Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 29


Su Mu's legs were a little weak, his head was a little dazed, and he lacked oxygen.

Jing Zhixuan helped him into the co-pilot like a gentleman, and leaned over to fasten the seat belt for him, then kissed his cheek before walking around the front of the car to the driver's seat.

It can be said to be very beloved.

Passers-by who petted stopped, looked at them with sweet eyes.

In addition, when Jing Zhixuan got into the driver's seat, he smiled tenderly at Su Mu, making Su Mu feel like he was floating.

Jing Zhixuan started the car, and Su Mu stared at the profile of the handsome guy, from his full forehead to his firm chin, from his broad shoulders to his arms...

The white shirt that could not cover the bulging and capable muscles was slightly raised, and Su Mu instantly felt that the male hormone Jing Zhixuan forced had rushed to his face.

Immediately afterwards, Jing Zhixuan rolled up the sleeves on his forearm, and his strong wheat-colored arm directly pierced Su Mu's retina, and Su Mu hurriedly turned his face away when the tips of his ears became hot.

Jing Zhixuan glanced at Su Mu's small movements from the corner of his eye, let go of the steering wheel with his right hand to turn on the soft music, and then held Su Mu's left hand in his hand. The little cat's hand is so small and soft, as if it has no bones. Jing Zhixuan squeezed Su Mu's palm: "What's wrong?"

"No," Su Mu looked at Jing Zhixuan like a kitten and said obediently, "It's nothing."

"Yeah." Jing Zhixuan rubbed Su Mu's palm, and the corner of his resolute mouth curled into a gentle arc: "Sorry, I have been on business since the beginning of the meal, and I haven't had time to ask you if the lunch today suits your appetite and whether you have eaten it. full."

"I like the ones that suit my appetite." Su Mu finished quickly, and then said in a small, embarrassed voice: "... I'm full."

Jing Zhixuan raised his eyebrows: "That's good."

While driving, Jing Zhixuan answered two more phone calls. It seemed that he was really busy, but the atmosphere in the car was very good. During the one-hour drive, Jing Zhixuan's right hand never let go of Su Mu's left hand.

Su Mu just leaned on the back of the chair, quietly watching Jing Zhixuan's way of driving, the way he communicated with others on the phone, and... the way he occasionally smiled at him.

very gentle.

Today's Jing Zhixuan has firmer face lines than before, wiser eyes than before, and exudes a hormonal charm that is a bit more powerful than mature men. Su Mu is obsessed with him, and his body is almost softening into a puddle of water: What should I do, Jing Zhixuan like this is even more addictive, I really want to sleep with him as soon as possible! !

Jing Zhixuan quickly brought Su Mu to the Mosuil company, got out of the car and Su Mu avoided him a little for fear of affecting Jing Zhixuan's image in the company. He entered the company half a meter away from him.

Jing Zhixuan led him into the bedroom and asked, "Do you want to take a bath?"

"Ah?" Su Mu clenched his palms tightly, feeling like Jing Zhixuan was going to fuck him, his lips trembled, "No, no need."

Legs can't be soft, can't be soft! > If it really gets rough today, I probably won't be able to go back tonight, and my son is still waiting for him at home.

Since spending the night with Jing Zhixuan last time, that was the only night he didn't accompany him after giving birth to his son. After that, he realized that his son, who usually looked very independent, was particularly clingy to him at night.

During this period of time, he was rushing to paint all night, and the little guy always got up once or twice in the middle of the night to come out to see him.

As if afraid of him suddenly disappearing.

Thinking of Xiaoying, the corners of Su Mu's mouth curled up subtly, and the light in his eyes was as gentle as the morning sun.

"Sleepy or not?" Jing Zhixuan asked again, "Do you want to take a lunch break?"

Su Mu shook his head: "No, last night... slept well."

"Yeah." Jing Zhixuan nodded, looked at Su Mu and said, "Then take off your shirt."

"..." Su Mu bit her lip and said obediently, "...OK."

Jing Zhixuan narrowed his eyes and watched Su Mu nervously pulling the hem of the pullover sweater with both hands and looking at him like a kitten, so he hooked his lips and walked into the closet.

Su Mu took a breath, pulled the hem of the clothes off his body, and just as the clothes were off his wrists, Jing Zhixuan scorched his lower back.

Jing Zhixuan slid his hand from his back to the front of him, then pulled him into his arms from the back, lowered his head to his ear, and said in a deep voice, "Mumu, did I ever say that you are thin? gone?"

"..." Su Mu tensed his body nervously, his heart trembled: "...No."

"You've lost weight." Jing Zhixuan's lips slid onto Su Mu's temple hair, and he really wanted to ask how things are going these years and if he misses him: "Your body is not as good-looking as before, and it is not as comfortable as before. .”

Su Mu trembled all over, turned his face to the side, and looked at Jing Zhixuan's familiar eyes with some grievances: "I... I can raise it back, it's easy to raise it... soon..."

"Chirp~" Jing Zhixuan lowered his head and kissed the corner of Su Mu's lips, "Then let me take care of it."

After speaking, Jing Zhixuan let go of Su Mu, pecked lightly on his spine a few times, and scalded Su Mu's cool skin, making Su Mu tremble in fright, Jing Zhixuan let him go: "Stretch your hands out .”

As soon as Su Mu raised his left hand, Jing Zhixuan put on the sleeves of his clothes, and then the right one. After putting them on, he turned Su Mu's body to fasten the buttons for him, "I'm going down to a meeting right now, and you, go draw painting?"

Su Mu: "Okay."

When Su Mu said 'OK', he lowered his head and saw a light gray shirt of suitable size on his body, his eyes suddenly dizzy and complicated: How could Jing Zhixuan have clothes suitable for him here!

Immediately afterwards, his heart skipped a beat, and he thought of Li Luo, that flirtatious guy who was about the same height and build as him.

Jing Zhixuan scratched the middle of Su Mu's collarbone vaguely with his fingertips, then fastened the second button there, and then flattened the neckline for him. Not seeing the strangeness on Su Mu's face, he squeezed When Su Mu's chin was about to kiss Su Mu's lips, Su Mu hid for a while.

Jing Zhixuan backed away a little, looked at Su Mu's flickering eyes: "What's wrong?"

"No," Su Mu looked away, "The chest, the chest is a little stuffy, probably because the clothes... are a little tight."

"Tight?!" Jing Zhixuan frowned, and pulled the front of Su Mu's chest. It wasn't tight, then he put his hand on Su Mu's back and pulled the clothes: "Isn't it right? Your own clothes , why is it tight?"

"I..." Hearing this, Su Mu opened his lips and looked down. There was a pink LOGO hanging on his light gray right arm. Clothes, Su Mu touched the clothes with trembling fingertips, and pulled down the fabric in front of his stomach in embarrassment: "Oh, here... it's a little tight."

"Yeah." Jing Zhixuan lowered his head and straightened the shirt on Su Mu's waist, and raised Su Mu's chin again: "Next time, I will pay attention."

"Okay." Su Mu met Jing Zhixuan's eyes, and raised his hand to hook Jing Zhixuan's neck: "My do you..."

"Congratulations on finding a good man who is diligent and thrifty!" Jing Zhixuan nodded at the tip of Su Mu's nose, "I am a wasteful little benefactor."

Actually no, as soon as Jing Zhixuan took Su Mu into the elevator that day, he started scratching in his heart, thinking that the pants stained with the blood of Su Mu's kitten might be disposed of casually and mixed with a pile of rancid garbage, or might be thrown away by some thrifty The waiter picked it up and washed it for someone to wear...

Anyway, I don't feel good about how to deal with it.

So I sent a message to Wei Zicheng to ask Wei Zicheng to bring him back to the company.

The jacket and pants were packed separately. He threw Su Mu's jacket into the washing machine at noon that day and washed it together with his home clothes.

Su Mu's blood-stained pants were washed by his hands.

My whole heart hurts when I wash it.

Not sure if it hurt him that day.

Su Mu smiled awkwardly, and then tiptoed to peck Jing Zhixuan's chin with a layer of thin green stubble like a baby, making Jing Zhixuan regret having put on clothes for him.

In the afternoon, Jing Zhixuan was very busy, so he took more than ten minutes to be intimate with Su Mu and then went down for a meeting.

And Su Mu sat in the conservatory all afternoon, drew the four eyes of two tigers, changed the sharp and desperate eyes into gentle and lingering eyes, and only put down the brush in his hand when he was satisfied with the changes.

Turning on the phone, he saw that it was already 5:30 in the afternoon. At this time, he was already packing up his painting tools and preparing to leave.

Su Mu stood up from the chair and stretched his muscles, subconsciously turned around and looked at the corridor, not knowing when Jing Zhixuan would finish his work.

Shaking his waist, he suddenly remembered the two unpainted "erotic pictures" at home. There were only twenty days left before the finished product was handed in. If he didn't stay up all night to catch up, he would definitely not be able to finish it.

Su Mu sat on the wooden table, frowned and pondered for a while, then opened a WeChat chat group on his phone.

This group was established by Huang Yaoquan, and there are more than a dozen people who are good at painting Chinese paintings. As the owner of the gallery, Huang Yaoquan established this group for the convenience of sending out work.

When Su Mu first met Huang Yaoquan three years ago, Huang Yaoquan pulled him into the group. At first, he was playing soy sauce in it to find his presence. Later, because of He Wenzhuo's relationship, Huang Yaoquan gave him every good job he had. I was also ashamed to chatter inside, so I blocked the news and never came in again.

And today, he wanted to find a shooter.

Try not to let Huang Yaoquan know about this matter.

When Su Mu entered the group, the group was full of excitement. As soon as Su Mu entered, he saw the bright red red envelope and snatched it quickly.

Fuck! Be good, 200 yuan, how lucky! ! !

The corners of Su Mu's lips just rose, and then the group erupted: a series of bewildered emojis.

It took five minutes for Su Mu to understand the cause and effect. It turned out that the wife of a painter in the group had lung cancer, and the group was organizing a donation event.

Su Mu quickly returned the 200 yuan red envelope, and sent two 200 yuan in succession: deep breath, toothache.

After the pain was over, I felt that the other party was quite pitiful. I sighed and felt that the timing was wrong and was about to retreat, so someone changed the topic.

Ma Cheng: Hey, in our line of work, life is getting more and more difficult.

Gao Yu: That's right, I haven't continued to live seriously for half a month, and I'm worried. Anyway, thank you all here.

From Zhang Zilong's family: Me too, I came to the shopping mall, tears of bitterness...

Su Mu frowned and clicked on the profile picture of 'Gao Yu'.

Private chat.

Su Mu: Hello, Gao Yu, I am Su Mu, do you remember me

Gao Yu: I remember, we met once in Boss Huang's gallery at the beginning of the year.

Su Mu: Well, I hope your wife can get well soon.

Gao Yu: Thank you, but... hey, I hope so.

Cancer is not an ordinary disease. Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief and entered the topic: I took a job here, three sets of wedding photos, and now there are two left. Transfer to you, do you see if you have time

Gao Yu: Yes, yes, thank you.

Su Mu: Well... that's it, try not to tell Boss Huang, okay, I'll send it to you tomorrow, and I'll pick it up after you finish the drawing.

Gao Yu: Okay, I understand, don’t worry, you don’t need to send it, I’ll just go and get it.

Gao Yu didn't ask anything. Regarding the painting's requirements, size, price, and deadline, Su Mu could feel that he needed this Case very much, so he thought about it a little, and quickly typed: I received three copies of this painting, one meter and a half high Mi Kuan, one pair is 15,000, you give me your bank account number, and I will transfer 30,000 to you now.

There should be a moment of stupefaction, and after a minute: The price you accepted is so high, I... I can charge a total of 15,000 for two pieces.

Su Mu pursed his lips and sighed, he is really a real person, and it would make him feel at ease to give him more: I can earn as much as I want, and I can still earn my brother's money, but to be honest, this painting is a bit flirtatious, Haha, brother, you have to be able to support it.

Gao Yu: ... Okay, thank you, Su Mu.

After a while, Su Mu transferred the money. As soon as Gao Yu received the payment reminder, he couldn't bear to call Su Mu.

In fact, Gao Yu knew that Su Mu received special treatment from Huang Yaoquan. He thought that Su Mu was looking for a shooter to earn the difference, but it was obvious that Su Mu was helping him. If there are too many blocks, people will pick them up.

As soon as the phone rang, Su Mu answered it instantly, and Gao Yu on the other end of the phone politely said that he wanted to find Su Mu to get the painting, or he would go over now and treat Su Mu to dinner by the way.

Su Mu was about to refuse, when he heard Jing Zhixuan's footsteps, he raised his face to meet Jing Zhixuan's burning gaze, and slowly stood up from the wooden table: "I have something to do outside now, come over at 8:30 in the evening Get the painting, I'll be back before 8:30."

Gao Yu: "Okay, then you can send me your location later, and, Su Mu... thank you very much."

"It's okay." Jing Zhixuan approached and stopped, Su Mu stood up straight, and finally said, "See you later."

"What?" Jing Zhixuan raised his eyebrows subtly: "I have an appointment tonight."

"No." Su Mu held hands and took a step forward to hug Jing Zhixuan's waist, deliberately softening his voice: "I'm a painter, I took a job a while ago, but now I want to accompany you, so I don't want to draw anymore , find a friend to pick it up."

"Still like taking jobs so much?" Jing Zhixuan sighed. When Su Mu was in college, he took up painting jobs on websites. It wasn't for making money. He didn't care much about the price, it was just a hobby. After all Being able to get the money at least proves that the thing is valuable. This is what Su Mu once said, but thinking about the report of his subordinates before, Jing Zhixuan couldn't help but eat: "From now on, only give me a Painting, no more work."

"So domineering!" Su Mu pursed her lips and smiled, stepped on her feet and kissed Jing Zhixuan on the lips, and said lightly, "Then, Mr. President, when can you take me home?"

Jing Zhixuan hugged Su Mu's waist tightly, and looked down at him: "Who said I'm going to take you home, huh?"

"Then..." Su Mu blinked, with a bit of mischievousness back then: "How about letting Assistant Zhang see me, the pornographic jokes that Assistant Zhang told are so good, I want to continue listening."

Jing Zhixuan gritted his teeth: "I'll send it!"

When Su Mu said to go back, Jing Zhixuan was also very upset. He would probably be busy for two or three days, and had an important dinner after seven o'clock, so he was reluctant to let Su Mu wait for him.

Then explain clearly that it was Su Mu who seduced him, why should he keep people in a humble manner!

Jing Zhixuan felt a little sour, and said to Su Mu, "Go, I will take you back after dinner with me", and walked out of the greenhouse first.

Jing Zhixuan took Su Mu to the staff restaurant on the fifteenth floor.

Because the company often works overtime recently, the staff canteen, which is only open at noon on weekdays, is now open until 8 pm.

After simply eating three dishes, one porridge and small cakes, Jing Zhixuan drove Su Mu back by himself.

During the rush hour at six o'clock, there was a slight traffic jam. It was already past seven o'clock when Jing Zhixuan took Su Mu to Shuyuan Mingjia. The sun had just set, and the bright lights of the city came on one after another.

Cars were not allowed on the grounds of the compound, and could only enter the basement. Jing Zhixuan had no choice but to park the chartered car at the gate of the compound, and leaned over to unbuckle Su Mu while kissing him.

Looking at Su Mu who was kissed panting, Jing Zhixuan scratched the tip of his little nose funny, and suddenly regretted agreeing to send him back, thinking: "Should I send you in?"

"No, no need." Su Mu shook his head hastily, and looked at Jing Zhixuan with some reluctance: "Then you should slow down on the way back."

"Okay," Jing Zhixuan left Su Mu and opened the door to get off: "Wait, I'll open the door for you."

Jing Zhixuan strode over, and Su Mu sat in the car waiting with a sweet face.

When Jing Zhixuan bent down to open the car door, took his hand and took him out of the car, Su Mu's face was full of happiness that couldn't be concealed, and he felt like a little princess who was spoiled by heaven.

However, when Su Mu's feet landed firmly, a pink figure rushed into his peripheral vision, and the smile on Su Mu's face froze instantly: Ten meters away, Shi Rushui was wearing an eye-catching pink sportswear. Pulling Beibei and Xiaoying from left to right, they walked towards the gate step by step.