Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 178


In the end, Hong Yi withdrew his hand, clenched his fist so that his nails pierced into the palm of his hand before regaining a little reason.

Xie Lin leaned weakly in front of Hong Yi, panting heavily, a gust of wind blew away the heat on his face, but it didn't bring him half sobriety, instead it forced the wildness and arrogance deep in his bones Come out: "You also said that you are not extorting!"

As soon as he uttered it, Xie Lin regretted it immediately, not to mention how inappropriate his words were, but his voice was just like Shi Rushui's when he acted like a baby to Gao Tianyi, whiny and angry, completely acting like a baby.

"Let me tell you what real robbery is."

Hong Yi raised the corners of his lips subtly, hugged Xie Lin suddenly and turned around, then hugged Xie Lin tightly and fell back on the green grass. After his back hit the ground with a bang, he quickly He turned over and pressed Xie Lin in his arms under him, looking down at him with domineering and wild eyes.

"Hong Yi!" Xie Lin was completely frightened this time, and growled stiffly, "How dare you!"

"It's so fierce, it's so scary." Hong Yi lowered his head and chirped softly on Xie Lin's red and swollen lips, then laughed and rolled over from Xie Lin's body, lying side by side on the grass with him.

"The air in the mountains is still fresh." Hong Yi held Xie Lin's hand, interlocked his fingers, and pressed the back of his hand against his chest: "The sky is so blue."

Xie Lin turned over and wanted to get up, but he couldn't break free from the hand held by Hong Yi, and because of the angle of his arms, it was even difficult for him to sit up.

After an unknown amount of time, the exhausted Xie Lin finally calmed down and raised his eyes to the sky.

God, it was really blue.

In the blue sky, there are a few white clouds floating in the air. Birds fly across the sky in pairs without interruption, and the red maple above the head occasionally flutters down a few small palm-like leaves.

Suddenly, the lyrical piano music played leisurely, and there was a pair of big hands in front of his eyes. He saw the big hands slightly clenched, and stretched out a bony index finger, pointing to one of the clouds: "Xie Lin, look at that cloud, like Not like a fish."

Xie Lin looked over in a trance: "..."

"And there," Hong Yi pointed to another white cloud, "does it look like an apple?"

Schelling: "..."

"And there," Hong Yi clicked another cloud: "Does it look like a... lollipop."

Following Hong Yi's fingertips, Xie Lin squinted at the shapeless cloud, and the big hand in front of him shook suddenly, and then a lollipop came into view.

Schelling: "..."

Then, Hong Yi bit open the tin foil package with his mouth, then turned to face Xie Lin, put the lollipop between his lips, slid it down between his lips with a bit of teasing, and then pressed down lightly: " Open your mouth."

Xie Lin's lips trembled, and the lollipop was stuffed into his mouth, and the aroma of roses filled his mouth instantly.

"Is it sweet?" Hong Yi said as he leaned over, stuck the tip of his tongue into his mouth and teased it, then squinted his eyes evilly, licked his lips, asked himself and answered, "Well, it's very sweet."

Xie Lin was so ashamed that he almost spit out the lollipop, but when he saw Hong Yi laying down obediently again, he decided to let it go.

I never knew that a lollipop could be so romantic.

Thinking of when he and Xiao Zhe were together, every day was busy, there was no romance, probably the most romantic thing was the kiss that Xiao Zhe hugged him at the airport every time he went abroad or returned home up.

Getting acquainted with Xiao Zhe was like a doomed disaster for him.

Xiao Zhe's father is a well-known entrepreneur in V County, and his mother is passionate about charity. He sponsored ten children in their orphanage to study, and he was one of them supported by Xiao Zhe's mother.

At the age of eighteen, he graduated from high school and joined Xiao Zhe's father's leather garment factory to work. Half a year later, he met Xiao Zhe.

Xiao Zhe is one year older than him, tall, handsome, and romantic. He said he went to the factory to experience life during the winter vacation of college. In fact, he spends all day teasing the beautiful girls in the factory. After a long time, girls may become boring. Xiao Zhe Started teasing him, sending him flowers and chocolates, but he never took it seriously.

Later, Xiao Zhe became more interested in him, and begged his father to assign him the position of team leader. The job was very easy. He was a sensible person, and he was grateful to Xiao Zhe, but he didn't get along well with Xiao Zhe, and regarded Xiao Zhe as a friend.

Not long after, Xiao Zhe's father had an accident. The police found out that his father was a legitimate businessman on the surface, but he was engaged in smuggling behind the scenes, involving a lot of money.

Moreover, Xiao Zhe's grandfather and mother are also the main members of the smuggling.

Xiao Zhe's family members were all imprisoned, and their property was seized. For a while, Xiao Zhe fell from the cloud into the mud, devastated.

Since then, he has been with Xiao Zhe, when he was nineteen years old.

After all, Xiao Zhe is a pampered son. He gave his body to Xiao Zhe, perhaps because of the instant loss. In the first year, Xiao Zhe seemed to be in a daze, and he had to empty him out every day before giving up.

It was also that year, while allowing Xiao Zhe to vent his desire for whatever he wanted, while going out to work to earn money, his body lost weight rapidly.

However, other than that, Xiao Zhe still loves him very much. He is an orphan, and he is satisfied with the little tenderness between lovers. No matter how hard or tired, Xiao Zhe's simple words of love can completely comfort him.

With Xiao Zhe, he didn't want much, even so, fate still didn't treat him kindly.

In the third year, Xiao Zhe went abroad as an exchange student, and he worked even harder to earn money to support him.

However, Xiao Zhe graduated in the fourth year. Seeing that the two of them had a good time, however, Xiao Zhe, who holds a high diploma and has the identity of a returnee, repeatedly hit the wall at work because of his incompetence, and finally became obsessed with gambling. There are millions of money in the bank.

He endured Xiao Zhe hanging out with women, gambling, and being violent, but he couldn't bear it. He was raped, and Xiao Zhe dared not testify for him in court.

Although the lawsuit was won in the end, his heart was completely dead.

With tears in Xie Lin's eyes, he stared at the birds in the air, widening his eyes, fearing that tears would overflow.

The lollipop that Hong Yi gave him was really sweet.

Some people say that once the cruelest memory that I want to forget the most is touched again, it means that I am about to cross this hurdle and walk towards a new life.

But can he really

Hong Yi turned his face away and watched Xie Lin close his eyes, lying quietly on the grass and breathing, as if he had fallen asleep.

He sat up gently, took the lollipop from Xie Lin’s mouth and put it in his own mouth, then took off his shirt, covered Xie Lin’s body, knelt on the ground, picked Xie Lin up, and moved him two meters away Basking grass.

Xie Lin's lips trembled even with his slender eyelashes, but he didn't open his eyes.

Hong Yi sat down, put Xie Lin's head on his lap to cover his face under the shadow, lowered his head and kissed each of his eyelids, "Go to sleep."

I hope that when you wake up, you can let go of everything and live happily under my protection.

Xie Lin actually fell asleep on Hong Yi's lap, with the soft wind, warm sunshine, and rich fragrance of flowers, surrounded by dancing butterflies.

Such a sweet and romantic thing between lovers, unexpectedly, he could enjoy it at the age of thirty-one.

At four o'clock, Hong Yi woke him up, but Xie Lin didn't know when he was hugged by Hong Yi on his lap.

His body is bent, so it fits into Hong Yi's embrace.

Hong Yi's white shirt was densely wrapped around his upper body. He always looks like a gentleman full of abstinence. At this time, his upper body is naked. The arms hugging him are full of beautiful muscles, and his powerful chest muscles are shining under the sunlight. The tense and narrow waist is slightly arched because of the posture of embracing him, the lines are dry and firm, and the muscles are cold and hard, which makes people blush and heartbeat.

Hong Yi is tall and strong, but he is not a rough man. He does not look as rough and sturdy as Gao Tianyi. He is the kind of man who looks thin when he wears clothes and takes off his clothes. He is strong and sexy.

Xie Lin is a twin, and his desire for a man's figure and objects is stronger than that of a woman. For a moment, he shrank his legs and fell in love.

He has been ascetic for eight years, and even eight years ago, he was never so ashamed, but today, just the visual impact can make him feel so...

Xie Lin didn't dare to look any further, grabbed the pants material on his thigh, and lowered his head in shame: "Let, let me go."

"Of course!" Seeing that Xie Lin didn't deliver the goods, Hong Yi raised his eyebrows and hugged Xie Lin to stand up. He quickly stole a kiss on Xie Lin's lips before putting him on the grass.

Xie Lin didn't know he was wearing shoes until he stepped on the soft grass.

Seeing Xie Lin lower his head, Hong Yi followed his gaze and said in surprise: "I'm sorry, I forgot that you didn't wear shoes, so I'll put them on for you."

With that said, Hong Yi squatted down, knelt down in front of Xie Lin's feet, stretched out his hand to hold his right ankle, raised his head and said to Xie Lin, "You hold my shoulder."

"I will wear it myself." Frightened, Xie Lin bent back into a bow to hide, and said repeatedly: "I will wear it myself."

"Be good." Hong Yi took his hand and put it on his shoulder, then took his right foot and put it on the knee of his left knee kneeling on the ground, took the shoe, put it on for him, and said: " Afraid that you might not sleep well with your shoes on, I took them off for you."

Xie Lin just woke up, feeling a little dizzy, unable to stand on one foot, so he had to put his hand on Hong Yi's shoulder. Looking down from his angle, Hong Yi's shoulders were very broad. The line is obvious, and it is a standard inverted triangle from top to bottom. From this angle, the buttocks hidden in suit pants are narrow, strong, and full of explosive power.

Xie Lin has never been slutty in his life, but now he thinks about Hong Yi's body again and again, he thinks he must be crazy!