Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 142


The news of the arrival of Ning Jiang and his son made the atmosphere in the hall, which had just relaxed, become dignified again.

Gao Tianyi got up and sent Shi Rushui and Beibei to the bedroom, kissed Shi Rushui and told him to take Beibei to sit on the bed to watch cartoons, then returned to the living room and went downstairs with the elders.

Ever since Shi Rushui followed Gao Tianyi from K City to the capital, too many things have happened in just two and a half days, but it was probably Gao Tianyi's unswerving perseverance last night that made him no matter what Gao Haichen faced. Criticism, or the arrival of Ning Jiang, always feel at ease.

He believed in Gao Tianyi.

Shi Rushui's body was a little weak, he took Beibei to wash his face and feet carelessly, then sat on the bed with Beibei in his arms, and dialed Su Mu's phone.

Su Mu should have just finished eating and was watching TV with Su Ying. Shi Rushui could hear the faint voice of the cartoon coming from the opposite side: "Shui Shui, have you finished eating? Have you returned to City K?"

"Not yet." Shi Rushui said: "Mumu, that... Is Jing Zhixuan with you right now?"

"Ah?" Su Mu was obviously a little surprised: "Look for Zhixuan, he's in the study right now, I'll give him the phone right now."

"Don't look for him." Shi Rushui hurriedly stopped: "Mu Mu, I asked Gao Tianyi, he said that he will return to K City tomorrow, can you find me at Yangming Mountain the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes." Su Mu smiled and said, "You don't even know how much I miss Beibei. By the way, Beibei is by your side. I want to talk to my son later."

Shi Rushui raised the corners of his lips and patted Beibei's little head. The little guy was looking eagerly at the phone in his hand. Seeing him looking down at him, he pointed at the phone and asked if his brother was there.

Shi Rushui scratched Beibei's little nose and said softly, "Wait a minute," and then said to Su Mu, "Mu Mu, you... come the day after tomorrow and bring me some pregnancy test sticks."

"What!" Su Mu's usual gentle voice suddenly became high-pitched: "Shui Shui, are you pregnant?!"

"Keep your voice down, don't let Jing Zhixuan hear it." Shi Rushui said lightly, "I'm not sure, it's just that the menstruation has not come, can you buy it for me?"

"So..." Asking him to help, it was obvious that Shi Rushui wanted to hide Gao Tianyi's rhythm: "Are you going to let Gao Tianyi know?"

After being silent for dozens of seconds, Shi Rushui stroked Beibei's soft hair: "That's right."

"Shui Shui...Gao Tianyi...Can't he give you a name after all? I thought, I thought he..."

At the end, Su Mu's voice became choked.

"No." Shi Rushui pulled his eyelashes back and said with difficulty: "He is very good to me, and he also said that I will not marry in this life."

Su Mu didn't believe it: "Then why can't you let him know, don't tell me you want to surprise him?"

After Shi Rushui hesitated for a while, "Mu Mu, many things happened in the past few days when I came to Beijing, and I also met Gao Tianyi's grandfather today."

Su Mu frowned: "Grandpa? Back then, wasn't it because of him that you left Gao Tianyi?"

"Not quite." Shi Rushui shook his head: "I was pregnant with Beibei at that time, and Gao Tianyi made a marriage contract. Even if Mr. Gao didn't intervene, I would probably leave."

The reason why I say probably is because when Shi Rushui knew that he was pregnant, he didn't immediately decide to leave Gao Tianyi. At that time, he loved Gao Tianyi so deeply that he cried every night when he thought of leaving him.

Just as he was thinking about how to test Gao Tianyi's feelings for him, the appearance of Gao Haichen completely cut off his last hope.

Therefore, he left suddenly and was caught off guard.

However, he has no regrets.

At that time, Gao Tianyi didn't love him as much as he does now. He couldn't deal with the gunpowder battlefield between the Gao family and the Ning family. If he stayed, his best ending would be to lose Beibei, but now he is still in Gao Tianyi's hands. By his side, be a canary for him to enjoy.

For the aloof Gao Tianyi, if you don't lose it hard, you will never know, and you have to cherish him as a person.

And if he hadn't experienced such pain and suffering, he would always be a humble accessory in front of Gao Tianyi.

Su Mu: "Did he make things difficult for you and Beibei?"

"No." Shi Rushui comforted Su Mu with a light smile: "Brother Yi protected me and Beibei very well, but Mu Mu, the timing is not right now, and I don't know if I'm really pregnant. One thing, can we talk about it after we meet?"

"...Okay." Su Mu finally stopped asking, "I will bring a pregnancy test stick to Yangming Mountain to look for you the morning after tomorrow."

"Well, by the way, Mu Mu, don't let Jing Zhixuan know, I'm worried that he will accidentally say something in front of Brother Yi."

"Okay." Su Mu nodded, Shi Rushui now calls Gao Tianyi Brother Yi, it should be that Gao Tianyi really dotes on him...

I hope so.

After Shi Rushui chatted with Su Mu, he gave Beibei the phone. After talking with Su Mu, Beibei held the phone and acted like a spoiled child to Su Ying. This call continued until Gao Tianyi returned to the bedroom.

After returning to the bedroom, Gao Tianyi walked to the head of the bed, smelling of cigarettes all over, bent down and kissed Shi Rushui, "Honey, is my son talking on the phone with Xiaoying?"

"Yeah." Shi Rushui raised his neck and cooperated with Gao Tianyi's kissing motion: "Have we finished talking?"

"It's over." Gao Tianyi groped the back of Shi Rushui's head, stood up slightly, and asked, "Honey, where did you put the underwear you took off yesterday? I'll wash it for you."

Shi Rushui blushed and pursed his lips, a rare extravagance: "No, no need, just throw it away, I'll go back tomorrow."

"Baby, I won't be going back tomorrow." Shi Rushui's heart skipped a beat when he heard that, and Gao Tianyi continued, "The old man is not allowed to return to City K for the time being. Tomorrow we will stay with him for another day, and we will leave early in the morning."

"Okay." Shi Rushui breathed a sigh of relief, and said lightly: "Then you should go take a bath quickly, you smell like cigarettes, remember to brush your teeth."

"Chirp~" Gao Tianyi kissed Shi Rushui again, and didn't forget to put a kiss on the tip of Beibei's nose. He got up and said, "I'm going to take a bath, and I'll wash your underwear by the way. Now go out and buy a new one for you, and then pass the water, and I can do it tomorrow morning."

"..." Shi Rushui lowered his head and stirred his hands: "You, you go take a bath first, I will wash myself later."

"Be obedient." Gao Tianyi squeezed Shi Rushui's chin, looked at him tenderly, and coaxed softly, "Your husband has already eaten, so what's the shame about washing a pair of underwear!"

"You..." Gao Tianyi's voice was a little loud, Shi Rushui was worried that Su Mu who was opposite would hear him, so he hurriedly pushed him away, and said in embarrassment, "It's in the small black bag under the closet, wash it clean!"

Gao Tianyi curled his lips and smiled lightly: "Of order, my wife!"

Bei Bei, who was obsessed with "chatting" with her younger brother, didn't notice the flirting between Gao Tianyi and Shi Rushui, but Su Mu, who put her ear to the receiver after hearing Gao Tianyi's voice, really didn't miss it.

When Shi Rushui took the phone and changed the appointment time with Su Mu, Su Mu teased evilly: "Shui Shui, may I ask, 'Your husband has eaten there', where does the 'over there' refer to?"

Shi Rushui narrowed his fox eyes, and replied in a coquettish voice: "By the way, I forgot to tell you, my man's tongue is very long, very flexible, and very energetic. How about yours?"

Su Mu blushed immediately, tongue tied: "...I, I don't understand what you are talking about..."

At night, Gao Tianyi rubbed Shi Rushui's waist very considerately, and waited until Shi Rushui fell asleep before slowing down, hugging one big and one small and closing his eyes.

Shi Rushui never asked Gao Tianyi the result of the negotiation with Ning Jiang. He believed in Gao Tianyi, so some answers were already baked in his heart.

The next day, except for Gao Haichen's still cold eyebrows, Shi Rushui didn't hear a word of judgment from the old man. In the morning, he played mahjong as usual, Gao Tianyi rubbed his waist for him, and Gao Qitian played Go with Gao Haichen.

After eating and playing until four o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Tianyi and a few elders got up and sent Gao Haichen back to the nursing home.

On the surface, just as Gao Tianyi said, staying in the capital for one more day is to accompany the old man.

However, after Gao Tianyi walked out of the hotel, he took Gao Cheng, Qiao Zhenfeng and the elders to part ways. He first went to the tea restaurant to meet Ning Yiyi. An hour later, he rushed to the world's largest jewelry store in the city center.

After walking out of the jewelry store, the sky was already dark, so Gao Tianyi called Gao Qitian, and half an hour later, he met them downstairs in the hotel and went upstairs together.

On the morning of the third day, Shi Rushui and Beibei followed Gao Tianyi from the capital, and rushed back to Yangmingshan Villa in K City before noon as scheduled.

It will soon be the dog days of summer, and the temperature outside is already scorching. Shi Rushui did not take a lunch break in order to wait for Su Mu's arrival. After lunch, Gao Tianyi dragged him to sit on the mahjong table. It was two o'clock. Bei Bei, who kept talking about Su Ying, fell asleep in the arms of Gao Tianyi who was playing mahjong.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Mu brought Su Ying and Jing Zhixuan to Jing Zhixuan's high-end villa on the middle of Yangming Mountain at the appointed time.

When Su Mu's family arrived, the Gao family including Gao Qitian and Xu Nuan also got up to welcome them, giving Shi Rushui enough face.

Finally, at Shi Rushui's request, Jing Zhixuan made up for Shi Rushui's vacancy and sat on the mahjong mat. Su Mu took Beibei from Gao Tianyi's arms, and took Su Ying and Shi Rushui up to the second floor.

Su Mu carefully put Beibei on the big bed, and whispered to Su Ying to let him look at his younger brother, then pulled Shi Rushui, and led him into the bathroom even more impatiently than Shi Rushui.

Shi Rushui looked at Su Mu's posture, and taunted him amusedly: "You are so impatient, those who don't know think you are here to steal a man!"

"Still laughing!" Su Mu pulled Shi Rushui into the bathroom, closed the door, turned to stare at him and complained: "I can't hold him anymore, and I'm still a man. If I want to do it, I will do it to you! I really don't know." Your Brother Yi loves you all the time, all the headaches in your body!"

"Hey! That's right, it's the same as your little wolf dog." Shi Rushui leaned against the sink with soft bones and tendons, and stretched his right hand forward: "Okay, I'll talk to you about this topic later, where are things?"

"Hmph." Su Mu pouted, reached into the large trouser pocket of non-mainstream slacks, and muttered: "In order to hide Zhixuan, he just got out of the car and wanted to touch my ass. I slapped him, heh, I guess I will be rewarded when I go back."

"Hahaha~" Shi Rushui smiled like a fairy, watched Su Mu take out four tinfoil-wrapped pregnancy test sticks from his two pockets, and said with satisfaction: "Thank you, huh~"

After speaking, he coquettishly kissed Su Mu on the cheek, causing Su Mu to roll his eyes.

After flirting, Shi Rushui quickly took a pregnancy test stick from Su Mu's hand, turned around and pushed open the frosted glass door, and walked in.