Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 137


From the moment he decided to retire, Gao Tianyi never considered the gains and losses in the business world. He came to the capital with sincerity, but he didn't want his elders to be difficult!

Now, holding the little guy who was crying in his arms, he regretted and felt distressed.

As the weeping Shi Rushui twitched in his arms, Gao Tianyi calmed down his anxiety, hugged Shi Rushui and patted his shoulders gently, while kissing his forehead softly to comfort him.

Be gentle and patient.

Shi Rushui rarely showed his true emotions and fragility in front of him, except last time, and this time, it made him feel more distressed each time.

After a while, Shi Rushui stopped crying in his arms, gasped tremblingly like a frightened little animal, and then raised his tear-stained face from his arms.

"Brother Yi," Shi Rushui's long eyelashes were stained with water, and his eyes were covered with water vapor. He looked at Gao Tianyi with a sparkle, with a little bit of coquettishness and a bit of timidity, and his lips seemed eager to speak. Stop: "Brother Yi..."

"Yeah." Gao Tianyi responded with a muffled snort, God knows how charming Shi Rushui is at this time, soft and obedient, those two lips were bitten by Shi Rushui without him knowing, turning deep red The swollen, aggrieved and youthful face looked as if he had bullied him severely, and she was very attractive.

Gao Tianyi concealed the untimely aggression in his eyes, gently tapped his lips that were as stone as water with light bite marks, held his cheeks with both hands, and wiped away his tears with his thumbs: "Wife, Mrs. What are you talking about, huh? Don’t worry, just speak slowly.”

"..." Shi Rushui's eyelashes trembled and his lowered eyes shyly lowered. His hands caressed the buttons on Gao Tianyi's neckline in a panic. After his eyes settled down, he pretended to be calm and buttoned Gao Tianyi's clothes.

one, two...

At the third one, Gao Tianyi pressed Shi Rushui's hand on his deafening heart, "Baby, I don't need you to be strong in the future, I just need you to be pampered by me."

Shi Rushui's fingertips trembled.

"From today onwards, you can say whatever you want, and do whatever you want." Gao Tianyi lowered his head and raised his chin with his tiger's mouth, his eyes were shining: "So, what do you want to say to me?"

After he spoiled her so much, what else could he say? Shi Rushui narrowed his fox eyes slightly, hooked Gao Tianyi's neck, put his lips on his lips, and said softly, "I want brother Yi to kiss me well."

Shi Rushui's character is delicate and soft, Gao Tianyi knew that he prefers to be treated gently and gently by himself than fierce and violent, so he gently sucked his lips, meticulously and patiently.

More than ten minutes later, Gao Tianyi wiped Shi Rushui's face, put on his formal clothes, bowed his body and made out with Shi Rushui who was sitting on the side of the bed for a while, and then helped him up: "Baby, when you go out, you can happily accompany Xu Auntie is playing mahjong, don't think about it."

"Yeah." After Shi Rushui got up, he hugged Gao Tianyi's waist stickily, put his lips on Gao Tianyi's chin, and confessed delicately: "Then you...don't drink."

"Hmm... promise not to get drunk, okay?" Gao Tianyi squeezed Shi Rushui's soft face, and kissed Shi Rushui reluctantly. Rushui relieved: "Come back and let you check~ the sobriety of your tongue."

After dawdling for half an hour, the couple finally opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

Gao Qitian who was sitting in front of the mahjong table with Beibei in his arms raised his eyebrows and glanced at them when he heard the door open. For Beibei's sake, he, who was always violent, insisted on not saying a word.

It was Xu Nuan who warmly called Shi Rushui to come over to fill Gao Qitian's vacancy.

Before going out, Gao Tianyi poured a cup of tea for Shi Rushui, took a cushion from the sofa for Shi Rushui and put it on his back, and kicked out Jiang Mingquan, who was an eyesore, and ordered his subordinate Hong Yi to not Winning order.

Stone Rushui: 嘤嘤嘤~

Hong Yi: Fortunately, he played a few games for Gao Cheng who arranged the car downstairs.

Sitting in the car, Gao Qitian lit a cigar, recalling Shi Rushui's red fox eyes and swollen lips, he narrowed his slender eyebrows and looked at Gao Tianyi through the smoke, with a bit of sharp scrutiny.

Gao Tianyi, who was deep in thought, only noticed Gao Qitian's gaze when he reached out to shake the cigarette ashes.

Therefore, Gao Tianyi raised his head and met Gao Qitian's eyes.

After Gao Qitian took a puff of his cigar, he said indifferently: "I have no objection to you marrying Shi Rushui, but don't spoil people so much that it's hard to end!"

"Dad, you're overthinking." Gao Tianyi lit a cigarette with his fingertips and shook off half of the ash. Gao Qitian never asked about the affairs between him and Shi Rushui, but in the eyes of outsiders, his recent changes were indeed a little too much: " Shui Shui, let me marry Ning Yiyi."

Gao Qitian's complexion changed slightly, his narrowed eyes relaxed.

"As soon as he entered the door, his eyes were wide open, and he said to me sincerely, Brother Yi, you should marry Ning Yiyi." Gao Tianyi laughed self-deprecatingly, "I thought he was going to marry Ning Yiyi again." I was having a temper tantrum, and to be honest, it was kind of annoying at the time."

Gao Qitian smoked silently and did not speak.

"But, next, he told me that I will marry Ning Yiyi, and he will not leave. He just asks me to give Beibei a title." As he said, the tears in Gao Tianyi's left eye did not show any signs. He fell down, but his tone and expression did not change at all: "In your eyes, you all think that I am giving a little pet grandson that you can buy with money. In fact, Shi Rushui is the real big fool."

Gao Tianyi paused, took a puff of cigarette, and exhaled heavily: "Now think about it, after eight years, with Rushui's appearance and figure, it's luck to find someone who is richer and more powerful than me, Gao Tianyi, But it's really not difficult to find a rich man who can marry him and pamper him."

Gao Qitian's tone softened a little, and he said, "So, you plan to divorce today."

"Father still understands me." Gao Tianyi leaned back with a generous body, raised his legs, and said in a tired voice: "I have lost for eight years, and I don't want to lose any more. Dad, do you understand me?"

This loss for eight years means less love than Shi Rushui, how could Gao Qitian not understand it.

"The marriage must be retired." Gao Qitian smoked a cigarette, and finally gave a clear affirmation today: "However, play by ear today."

Seeing that Gao Tianyi didn't answer, Gao Qitian said again: "Your grandfather may go to the hotel this afternoon."

When Gao Tianyi heard it, his back suddenly tensed up: "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"There are reporters outside the hotel, he won't do anything to Shi Rushui."

Gao Tianyi's face was extremely embarrassed: "Stop!"

"You can't even believe me!" Gao Qitian slapped the table down, roared angrily, and showed his father's majesty: "Besides, I've already told Gao, Beibei is here!"

Seeing that Gao Tianyi had calmed down, Gao Qitian continued: "So play it by ear today. The old man of the Ning family is gone. If it doesn't work, I'll persuade your grandpa to come out. Try not to quarrel with the Ning family unless it is absolutely necessary. No good!"

Gao Tianyi nodded: "Yes."

The atmosphere was a bit stalemate. After a while, Gao Tianyi said softly: "Dad, you seem to have great confidence in Beibei."

Gao Qitian exhaled smoke, and when he thought of Beibei, the expression on his face became gentle and comfortable: "After marrying Shi Rushui, don't just think about life outside. If Beibei grows up, how many brothers will protect her?" Wouldn't it be better to have him."

"..." This logic... Gao Tianyi raised his forehead: "Dad, don't say that there are people outside me. If you are misunderstood, your son will kneel down on the durian when he goes back."

Gao Qitian: "..."

The originally dignified atmosphere in the car started with the mention of Beibei, and Gao Qitian, who had always been indifferent, followed Gao Tianyi to chat about how Shi Rushui would raise a son after giving birth, how to raise twins, and whether it was possible to have a baby. a daughter...

This is kind of spooky...

However, after discussing and discussing, Gao Tianyi understood one thing: even if Shi Rushui regenerates a basket, Beibei's status will always be the highest in the Gao family, even higher than Gao Tianyi!

An hour and a half later, the car arrived from the center of the city to the Royal Villa, which is surrounded by mountains and sea outside the city.

Before getting off the car, Gao Tianyi did not forget to call Shi Rushui.

It is indeed a Hongmen Banquet.

During the banquet, Ning Jiang mentioned "Ning Yiyi's scandal" very sharply, and asked Gao Tianyi directly by name what he thought. The speed of the Internet to stop the spread, and is sending people to investigate the first source of the news.

Gao Tianyi seemed to be evasive, but such an answer was the most sensible.

First of all, as an outsider in this matter, he cannot judge Ning Yiyi's innocence based on an ambiguous photo with heavy makeup and groundless reports, otherwise he will be considered too ambitious or false, no matter what the answer is And performance, will arouse Ning Jiang's suspicion.

Secondly, stop the spread of the scandal and send people to investigate, which means that although the Gao family decided to divorce, the Gao family has affection for Ning Yiyi, and the Gao family is willing to protect her at any time.

Ning Jiang was satisfied with Gao Tianyi's answer. He said that he believed that the news had nothing to do with the Gao family and that he was willing to forgive the Gao family for retiring the engagement. He also said that he had privately persuaded Ning Yiyi to give up the engagement.

However, Ning Yiyi has not let go, and her mental state is very dangerous today, which is why she was brought to the villa today.

After all, although Ning Jiang's words are not serious, they have the meaning of tearing up the face and forcing the marriage.

Gao Tianyi and his party have never seen Ning Yiyi and Mrs. Ning since they arrived at the Royal Villa. According to Ning Jiang, Ning Yiyi locked herself in the room and could not come out. Mrs. Ning stayed in the room because she was afraid that she would not think about it. accompany.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Mrs. Ning saw that Gao Tianyi did not intend to see Ning Yiyi. Just before Gao Tianyi left with an excuse, Mrs. Ning came out and asked Gao Tianyi to meet Ning Yiyi.

Ning Yiyi was suffering from the double torment of being divorced and scandal, Madam Ning's request was not too much, Gao Tianyi got up and walked out of the private room with Madam Ning without saying a word.

Coincidentally, he also had something to say to Ning Yiyi.

Rich people live in the villa, of course, they take over the whole villa. Gao Tianyi followed Mrs. Ning into the villa and went up to the second floor. Gao Tianyi was a little bit against going into the bedroom, but when he heard that Ning Yiyi was in a bad state of mind, he gritted his teeth and followed. go in.

Gao Tianyi walked into the bedroom and saw Ning Yiyi wearing pure white thin cotton pajamas, sitting on the head of the bed with a haggard face, holding a teddy bear doll in her hand, and the soft lamp shone on her plain color without makeup. Her face made her look like an innocent and harmless little girl.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ning Yiyi raised her head and smiled sweetly at Gao Tianyi, a cute dimple appeared on her right cheek: "Brother Yi, you are here."

"En." Gao Tianyi nodded, and moved a little closer. Although he didn't like Ning Yiyi all the time, he certainly didn't hate her.

When she first came to K City to go to college, the Ning family lived in K City for a few days and entrusted her to the Gao family. Even after Ning Yiyi found him and wanted to enter the entertainment industry, he did take care of her as a half-sister.

After walking two steps closer, Gao Tianyi frowned slightly, feeling inexplicably disgusted by the strong scent of incense on his nose, and when he heard the door closing, he looked back and saw that only he and Ning Yiyi were left in the room, so he decided to hurry up. Quick decision.

So he stopped and stood two meters away from the bed.

Seeing that Gao Tianyi was about to speak, Ning Yiyi suddenly raised the teddy bear doll in her hand, sat up straight, and smiled brightly: "Brother Yi, do you still remember, this is the twentieth birthday present you gave me. "

"..." Ning Yiyi's 20th birthday was given by his grandfather on the phone, and he sent someone to buy the gift at random. How could he remember: "Yiyi, I have completely stopped the news about today, and I am also looking for the behind-the-scenes news. Pushing hands, I will return your innocence."

The corners of Ning Yiyi's mouth were bent downwards, tears fell suddenly, and her voice was aggrieved: "Brother Yi, do you trust me?"

"I believe." Gao Tianyi sighed: "So I hope this matter will not cause any harm to your psychology."

"Brother Yi, I don't care." Ning Yiyi lowered her eyebrows and shook her head: "I don't care about anything except you."

"..." For some reason, Gao Tianyi, who came calmly, became more and more irritable at the moment. He felt his head was a little swollen, so he tightened his palms and said bluntly: "I'm sorry, Yiyi, I won't marry you, and I will return your innocence. Your reputation is the only thing I can do for you."

"Brother Yi," Gao Tianyi's eyes were in a trance, and Ning Yiyi suddenly jumped off the bed: "You still don't believe me, do you, I really don't know that man..."

When Ning Yiyi threw her warm and soft body into Gao Tianyi's arms and rubbed gently, Gao Tianyi's body exploded suddenly.

It's just two glasses of white wine, and it's not enough for him who is not drunk after a thousand glasses!

After Gao Tianyi's mind buzzed, and after clearly realizing the changes in his body, he pushed Ning Yiyi away, looked at Ning Yiyi who threw herself on the bed and gritted his teeth, "Ning Yiyi, how dare you! "

As if Gao Tianyi's body was on fire, he turned around and strode away non-stop. Ning Yiyi got up from the side of the bed and hugged him from behind, but in the end, Gao Tianyi threw him onto the carpet vigorously. superior.

"Brother Yi," Ning Yiyi cried loudly, "Are you willing to die instead of me!"

Gao Tianyi who walked out the door clenched his teeth, his footsteps were already unsteady.

His self-control has always been excellent, and this aspect is also true. However, now, his body is almost instantly ignited, and he is on the verge of explosion in a second.

He had never heard of such a strong medicinal effect, he really doubted that what Ning Yiyi said was true!

No! He must return to Shi Rushui as quickly as possible! !