Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 188


Xie Lin was suddenly picked up by Hong Yi, and he supported Hong Yi's broad shoulders reflexively with both hands. When he realized what happened, he looked at the bedroom door not far away, gritted his teeth firmly, and wrapped his arms around him with trembling arms. Touched Hong Yi's neck.

If the first time without hesitation was for kindness, then this time, it was really for love.

Hong Yi is the first love in his life, no matter what the result is, it will be the last.

When Xie Lin was lying on the big soft bed, being pressed down by Hong Yi, Xie Lin didn't dare to look at Hong Yi, squinted his eyes and whispered: "Your father..."

"I went to gamble with some uncles, and I won't be back tonight." Hong Yi's scorching breath gently sprinkled on Xie Lin's face, he breathed heavily and unbuttoned Xie Lin's collar, with a deep and deep voice With a hint of evil charm: "Tonight, it's just you and me."

Even though he had done countless psychological trainings, Xie Lin was still a little apprehensive when it really happened. He grabbed two light blue pleated flowers on the bed sheet with both hands, and when Hong Yi's hand touched his scar, When her lips were about to fall on his lips, she closed her eyes and asked tremblingly: "Hong Yi, you..."

Hong Yi stopped, raised his head, looked down at Xie Lin quietly and patiently, and waited for him to speak again.

Xie Lin slowly opened his eyes, looking into the depths of Hong Yi's eyes, as if he wanted to see through his soul and confirm his intentions: "Do you really like me?"

Hong Yi squinted his eyes slightly, and ran his warm palm upwards along Xie Lin's forehead, brushing away the hair that fell on his forehead. Sincere and strong love flashed in his eyes, but he didn't speak.

"It doesn't matter if you don't really like it." Xie Lin suddenly bent his eyebrows and smiled. He had never smiled like this in his life. The pretty Hong Yi was infatuated: "I, I don't regret it."

Hong Yi's eyes became hot, he lowered his head and sealed Xie Lin's lips with his lips, and answered Xie Lin with speechless tenderness: I will not let you have a day of regret, never.

The way Hong Yi embraced Xie Lin was so strong, with paranoid possession and persistence, but what he gave Xie Lin was unilateral happiness, but he endured it with the greatest perseverance in his life, and did not plan to ask Xie Lin now. .

However, when he gave Xie Lin the mouth, he took care of Xie Lin to wipe it and was about to escape into the bathroom to solve it by himself. As soon as he sat up, Xie Lin hugged his waist. Hong Yi refused once, and Xie Lin shyly put With his face buried in his back, he tried his last bit of strength to hold him weakly and tenaciously without letting go.

Finally, Hong Yi held Xie Lin's hand, turned his head and whispered in Xie Lin's ear for the last time to confirm, and couldn't help taking Xie Lin as his own again.

The two lasted for more than an hour. Hong Yi wiped Xie Lin's body again and changed to a dry sheet. He sat on the bed and gently hugged Xie Lin, who was soft into a ball of cotton, and lit a cigarette. .

Hong Yi asked him, "Does it hurt?"

Xie Lin buried half of his face in his arms, and said in an extremely soft voice, "It doesn't hurt."

This was the most gentle sex he had ever experienced in his life. Hong Yi was pleasing his senses almost the whole time. Even the "wildness" that Hong Yi couldn't help occasionally must be within his tolerance.

Hong Yi only took five puffs of a cigarette, mainly to suppress the anger that was still surging in his body, so he quickly extinguished the cigarette, dimmed the lights, put his arms around Xie Lin with one hand, and gently brushed his hair with the other. Stroking lightly.

Hong Yi looked down at Xie Lin: "Sleep, you should feel more comfortable holding you like this. When you fall asleep, I will hold you and lie down."

"Hong Yi," Xie Lin licked his red and swollen lips, feeling numb like an electric shock. After a long time, he raised his head shyly and asked, "Do you... like children?"

"I don't know." Hong Yi squeezed Xie Lin's raised chin and gently rubbed it, and replied seriously: "I only know that I like you, the whole world, and I like you the most."

After finishing speaking, Hong Yi lowered his head and pecked Xie Lin's lips.

Xie Lin hooked Hong Yi's neck: "Sleep with me."

"Yeah." Hong Yi smiled, hugged Xie Lin and lay down.

Xie Lin lay in Hong Yi's arms and had a long, long dream.

Dreamed that his mother died of illness.

Dreamed that he was sent to an orphanage.

Dreaming that he came out of the orphanage, he first went to work in a factory, then became a chef, and would set up a stall to buy and sell second-hand opportunities at night, and then went to run a business, and then met Hong Yi.

In his dream, there was no Xiao Zhe, no bald man, all were Hong Yi, Hong Yi smiled gently at him, Hong Yi hugged him and kissed his lips over and over again, Hong Yi poured out sweet words of love in his ear.

Slowly, his whole world is filled with the sunshine and warmth brought to him by Hong Yi, nothing else.

In the early morning of the next day, Xie Lin slept peacefully in Hong Yi's arms until eight o'clock in the morning. He had never been able to sleep so deeply and soundly since he was a child. of brilliance.

As soon as Xie Lin opened his eyes, he saw the gentle Hong Yi smiling at him.

Hong Yi retracted the arm around Xie Lin's neck, then kissed Xie Lin's lips: "Baby, good morning."

Xie Lin was confused for a few seconds, then blushed suddenly, lowered his eyebrows and said softly: "Morning... good morning."

"Are you hungry?" Hong Yi asked.

Xie Lin shook his head lightly, rubbing his face against Hong Yi's strong and warm arm, as if a pot of honey had been knocked over in his heart.

"Then hug you for a while." Hong Yi rubbed Xie Lin into his arms more deeply, resting his chin on his forehead, the smile on the corner of his mouth never disappeared: "I really want to hold you like this forever and never let go."

Xie Lin pursed his lips lightly, the taste of Hong Yi still remained on his lips.

The two of them lay on the bed sticky like this, until half an hour later, when Xie Lin's stomach grumbled, Hong Yi smiled and kissed Hong Yi's lips and got off the bed: "Lie down, I'll get you clothes."

"Your clothes." Xie Lin half-covered his lips with the quilt, and looked at Hong Yi shyly: "It will make me look bigger if I wear it."

"Your." Hong Yi poured the water, helped Xie Lin sit up, and wrapped him up with a quilt: "Some time ago, when I ordered clothes for you, I specially ordered a few more sets, come, drink a glass of sugar water and sit for a while .”

Xie Lin didn't expect that Hong Yi would be prepared long ago, and would be so considerate and considerate. He looked at Hong Yi with more and more admiration in his eyes.

What made Xie Lin even more unexpected was that after Hong Yi got dressed, he brought him a couple outfit.

The clothes are casual, high-grade fabrics, tailor-made, very comfortable to wear, but people can't help but feel ashamed.

Especially when Xie Lin and Hong Yi had just packed up and were about to go out, Hong Tiequan opened the door and came in first. Looking at the dark circles under his eyes, he knew he had gone out to gamble all night.

"Did you just wake up?" Hong Tiequan looked at Hong Yi and Xie Lin and said, "You haven't had breakfast yet."

As he said that, Hong Tiequan, the rough man, narrowed his eyes and took care of Xie Lin. There was a hint of appreciation in his eyes. Yes, he has bright eyes and beautiful eyebrows, and a gentle and dignified temperament. He is an honest man at first glance, and he is also tall. The next generation must be a Long legs, but too thin, looks a little weak.

"Yeah." Hong Yi nodded. His room has two bedrooms. Hong Tiequan doesn't come here often, and when he comes, he will live in the other one, especially the owner Youxi. All the guest rooms have been allocated: "What about you? Yet?"

"Eat, I'm going to sleep for a while." Hong Tiequan waved his hands at the two of them: "By the way, you two should do things earlier too. See how cute Beibei is. You two should hurry up and give birth to a grandson for me."

"..." Hong Yi held Xie Lin's shoulders and brought him into his arms, and smiled at Hong Tiequan: "Dad, let's go eat then."

"En." Hong Tiequan pushed the door and walked into the opposite bedroom, saying, "Let Xiao Lin eat more, he's too thin."

Xie Lin, who was trembling nervously, suddenly felt a warm current rushing from his feet to his whole body.

After going out, Hong Yi held Xie Lin's hand, kissed the back of his hand lightly, and said, "I knew that my little Linzi was loved by everyone, you see, our dad started urging us to get married. "

Xie Lin blushed and lowered his head to subconsciously glance at his stomach, but said nothing.

On this day, the stills of Gao Tianyi and Shi Rushui's wedding were flying all over the sky, and every picture was beautiful.

And Jiang Mingquan, as the actor, came out of K City, and his reputation is naturally greater than Gao Tianyi and Shi Rushui. The news of him proposing to Mo Han has dominated the headlines of major news media. Mo Han, who is pregnant with Jiang Mingquan's child, has a big belly It became popular overnight, attracting countless fans and black fans.

And on this day, Hong Yi and Xie Lin also formally dated beyond everyone's expectations.

Xie Lin's age and experience made him afraid to take the first step to accept Hong Yi's love, but once he accepted Hong Yi, unless Hong Yi didn't want him, he would be more persistent than Shi Rushui and Mo Han.

Obsessed until the sea dries up!

A week later, Hong Yi held a grand 31st birthday party for Xie Lin at the Tianchen Hotel, and formally proposed at Xie Lin's birthday party.

Standing on the colorful stage with flying rose petals, Xie Lin, who was overwhelmed by the touch, hadn't cried yet, but the two pregnant women standing under the stage were already crying.

Looking at the warm and romantic scene, Jiang Mingquan was a little bit crazy. He felt that the way he proposed was not as grand as Hong Yi's. The next day, he started a grand re-organization, invited hundreds of reporters, and Proposed to Mo Han once.

After Hong Yi and Jiang Mingquan successfully proposed, Xie Lin and Mo Han obtained a divorce certificate, and Xie Lin's registered gender was changed again. The two couples received their marriage certificate at the Civil Affairs Bureau that day.

At the end of that month, Jiang Mingquan and Mo Han held a grand wedding in the capital, which dominated the hot searches on the Internet for a whole month.

In the second month, that is, on August 16th, Hong Yi and Xie Lin held their wedding at Tianchen Hotel, which was simple but grand. Their new residence was Tianchen Villa not far from Gaozhai.

When the villa was handed over, Gao Tianyi kept more than a dozen sets, just to make wedding gifts for his brothers in the future. The villa was selected by Xie Lin himself, and he happened to be neighbors with Su Mu.

The author has something to say: Beibei: Chi Chi Chi Chi (applause

Su Ying: Chi Chi Chi Chi (Applause

Beibei: Brother Xiaoying, do you envy them

Su Ying: Well, in the future, I will also marry someone like Uncle Lin who is gentle, virtuous, dignified and elegant.

Beibei hugged Su Ying's arm: Brother Xiaoying, you will marry a cute little girl who is as beautiful as a flower and jade.

Su Ying: Is it true love? Let's learn how to cook.

beibei: babe~