Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 55


There is a wonderful nature between father and son, not to mention that Su Ying and Jing Zhixuan seem to be carved out of the same mold, even though they are noisy at this time, the picture looks very warm.

This kind of simple warmth may seem ordinary, but it is not what Su Mu has been thinking about for many years.

He has imagined countless times that the three of them don't need too much house and money. During the day, Xiaoying goes to school, Zhixuan goes to work, and he stays at home and paints.

In the evening, he cooks a table of good dishes, and waits for Jing Zhixuan to pick up Xiaoying. The family sits at the dining table, talking and laughing. After falling asleep, he and Zhixuan will be intimate for a while, and finally greet the new dawn in Jing Zhixuan's arms.

Just like this, the cycle goes on and on, even if it is ordinary, he will never get tired of it for the rest of his life.

However, when this day really comes, even though his wish has not been fully realized, Su Mu already feels that this is not ordinary at all.

At this moment, he cried uncontrollably because he felt that he was the happiest person in the whole world.

"... Mu Mu." Jing Zhixuan stood up limply at the moment Su Mu's tears flowed out. Following Jing Zhixuan's strong gaze, Su Ying's crooked face followed his gaze to look back at Su Mu: "Baba .”

When Jing Zhixuan's legs pressed against the end of the bed, Su Ying quickly reacted, turned around and crawled to the head of the bed, climbed onto Su Mu faster than Jing Zhixuan, hugged Su Mu's neck and wiped Su Mu's body. Tears, pleading: "Papa, Xiaoying is not naughty anymore, Papa don't be angry."

"Mu Mu..." Jing Zhixuan naturally knew that Su Mu didn't cry because of Su Ying's naughtiness. He knelt beside Su Mu, put his fiery hands on the side of Su Mu's face, and moved his mouth for a long time, but he was nervous, Clumsy and unable to say beautiful words: "Mu Mu, I..."

"I'm fine." Su Mu put his arms around Su Ying's fat waist, and wiped away tears casually: "Go to bed early, good night."

Jing Zhixuan looked deeply at Su Mu, watched him adjust his posture downwards, hugged Su Ying in front of him and lay down, then leaned over and kissed his hair lightly, as if afraid of being shocked. The strength of the air: "Yeah."

This time Su Ying just glared at Jing Zhixuan, and then leaned into Su Mu's arms to comfort Su Baba: "Baba, Xiaoying will be obedient in the future, and I won't make Papa angry again."

Su Mu stroked Su Ying's little head, and chuckled dotingly: "Papa is not angry, Papa is sleepy, it's a little sore to be pierced by the light."

Su Ying was dubious, and when Jing Zhixuan got out of bed and turned off the light, the little guy moved in Su Mu's arms and said coquettishly, "The little Ying kisses Papa's eyes, and the pain will fly away..."

In the darkness, Jing Zhixuan, who was standing beside the bed, really wanted to kiss Su Mu's eyes, his peachy cheeks, and rose-like lips...

When the night was getting darker, only the sound of even breathing could be heard in the huge room for a long time. Jing Zhixuan, who was lying on the sofa facing the end of the bed and meditating, finally tiptoed over and got out of bed.

With his upper body bare, he stepped on the white carpet under the bright moonlight and walked slowly towards the bedside.

The twilight shrouded his tall and slender body, reflecting a faint halo on his upper body, creating a powerful impact. His figure is excellent, with tangled biceps, tight muscles and smooth mermaid Lines are all indescribably strong and strong.

While walking, the vigor under the pajama pants is even more dizzying.

Jing Zhixuan stood behind Su Mu, raised one knee and knelt behind Su Mu, held the back of the bed with one hand, and put his other hand on the sheet behind Su Mu to support his body. Then, his waist full of tension seemed to be full Bending down slowly like a bow.

He first cautiously moved to Su Ying's hair who was leaning against Su Mu's shoulder and kissed, and then lightly pressed his lips on the left side of Su Mu's forehead.

When fiery heat meets delicate and silky, it will not be separated for a long time.

Jing Zhixuan let out a sigh of satisfaction, he slowly closed his eyes, and continued to enjoy the sweetness of his lips touching Su Mu's face.

When Jing Zhixuan felt Su Mu's slight tremor, he suddenly opened his eyes, left Su Mu's forehead, and met Su Mu's eyes in the dim light of the dark night.

Su Mu's pure almond eyes were still covered with a thin layer of water vapor, and the starry eyes flashed with tiny bright spots like starlight in the night, which was astonishingly seductive.

Jing Zhixuan's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, then raised the corners of his mouth, leaned back a little, put his lips on Su Mu's ear and whispered, "Honey, did I wake you up?"

"No..." Su Mu said and turned to face Jing Zhixuan, but Jing Zhixuan took advantage of the situation and sealed his lips, "Um..."

The moment the two lips touched, like an electric shock, a small electric current overflowed from between the lips of the two people and went straight to the whole body.

Jing Zhixuan's heart melted.

Su Mu's body softened.

During the kiss, Jing Zhixuan rolled onto the bed and approached Su Mu through the quilt.

He put his left hand on Su Mu's back shoulder to support his upper body, leaning his whole body on top of Su Mu to be intimate with him.

Su Mu embraced Xiaoying with his right arm, and unconsciously raised his left hand, which was originally wrapped around Xiaoying, and placed it on Jing Zhixuan's side. His neck turned ninety degrees, and his lips, which had never been swollen, opened Bear Jing Zhixuan's intimacy that is sometimes light as a feather, and sometimes rude and eager.

A sweet voice broke the tranquility of the night and added more charm to this gentle night.

This long kiss did not end until Su Ying gave a slight whimper and moved slightly in Su Mu's arms.

Su Mu took a breath, and quickly turned his head to pat the son in his arms to comfort him. Jing Zhixuan still supported his upper body, held his breath, and looked at Su Ying's sleeping face with cramped eyes.

Jing Zhixuan slandered in his heart: If he wakes up his son, it will be difficult to sneak up on the bed in the future.

Fortunately, Su Ying's breathing quickly calmed down, and she fell asleep peacefully in Su Mu's arms again.

Now, Jing Zhixuan didn't dare to be presumptuous any more, he just moved close to Su Mu's face and lightly touched it, then lay down behind him, groped for Su Mu's waist, and buried his face in Su Mu's hair contentedly. In between, sniffing the elegant lavender fragrance of his hair.

After a while, Su Mu moved his neck, turned his head, and said softly, "Zhixuan."

Jing Zhixuan greedily sniffed Su Mu's hair, his voice was slightly hoarse and vague: "Well, let me hold it for a while, and then I will go down after holding it for a while."

"I..." Su Mu fluttered her eyelashes twice in the darkness, and said with a doting smile, "I just want to remind you to cover yourself with a quilt."

"..." Perhaps after this calamity, his heart has really softened. It is obvious that Su Mu has been treating him tenderly for a long time, but at this moment, with just one sentence, Jing Zhixuan's tears welled up. Thin lips lovingly rubbed against Su Mu's hair, and said in a warm and sexy voice with a bit of satisfaction: "Thank you, my wife."

The words "wife and lord" made Su Mu feel a little sweet, which reminded him of the few words that He Wenzhuo took the opportunity to explain to him when he and He Wenzhuo took Su Ying to the toilet during the meal not long ago.

He Wenzhuo said: Mu Mu, before Jing Zhixuan proposes to you, don't let him touch you again, it's so easy to get, and he won't know he cares about you in the future.

He Wenzhuo said, Mumu, don't let Xiaoying call Jing Zhixuan papa, don't give him too much face, this matter must be put after you get married.

He Wenzhuo said: But don't take the initiative to bring up the matter of marriage, otherwise it will appear that we lose our position!

He Wenzhuo also said: Mu Mu, even if Jing Zhixuan really proposes to you, don't agree easily, he caused you to suffer so much, he must frustrate his prestige; Mu Mu, Su Fang Group is now in Jing Zhixuan In Xuan's hand, you must come back...

But, now, when the other party says "my wife", he is not a woman, so his whole heart has been coaxed by others, and he falls softly in his arms, allowing him to squeeze and rub him into a round shape.

After all, he is, loves this person very much.

Afraid of waking up Su Ying, Jing Zhixuan, who was allowed to stay in the bed, stopped talking. He and Su Mu were only separated by a thin layer of pajamas in the bed, silently feeling each other's heartbeat.

Bang bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

At the beginning, Jing Zhixuan's heartbeat was faster, but later, Jing Zhixuan was dishonest, and Su Mu's heartbeat began to speed up...

Then, the heartbeats of the two slowly returned to calm and became consistent, and the sound of heartbeats entangled in the night.

About twenty minutes passed.

Jing Zhixuan guessed that Su Mu must have fallen asleep, so he raised the corners of his lips, kissed Su Mu's hair, and closed his eyes.

After feeling Jing Zhixuan's kiss, Su Mu adjusted his posture slightly. It seemed that he was really going to sleep. Then he smiled lightly, looked down at his son in his arms, and closed his eyes with peace of mind. Eye.

A peaceful night.

The next day, at dawn, Jing Zhixuan let go of Su Mu and was about to get out of bed. As soon as he stood up, he saw Su Mu move, and quickly lay down on his stomach, saving Su Mu from twisting his neck.

"I'm sorry," Jing Zhixuan lightly pecked Su Mu's warm cheek, "I woke you up."

"It's okay." Su Mu smiled, looked away at the dim light outside the window, and said softly, "It's so early."

"Yeah." Jing Zhixuan stroked Su Ying's sweaty forehead: "You and your son sleep a little longer, and when breakfast is ready, I'll call you guys, chirp~"

Su Mu raised his head slightly, and lightly pecked Jing Zhixuan's chin as a response: "...OK."

However, as soon as he uttered his good words, he received a more intense response from Jing Zhixuan.

He went into the closet lightly and changed his clothes. He specially put on a set of casual clothes that matched Su Mu's own clothes, then found Su Mu's casual clothes, and Xiaoying's clothes that were somewhat similar, Put them together on the sofa stool, and then walked out of the closet with satisfaction, thinking that today I must go out and buy three sets of father and son outfits.

After coming out, Jing Zhixuan lay on the bedside and kissed Su Mu for a long time before leaving the bedroom.

After washing up in the guest room, Jing Zhixuan looked at his spring-faced self in the mirror, whistled and tidied his hair in order, and then walked briskly to the president's office, like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old who just fell in love juvenile.

While Jing Zhixuan was sorting out the documents, Zhang Kexin brought her aunt to the company early.

Yesterday, Jing Zhixuan told her to find a nanny who is quick to cook and can cook delicate Zhejiang cuisine and Hunan cuisine with varied tastes.

Zhang Kexin didn't dare to take it lightly, so she invited her aunt Qian Qinghua who was the chef in the restaurant.

When Jing Zhixuan heard that he was a relative of Zhang Kexin's family, he was very satisfied, and immediately offered a reward that surprised them both.

After he settled down, he skillfully explained a few of Su Mu's favorite dishes, and Qian Qinghua got on the job quickly.

Finally, when Zhang Kexin and Qian Qinghua left, Jing Zhixuan suddenly said: "Aunt Qian, Yuxiang Eggplant, you just need to prepare the ingredients and wait for me to make it."

Qian Qinghua smiled and agreed repeatedly, but Zhang Kexin looked frightened and walked out of the CEO's office with trembling legs: BOSS smiled so softly just now, wait... What did BOSS say just now, she felt like she missed a hundred million.

Zhang Kexin: "Auntie, I didn't catch what our CEO said just now..."

Qian Qinghua: "Tsk tsk, your president is so handsome. Fortunately, you have style. You are more energetic than the big stars on TV."

Zhang Kexin: "Of course, our BOSS is known as the 'walking hormone' by our entire company!"

Qian Qinghua: "Look at your young people today, they speak without shame, they should be called 'walking gods'!"

Zhang Kexin: "..."

At eight o'clock, Jing Zhixuan walked into the living room. Qian Qinghua had already cooked three dishes. Jing Zhixuan took the documents to the study and sorted them out again, and then went to the kitchen to fry the last dish - fish-flavored eggplant.

Su Mu especially likes to eat crispy fish-flavored eggplant, especially the one in the small school cafeteria. Su Mu must order it every time he goes.

It was made by a master chef in the cafeteria, but in the first week after he and Su Mu separated, when he went to the cafeteria to buy this dish, he didn't know that the master chef had resigned and returned to his hometown.

A few days later, when he went to the supermarket to buy daily necessities, he saw the blue and purple eggplants, so he couldn't help but bought a few and took them back to make. show him.

It's just that he has been doing it for more than a month, but he can't eat it once, and then he dropped the spoon and gave up.

Later, when he went abroad, he ate the fish-flavored eggplant made by the master chef in a Chinese restaurant. He couldn't help learning it for half a month, and finally...

Learn to cook this dish, until now, he knows, and only this dish.

When Jing Zhixuan walked out of the kitchen holding a plate of fish-flavored eggplant, he happened to see Su Mu who was leading his son out of the corridor. I'll call you later."

"..." Su Mu looked at Jing Zhixuan wearing a checkered black and white apron, and was stunned for a while, looking down at the table full of dishes with good color, fragrance and suitable meat and vegetables: "You... did it ?”

"...cough!" Jing Zhixuan walked quickly to the dining table, and put the fish-flavored eggplant in the middle of the heavy plate, showing off a little: "This, your favorite fish-flavored eggplant, is made by me. "

"This is Mr. Su." At this time, Qian Qinghua came out of the kitchen with a porridge bowl, looked at Su Mu with bright eyes, "Mr. Su, good morning."

Su Mu's expression froze: "Uh... Morning."

"Mu Mu, this is Aunt Qian." After Jing Zhixuan briefly introduced, he looked at Su Ying and said, "Son, if you want to call me Grandma."

"..." Su Ying's eyes wandered between the two of them, then hugged Su Mu's leg, and pressed her whole body against Su Mu's body, just waking up and acting coquettishly, looking soft and distressing.

Su Mu picked up Su Ying, and smiled at Qian Qinghua embarrassedly: "Aunt Qian, I'm sorry, the child is a bit cynical."

"It's okay, it's okay." Qian Qinghua put down the porridge bowl and said happily: "The little baby is so handsome, the most handsome kid I've ever seen."

Su Ying leaned her face in front of Su Mu, didn't look at Qian Qinghua, but thanked in a childlike voice, "Thank you grandma."

Qian Qinghua was also very knowledgeable. After putting down the porridge, he explained and went to the garden room to help trim the flowers and plants.

As soon as Qian Qinghua turned around, Jing Zhixuan put the apron on the dining chair, walked up to Su Mu, hugged Su Ying, put Su Ying on the dining chair, and opened the dining chair for Su Mu .

After Su Mu sat down, regardless of Su Ying's glaring eyes, he gave a good morning bobo to the elder and the younger respectively, then picked up the chopsticks in front of Su Mu, took a piece of steaming fish-flavored eggplant and blew on it, Then handed it to Su Mu's mouth: "Mu Mu, try it, does it taste the same as what we ate at T Da?"

Su Mu froze, staring at Jing Zhixuan mechanically opening his mouth.

"Bite slowly," Jing Zhixuan said with a doting smile, "Be careful of burning."

Under Jing Zhixuan's expectant eyes, Su Mu took a bite, and the sweet and greasy taste overflowed in his mouth instantly, and it was sweet all the way to his heart.

Su Mu felt that the crispy fish-flavored eggplant made by Jing Zhixuan was more delicious than T-sized ones, and more delicious than any other food in the world.

Jing Zhixuan looked at his squirming lips expectantly, and asked, "How is it?"

"Yeah," Su Mu nodded with a hot face, "It's delicious, even better than the ones at T Da."

"Chirp~" Jing Zhixuan lowered his head and licked the soup stains from Su Mu's mouth: "I like it, then I will make it for you every day from now on."

Su Mu: Everyday...

Jing Zhixuan walked around to the opposite side of the dining table, looked at Su Ying who had just woken up and looked dazed, raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Son, what is your favorite food? Papa is also studying, and I will make it for you every day from now on."

Su Ying raised her little eyebrows, and after a while, she leaned closer to Su Mu in a childlike voice, and said, "I like my papa's little bun the most."

Su Mu was startled, his face turned red suddenly, he quickly reached out to help Su Ying pick up the broccoli: "..."

Who knows, Jing Zhixuan shamelessly followed the little guy's words: "Okay, from now on, Papa will give you hot buns every day!"

Mu Ran shook the chopsticks in Su Mu's hand, and the broccoli fell not far from Su Ying's small bowl. He immediately raised his eyebrows and scolded Jing Zhixuan, "Shut up! Eat!"

Jing Zhixuan quickly picked up a piece of broccoli and put it in the small bowl in front of Su Ying, winking at Su Mu with a rogue face: "Honey, you look so good when you're angry." Now, it's better not to teach the little guy bad.

Su Ying pushed the small bowl in front of her in disgust, and stared at Jing Zhixuan: "My papa looks better when I'm not angry!"

"Really?" Jing Zhixuan stretched out his right hand, held Su Mu's left hand that was placed on the table, leaned over across the table, and gently put his lips on the back of Su Mu's fair hand with his eyebrows and eyes affectionate: "But, Your papa's most beautiful appearance, only I know."

Su Mu: "..."

Su Ying: "..."