Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 208


"Xiaoxin, Xiaoxin..."

It was my father's voice, so... is he dead

That's why my father called his name in such a painful and urgent voice.

"Father..." Obviously, there is no joy in living, but at this moment, when he heard his father's voice, he was extremely sad: I'm sorry, I can't accompany you anymore, please don't feel sorry for me.

"Xiaoxin, you're awake."

After his father's joyful voice came, he felt his body lighten, and he was carried away from somewhere in the air: "Daddy will take you away, Xiaoxin, don't sleep, don't sleep..."

"But..." I'm so sleepy, Father.

Really sleepy.

He murmured, he wanted to fall asleep again, but when he heard his father calling, he finally opened his eyes with difficulty, facing his father's tear-stained face.


"Lu Qiming!" It was Yasai'an's voice, always firm and domineering, and then he had no time to react, and fell heavily on the big bed: "You want to leave, it's not that easy!"

Let go of my dad!

But he couldn't make a sound, he could only hear the tearing sound, and his father's sobbing and mournful roar: "Let me go!"

"Dreaming!" When he raised his heavy eyelids again, he saw Yasaian carrying his father on his shoulders easily, as if he was carrying a sack of cotton and walking away: "Lu Qiming, if you want to escape, you will die in this life Take this heart!"

"let me go!"

don't want!

He tried to prop up his elbows and tried to sit up from the bed, "No!"

Following the scream of pain, Lu Xin, covered in cold sweat, opened his eyes suddenly and sat up from the bed.

The room was already dimly lit, but it was suddenly completely dark at this moment. He was in a trance for ten seconds before he fumbled to the edge of the bed in a panic and quickly got out of bed. Just as he got out of bed, his body faltered and he fell on the carpet. On the ground, he quickly stood up, and quickly chased towards the door: "Let go of my father!"

"Let go of my father!" Pushing open the bedroom door and running out, Lu Xin didn't have the time to look where he was, stumbling like a deer that went crazy, searching for Yasai'an and Lu Qiming from room to room Figure: "Dad, Dad..."

"Ah... Sai'an, slow down, slow down..." Lu Xin heard small begging voices in front of the fourth room door: "It's too deep... Woo..."

"Father..." Lu Xin pushed open the door violently, and then saw Lu Qiming with his back facing him, sitting naked on Yasai'an's body, as if his back was smeared with blush, trembling happily, moving down the spine The curve extending between the two mounds twisted enchantingly.

Under the support of Yasaian holding his narrow waist, like a horseman, Lu Qiming held Yasaian's strong chest with one hand, and supported Yasaian's dangling arm with the other, as if he was dominating in the twisting The posture of the former controls the speed of the two people.

The picture is full of movement, extremely wild and hot, just looking at it from the back is enough to make people's blood rush.

Hearing Lu Xin's voice, Lu Qiming's swaying body froze stiffly. He mechanically turned his head to look at Lu Xin. After a long time, his lips trembled and his voice was hoarse and unreal: "Little... Xin!"

The light in the room was off, only a desk lamp was turned on on the bedside table, the warm light just reflected on Lu Qiming's turned face, the flushed red with sweat was so gorgeous and obscene under the not too bright ambiguous light.

Lu Xin's eyes widened in shock and he unconsciously took a step back, his whole body staggering backwards.

"Brother Xin." At this moment, Yazen happened to catch Lu Xin's receding body. He glanced at the two people on the bed, then hugged Lu Xin involuntarily, and said, "I'll take him back to the room."

Lu Xin was in a daze. He didn't seem to understand what happened. He let Yazen hold him in his arms without struggling or resisting. There was no focus in his wide-eyed eyes, like a puppet doll that had lost its life .

Lu Xin was wearing pajamas made of soft fabrics, and his already slender and soft body looked even more delicate in Yazeen's arms.

Yazen's bedroom is closer than Lu Xin's.

He quickly carried Lu Xin back to his bedroom, and then put Lu Xin directly on his big bed.

The quilt on the bed was half lifted when he got out of bed, Yazeen put Lu Xin where he was lying on just now, wrapped Lu Xin with the quilt, then turned around and poured a glass of water in front of the bedside table, and then got on the bed.

When Yazen knelt beside Lu Xin, holding the back of his head to feed him water, and when the warm liquid slid across Lu Xin's parched throat, Lu Xin slowly came back to his senses.

His pupils slowly focused, looking at Yazen who bowed to feed him water, as if he was exploring whether it was a dream or reality at this time.

"Don't touch me!" When the water slid down Lu Xin's throat for the second time, he suddenly raised his hand and waved it at Yazeen's hand. Yazeen was caught off guard, and all the water in the cup was splashed on his face due to inertia top and bare chest.

Yazeen looked at Lu Xin with a glint of light, but when he realized that the water stains on his face were dripping on Lu Xin along his chin, he backed away suddenly, and threw the cup in his hand under the bed Then wipe off the water droplets on Lu Xin's collarbone, and pull up the quilt to wrap it up to the tip of Lu Xin's chin.

Then, Yazen casually wiped off the water droplets on his face and said, "Brother Xin, go to sleep."

Lu Xin's personality was already gentle, and he was used to being gentle with Yazeen. Seeing Yazeen's embarrassed face, he stopped staring at him, but turned his face away and propped his arms and said indifferently: "I want to go back to my room."

"Sleep here, I won't touch you." Yazeen carefully stepped back with his knees in the kneeling position, but Lu Xin still propped up his body to sit up, so he had to use the quilt to hold Lu Xin back again. Wrap it up: "Don't move, I'll carry you back to save you from catching a cold."

After finishing speaking, Yazeen hugged Lu Xin into his generous chest, and gently lifted Lu Xin from the big bed like a treasure: Ever since I made you cry, I told myself that from now on, everything is up to you.