Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 138


The medicine Ning Yiyi took was extremely heavy. It was a rare ecstasy from the Western Regions on the market. It was even more effective when paired with alcohol. It was said that it could confuse a grown man's mind for ten seconds.

It was Gao Tianyi, his legs started to tremble after he walked out of the villa, and he staggered when he went down the steps.

Bai Ziyan, who was standing at the gate of the villa, flew over to support Gao Tianyi, and asked anxiously, "Brother Yi, what's wrong with you?"

"Fuck! It's Chinese medicine!" Gao Tianyi said hoarsely, his tongue was bitten by him when he went down the stairs, and a strong smell of blood wafted out with the night wind: "Call my dad, I want to go back and see you as soon as possible Like water."

Bai Ziyan helped Gao Tianyi walk quickly to the parking place, and at the same time called Gao Qitian to explain the situation.

Ning Jiang, who followed Gao's family to the parking lot, had an extremely ugly expression on his face. He walked up to Gao Tianyi with a heavy step, and said in a cold and serious voice, "Sorry."

"..." The corners of Gao Tianyi's resolute lips moved, he nodded slightly towards him, and looked at Gao Qitian: "Let's go!"

Gao Qitian said: "Hong Zi, drive!"

Hong Tiequan nodded, and quickly walked around to the driver's seat.

Once in the RV, Gao Qitian saw Gao Tianyi curled up on the seat and gasped for breath. Only then did he realize how poisonous the medicine Gao Tianyi was taking and what kind of torture he was enduring.

Gao Qitian squatted beside Gao Tianyi, held his shoulders, frowned and said, "Get out of the car, there should be medicine for vomiting."

"Drive!" Gao Tianyi ordered in a rough voice, covered his tense lower abdomen, and looked at Gao Qitian with cold sweat: "It's useless, it's incense."

"Fuck!" Gao Qitian looked at Gao Tianyi's blood-vessel-bursted eyes, and smelled the bloody smell wafting from his mouth: "Can you hold it back!"

Gao Tianyi gritted his teeth and pinched his waist: "Yes!"

When the car drove out of the Royal Villa, Gao Qitian handed Gao Tianyi a glass of water. Gao Tianyi couldn't even hold the glass with his outstretched hand, so Gao Qitian simply supported him and fed him.

After Gao Tianyi finished drinking the water, Gao Qitian was still squatting on the ground. He didn't say a word, but judging from his expression, as a father, he wished to bear the pain for his son.

Sitting on the side of Gao Chongshan, he frowned for a long time and then said in a deep voice: "Xiaoyi, it takes more than an hour from Tianchen Hotel, why don't you find someone to have a good time first!"

Bai Ziyan is a jerk, he knows what this kind of medicine means to a man, Gao Tianyi took this kind of medicine by accident two years ago, if others would have collapsed, but Gao Tianyi endured it, and This time Gao Tianyi was in such pain, it was definitely not a small problem, so after Gao Chongshan spoke, he boldly persuaded: "Yes, brother Yi. Rushui will definitely understand you."

Seeing that Gao Tianyi gritted his teeth and refused to let go, Gao Qitian said, "I'll call Gao Cheng now and ask him to bring Shi Rushui to join us."

"No!" Gao Tianyi suddenly raised his hand, his voice trembling: "No need, I can't wait, call and ask Rushui to go back to the bedroom and video with me."

In fact, converging is the best way at present, so waiting is a small aspect. The most important thing is that Gao Tianyi is worried that the panic situation will make Shi Rushui something wrong.

Compared with bringing risks to Shi Rushui, he would rather bear it, because he doesn't believe that people who can die!

Gao Qitian ordered Bai Ziyan and Gao Chongshan to get out of the car and sat in the bodyguard car behind him. While calling Xu Nuan to ask her to take Beibei, he closed the partition between the driving area and the rear area, quickly let Shi Rushui into the bedroom, and confessed Gao Tianyi's current situation.

After Shi Rushui turned on the video, Gao Qitian helped Gao Tianyi up, handed the phone to Gao Tianyi who was sitting next to him, got up and sat on the seat opposite his feet.

Gao Tianyi sat up holding the big-screen mobile phone, and the moment he saw the stone like water, he finally felt the beating sound of his heart that was about to lose function. @@

Gao Tianyi's thumb gently rubbed Shi Rushui's cheek displayed on the screen: "Baby~"

Shi Rushui didn't seem to be able to wake up from the shocking news. When he met Gao Tianyi's scarlet eyes for three seconds, his body standing still on the back of the door finally swayed, and tears burst out: "Yi elder brother… "

"Baby," Gao Tianyi's voice squeezed through his teeth, "Go to the bed and take off your clothes."

"Woo..." Shi Rushui bit his lip, "Where are you, I'll see you."

"On the way," Gao Tianyi frowned patiently: "Go back soon, be obedient."

"Brother Yi," Shi Rushui shook his head, his voice as normal as possible: "You... you can find someone, I don't care."

"Fool," Gao Tianyi gritted his teeth, and slowed down his tone with the last bit of reason: "Brother said, I only want you in this life, be obedient."

Gao Qitian said that Gao Tianyi had been hit by a very heavy love potion, and Gao Tianyi's eyes at this moment, there is no white light, they are all covered with bright scarlet, and the whole person is lying on the seat listlessly, how can he be as usual? Looks a little high-spirited.

Shi Rushui had never seen Gao Tianyi like this before, which made him have mixed feelings.

"Brother Yi..." Shi Rushui shook his head and said incoherently: "I really don't mind, don't... don't do this, find someone..."

"Do you think I'm going to die?" Gao Tianyi finally couldn't help but get angry, the hot phone creaked in the palm of his hand driven by heat, and his tone became extremely cold and domineering: "Okay, turn it off, wait at home Let's go!"

"Brother Yi, don't!" Shi Rushui said in tears, "I will do it, I will do it!"

Once the decision was made, Shi Rushui quickly walked to the bed, from youthful to proficient, from reserved to indulgent, and finally rescued Gao Tianyi who was tortured by drugs from the gate of hell.

Gao Tianyi drank some water, leaned on the leather chair, looked at Shi Rushui who was lying on the bed exhausted and panting, and gently rubbed his flushed face with his fingertips, feeling that he was the happiest man in the world.

When Shi Rushui regained his strength and asked him if he wanted any more, Gao Tianyi stroked his hair across the screen with a chuckle: "I'll give you another ten minutes to rest, this time, I'll do it myself!"

Shi Rushui smiled and tapped her chin with a wooden spoon, "I'm jealous."

"Yeah." Gao Tianyi stared at the log-colored spoon on Shi Rushui's chin like a torch, always feeling that it was shining brightly under the light, and still had a watery color: "I will burn it when I go back, and send it to hell!"

"Haha." Shi Rushui lazily picked the fox's eyes: "I'm so jealous, then I've used so many tampons, what can you do?"

Gao Tianyi was a little anxious to get angry again: "..."

The couple talked about interesting topics, and Gao Tianyi, who was satisfied, got out of the car and ran to the elevator briskly, looking like a different person from before getting in the car.

Bai Ziyan and Gao Chongshan silently looked at Gao Qitian who was following behind him: "..."

When Gao Qitian and Gao Tianyi rushed to the room, Beibei had just started to fall asleep, so Gao Qitian hurriedly hugged Beibei from Xu Nuan's arms, and signaled Gao Tianyi to leave it alone.

As soon as Gao Tianyi pushed open the bedroom door, he saw Shi Rushui standing at the door wearing a sheet to meet him. He hugged Shi Rushui, and Shi Rushui also tactfully stuck to him.

After the two people looked at each other with scorching eyes for three seconds, their four lips pressed together tightly.

Gao Tianyi fell in love with Shi Rushui so much, he tried to hold back the screams in his body, and after serving Shi Rushui with his lips and tongue, he began his real conquest.

Because stones are like water, even after taking the medicine, Gao Tianyi did not allow himself to be greedy and keep asking for it.

Two hours later, when the medicine in Gao Tianyi's body was almost gone, he took Shi Rushui and took a bath with the semi-conscious little guy, then fell asleep with his arms around him.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, the tired Shi Rushui trembled in Gao Tianyi's arms, and suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Brother Yi, Beibei..."

Gao Tianyi woke up, gently stroked Shi Rushui's hair under the moonlight, and pecked his forehead to comfort him: "Our dad is taking it, don't worry, go to sleep."

"Brother Yi..." Shi Rushui held his breath, slightly stiffened his neck and raised his head: "I seem to have heard Beibei's cry."

Gao Tianyi listened with his ears upright, but he didn't hear Beibei's cry, so he greedily touched the stone like water, and said evilly: "Chirp~ baby, if you are so energetic, I want to do it again .”

"... I don't want it." Shi Rushui said angrily: "I really heard it, I... you go out and have a look, okay?"

"I don't want you to have another child, hum!" Although Gao Tianyi was a little unhappy, he sat up obediently from the bed. When he pushed open the thick bamboo door of the bedroom, Beibei's crying came clearly. It's a father-son bond: "..."

"Is it Beibei crying?" Shi Rushui sat up with a worried expression on his face, and was about to get out of bed.

Gao Tianyi walked away in a hurry and held his shoulder: "Don't come down, you'll catch a cold if you don't have any clothes on, it's fine for a child to cry and fuss for a while."

"No way!" Shi Ruguo shook his head violently, looked up at Gao Tianyi pleadingly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Beibei has grown so big, it's only a day since I left him when I first looked for you some time ago Crying and running a fever."

"Okay, got it." As soon as Shi Rushui frowned, Gao Tianyi wished he could risk his life to make Shi Rushui happy, how could he not cling to him, so he helped him to lie down, covered the blanket, and pecked comfortingly on his lips : "Chirp~ I'll go over and hug him, you lie down obediently."

When Gao Tianyi went to hug Beibei, Beibei's voice was indeed hoarse from crying, and the little fox's eyes were red and swollen, more swollen than stone like water.

According to Gao Qitian, Beibei fell asleep for two hours when she was tired from crying, and woke up again at one o'clock. This time she had already cried for another hour.

Gao Qitian felt distressed and sent the little guy to the door of Gao Tianyi's bedroom, and then returned to the room with a sigh.

Gao Tianyi carried Beibei to the bed, and the little guy stopped crying as soon as Shi Rushui took him into his arms, leaving only hiccups and sobbing, it seemed that he was very tired from crying.

Bei Bei, who threw herself into Shi Rushui's arms, hugged Shi Rushui's neck tightly, aggrieved: "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, don't want me."

"How could Papa not want a baby?" Shi Rushui gently kissed Beibei's forehead, "Baby is Papa's heart and soul, Papa can have nothing, but he can't live without a baby."

"Then..." Beibei choked up, her voice was so hoarse that she couldn't make a clear sound: "Papa, don't accompany me, Beibei sleeps!"

"Papa has caught a cold. Did you hear that Papa's voice is hoarse?" Shi Rushui coaxed softly, "Papa is afraid of infecting the baby."

"Then..." Beibei kissed Shi Rushui's lips: "Bebe, accompany Baba and catch a cold together."

"Baby..." Shi Rushui burst into tears, feeling that he had wronged Beibei: "Go to sleep, Baba will always hold the baby."

"Papa," Beibei still tightened her little arms worriedly, "don't leave..."

Sitting on the head of the bed, Gao Tianyi, who surrounded the father and son, was moved to tears by such a warm picture for the first time.

That's right, for three years, Shi Rushui made a living by writing books, and lived with Beibei every step of the way. Such waiting was beyond his imagination and comparison.

So, starting from today, he can't be jealous with the baby anymore, it's only natural that Shi Rushui loves Beibei more.

From now on, he will also let Shi Rushui know that he and the baby are his heart and soul, he can have nothing, but he and Beibei cannot live without him.

Gao Tianyi slept on Beibei's side, but in the early morning, the residual medicine made him want to hug Shi Rushui and rub against him.

After Shi Rushui woke up in a daze, seeing that Beibei who had been tossing all night was in a deep sleep, he allowed him to tell him to slow down.

Shi Rushui, who suppressed his lips and hummed softly, was also very attractive. Gao Tianyi was very obedient and tossed him very slowly for an hour before finishing the early morning feast.

Shi Rushui was a little swollen, Gao Tianyi wiped it for him and told someone to buy medicine for him, but Shi Rushui shook his head and refused, saying that it was uncomfortable to take that kind of medicine.

Gao Tianyi didn't think much about it, and wrapped him with a hot towel, and then hugged him back to sleep.

In fact, Shi Rushui knew in his heart that he didn't refuse because of allergies. In fact, his menstrual period was due the day before yesterday, and his menstrual period has always been very accurate. It's too late.

He is afraid that he is pregnant.

Shi Rushui gently covered the back of his thick hand on his lower abdomen with his hand, feeling a thousand feelings in his heart.