Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 161


After the servant left, Jiang Mingquan turned around. He unbuttoned his collar impatiently, approaching Mo Han's bedroom step by step like an elegant and dangerous cheetah...

As Jiang Mingquan opened the door and walked into the bedroom, the small figure protruding from the big bed bumped into his eyes, and he stopped abruptly. The sound of heartbeat and breathing slowly overshadowed the sound of rain pattering on the glass window. It became clearer and louder.

Perhaps his life was too smooth and he had never lost anything, so after losing Mo Han, now that he was only a little closer to him, he felt so throbbing and out of control.

Jiang Mingquan took off his slippers, stepped on the carpet beside the bed, and approached Mo Han cautiously. He didn't stop until he bent down beside the bed and heard Mo Han's even breathing.

Probably because of her pregnancy, Mo Han slept very deeply, and her breathing was heavier and longer than before.

On the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the curtains were not fully drawn down, and half of them were only drawn with thin gauze, allowing the light from outside to penetrate in at a glance.

But the rainy night was not as bright as usual, so it took a long time for Jiang Mingquan to see Mo Han's sleeping face clearly under the dim light.

For the sake of the baby, Mo Han was lying on his left side, with his face facing Jiang Mingquan's direction.

Mo Han's appearance is not as beautiful as stone like water, but he is naturally stunning and charming, which cannot be ignored.

Shi Rushui is the kind who can take away the three souls and seven souls of that person with just a single look, his beauty is like a fairy, and his charm is like a demon.

On the contrary, Mo Han's appearance gives people a very pure, immature, and well-behaved feeling. In the orphanage, he was well protected by Mo Zui, Shi Rushui and other older orphans. With the help of Zui and Shi Rushui, he spent two years of carefree time in the technical secondary school, so his pure, immature and uncontaminated temperament has been preserved.

That is to say, now that Mo Han is pregnant and has a big belly, it is rare for her to show a mature and soft charm.

In addition, he has facial features as delicate and refined as stone like water, making him unconsciously attractive enough to attract men's attention.

His face is very small, a standard oval shape, and his chin is round and soft, but now because of his pregnancy, his chin has a little fat, pink and tender, so Jiang Mingquan couldn't help reaching out and pinching it gently.

Following Jiang Mingquan's movements, Mo Han's slender and slightly curly eyelashes trembled slightly. Jiang Mingquan hooked his lips, seeing that Mo Han's eyelashes stopped trembling, he followed his small nose bridge, looking down at the darkness, The most obvious one.

It was Mo Han's lips, originally it was pale pink like a peach blossom, but now it looked like rose petals blooming in the morning with dew, fresh and delicate, crystal clear and shining.

Jiang Mingquan squinted his eyes, greedily catching every beauty that belonged to Mo Han, and his eye sockets gradually became hot.

Heh, this pure and ignorant little guy turned out to be so coquettish and alluring. Unknowingly, he grabbed his heart, controlled his breathing, made him learn to be jealous, and couldn't help but want to imprison him. , Appreciate his beauty alone.

These were all his!

Now, still, it should belong to him!

Thinking of this, Jiang Mingquan lowered his head and kissed Mo Han's lips.

From the initial gentle temptation to the final declaration of sovereignty, Mo Han finally opened his eyes by flapping his eyelashes under Jiang Mingquan's aggression.

Mo Han, who had just woken up from his sleep, quickly adapted to the darkness of the night, and could clearly see the person attached to him.

Jiang Mingquan's movements stopped abruptly, his lips pressed against Mo Han's, and his heartbeat and breathing also stopped. He thought he would be pushed away by Mo Han screaming the next moment, but...

Mo Han looked at him as if there were crumbled starlight in his eyes, and his whole body looked like soft cotton candy, as if he had never been hurt, and as if... back to three months ago, Full of dependence and nostalgia for him.

Jiang Mingquan had long been used to Mo Han's submissive posture, but now, it could kill him.

An unknown hot current flowed from the lips of the two to Jiang Mingquan's lily limbs, re-warming his cold heart, and tears filled his eyes.

Jiang Mingquan closed his eyes, forced back the tears in his eyes, squeezed Mo Han's chin, and kissed him deeply.

After a long time, Mo Han looked at Jiang Mingquan with apricot eyes out of breath, and his kissed eyes were misty and misty with tears.

He looked at Jiang Mingquan's facial features that became more and more three-dimensional under the night, noble and perfect.

Looking at his usually meticulously groomed hair, now it hangs messily on his forehead and ears, making him look a little more wanton and lazy than before.

Look at his cold-sharpened lips...

Jiang Mingquan couldn't help but feel pity for Mo Han's well-behaved appearance. He hid his lustful and aggressive gaze, and pleaded softly: "Baby, let me touch our child, okay?"

After Mo Hanbo was subconsciously stroked on his lower abdomen by his hands, he murmured hoarsely: "My child..."

"Well, child." Jiang Mingquan didn't dare to blink his eyes for a moment, he held his breath to read the expression on Mo Han's face, took his hand and said softly: "Our child."

The sound of the rain outside became louder and louder, and soon covered the sound of Mo Han's breathing alone, making it even more difficult for him to distinguish between reality and dreams. After moving his head, he narrowed his eyes and searched in the dark There was an incredible gentleness on Jiang Mingquan's face that was different from before.

"Baby," Jiang Mingquan continued to lower his voice, coaxing softly, "Let me listen to the child's heartbeat."

As Jiang Mingquan lifted the quilt, he followed Mo Han's chin with his lips to find their child.

Everything at the beginning was warm and sweet like a dream that Mo Han had had countless nights after she was pregnant, until Jiang Mingquan put his hand in a place where he shouldn't be, and asked him if he had been touched by Xie Lin. There was a huge change in an instant, and only then did he suddenly wake up from his sleep, and tried his best to push back Jiang Mingquan.

But it was too late, Jiang Mingquan was already rolling in jealousy, like a wild beast that lost his mind, and forced him to take him amidst pressing questions.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of wind and rain outside the window gradually diminished again, and the sound of the drizzle beating on the glass window was gentle and ambiguous.

Jiang Mingquan did not forget that Mo Han was pregnant, and he was gentle enough in the affair, but Mo Han, who was lying flat on the bed, his nose and mouth still could not supply the breathing needed in the chest cavity. He was like a fish short of water that had just been salvaged from the shore, dripping all over his body. Yes, there are still tears in the eyes, and the lips are red and swollen, like a delicate and pitiful little girl.

Seeing Mo Han and listening to his breathing, Jiang Mingquan's heart finally settled down. He wrapped Mo Han in his arms, patted his back, and kissed his brow, "Go to sleep."

Without Jiang Mingquan's words, Mo Han closed his eyes exhaustedly, and fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang Mingquan was satisfied, and Mo Han dreamed of being hugged by Jiang Mingquan all night. It seemed to be a peaceful and warm night, and even the rain stopped the next day. However, Mo Han had a fever, thirty-eight degrees two.

Fever is a very serious and troublesome thing for a pregnant woman. Even taking Chinese patent medicines cannot guarantee that it will not harm the child 100%, but the prolonged fever will have a greater impact on the child.

When he woke up in the morning, Mo Han first told Xie Lin about his situation, not letting Xie Lin tell Shi Rushui, and letting Xie Lin take him away after breakfast, but before breakfast was over, Shi Rushui saw his strange.

After breakfast, Gao Qitian and Xu Nuan left first. Gao Qitian had business to go back to the West District, and Xu Nuan went back to pack his things.

After Gao Qitian and Xu Nuan left, Xie Lin said that he would take Mo Han back. As soon as Shi Rushui took Mo Han's hand, his face changed drastically, he covered the back of Mo Han's head, and pressed his forehead against his.

The moment Shi Rushui looked down, he saw traces that shouldn't be there under Mo Han's half-neck collar.

It must not have been left by Schelling!

When Gao Tianyi and Jiang Mingquan saw Shi Rushui's movements, they both frowned and walked over.

"Xiao Han! You have a fever!" Shi Rushui said as he left Mo Han's forehead, but grabbed his collar and pulled it down. Mo Han was caught off guard, and his delicate and white collarbone was suddenly exposed. Three or four traces of blue and red intertwined: "Fuck!"

"Jiang Mingquan moved you, didn't you?" Shi Rushui's eyes turned red instantly, he threw away Mo Han's collar, and slapped Jiang Mingquan who was stunned aside, "Jiang Mingquan, you fucking beast!"

Jiang Mingquan was taken aback, and subconsciously raised his hand to fight back. Gao Tianyi had already pushed him away one step faster, and grabbed Shi Rushui's waist. He looked at Shi Rushui's terrifying gaze, and didn't dare to hug him directly.

Gao Tianyi's voice was dry: "Baby..."

"Get lost!" Shi Rushui pulled down Gao Tianyi's arm coldly: "Hong Yi, please call the doctor."

Shi Rushui helped Mohan back to the room where Mohan lived in Building B, and the doctor followed them into the room.

Mo Han's body temperature was one degree higher than the morning measurement: thirty-eight degrees three.

During the process of taking the temperature, the doctor dutifully asked a series of questions: when did I start to feel unwell, what did I eat and do 24 hours before the fever, did I catch a cold from the rain last night

After Mo Han answered with his head down, Shi Rushui threw everyone out except the doctor, and asked Mo Han himself if Jiang Mingquan wanted him last night, and if he had a penis. For the sake of the child, Mo Han had to die Tears nodded.

Because he was worried about Mo Han's tetanus, Shi Rushui checked Mo Han's body again, and after finding no bleeding, the doctor put a bottle on Mo Han.

Shi Rushui stood beside the bed, watching the doctor give Mo Han the injection, tears of distress almost came out.

If it wasn't for him, Jiang Mingquan would not have known Xiaohan was pregnant, and found Xiaohan so quickly, then Xiaohan would not have been hiding, frightened, and now Jiang Mingquan raped him and had a fever.

After the doctor went out again, Xie Lin, Gao Tianyi, and Jiang Mingquan walked in. Shi Rushui raised his head and narrowed his eyes dangerously. He saw Gao Tianyi holding Beibei in his arms, and Gao Yuyao poking his head at the door, so he suppressed his temper , set his gaze on the back of Mo Han's hand again, and did not speak.

"Yes, because..." Me? Jiang Mingquan's lips trembled, before he finished speaking, he squatted on the side of Mo Han's bed, gently held the four fingers of his left hand that was carrying water, and kissed the back of his fingers: "I'm sorry, Xiaohan, I'm sorry..."

"Brother Yi!" Finally, Shi Rushui spoke, this time not weaker than before, with a soft voice and a faint smile on his face—a sneer: "Do you mind giving me the right to use this room for half a day, two bottles After the water is delivered, I will take Xiaohan and leave, and then you can come in and out as you want, whatever you want!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Rushui reached out and hugged Beibei.

"Chirp~" Gao Tianyi obediently put Beibei in Shi Rushui's arms, lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead, and said softly: "Baby, it's my fault, you should be angry, I'll take someone out now .”

Gao Tianyi will definitely not let Shi Rushui take Mo Han away, but the most important thing in this situation is to appease people. He moved the sofa to the side of the bed and put it behind Shi Rushui, then pulled Jiang Mingquan out and walked to the door At that time, he signaled Gao Yuyao, who was standing at the door, to go in and play with Beibei.

Jiang Mingquan really didn't expect things to develop into this situation, and now he is very regretful.

After being dragged to another room by Gao Tianyi, he sat on the sofa, feeling like crying.

Gao Tianyi sat on the sofa next to him, lit a cigarette, bowed tiredly, took a puff and said, "Quan Zi, you should leave first."

"Brother Yi." This time, Jiang Mingquan was no longer as strong as before. He rested his elbows on his knees and supported his drooping forehead with both hands. If you stab yourself, you won't mess with him!"

"..." Gao Tianyi blew out a smoke ring and sighed. He knew Jiang Mingquan, he was arrogant and conceited, and he would never say such words if he hadn't really made up his mind: "But things have already happened, you If you really think about Mo Han, you should leave here and let Mo Han stay here safely and recover from his illness."

After a while, Jiang Mingquan seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly looked up at Gao Tianyi, with tears in his eyes: "Brother Yi, I promise I won't touch a finger of him again, please ask my sister-in-law to persuade him , come back to me, I will marry him."

"..." Gao Tianyi met Jiang Mingquan's firm eyes through a thin layer of smoke, remembering his promise to marry Shi Rushui.

Many times, you don't give it when he wants it, but when you give it, he doesn't necessarily want it anymore.

What's more, Mo Han is already married to Xie Lin. He has checked and found that they have received a marriage certificate in real terms. Moreover, the relationship between the two seems to be very harmonious.

Gao Tianyi couldn't bear to hit Jiang Mingquan, and tapped his finger on the edge of the table: "Quanzi, listen to me, the most important thing now is Mo Han's condition."

Jiang Mingquan had a hoarse voice. In fact, most of him still listened to Gao Tianyi's words, especially now that he made such a mess: "Brother Yi..."

"Listen to me." Gao Tianyi frowned and said, "In the past two days, you should check the details of Xie Lin, everything from before he entered the orphanage to the present, and ask Gao Quan to cooperate with you in the investigation."

"Hmph!" When Xie Lin was mentioned, Jiang Mingquan felt thorns all over his body: "No need, when Xiao Han is ready, I will find someone to do him!"

"Don't say these things are useless!" Gao Tianyi's voice was a bit harsh, whether it was Shi Rushui or Mo Han's face, Gao Tianyi and Jiang Mingquan really didn't dare to touch Xie Lin's hair. Silk

Jiang Mingquan lit a cigarette angrily, turned his face away and smoked it!

"Just now," Gao Tianyi said, "as soon as Shi Rushui saw the marks on Mo Han's body, he knew that you got them there."

Jiang Mingquan felt a light flash in his mind, but after the flash, it went out: "..."

Gao Tianyi answered directly: "This shows that Xie Lin won't touch Mo Han!"

Jiang Mingquan's fingers trembled suddenly, and the cigarette almost fell off. Although last night when he wanted Mo Han, Mo Han was forced by him to say that Xie Lin didn't want him, and it was tight there, but: "So, so... "

"So," Gao Tianyi narrowed his eyes, "it's normal for Xie Lin and Mo Han to sleep in the same room, but it's not normal for Xie Lin to touch Mo Han."

Jiang Mingquan threw the cigarette suddenly, and suddenly realized: "So, Xie Lin won't give it up!"

"..." Gao Tianyi raised his eyebrows: "It's possible, but my guess is another answer."

"Another kind?" Jiang Mingquan bit his lower lip and said suspiciously, "You mean Xie Lin is a woman!"

Looking at Gao Tianyi's darkened face, Jiang Mingquan finally said loudly the answer in Gao Tianyi's heart: "I see, what you mean is that Xie Lin may also be a twin!"

"Go." Gao Tianyi stubbed out his cigarette and stood up from the sofa: "V County Angel Orphanage, where Xie Lin and Mo Han grew up as orphans."

After sending away the God of Plague, he has to find a way to please his wife.