone.

But his real Gao Tianyi is not!

How could he be willing, even though he used Shi Rushui as a toy at that time, it was his favorite toy since he was a child, and he couldn't help but get angry when others looked at it.

The "love" he said at the time did have a layer of irony, but it didn't mean what Shi Rushui understood, but because Li Peng knew it was his love, so he dared to covet it!

Even, when he hugged Shi Rushui into his arms, it was already an obvious warning to everyone and Shi Rushui's exclusive oath. The last sentence he said at that time was also a blatant warning.

From "guy" to reflect his power and status that no one dares to shake.

Since then, at that banquet, no one dared to look at Shi Rushui with lewd eyes, but...

Shi Rushui misunderstood so deeply.

And he still brooded over this matter afterwards, whether he felt that those people had humiliated Shi Rushui or dared to covet Gao Tianyi's things, in the end, he ordered Bai Ziyan to clean up all the people at the party.

"Speed up!!!" Gao Tianyi ordered through gritted teeth.

If time could come back, then when he saw Shi Rushui, he would have to confess to him first, saying that he loves him.