Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 133


At three o'clock in the morning, after a night of showers, the stars are still bright and warm.

On the big bed surrounded by gentle orange light, Beibei just ate the sixth spoonful of porridge, shook her little head, changed her position and rubbed her stone-like slender waist against his chest, her eyelids drooping sleepily: " Papa, don't leave."

Gao Tianyi frowned at the domineering way of possession.

"Well, Baba, don't leave." Shi Rushui put down the spoon, pushed the remaining half of the bowl of porridge in, hugged Beibei and leaned against the bedside to relieve the burden on his waist, patted Beibei's back, softly Coaxing softly: "Papa will hold the baby to sleep tonight."

"Papa," Beibei was so sleepy that he almost lost the strength to speak, and still confessed uneasy: "Papa, don't hug, big bad wolf."

"Okay." Shi Rushui chuckled, looked up at Gao Tianyi, who was pretending to be wronged, and lowered his head to kiss Beibei's forehead: "Baba only sleeps with babies, so, baby, just close your eyes and go to sleep." .”

Beibei seemed to be relieved that she was guaranteed, and soon fell asleep in Shi Rushui's arms after saying "um".

Gao Tianyi got up and pushed the bed table to the end of the bed, sat close to Shi Rushui with porridge, fed Shi Rushui some porridge, and then lay down with Shi Rushui holding Beibei.

Gao Tianyi cleaned up the bed table, went to the bathroom to get a hot towel, and when he came out to wipe Shi Rushui's face, Shi Rushui was so tired that he didn't even bother to lift his eyelids.

He gently wiped Shi Rushui's face, and applied anti-inflammatory medicine under his eyes, and when he lay down and kissed Shi Rushui's cheek, Shi Rushui rubbed his face against his lips slightly, Gao Tianyi said "I love you", Shi Rushui trembled twice as if responding with eyelashes, and then hugged him contentedly and fell asleep.

Tossing and tossing until midnight last night, the next day, naturally getting up late, the family of three woke up hungry and suffocated at around ten o'clock.

Gao Tianyi was in a good mood, and when Shi Rushui opened his eyes, the smile on the corners of the mouth of the usually cold-faced boss never faded.

Gao Tianyi took care of Beibei to go to the bathroom, wash up, carried the arrogant boy to the bed and covered him with a blanket, and hurriedly followed Shi Rushui into the bathroom with his delicate body and weak legs.

When Gao Tianyi entered the door, Shi Rushui was peeing, and his twins were small, but it was not unexpected.

Standing posture let him see everything in a glance.

Hearing the sound of Gao Tianyi entering the door, Shi Rushui interrupted for a while, but Gao Tianyi clumsily stuck to his side and wrapped his arm around him. What made Shi Rushui collapse even more was that Gao Tianyi pulled his trousers The door chatted like a family: "Baby, let's go together."

Shi Rushui bent his legs suddenly and fell into Gao Tianyi's arms: "..."

Because of the difference in gender, there is nothing to be ashamed of under the strong visual difference, but the sound of the waterfall that completely defeats oneself still makes people feel very angry!

Shi Rushui's good mood early in the morning disappeared in the overwhelming sound of the waterfall.

Shi Rushui walked to the sink with an unhappy expression on his face. He wanted to get a toothbrush and toothpaste after washing his hands. Gao Tianyi was already hugging him behind him, and handed him the toothbrush and toothbrushing cup filled with toothpaste.

Shi Rushui was disgusted: "You didn't even wash your hands!"

But after scolding, he took it over and started brushing his teeth.

Gao Tianyi obediently held Shi Rushui to wash his hands, rubbing his eyes secretly and staring at the electric toothbrush sliding in Shi Rushui's mouth.

A mouthful of neat little white teeth, I like it.

There are still traces of the swan neck, I like it very much.

After Shi Rushui brushed his teeth, he began to wash his face. As soon as he got up after washing his face, Gao Tianyi quickly picked up a towel and wiped his face.

Very considerate and in place.

Shi Rushui didn't appreciate it, pulled off the towel from his face, wiped his hands, raised the tip of his right eyebrow in front of the mirror, and stared at Gao Tianyi behind him who was begging for rewards: "Tsk, you're very energetic!"

"Of course." The smile on Gao Tianyi's face immediately became evil, and he stretched his neck to please Shi Rushui's face: "My wife let me charge it last night, chirp~"

Shi Rushui is a fool if he can't hear these words anymore, his heart beat faster, he gritted his teeth to control the heat on his face.

Shameless, right? Who wouldn't!

Shi Rushui narrowed his fox eyes in the mirror, while slowly putting the towel on the shelf, he stared at Gao Tianyi and said, "I finally know, what do I like most about you?"

"..." Gao Tianyi pursed his evilly smiling lips, looked deeply at Shi Rushui, tightened his waist, and asked expectantly, "What?"

Shi Rushui raised the corners of his lips, his small appearance was coquettish and seductive, he pulled Gao Tianyi's arm around his waist and turned around, put his hands on Gao Tianyi's chest, under Gao Tianyi's dumbfounded expression, Tiptoe.

Gao Tianyi cooperated with Shi Rushui's lifting of his feet, leaned on the sink with one hand and bowed his lower body, Shi Rushui's warm lips touched his cold ears lightly: "Brother Yi, I like your tongue the most, Long~long~, very ~exciting~."

Shi Rushui's voice was coquettish and charming, and he deliberately teased him, Gao Tianyi's bones shattered and blood flowed back, Shi Rushui took the opportunity to squat down and slip out from between his arms.

Obviously it was Gao Tianyi who played the dirty trick first, but in the end he almost fell down in the bathroom.

Qi and blood attack the heart.

A few minutes later, Gao Tianyi washed his face with cold water and walked out, only to see that Shi Rushui and Beibei had already dressed, Beibei was sitting at the end of the bed, and Shi Rushui was squatting in front of him, putting on his shoes.

When Gao Tianyi walked over, Beibei's shoes had just been put on, and Shi Rushui was hugged sideways by Gao Tianyi as soon as he got up.

Gao Tianyi straightened his waist and slapped Shi Rushui, his eyes were scarlet and he said angrily, "I'll make you playful, I want you to feel better tonight!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Tianyi took King Beibei's slap on the arm, and then let go of Shi Rushui, and walked into the closet majestically with the tent on his head.

Shi Rushui pursed his smile, picked up Beibei and went downstairs first.

It was eleven o'clock when Shi Rushui took Beibei downstairs, and Xu Nuan had been ordering someone to prepare breakfast for them.

But at this point, Xu Nuan still asked the servant to add a few dishes, which can be regarded as combining breakfast and lunch into one.

From last night to this afternoon, the weather outside has always carried a strange and pleasing way, and the painting style is as touching as Gao Tianyi.

After lunch, under the scorching sun, there was a thin layer of drizzle, like a lover's hand, gently caressing K City where everything grows.

This kind of weather is the most suitable for Gao Tianyi to let go of Beibei and roll the sheets in the bedroom with Shi Rushui in his arms.

But when Xu Nuan looked at the faces of the two and asked if he wanted to play mahjong after the meal, Shi Rushui immediately responded: "Yes."

His wife has a gambling addiction recently, what can he do, he can only pamper her.

In particular, Gao Wenze, who was prying the corner of the wall under his nose, came uninvited.

After Gao Wenze came out of Shi Rushui's room last night, he walked to the small garden opposite the master bedroom and squatted in the corner smoking. After about ten minutes, he heard footsteps coming from downstairs.

Hong Yi led people to surround the master bedroom where Shi Rushui was.

Gao Wenze felt that there was only one possibility for Gao Tianyi to move so quickly, and that was that Shi Rushui called Gao Tianyi to question Gao Tianyi about the news. Gao Tianyi sent someone to imprison Shi Rushui to prevent Shi Rushui from escaping. up.

However, Gao Wenze didn't really leave last night, but pretended to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, followed after hearing the movement, and asked Hong Yi for information.

Therefore, Gao Tianyi knew that he came back at two o'clock in the morning last night.

He was guilty and didn't dare to meet Gao Tianyi, but he heard Shi Rushui's cry last night.

He really loves stones like water, so who would not like such a beautiful, pure, gentle and charming person, not to mention, he stayed by his side for five full years.

Gao Tianyi's power and Shi Rushui's admiration made him never dare to show this true love to the public.

His nature is actually cowardly and docile. His biological mother died when he was three years old, and his stepmother treated him very harshly.

After dropping out of school in the first day of junior high school, he ran away from home and went to the Gao family to earn a living at the advice of his neighbors. After hearing about it, Gao Tianyi's mother Wu Zemin thought that he was also a distant relative of the Gao family, so she ordered him to be sent to school. After finishing high school with enough food and clothing, he followed Gao Tianyi.

His cowardly and docile character became more and more popular under the domineering and violent Gao Tianyi, but everyone knew Gao Tianyi's temper, it was very rough, and he would strike at any disagreement, not against anyone, so he never Don't worry, and have always been grateful to the Gao family.

What's more, apart from that, Gao Tianyi was generous enough to him. Gao Tianyi gave him his house and his car. But that's all.

If he hadn't really loved Shi Rushui so much, he would never have thought of betraying Gao Tianyi in his life.

No one knew, but last night he was the most heart-piercing one, he cried longer than Shi Rushui, and the pain was more severe than Gao Tianyi.

Therefore, when Gao Wenze arrived, his face was ashen, and his eyes were more swollen than stone like water.

Gao Wenze was timid, because Gao Tianyi was around, he didn't dare to look at Shi Rushui, his heart beat wildly: "Brother Yi."

"Yeah." Gao Tianyi, who was walking towards the living room, narrowed his eyes, paused while hugging Beibei and Shi Rushui: "When did you come back, did I ask you to come back?!"

Looking at Gao Tianyi's face, Gao Wenze was sure that he didn't know what happened last night, so he glanced at Shi Rushui, and rubbed the back of his head pretending to be naive: "Brother Yi, there are really no people there, just let me come back Rest for two days."

Gao Tianyi frowned, and didn't miss the moment when Shi Rushui winked at Gao Wenze. Although he was a little unhappy, he didn't want Shi Rushui to feel unhappy, so he gave up and walked to the mahjong table in the living room with Shi Rushui in his arms: "Baby , how is your luck playing mahjong these two days?"

"..." Shi Rushui raised his eyebrows and glanced at Gao Tianyi, then pursed his lips and smiled lightly: "If you sit on the stage, you should be fine."

"Chirp~" Gao Tianyi fondly kissed Shi Rushui's lips, but showed dissatisfaction: "This means looking down on your husband, huh?"

After experiencing last night, Shi Rushui is more cheerful than before, and he also wants to reassure Gao Wenze that he will stop worrying too much about his current situation: "Tsk, do you dare to bet?"

Shi Rushui is Linglong's heart, Gao Wenze's feelings for him have long been known, and he also knows that the reason why Gao Wenze betrayed Gao Tianyi last night without fear of death is not only for him, but also because he is afraid that he will be wronged and that he will be wronged. sad.

True love for one, isn't that what it is? Except that he can live well, nothing else matters.

Since it is impossible for him to respond to Gao Wenze's feelings, then, he hopes that he can feel more at ease and worry less.

Walking into the living room, Gao Tianyi put down Beibei, Gao Yuyao had already taken a lot of toys and waved to Beibei: "Go, baby, let your little papa have fun and play cards."

"Yeah." Beibei was obediently thinking about her toes, and after getting Shi Rushui's kiss, she clenched her fists and cheered Shi Rushui: "Baba, win win win, invincible, Beibei, for a while, give Baba, beat it!" waist."

Shi Rushui lightly smiled and tapped the tip of Beibei's little nose: "Baby is so nice, chirp~"

Gao Tianyi: "..." Suddenly I don't want to make this bet.

After Beibei ran away, Shi Rushui got up and teased: "Why, Brother Yi, don't you dare to gamble?"

"..." Gao Tianyi's ears went numb, and he brought Shi Rushui in front of him, facing him face to face, squinting his eyes to check Shi Rushui's expression: "Honey, can we talk properly? What kind of anger are you getting?"

Shi Rushui raised his eyebrows and forced Gao Tianyi to climb the Liangshan Mountain: "Brother Yi, this is... cowardly?!"

"Who loves whose grandson!" Gao Tianyi angrily leaned over and kissed Shi Rushui's lips, finally bit down lightly, and jumped into the pit: "Bet, you can say how you want to bet, but don't scream so disgusting anymore, don't want to Call it Brother Yi, and from now on I will call you Husband!"

"Good idea!" Shi Rushui pushed Gao Tianyi away, and said coolly, "Tell me first, what if you win, even though you can't win!"

"..." The real boss was really a little irritated, Gao Tianyi stared at Shi Rushui like a little wolf dog, gritted his teeth, and lowered his voice: "I won, you called my husband to beg me to fuck you."

"..." Shi Rushui raised Liu Yemei and let out a sneer: "Okay, if I win..."

"It's just right, Wenze, you can come and play together." Xu Nuan patted Gao Wenze's shoulder with a smile, took over what he had heard halfway through and said, "I said Tianyi, Rushui can't just play with Hong Yi. cards, but you have never lost, you have to be careful today."

"..." Shi Rushui saw that Gao Tianyi was showing signs of retreating from his twinkling eyes, and immediately hugged his arm, tiptoed to his ear, and said like a fairy: "If I win, you will win this month. , can only stick out the tongue."

Gao Tianyi staggered: "Fuck!"

I thought that his bet was already hard enough, but unexpectedly, it was even worse.

Excuse me, he regrets it, is it okay to admit it