Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 48


Su Ying and Su Mu were facing each other, and they were in Su Mu's arms, and Jing Zhixuan's tall body covered the two delicate and small father and son in his arms.

It was originally such a warm family of three painting style, but under Su Ying's sudden stare, the sky was instantly shattered.

After being stared at by his own son and scolded again, Jing Zhixuan's face changed, and a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes. He left Su Mu's face with some reluctance, and pointed to the water bottle hanging above Su Mu's head with his chin. , the deliberately low voice was a bit hoarse: "Shh, don't wake your daddy up."

Seeing Jing Zhixuan's moist eyes, Su Ying tilted her head, but said softly, "Get lost!"

Even though the voice was low, it was still clear enough to reach Jing Zhixuan's ears.

Hearing his son utter such vicious words, the feeling was still very different from the lip language, Jing Zhixuan was stunned almost immediately, and looked at Su Ying with a bit of disbelief in his phoenix eyes.

After about tens of seconds, his handsome face sank, and his eyes became serious, but the words turned into soft words on the edge of his mouth, with a gentle tone: "Your papa just fell asleep, and you will sleep again." In a moment, be good."

Su Ying: "..."

Su Ying didn't speak any more, but she obviously didn't appreciate it. The little guy's sword-like eyebrows were bristling, and dissatisfaction and defense against Jing Zhixuan still appeared in his squinted eyes, and he even stretched out his little arms from under the quilt. , raised it, and used the tip of the index finger to press Jing Zhixuan's shoulder above Su Mu and poke outward.

Jing Zhixuan: "..."

Jing Zhixuan looked down at his son's little white finger that had no force value against him, raised his eyebrows secretly, and then obediently followed Su Ying's hand and withdrew outwards, and finally fell on Su Ying's hand. Couldn't reach it and lay down.

Su Ying got up from Su Mu's arms and continued to stare at Jing Zhixuan through Su Mu who was leaning on his elbow: "You, get down!"

This time, Su Ying's voice was louder than before, which disturbed Su Mu in his sleep.

However, Su Mu was really sleepy. After Jing Zhixuan grasped the wrist of his left hand that he wanted to raise and couldn't use it, he raised his right hand with a soft snort, touched Su Ying's small head, rubbed it, and slid it to Su Ying's head. Ying held the round little shoulders, and gently took the little guy in his arms, and rubbed Su Ying's small forehead with his chin affectionately, and fell asleep again.

This is what Su Mu has done almost every night for four years.

Su Ying, who was trapped in Su Mu's arms, couldn't help but pursed her lips, and was quiet for a while. After feeling that Su Mu's breathing had stabilized, the little guy raised his neck and bit the bulging muscles under Su Mu's neck. small arms.

Jing Zhixuan, who has not been let go: "..."

Su Ying has small canine teeth, and now she has put in a lot of effort, even though Jing Zhixuan's skin is thick and fleshy, the skin was quickly bitten through.

Jing Zhixuan frowned, and he gently pasted the post on Su Mu's back. After feeling the warmth from Su Mu's body, he breathed heavily on the back of Su Mu's neck, but he didn't feel the stinging pain at all. It's unbearable.

After all, it was his own son, who was over four years old, and he hadn't fulfilled his responsibilities as a father for a day, so what if his son took a bite.

Thinking of this, Jing Zhixuan even relaxed the tense muscles in his arms, trying to keep Su Ying from biting her teeth.

After all, she was a child, and Su Ying's tooth root was a little soft, and her teeth became sore after a few strokes. When she looked up and saw Jing Zhixuan didn't take her hand away, she let go angrily and slipped into Su Mu's arms again. Wang stretched out his left hand to cover Su Mu's right cheek which was kissed by Jing Zhixuan just now.

Although such protection is a bit weak.

Jing Zhixuan, who was finally let go by Su Ying, sighed secretly, put his big hand on his son's head and rubbed it comfortingly.

The ungrateful Su Ying pressed her small face tightly against Su Mu's arms and shook Jing Zhixuan's hand from side to side, but Su Mu, who was in a stimulating sleep, let out a moan, which was a bit charming.

Jing Zhixuan immediately lost his composure, and felt the blood all over his body gather in one place instantly.

That's not to mention, after a while, Su Ying, who couldn't fall asleep and couldn't get up, got even worse, unbuttoned Su Mu's small face and got into Su Mu's home clothes, and then let out a show of might Chirp.

Su Mu snorted again, and mumbled in a soft voice, "Baby, don't make trouble..."

But it was just pampering and carried Su Ying deeper into his arms, and then felt the panic behind him, so he subconsciously moved forward, and fell into a deep sleep with his son in his arms again.

Jing Zhixuan also collapsed and retreated back. He was about to fall asleep, but at this time his browbones protruded, the capillaries at the end of the phoenix eyes quickly congested and turned red, and the uncontrollable cold and hard arc emerged from the corner of his mouth, which was a little scary people.

Jing Zhixuan gritted his teeth and kept warning himself: That's his son! ! !

In this not so peaceful afternoon, only Su Mu, who knew nothing, slept soundly and comfortably from beginning to end.

No, there is also Beibei.

Su Mu didn't wake up until eight o'clock in the evening. When he woke up, he was alone in the big bed.

Jing Zhixuan, who couldn't beat his son and ate a lot of vinegar, got up after Su Mu finished the third bottle of liquid, and when he got out of bed, he immediately carried Su Ying who was pouring vinegar out of bed, and the father and son ran to the living room Li stared wide-eyed.

Gao Tianyi was an old bastard who didn't know how to control himself. As soon as Beibei woke up at six o'clock, Shi Rushui broke free and carried his son out.

When Su Mu changed his clothes and came out of the bedroom, Gao Tianyi was still sleeping on the Shiru water bed.

For the next three days, Jing Zhixuan was going to deal with the kidnapping case during the day, and he also had to deal with the mess of the Su Fang Group.

Originally, it was better for Jing Zhixuan to give up Sufang Company than to take over, but it was Su Mu's family business. He couldn't bear it, so he invested 100 million to take it down, and planned to change the name of Sufang Group to Sujing Group, revive.

Obviously, Gao Tianyi was more leisurely than Jing Zhixuan, he only went back to the company for a meeting in the morning, and rushed to the famous bookstore at noon, and stayed there until the next morning, but Shi Rushui, who had strengthened his defensive ability, never gave him any help. Chance to touch people.

Xu Gao Tianyi also knew that he was not restrained enough and hurt Shi Rushui again. After three days, although he had a lot of fierce verbal conflicts with Shi Rushui, he didn't really force it anymore.

When the anger came up, he quickly suppressed it in an instant, and then hugged Beibei and went out for a circle to scare Shi Rushui, and then went upstairs when he was comfortable.

Su Mu really liked Jing Zhixuan. Although he didn't talk to Jing Zhixuan for three days, he still loved him in his heart.

The afternoon of the third day was Su Mu's last water delivery. When the last bottle of water was delivered, Jing Zhixuan rushed over.

In the living room, Su Ying was helping Shi Rushui quarrel with Gao Tianyi. Taking advantage of Su Ying's inattention, he quickly slipped into the bedroom and locked the door. He sat on the edge of Su Mu's bed, held his hand, and gently pecked and kissed him.

Looking at Su Mu eagerly and affectionately, he enjoyed this stolen intimate moment very much.

Su Mu sighed slightly and turned his face away, but Jing Zhixuan took the initiative to report in the next moment: "Mu Mu, it is a foregone conclusion that the brothers of the Fang family will be imprisoned. If there is no business trip, Fang Aodong should be sentenced to 18 years, and Fang Aonan should be sentenced to 5 years for abetting. Year."

Seeing that Su Mu didn't speak, Jing Zhixuan held Su Mu's other hand and kissed it and continued to report: "The final trial will be next Wednesday. If you want to go then, I will take you to see it."

Su Mu's eyes flickered, and finally said: " need."

"Yeah." Jing Zhixuan leaned against him, raised his head and looked at Su Mu who was sitting next to him tenderly: "And Su Fang Group, Gao finally helped me a lot this time, the 45% originally belonged to you The judgment has been returned, and I have already bought all the rest, and you will return to my place with me in a few days, sign the contract, and the Soviet side will be entirely yours from now on."

"!!!" In an instant, Su Mu's heart palpitations trembled and then fell into dead silence, so cold that he couldn't feel it.

Su Mu always has no resistance to the gentle Jing Zhixuan.

But... He already made an agreement with Shi Rushui yesterday, and he was leaving.

He couldn't sleep well for the past few days, and he was so sad that he couldn't breathe just thinking about leaving Jing Zhixuan.

However, sometimes, love really does not mean choice.

It was only two days ago that Su Mu found out that the principal of Aris International School that Lu Qiming was talking about was the prince of country S.

Country S is a small and rich island country, a world-famous tourist destination, and it is still a constitutional monarchy, so the royal power is still very heavy.

And yesterday morning, Lu Qiming turned on the phone and told him that he invited the little prince Yasai'an to come over. In that country where polygamy is allowed, Yasai'an doesn't mind getting a marriage certificate with Shi Rushui.

Once he, Shi Rushui, Lu Qiming, and Yasai'an get their marriage certificates, no matter how powerful Gao Tianyi is, he will not be able to rise to the power between countries.

This is the only way for Shi Rushui to escape Gao Tianyi's control.

Thinking of this, Su Mu was slightly shaken by Jing Zhixuan's hand, feeling that the heat from Jing Zhixuan's lips was enough to burn his skin.

"Mu Mu," Su Mu today let him kiss like a cat whose claws had just been trimmed. Jing Zhixuan was relieved and didn't notice the complexity in Su Mu's eyes: "Shi Rushui, you don't have to worry too much. Don't worry too much, after the past few days, I believe you have also seen that Gao Tianyi has feelings for Shi Rushui."

The sadness in Su Mu's eyes became even stronger. Yes, Shi Rushui sacrificed so much for Xiaoying. At this moment, whatever he does for him is worth it.

"So," Jing Zhixuan pinched Su Mu's chin, looked at him intently, and said affectionately, "Mu Mu, when do you plan to take your son and me back?"

After a long time, under Jing Zhixuan's fiery gaze, Su Mu murmured, "Zhixuan, I know that Su Fang Group is in a deficit, so I don't want my shares anymore, just treat it as...thank you Come on."

After Jing Zhixuan listened for a while, Danfeng narrowed his eyes subtly, and said nothing more.

Before a person leaves, even if he is cautious in his words and deeds, there will be a small sign.

At nine o'clock the next day, Su Mu received a call from He Wenzhuo and Shi Rushui, so he and Shi Rushui carried a backpack and told Gao Wenze that they were taking their son to a friend's wedding.

After a few days, before they go out, Gao Wenze will routinely call Gao Tianyi, but they are usually allowed to go out, but they will be followed.

Sure enough, after Gao Wenze hung up the phone, he called Guo Zi to come in and check the door, and then went downstairs with Su Mu and Shi Rushui, who were holding their babies.

Su Mu and Shi Rushui packed up the most important things. At this time, they must be willing to give up some, especially Su Mu who even gave up love, there is nothing that can't be given up.

If it goes well, he and Lu Qiming get the marriage certificate today, and they can take Shi Rushui directly to country S in Yasai's private jet, then from now on...

He and Jing Zhixuan may never meet again.

It is obvious that Lu Qiming, that gentle and elegant man, is going to get a certificate with him soon, but all Su Mu's mind is lingering at this moment is Jing Zhixuan, that person's crazy and evil charm on the bed, that person's warm and soft words beside the bed .

When Su Mu stepped out of the gate of the famous bookstore, the tears in his eyes could no longer hold back and condensed into a drop of water, which fell on the cloth on Su Ying's shoulder.

Huang Yaoquan came this time and drove a borrowed seven-seat Mercedes-Benz. He brought his wife He Wenzhuo, Lu Qiming and Ya Sai'an were also in the car, plus Su Mu, Shi Rushui and two children, just to avoid Gao Wenze's request. car.

Even if Gao Wenze would lead someone to drive after them, at least the time would be controllable.

"Mu Mu." Standing in front of the car, Lu Qiming was as gentle as before. When he saw Su Mu stepping out of the gate of the community, he walked towards him: "Come on, give me a hug."

Just when Su Mu lowered his head and rubbed his eyes on Su Ying's shoulder, then raised his head to look at Lu Qiming, after a deafening slam on the brakes, Gao Tianyi's thunderous voice resounded through the sky: "Stones are like water!" , how dare you!"

Gao Tianyi strode up to the stunned Shi Rushui, snatched Beibei from his arms, and then grabbed Shi Rushui's waist and carried him to the car: "What are you doing in a daze?" , come and drive!"

Gao Wenze staggered in fright: "Uh... oh, good."

Gao Tianyi's speed was so fast that no one could react when his car started.

When Su Mu came to his senses, Jing Zhixuan was already standing in front of him, and Su Mu couldn't breathe because of the oppressive feeling like a mountain pressing down on him.

Lu Qiming was separated by the men in suits who came out with Su Mu, Jing Zhixuan easily hugged Su Ying from Su Mu's arms, looked at Su Mu with no emotion in his dark eyes, and could not hear any ups and downs in his deep voice: "Mu Mu, come with me."

Jing Zhixuan yelled, and seeing Su Mu frozen in the distance, he took half a step forward to hold him in his arms, and took him to the car with brute force.

"Jing Zhixuan!" At this time, He Wenzhuo's sharp voice sounded from behind Su Mu: "Do you still have a king's law? Dare to take Su Mu away today!"

Su Mu suddenly turned around as if reacting, and met Lu Qiming's complicated eyes. He opened his mouth and said hoarsely, "... Qi Ming."

Lu Qiming took a step forward, but he still couldn't stop Su Mu from being pushed into the back seat by Jing Zhixuan.

Jing Zhixuan got into the car and ordered Wei Zicheng in the driver's seat, "Go!"

Su Ying was obviously frightened by the scene just now, as if she didn't realize it until she got in the car, she patted Jing Zhixuan's chest and called Su Mu: "Papa, papa..."

"Woo..." Su Mu, who was sitting in the car, burst into tears suddenly, Su Ying was so frightened that she suddenly stopped her movements, stopped her movements and shouts, and looked at Su Mu.

"... Mu Mu." Jing Zhixuan hugged Su Ying with one hand and turned to Su Mu, stretched out his hand to hold Su Mu's chin, looked at his tear-stained face with distress, and said with difficulty: "You... just hate me so much , do you have to leave me?"

"Woo..." Su Mu finally couldn't control his emotions, put his arms around Jing Zhixuan's neck, buried his face between Jing Zhixuan and Su Ying, and choked up, "Zhixuan, what should I do? My heart hurts, am I very selfish, am I very selfish, woo woo... "

The author has something to say, please take a look, okay

The author has something to say:

Heartbroken actor Lu Qiming: I... won't be let go again, right

Yasaian suddenly hugged Lu Qiming in his arms from behind: It's okay, baby, and I'm still here.

Lu Qiming raised his head and met the affectionate blue eyes of Yasai'an, who was 1.95 meters above him: But I don't want a mighty and majestic man, I just want a warm and soft little pair, QAQ~~~

Lu Qiming: Lovely and kind little angels, it is said that Chuxi is going to give me an attack in the episode, what do you think

Look at me, look at me: adults who stay up late and wait for me, let's enter a healthy work and rest time together. It will be updated at about 9-10 pm in the future. I will give an exact time two days after I get used to it. I love you 2333.

Stupid Xi: Well, the loving and sweet family of three is going to start the cohabitation dog abuse mode, is Ni Meng ready

Su Xiaobaozi: hum o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)