Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 38


Jing Zhixuan's restlessness never subsided when he left from the famous scholar of Shuyuan. He didn't sleep well all night, and the next day just dawned, there were even a few residual stars in the pale blue sky, and his heart felt aching When he woke up, he suddenly sat up on the bed.

Shaking the cold sweat off his forehead irritably, Jing Zhixuan sat on the edge of the bed with his upper body bare and touched the cigarette case and lighter, lit a cigarette and took two deep puffs, then walked into the bathroom barefoot.

Half an hour later, Jing Zhixuan walked into the parking lot in a dark gray semi-business casual suit with wet hair, and while calling Li Xuan to inquire about Jing Baishen's condition, he opened the door and got in the car inside.

After hanging up the phone, Jing Zhixuan opened the phone photo album and entered the password, looking at Su Mu's astonishingly coquettish appearance after being released under him two days ago. Jing Zhixuan couldn't help but quickly pecked at the phone photo, and then stepped on the gas pedal.

Jing Zhixuan has always believed that love is dispensable to him, from before he was with Su Mu five years ago, to after Su Mu left, even though Su Mu has been burning in his heart like a fire for a long time, It never occurred to him that he had to have this person.

He feels that love is like fate. When it is there, it is grasped, and when it is not there, hard work is in vain.

Moreover, love is really the most illusory and labor-intensive thing in this world.

His parents had long been at odds before their death, and the accidental death was more or less due to emotional entanglements. You must know that the one who died in the same car at that time was also his father's pregnant lover.

Therefore, in the six months after returning to K City from abroad, Jing Zhixuan devoted himself to making a big company and regaining his Jingcong Technology, and never thought of going to Su Mu to have a romantic relationship.

The swallowing of the Su Fang Group was also because he had just returned to China to attend a business gathering in K City. Fang Aodong, the head of the Su Fang Group, didn't know his identity and insulted him on the spot with what happened five years ago. Afterwards, he directly ordered Jiang Minghui to do it.

He squeezed Fang Aodong with the mentality of crushing an ant to death. He was bitten by an ant when he was asleep, and continued to bite when he woke up, so he didn't mind moving his fingers.

What's more, he also wanted to see how Su Mu had nothing. This was the first time he took Su Mu out of his heart and missed him.

It wasn't until the moment he met Su Mu at the class reunion that he really felt that Su Mu might not be dispensable to him.

To this day, Su Mu is no longer the one who might, but must be him, for the rest of his life.

Jing Zhixuan was full of thoughts all the way, and the time when he arrived at the famous book garden was about the same as the last time. It was also at six o'clock in the morning, and a ray of light had just slanted over the eastern horizon, through the dense mist, like the gentle gaze of a lover.

Stepping into the famous book garden again, Jing Zhixuan went directly to the gate of Building No. 12 to wait for someone.

At first, Jing Zhixuan was standing under a pagoda tree under the building, smoking. After half an hour, a couple of old people came out for a morning run. He quickly put out the cigarette butts, went up to greet the old people, and went in with an excuse.

He came to 502 on the fifth floor, raised his hand and looked at his watch, it was six thirty-six, and leaned against the wall on the south side of the door to relight a cigarette.

The houses here do not have elevators, and they are all seven stories high with one elevator and two households. It was considered a prosperous area in K City more than ten years ago, and it was considered a luxury school district house at that time.

Jing Zhixuan smoked the last cigarette in the pack patiently, and raised his hand to check the time again. Just after 7:30, he hesitated when he raised his hand to ring the doorbell, but decided to call Su Mu first.

Wake him up gently.


Jing Zhixuan didn't expect that the phone rang five times, and Su Mu hung up the phone, and then he received a text message: [I have something to go out today, please contact me another day.]

Jing Zhixuan's heart was suddenly scratched by a cat, and after calling again and being hung up, he started ringing the doorbell frantically.

"Hello," just when Jing Zhixuan lost his patience and knocked on the door, the door of room 501 creaked behind him, and a middle-aged woman poked her head out from inside: "Sir, who are you looking for?"

"..." Jing Zhixuan withdrew his hand in a little embarrassment, and tidied up the collar that was torn off because of his temper just now: "Sorry to disturb you, I am a friend of this resident, and I am in a hurry to find him today."

"Are you sure it's the fifth floor?" The middle-aged woman narrowed her eyes in surprise at Jing Zhixuan's handsome face, then raised her chin and pointed to the floor sign in the corridor: "This family went abroad last September. Didn't come back in the middle."

"!!" Jing Zhixuan looked stunned for a moment, frowned and took a step back. After confirming the decoration of the garden, he looked at the middle-aged woman and said slowly, "Excuse me, isn't the person who lives in this house called Su Mu?"

"Su Mu?" The woman read Su Mu's name thoughtfully, and shook her head: "No, although I don't know the neighbor across the way, the family name is Shen."

"Then..." Since Su Mu was able to come, he must know the owner of the house, "Do you have the contact information of this family?"

"No." The woman pursed her lower lip, "We've only moved here for two years, and we're not familiar with the owner across the street."

"Thank you." Jing Zhixuan clenched his knuckles to the bone, thanked the woman, and walked downstairs with his long legs.

Jing Zhixuan felt the room was empty before he came here, thinking it was because Su Mu didn't live there often, but he didn't expect that Su Mu would dare to find a friend's empty house to fool him.

No wonder he was only sent to the bakery before. Did he think of a way out for himself before he started being with him

He really thought that this time, he could escape! ! !

Jing Zhixuan walked quickly to the community service station with a wave of hostility. After finding Mo Zui's phone number, although the security personnel did not inform him, he called Mo Zui himself. was written off.

As for Su Mu's name, he couldn't find it at the community service station.

Su Ying didn't sleep well because of coughing in the first half of the night, so she stayed in bed in the morning. Su Mu, who wanted to hug her son and sleep for a while, was annoyed by several strange numbers and Jing Zhixuan's calls and text messages, so she got up early. The ingredients for breakfast are ready.

At eight o'clock, Shi Rushui had to get up, put on his clothes, and carried Beibei into the bathroom because Beibei was going to get a tuba. Su Mu saw that the father and son had woken up, and started cooking.

At ten o'clock, Su Mu saw that Xiaoying and Beibei were having fun, so he asked for Shi Rushui's bank card and ID card to transfer money to the bank. He decided to withdraw the money first, and then use Shi Rushui's name Deposit in cash to Shi Rushui's account.

However, the ID card that Shi Rushui gave to Su Mu was not called 'Shi Rushui', but 'Shi Tairan'. When Shi Rushui left the orphanage and planned to enter the entertainment industry, he applied for the identity of 'Shi Rushui' again. It also has the meaning of being like a fish in water, which can be regarded as the country's special care for orphans to obtain a new life.

Having reached this point, Su Mu doesn't think he has any psychological burden to take Jing Zhixuan's money.

After he went back and forth between the two banks, Shi Rushui just finished his business and left the counter, and Shi Rushui called, saying that he was taking his two children to the food city not far from the community, and asked him to meet there and have lunch there at noon.

Su Mu looked at the time. It was exactly twelve o'clock. He was not too far away from the Food City. It was about two stops away, and he could walk there within ten minutes. So he put away his bank card and hurried out of the bank gate.

But when he was less than three minutes away from arriving at the Food City, Shi Rushui suddenly called, and his usually sexy and charming voice was full of distorted trills: "Su Mu, Xiaoying was caught Kidnapped!"

"What... what did you say?" Su Mu stopped suddenly, his face changed drastically: "Don't, stop joking..."

"Don't call the police!" Shi Rushui said hoarsely, "Come here immediately! I'm at the rockery in the park in front of the food city!"

"Why?" Su Mu's lips trembled, and his mind went blank: "Shui Shui, it seems that someone... called me."

"Quickly answer, don't call the police, no matter what the other party asks, agree to it, now you answer the phone and come here! Quick!"

Su Mu heard Shi Rushui's 'ding' and hung up the phone, heaved a sigh of relief and connected to an unfamiliar number trembling all over.

Even with a voice changer, Su Mu could still hear Fang Aodong's voice: "Su Mu, I think you already know what happened."

When Su Mu heard this, he broke down and ran and said angrily, "What on earth do you want?!"

"I made it very clear, let your little concubine," Fang Aodong's voice was very evil, but he couldn't hide the irritability and hostility inside: "Ah bah, it's your man, immediately use the money to invest in Su square."

"Fang Aodong!" Su Mu's cold voice was squeezed out between teeth: "You are so rampant, aren't you afraid that I will call the police?!"

"Tsk!" Fang Aodong grinned grimly, without using the voice changer: "Su Mu, if you want to pay the price with your son's life..."

"No!" Su Mu roared, "Fang Aodong, if you dare to touch half of my son's finger, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

"Hehe." Fang Aodong: "Su Mu, since I dare to do this, I'm afraid you won't succeed if you speak harshly. I advise you to calm down and think about how to cooperate with me."

Four years ago, Su Mu knew that Fang Aodong was despicable and vicious, but he never imagined that he would dare to kidnap him in broad daylight!

"You..." Su Mu's running pace slowed down, trying to keep his head clear: "I can promise you any request, but... how can you guarantee that you won't touch my son?!"

"I promise not!" Fang Aodong said with a wicked smile: "As long as my goal is achieved, what good will it do me to touch your son? It will be used as a waste of money to eliminate disasters, won’t it.”

"Okay," Su Mu gritted his teeth, "I will do what you ask no matter what, and you have to keep your word."

"Very good." Fang Aodong said gloomily, "Oh, by the way, a monitor was installed on your collar, Jing Zhixuan's company also has my staff, and he is in the company now, I advise you not to play tricks Okay, and also, it's best not to tell Jing Zhixuan that your son has been kidnapped, I will give you a sum of money to send you and your son to go abroad after the incident is over, we are all happy, how about it!"

"...Okay!" Su Mu strode towards the rockery, gnashed his teeth and said, "I don't understand things in the business field, so tell me, what do you want me to do..."

When Su Mu walked up to Shi Rushui, Shi Rushui was squatting on the ground holding Beibei, his shoulders trembling.

Ten minutes ago, Shi Rushui dragged Xiaoying and Beibei past here respectively, and suddenly someone put a knife on Su Ying's back without any precautions. Shadow hugs away.

Those are all desperadoes, if he makes a noise, not only him, but also Xiaoying will die.

Watching helplessly as those people carried Xiaoying to the car, the person who held him with a knife watched the car drive away, ordered him to call Su Mu, and only after the phone call did he let him go.

At this time, while his heart was breaking down, he had to maintain the greatest sanity ever. When he saw Su Mu approaching, he hurriedly dragged Beibei and strode over. My arm hurts and I run to keep up.

Su Mu's hand holding the phone finally trembled: "Okay! I will fulfill all your requirements! But the premise is that you manage your people well. If Su Ying loses a hair, you can wait to die with me! "

"What did the other party say!" Now is not the time to say I'm sorry, Shi Rushui quickly asked: "You won't touch Xiaoying!"

"Not yet," Su Mu quickly swipe his finger on the phone: "I must go see Jing Zhixuan now."

As Su Mu spoke, he gestured to Shi Rushui. Shi Rushui glanced at Su Mu's phone screen subtly: [I have a monitor on the back of my collar.]

"Go!" Shi Rushui narrowed his eyes and stared at Su Mu's neckline and said, "Su Mu, do what the other party asks! Remember, Xiaoying is the most important thing now."

Shi Rushui mouthed and said: Calm down, you must be calm.

Su Mu stared at Shi Rushui with his steamed eyes shining in the sun, nodding heavily: "Yes."

Su Mu quickly took a motorcycle on the side of the road and rushed to Mosuil Company.

Shi Rushui, on the other hand, hugged Beibei and quickly returned to the famous bookstore, paying attention to whether he was being followed along the way. When he got home, he hurriedly took off his clothes to check whether there were any bugs on them, and changed quickly after the inspection. Clothes with a hood, after entrusting Beibei to the neighbor across the door, call He Wenzhuo and ask him to come and help take care of Beibei.

After doing all this, he went up to the top of the building and inspected around to see if there were any suspicious people around the building, then he armed himself and hurried out of the community, and also took a motorcycle and ran towards the east meridian circle.

Sitting on the scooter, Su Mu pulled off the fingernail-sized monitor from the back of his collar and put it in his chest pocket. He urged the master to speed up, and after hesitating, he called Jing Zhixuan.

Jing Zhixuan asked someone to thoroughly investigate Su Mu when he came back from Shuyuan Mingjia in the morning. He didn't expect that before receiving the investigation call, he would first receive a call from Su Mu, saying that he would meet him at the company in ten minutes.

Jing Zhixuan clenched his phone tightly and got up from the bench where Su Mu was sitting in front of Huahua in the flower house, and while straightening his collar, he quickly walked towards the elevator.

Going down to the first floor, the King Boss standing at the entrance of the company is very eye-catching. He leans on the lion at the entrance of the company with his arms folded on his chest, and his eyes are looking straight at the direction of the road.

After a while, all the work groups of Mosuil company were boiling. The men reminded everyone not to be late, and the women talked about makeup and onlookers.

Jing Zhixuan looked at his wrist watch very caressingly, sixteen minutes had passed, but Su Mu was still nowhere to be seen. He glanced at the female staff who were swaying back and forth in front of him, and walked back to the company lobby angrily, casually He took a newspaper, and pretended to raise his legs and stared at the gate.

Twenty minutes later, Su Mu rushed into the gate of Mosuil Company in a hurry.

Before rushing in, he called Fang Aodong and almost cried when he heard Su Ying call him papa.

Almost the moment Su Mu stepped into the door, Jing Zhixuan jumped up from the sofa, took two strides towards Su Mu, then stopped abruptly and coughed to suppress the excitement in his heart, pretending He straightened his tie and said sarcastically to Su Mu who was running, "Why, you are too busy..."

"Jing Zhixuan," Su Mu quickly interrupted him, clenched his fists: "Let's go up and talk!"

Jing Zhixuan squinted his phoenix eyes and looked at Su Mu. Su Mu's face was numb by the wind at the moment, it was terribly white, his lips were completely bloodless, and his hair was messed up. Although there was a kind of wild beauty, but...

Jing Zhixuan suddenly felt distressed, held his cold hand, pulled him into the elevator with big strides, pushed him to the 56th floor, wrapped Su Mu into his arms, took his hand, put it on his lips and gently pecked, "What's wrong with your hand?" so cold?"

"..." Su Mu turned his head away, gritted his teeth and looked at the jumping floors on the display screen. Never in this moment in his life did he feel that time passed so long.

As soon as the elevator reached the 56th floor, Su Mu quickly broke free from Jing Zhixuan's arms and walked out of the elevator before him.

Su Mu glanced at the assistant's office and walked quickly into Jing Zhixuan's CEO's office.

Jing Zhixuan raised his eyebrows and followed Su Mu into the office. When the door closed and was about to go up to hug someone, Su Mu turned around and gave him a "boom" as he knelt on the cold floor and raised his head. The bloodless face begged: "Jing Zhixuan, please, let the Su Fang Group go."

Jing Zhixuan was caught off guard, he shook his body, subconsciously took a step back, the expression on his face was frozen, his phoenix eyes narrowed and stared at Su Mu on the ground: "When did you know?"

"I know that the company is being acquired by someone. I saw the information in your study the day before yesterday and found out that you did it..." Su Mu couldn't even speak the tone of accusation now, letting the tears flow freely and her voice hoarse: "Zhixuan, please Please, please let Su Fang Group go, after all, it is my property left to me by my parents, now... I can't just sit and watch it ruined in my hands, if... If you are willing to inject capital in the form of cooperation, you let I can do anything, okay?"

A look of cruelty appeared in Jing Zhixuan's eyes, and his thin lips said coldly: "If... I say no!"

Su Mu was stunned.

"Su Mu!" Jing Zhixuan's tall body squatted down, dangerously provoking Su Mu's chin: "If it wasn't for the company, you would definitely not come to me obediently, after all, you can deceive me wherever you live. "

Su Mu clenched his fists and looked at Jing Zhixuan, trembling all over: "..."

"What should I do?" Jing Zhixuan smiled softly: "I really enjoy the way you are kneeling on the ground begging me humbly, tsk tsk, it's a pity that you begged..."

The smile on the corners of Jing Zhixuan's lips faded away, and his voice was as cold as ice: "Leave me!"

"Zhixuan, you..." Su Mu couldn't waste time on this topic, he raised his tearful eyes and hugged Jing Zhixuan's neck, and looked at him with watery almond eyes: "Do you want me?"

Jing Zhixuan's mouth trembled.

"What do you want, right?" Su Mu raised his neck and pecked at Jing Zhixuan's chin, begging, "Zhixuan, invest in Su Fang Group, what do you think of me, kneeling lowly? Or do you want to do something to me? I don't care. Listen to you, okay!?"

"Su Mu!" Why are you so cheap! Jing Zhixuan closed his eyes in pain, stood up suddenly, and pulled Su Mu up from the ground: "Su Mu, then I'll tell you, I'm going to make a deal with the Su Fang Group, and you too!"

"Zhixuan!" Su Mu grabbed Jing Zhixuan's collar in panic, and cried, "You have such a big career now, so let Su Fang go, okay? Just treat it as... just treat it as your weight to buy me , I will be yours from now on, and I will listen to you in everything."

"Okay." Jing Zhixuan frowned, and suddenly supported Su Mu's legs to hug him up, and said in a sinister voice, "If you can leave my bed alive today, I will let Su Mu go. Fang Group."

After finishing speaking, Jing Zhixuan walked into the bedroom with Su Mu in his arms. Su Mu looped around Jing Zhixuan's neck, biting his lip like a kitten, and looked in the direction of the bathroom: "Zhixuan, my place~ still hurts~"

Jing Zhixuan followed Su Mu's gaze, and raised his lips evilly: "Then go to the bathroom."

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Jing Zhixuan took off Su Mu's clothes and threw them by the bathtub, put Su Mu into the bathtub, took off his clothes and pressed him on top.

"Zhixuan," Su Mu hummed and confirmed before Jing Zhixuan made a move, "After that, what about Su Fang Group's capital injection?"

Jing Zhixuan gritted his teeth angrily, and turned Su Mu over to lean against the edge of the bathtub: "Let's talk about it tomorrow! If you mention it again today, you and your company will go to hell together!"

Under Jing Zhixuan's violent possession, Su Mu stretched his arms tremblingly and turned on the smart stop faucet, listening to the sound of water slapping on the ground in rhythm with their movements, looking at the light-colored top that was gradually submerged in water...

Today's Su Mu was inexplicably crying so hard, Jing Zhixuan, who was not at the limit, was about to bite his teeth, and finally backed out and carried him out of the bathtub to put on a towel.

After gently putting Su Mu on the bed, Jing Zhixuan gave him medicine, then went to bed and sat on the head of the bed, hugged Su Mu on his body, lifted his chin, and said in a strong tone: "Su Mu, you Since you dare to lie to me, you must bear the consequences of lying to me!"

Su Mu, with a swollen head, looked at Jing Zhixuan with tears in his eyes: "..."

"From today onwards, please remember, if you want me to let the Su Fang Group go, just stay by my side honestly." Jing Zhixuan narrowed his dangerous phoenix eyes, and the corners of his eyes were bloodshot: "When will I If you are in a good mood, it will help you make a comeback, otherwise, I will leave you with nothing."

"So..." Su Mu's heart tightened, and the corners of his mouth trembled, "Did you lie to me when you said tomorrow?"

"How can you say it's a lie." Jing Zhixuan hooked his lips and sneered, sat up a little higher, stretched his arms to take the cigarette case, shook a cigarette into his mouth, and touched Su Mu's face with a smirk Qi: "You know Su Fang's mess very well, and you want me to throw money into it. How can your small body that can't stand the toss be enough once, as long as you stay by my side obediently from today on, I won't lose you .”

"Jing Zhixuan!" Su Mu's heart was icy cold: "Do you really hate me that much? You want to drive me to a dead end!"

Su Mu's tears blurred into one piece.

Back then, in order to chase Jing Zhixuan, he specially asked someone to check him.

Jing Zhixuan's family background is good, his parents both went abroad to work in their teens, and later returned to China to start a small company together, and they doted on Jing Zhixuan in every possible way.

He's a little rascal who gives everyone a headache.

However, the day before Jing Zhixuan's high school career started, his parents died unexpectedly, and his grandfather was tricked by his relatives into losing the company.

Later, the old man became paralyzed and entered a nursing home, relying on insurance compensation to live, Jing Zhixuan didn't want to live with others, and became a little stubborn who couldn't even eat.

People also suddenly become deep and mature.

Fortunately, Jing Zhixuan had a heart and held a set of software that the company was about to develop, but the news was leaked when he was in college, and going abroad as an exchange student was his only chance at that time.

And Su Mu is the stepping stone for this opportunity.

Su Mu knew it in his heart.

But Su Mu loves him, coupled with his lover who sympathizes with him, it can be said that he cherished and obeyed Jing Zhixuan in every possible way back then.

Jing Zhixuan was three years younger than him. At that time, he was in the early stage of hormonal eruption. Although he didn't come to be cruel in bed, he was overdoing it five or six times. Su Mu never showed it. When he was cruel, he would secretly apply medicine afterwards.

At that time, he didn't think about what Jing Zhixuan would do to him, nor did he think about getting Jing Zhixuan anything in return.

At that time, he lacked nothing but Jing Zhixuan.

That's all.

Therefore, even if he knew that he got it, it was just a false feeling, and he still couldn't let it go.

Imagine now that it was really crazy at that time. If he had been a little less persistent and had chosen to let go, perhaps, now, he had already let go.


"Zhixuan," the pain of his son and lover made Su Mu's eyes turn red and bloody, and his whole body trembled like he was using the last bit of vitality to grab the shriveled dead leaves of the tree in the winter wind: "No matter what How should I put it, in this relationship, I have given you my true feelings, and we have been together for nine months, two hundred and seventy days, can't we get a little bit of your heartbeat?!"

"You!" Upon hearing Su Mu's words, Jing Zhixuan, who was about to light a cigarette, slammed the lighter against the wall, and the smoke came out of his mouth. He turned over, put Su Mu under him and held him Looking down at him fiercely, "Su Mu, stop talking about five years ago. Five years ago, you were the one who left, not me!"

"Five years ago," Su Mu asked softly, with tears rolling down the corners of his eyes, "Jing Zhixuan, five years ago, did you really care if I left or stayed?"

"I care!" Jing Zhixuan said loudly, narrowing his eyes, then slowly let go of Su Mu's neck, and finally said: "Su Mu, I made it very clear, you stay by my side obediently, I won't I've treated you badly, that's all for today, you should have a good rest."

Su Mu's expression changed, and when Jing Zhixuan got up, he quickly put his arms around his neck. He didn't have time to explain what happened five years ago, but he vaguely felt Jing Zhixuan's sincerity towards him: "Zhixuan , I will be good, company... company... please..."

"..." Jing Zhixuan frowned and sat up Su Mu in pain, put him on his lap, looked at his little face that was almost crying, and finally plucked his hair, looked at him and said with difficulty : "Okay, stop crying, Mu Mu, it's really ridiculous that you force me like this, but instead ask me if I care about you."

Su Mu: "Zhixuan..."

"Mumu," Jing Zhixuan sighed, "If you want Su Fang, I'll give it to you, but your grandpa passed away, and the Fang brothers are definitely not good at it, and sooner or later they will eat you up to nothing." Left..." Jing Zhixuan narrowed his eyes suddenly as he spoke, "You came here today, couldn't it be ordered by Fang Aodong?"

Su Mu gasped from crying: "Zhixuan, I..."

"Mu Mu, do you believe him or me?" Jing Zhixuan frowned when he saw Su Mu biting his lip and trembling without speaking. He didn't want to see Su Mu's grief again Jue's expression: "I will explain this to you later, as long as you are with me, I promise you, Su Fang is yours, Mosuil is yours, and I... am yours too, okay, stop crying? Um?"

"Zhixuan," Su Mu suddenly came back to his senses, he hugged Jing Zhixuan's neck with one hand, covered Jing Zhixuan's lips with the other hand, and put his lips next to his ear: "Son, my son was tied up by Fang Aodong It's a fight, I beg you... please, save him."

There was tremor in the voice.