Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 169


Hearing that Mrs. Gao is coming back today, Jiang Shiyuan and his wife would naturally not want to leave immediately. At least they have to wait for Gao Haichen to come back and have a meal with Gao Haichen before talking about leaving.

What's more, Shi Rushui didn't agree with Mo Han leaving with them.

Mo Han was brought by Shi Rushui, and he listened to Shi Rushui's words very much. Even if the Jiang family shows great sincerity, the greatest decision-making power is still in Shi Rushui's hands.

Moreover, Shi Rushui was extremely favored by the Gao family. As soon as Wu Zeya said to take Mo Han away, Gao Qitian asked her directly to ask Shi Rushui's opinion. Obviously, the Gao family would release him only if Shi Rushui nodded.

Just as Shi Rushui pursed his lips and was caught in a dilemma, Gao Chongshan called and hung up the phone. Xu Nuan took the opportunity to ask Jiang Shiyuan and his wife to stay with the old man for lunch.

Gao Tianyi got up and put his arms around Shi Rushui, explained to Gao Qitian, and led him upstairs.

Walking into the bedroom on the second floor, Gao Tianyi walked to the sofa with Shi Rushui in his arms. He sat on the wide sofa, pulled Shi Rushui and sat on his lap, stretched out his hand to touch Shi Rushui's face, and asked him softly : "You don't want Mo Han to go with Jiang Mingquan?"

"..." Shi Rushui hugged Gao Tianyi's neck, turned his face slightly to the position of Gao Tianyi's palm, pouted and kissed Gao Tianyi's fiery palm sweetly, then closed his eyes and sighed: "I don't know .”

"Why don't you know?" Gao Tianyi wiped away the wrinkles between Shi Rushui's brows with his fingertips distressedly: "Baby, don't worry, if you don't want Mo Han to go, the Jiang family won't be able to take him away, huh? come at your will."

"I really don't know." Shi Rushui leaned his face against Gao Tianyi's neck.

After a while, he said slowly, "Brother Yi, Xiao Han likes Jiang Mingquan, Brother Lin Zi is a twin."

The preface and the afterword of these two sentences did not match, but after finishing speaking, Shi Rushui cried.

"Baby..." Gao Tianyi felt Shi Rushui's hot tears falling down his Adam's apple. He has learned a lot of knowledge recently, knowing that pregnant women are more emotional, so he lowered his head and kissed Shi Rushui's forehead with his lips and patted his back. Trying to comfort him in the gentlest way possible: "Baby, don't cry, isn't it good? Mingquan and the Jiang family also showed the greatest sincerity, saying that as long as Mo Han nods, they will prepare for the wedding immediately."

"You don't understand!" Shi Rushui's voice was a bit sharp, "If Jiang Mingquan had been kind to Xiao Han back then, respected him, loved him and was willing to marry him, how could Xiao Han have come to this point today! Just like me back then!"

"...I'm sorry." Gao Tianyi hugged Shi Rushui's back and hugged him tightly: "I'm sorry."

"Brother Yi." Thinking of the sad things, Shi Rushui became emotional and eager to express, "I also hope that Jiang Mingquan truly repents and treats Xiaohan well in the future. After all, Xiaohan is pregnant with his child, and Aunt Wu is so kind."

"Yeah." Gao Tianyi patted Shi Rushui's back, trying to be a listener, not daring to defend Jiang Mingquan: "Baby, don't cry."

"But..." Shi Rushui pursed his lips: "But what about Lin Zige, you don't know how much Lin Zige looks forward to this child, woohoo..."

"You said... Xie Lin is a twin?" Gao Tianyi's throat rolled, and his tone was cautious: "Then he... will have his own children in the future."

"Brother Lin Zi can't have a baby anymore!" Shi Rushui grabbed the cloth in front of Gao Tianyi and gritted his teeth: "It's all because of that beast, it's all about those beasts!"

Gao Tianyi knew Xie Lin's identity, Jiang Mingquan told him, but he knew nothing except this: "Baby..."

"Brother Lin Zi is so kind to him, he doesn't want to eat and wear all the money he earns, and gives it all to that bastard to study abroad!" Shi Rushui became a little crazy, his eyes were scarlet: "But that bastard owed a lot of gambling debts as soon as he graduated, so Lin Zi Brother, pay him back, woo woo... Brother Lin Zi didn't have the money to pay back, so he was raped, he was stabbed in the stomach, and he couldn't have children anymore, Brother Yi, woo woo..."

"Baby." Gao Tianyi gasped. He really didn't expect Xie Lin to have such a tragic experience. Orphaned, met with unkind people, raped, and was stabbed in the stomach, making him infertile. For a while, he didn't know what to do. How to comfort Shi Rushui, I can only hug his trembling head tightly in my arms and coax him hoarsely: "Don't cry, don't cry."

"What should I do." Shi Rushui endured it for several days, and at this moment, his emotions burst and he couldn't control it anymore: "What should Xiao Han do, what should Brother Lin Zi do!"

This is indeed a difficult problem.

When Mo Han had just left Jiang Mingquan, he was afraid that Shi Rushui would force him to kill him if he knew he was pregnant, so he hid with Xie Lin.

Because she was disheartened about love, and got a marriage certificate with Xie Lin, whose ID card was male, she decided to make a match with Xie Lin in the future, and the two would raise their children together.

Xie Lin treats Mo Han very well, and is full of expectations for the child in his belly. From the moment he got the certificate with Mo Han, he re-planned his life, work, and the rest of his life around the child. It can be said that he is even better than Mo Han. Looking forward to the arrival of this child.

Thirty-one-year-old Xie Lin, Xie Lin who was a few months older than Gao Tianyi, Xie Lin who planned to be alone but survived, because of this child, it seemed to be alive again.

I don't know how long Shi Rushui cried, but he finally let Gao Tianyi lift his little face and wipe the tears on his face.

"Baby." No matter how difficult things are, they always have to be resolved. Gao Tianyi kissed his red and swollen eyes, and said earnestly: "Listen to me, no matter how much you love Xie Lin, you can't take away Mo Han's happiness, you believe me , Ming Quan really likes Mo Han, but just like us, there were some misunderstandings... "

"It's not a misunderstanding!" Shi Rushui interrupted Gao Tianyi angrily: "It's obvious that you threw away the things and wanted to get them back!"

"Yes, yes, my wife is right." Gao Tianyi patted Shi Rushui's back, and kissed his lips flatteringly: "But no matter what, Mo Han is pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Jiang family, and you can see that Now, Mo Han still likes Ming Quan, and only in the Jiang family can Mo Han get real happiness."

"Who knows!" Shi Rushui curled his lips: "In the past few years, I have lived with Beibei, and I feel very happy."

Gao Tianyi choked his neck, and his throat was astringent: "Then, baby, you mean to let Mo Han stay, right?"

"..." Shi Rushui lowered his eyebrows, playing with the button on Gao Tianyi's chest, unbuttoned it and then buttoned it again: "Your grandpa is coming, I'm worried..."

"You don't have to worry." Gao Tianyi squeezed Shi Rushui's chin, and gave him a deep kiss: "I will never let you and Mo Han suffer any grievances, trust me."

"I'll ask Xiao Han later." Shi Rushui turned his face away, his eyes were deep: "'s impossible for them to take Xiao Han to the capital."

"Okay." After Gao Tianyi answered, he suddenly lifted the hair in front of Shi Rushui's forehead and narrowed his eyes: "Baby, I have never dared to ask you, back then... how did that old thing hurt you."

There are some things that I know will only increase my sadness if I ask them, but if I don't ask them clearly, I still can't let go of my knots.

"..." Shi Rushui unbuttoned Gao Tianyi's clothes, and his chin sank: "Back then, I just found out that I was pregnant, and Ning Yiyi came to me. I don't know what method she used to know that I was pregnant. .”

Gao Tianyi held the back of Shi Rushui's neck, bowed his waist and looked at the expression on Shi Rushui's face: "..."

"She said she would give me money to let me leave you, but I didn't agree." Shi Rushui pursed his lips, and his brows furrowed again: "Later... you came back."

"I..." Gao Tianyi said hoarsely: "But, you didn't tell me that you were pregnant."

"No." Shi Rushui raised his head suddenly, his fox eyes widened, causing Gao Tianyi's heart to choke, and said: "I asked you at the time, would you marry Ning Yiyi, and you asked me: Don't you marry Ning Yi?" Is Yi marrying you?"

Gao Tianyi's lips trembled, and he didn't have a deep memory of this period: "But... and then? What did I say?"

"Then..." Shi Rushui could see Gao Tianyi's remorse, so he held his face with his hands, and smiled at him lightly, as if to comfort him: "What good things could you do when you went to find me? It’s not right to go to bed every time, and it’s also on the carpet and the dining table, regardless of whether I’m comfortable or not!”

Gao Tianyi blushed, feeling somewhat at a loss: "I..."

"You just came back from a long trip, you were like a hungry wolf, and you were very aggressive. After the second time, I said it hurts and pushed you, but you hit me harder," Shi Rushui poked hard with his nails Gao Tianyi's temples made him hurt: "Tsk tsk, at that time I thought, if the child falls, it's okay if the child falls, then I can continue to be by your side."

Gao Tianyi's eye sockets were sour: "I'm sorry, I..."

"Later, your grandfather came to me," Shi Rushui said without looking away, "He gave me two choices, one, kill the child and stay by your side, two, kill the child, send me 20 million to send me abroad, At that time, the abortion doctor and the operating table were waiting for me outside the door."

Gao Tianyi gritted his teeth.

"At that time, I had already decided to keep the child no matter what, so I had no choice. I knelt on the ground with blood on my face and begged Gao Haichen, and finally he was willing to give me a day to prepare." Shi Rushui said with a smile: "So, I ran away."

"Baby~" Gao Tianyi grabbed the back of Shi Rushui's neck and kissed his lips heavily, his heart ached as if someone was stirring it with a blunt knife: "Stop talking, I'm sorry..."

"You are the one who wants to listen, and you are the one who tells you to shut up." Shi Rushui hugged Gao Tianyi's neck, curled his lips and said, "Anyway, this time, if your grandpa bullies me again, I will never forgive you gone."

"Baby, why did I think you were cold-blooded and ruthless before?" Gao Tianyi took Shi Rushui's hand and put it on his heart: "It turns out that there is no one in this world who is kinder and cozier than Baby." gone."

"Heh, don't give me ecstasy soup, bully me again and see how I can deal with you!" Shi Rushui pinched Gao Tianyi's nose and pursed his lips for a chuckle, then lay in his arms and murmured softly: "Hold me Wait a minute, wait a minute, go down and help me call Xiao Han up."

"But..." Gao Tianyi held half of Shi Rushui's face, lowered his head and kissed Shi Rushui's forehead and bridge of nose, his gaze became deep and deep: "Now, I want to hug you more deeply."

"Then hug." Shi Rushui took the initiative to raise his head, and his lips slowly touched Gao Tianyi's: "Be gentle."


At this time, words were unnecessary, Gao Tianyi carried Shi Rushui to the big bed, sat on the bed after holding Shi Rushui, knelt down in front of him on one knee, grabbed his hand and hooked his neck, feeling slightly cold His tongue deftly opened his teeth, greedily exploring every sweet corner, intensely lingering.

"Baby," when Shi Rushui lost the last trace of reason, Gao Tianyi said to him: "Forget those unhappy past events, just remember how I please you."

Half an hour later, Gao Tianyi changed into a new shirt. His shirt was scratched and wrinkled when he kissed Shi Rushui.

When he walked downstairs alone with his shirt buttoned, he attracted a lot of ambiguous stares. He didn't care much about licking the fishy sweetness left on his lips, and strode towards Mo Han: "Xiao Han, like water let you go up." .”

When Shi Rushui was not there, Gao Tianyi returned to his previous evil spirit, his whole body was like a full-fledged beast, nakedly declaring the evidence of his prostitution in the daytime, Mo Han was embarrassed to see it, so he bowed his head Responded: "Yes."

Seeing that Mo Han got up and went upstairs, Xie Lin nodded to Gao Tianyi and left the hall.

Gao Haichen is coming, and he has heard about Gao Haichen's disapproval of Shi Rushui's entry into Gao's family.

Regardless of whether Mo Han wants to go with Jiang Mingquan or not, he and Mo Han must pack up and leave here today. Since they can't help Shi Rushui, they can't cause trouble for Shi Rushui.

During this period of time, he has seen how good Gao Tianyi has been to Shi Rushui, and he also believes that Gao Tianyi will not let Shi Rushui be wronged.

Xie Lin left the main house with a heavy heart, walked along the wooden corridor to building B, and didn't notice Hong Yi who was pressing closely behind him.