Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 59


As soon as Jing Zhixuan heard Su Mu's footsteps, he quickly put away his phone, rubbed Su Ying's head and approached him softly, "Okay, I'm just kidding, baby, let's eat well."

Su Yingqing breathed a sigh of relief, still aloof: "Hmph!"

Su Mu came out with a job bowl: "..." The father and son seem to be talking very speculatively.

After the last dish was served, Jing Zhixuan and Su Mu politely asked Qian Qinghua to sit down and eat together. Qian Qinghua graduated from a culinary academy and was stricter than ordinary people in this respect. Declined.

Jing Zhixuan didn't say anything anymore, he got up and told Qian Qinghua that he could go back early after dinner and clean up the dishes the next morning. Qian Qinghua thanked him repeatedly, went into the kitchen and tidied up before saying hello and leaving.

Not long after Qian Qinghua left, it started to rain outside. As the sound of the rain turned from small to heavy, the dinner ended in a harmonious manner.

Only Su Mu thought it was harmonious. >

After dinner, Jing Zhixuan quickly walked around the table and held the back of Su Mu's head, and when Su Mu was caught off guard, he kissed his lips and said, "Mu Mu, it's raining today, let's take a hot bath early Let's watch a movie under the covers."

"..." Su Mu, who had just finished wiping her son's mouth and hadn't wiped her own, silently put down the napkin, blushing slightly, and said, "Okay... okay."

"Papa!" Su Ying immediately became unhappy, staring at Jing Zhixuan who jumped off the chair, hugged Su Mu's waist stickily and pouted coquettishly: "I don't want to sleep with the big bad wolf!"

"..." Why did he become a big bad wolf again? ! Su Mu paused for a moment while cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks, then lowered his head and patted his son's little head: "Well, Uncle Jing is still sleeping on the sofa tonight."

Jing Zhixuan was aggrieved: "...wife..."

Su Mu cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks briefly, and Jing Zhixuan put the empty bowls in the kitchen. When he came out of the kitchen, Su Mu had already turned off the light in the living room, and was standing in front of the porch, holding Su Ying's little hand, waiting for him.

Jing Zhixuan gently raised the corners of his lips, strode over, holding the lemon juice in one hand, and walked towards the bedroom with his arms around Su Mu in the other.

Su Ying had to cleanse before taking a bath. Su Mu hugged the little guy on the toilet while she moved a small stool and sat not far away, holding her mobile phone and telling stories to the little guy.

Jing Zhixuan pitifully pushed the sofa to the side of the bed again, spread the quilt and sheet, then threw the thin quilt on the big bed on the sofa, took a thicker Raschel blanket and put it on the big bed, Then I went to the bathroom to see my wife and son.

"Tsk," Jing Zhixuan walked into the bathroom, leaned lazily on the door frame of the bathroom and raised the corners of his lips, "Su Xiaoying, are you ashamed, you're so big, and you'll let Su Baba stay with you even if you stink ?”

"I want you to care!" Su Ying, who was listening to the story carefully with her stomach in her hands, frowned immediately when she heard Jing Zhixuan's voice: "Go away!"

"Xiaoying!" Su Mu called Su Ying softly, and after seeing Su Ying bowed her head obediently to pull on Smelly, then she looked up at Jing Zhixuan and said softly, "Zhixuan, go take a bath first."

After hearing this, Jing Zhixuan took a step towards Su Mu, squatted down beside him and kissed him on the cheek: "Chirp~ I'll help you and your son wash in a while, and I'll wash after you guys finish washing."

"No, no need." When Su Mu heard this, he almost fell off the low stool, and his tongue twitched involuntarily: "You, you should go and wash first."

"No," Jing Zhixuan hugged Su Mu into his arms at the moment Su Mu swayed back, rubbed his shoulders and said vaguely, "If I can't see you, I will miss you." of."

Su Mu: "..." So good at flirting, Su was dizzy.

Su Ying: "..." I'm so good at chatting, I'm dizzy.

Su Ying opened his mouth wide and moved the little PP, the stench instantly overflowed the room, and his nose couldn't bear it.

Su Ying, who originally wanted to quarrel with Jing Zhixuan, also blushed because of the smell, and whispered, "Papa, give me the phone, I will play by myself!"

Su Mu froze for a moment: "Uh..."

"Here," Jing Zhixuan quickly took the mobile phone from Su Mu's hand and handed it to Su Ying, then hugged Su Mu and gave Su Ying a triumphant look: "After pulling the smelly smell, call Jing Baba loudly, Jing Baba comes in for you Rub PP."

"I don't want it!" Su Ying grabbed the phone angrily, and said loudly to Jing's back: "You are not allowed to touch my papa! You are not allowed to kiss my papa! You big bad wolf! I hate you!"

How could it be impossible not to kiss.

As soon as Jing Zhixuan carried Su Mu out of the bathroom, he pressed Su Mu onto the bed and kissed him passionately.

When Su Mu was gasping for breath, Jing Zhixuan finally let go of his lips, and his lips swept across his cheeks and slid to his ear, breathing more heavily than ever: "What should I do, I want you."

"...Zhixuan." Su Mu was taken aback, with his arms uselessly supporting between the two chests, he reminded in a low voice, "Xiaoying is still there."

"Then how about I make a quick gun today?" Jing Zhixuan's original voice was covered by desire, he put his arms around Su Mu and said in a muffled voice, "How about it?"

It was as if a strong electric current hit Su Mu's limbs and veins in the back of his spine, making his body go limp immediately.

"Oh...don't," a trace of panic suddenly emerged from the depths of his bewildered eyes, and Su Mu fainted, "Zhixuan, don't..."

"Baby, keep your voice down." Jing Zhixuan chuckled dotingly: "Don't worry, my son thinks I'm bullying you again."

"Then you," Su Mu panted, trying to lift his eyelids to stare at Jing Zhixuan with an extremely cute look: "Hurry up and let go!"

"Oh, there seems to be a better way." Jing Zhixuan laughed, and pressed heavily on Su Mu's lips, which were about to come out again: "... so sweet."

Even if Jing Zhixuan wants to have an accelerated battle, it is impossible to really ask Su Mu. Sure enough, after a while, Su Ying's crisp voice came from the toilet: "Baba, Baba, I'm done stinking!" .”

"Huh..." Su Mu pushed Jing Zhixuan away abruptly and let out a long breath, the corners of his mouth trembling so that he couldn't make a sound.

Su Ying: "Papa!" This sound foreshadowed before going crazy.

"Oh..." Su Mu was finally helped up from the bed by Jing Zhixuan: "Here we come, baby."

The originally pleasant voice was a bit hoarse, and it became more sexy and charming, even with a blushing and slightly angry look...

Jing Zhixuan hugged Su Mu reluctantly and pestered Su Mu for a few more times, and finally said softly, "I'm going to take a bath first!"

Su Mu: "..."

Looking at Jing Zhixuan's bloodthirsty eyes, I still felt a little distressed, so I grabbed his arm and pulled him over.

After teasing someone and kissing him comfortingly, Su Mu blushed and lowered his head belatedly, just in time to catch a glimpse of the trembling place, he took a step back in panic, bit his lip and turned his face away, stammering: "Tomorrow... wait for Xiaoying's lunch break at noon tomorrow..."

"Chirp~" Jing Zhixuan was stunned, and slowly raised his brows: "Thank you, my wife, but I still have to solve it tonight. You should hurry up and see your son, chirp~"

The bathroom and the toilet are separated, Jing Zhixuan hurried into the bathroom, there is a little overlord who emits 5 kilowatts of brightness sitting in the house, so he can only five girls by himself.

As soon as Jing Zhixuan entered, he quickly took advantage of the fire, and it was not interesting to do it by himself, so he was fairly quick, and walked out of the bathroom in twenty minutes with a towel on.

While wiping his head with a dry towel, he walked towards the bed with his long legs.

At this time, Su Ying was lying on the bed holding her mobile phone and watching animation, and Su Mu was also sitting beside the bed, rubbing the pajamas on her knees, while turning her head to look at the mobile phone screen.

As soon as he heard the sound of Jing Zhixuan walking, he raised his eyebrows and the corners of his lips the moment he turned his head, and smiled sweetly at Jing Zhixuan.

Naturally, his eyes were caught off guard by Jing Zhixuan, who was still drenched in water.

Jing Zhixuan's figure is really good, with wide shoulders and narrow waist. When walking, every inch of strong and tight muscles is full of tension, as if it will explode at any time, which is dazzling.

However, Shuang'er's figure is between the slenderness of a man and the weakness of a woman. Most of their figures are considered to be Qionglin Yushu. If they really look as majestic, majestic and mighty as Jing Zhixuan, it is really a hormone disorder .

So compared to his thinness and softness, Su Mu would at most feel the huge disparity between the two, but would not feel envious or jealous.

"Baby, you have such a nice smile." Jing Zhixuan let out a muffled snort and put down the dry hair towel, his eyes pointed evilly, and he lowered his chin, and said in a low voice, "If you hook up again, you will really have to take responsibility." !"

"..." Su Mu's face turned even redder. He cast a fierce glance at Jing Zhixuan, took the phone in front of Su Ying, got up and carried Su Ying off the bed: "Okay, son, let's go take a shower."

Only then did Su Ying see Jing Zhixuan, her small eyes narrowed, staring at Jing Zhixuan's good figure, she said in a casual way: "Don't wear clothes, shameless!"

Then he followed Su Mu into the bathroom with high spirits.

Su Mu: "Haha..."

Jing Zhixuan: "..."

After coming out of the shower, Jing Zhixuan, who was lying on the sofa, looked at his wife and son tenderly and said: "My dear son, I found you the latest animation movie of Haolaiwu, it is said to be very good, let's watch it together. "

As Jing Zhixuan clicked on the play button, Su Mu hugged Su Ying on the bedside.

Because Jing Zhixuan put the sofa flat on the right side of the big bed like last night, Su Mu cleverly put Su Ying on his left side to save the father and son from quarreling.

Su Ying twitched her lips displeased with Jing Zhixuan's existence, but didn't say anything.

When Su Mu also leaned against the bed and sat down, Jing Zhixuan graciously handed over lemon juice, "Come on, honey, take a sip."

Su Mu: "Thank you."

After Su Mu took a sip, he fed Su Ying another sip. When he put the cup on the bedside table, Jing Zhixuan quickly followed him, grabbed his wrist and kissed the back of his hand, making a loud noise intentionally. It caused Su Ying to roll her eyes.

Su Mu pursed her lips and smiled, then hugged Su Ying and watched the cartoon seriously.

The cartoon Jing Zhixuan found is also very suitable for adults to watch. Su Mu and Su Ying obviously like it very much, and they were quickly brought into the storyline.

Just when Su Ying was watching, Jing Zhixuan suddenly laid his upper body on the bed, looked at his wife and children pitifully and said, "Baby, there is no sofa to sit on, Papa's back is so sore."

Su Ying turned her head and glanced at him, then turned her attention to the TV screen again.

"Wife." Jing Zhixuan shook Su Mu's leg and said coquettishly, "Wife, sleep on the sofa, it's so cold."

When Su Mu heard it, he looked through Jing Zhixuan and looked at the pouring rain outside the window, but what he saw was not unreal when covered by the gauze curtain, and the sound of the soundproof glass and the sound of the TV, the sound of the rain was barely audible.

However, Su Mu feels that there must be a violent storm outside...

So, silently began to feel sorry for Jing Zhixuan...

"Baby." Su Mu gave Jing Zhixuan a look, then bowed and leaned into Su Ying's ear and said softly, "It's raining outside, Uncle Jing will catch a cold when he sleeps on the sofa, how about letting Uncle sleep on the bed tonight?" ?”

"..." Su Ying saw that the protagonist rabbit had entered the sewer, so she withdrew her gaze and glanced at Jing Zhixuan, and said with her mouth pursed, "I saw that there is a bed in the room outside."

Su Mu: "..."

Looking back at Jing Zhixuan, Su Mu lowered his head and whispered something in Su Ying's ear. Su Ying frowned, stared at the poor Jing Zhixuan for a while, and finally reluctantly Said: "Then don't share the bed with the big bad wolf."

"Okay." Su Mu quickly agreed, and motioned to Jing Zhixuan, "Come on, hug the quilt."

Jing Zhixuan's eyes flickered, he quickly picked up the blanket on the sofa, and finally successfully climbed onto the big bed where he slept for half a year.

As soon as he got into bed, Jing Zhixuan immediately approached Su Mu, with a hint of doubt in his excited eyes: "Honey, what did you just say to your son?"

"I won't tell you." Su Mu winked at Jing Zhixuan triumphantly, then continued watching cartoons with his son in his arms.

At first, Jing Zhixuan sat obediently next to Su Mu.

After a while, he put his arms around Su Mu's shoulders and took Su Mu's head into his arms.

After a while, he glanced at Su Ying, who was seriously watching the drama, and secretly rubbed close to Su Mu's ear, then slowly kissed Su Mu's lips, until Su Ying let out a snarl and was almost kicked out of the bed. Be honest again.

Feeling like a candy-stealing kid.

After watching an animated movie for an hour and a half, it was time for bed. Because there was no lunch break, Su Ying was more sleepy than usual.

He yawned, rolled over from Su Mu slowly, narrowed his eyes and glared at Jing Zhixuan, then pushed Jing Zhixuan away with a small PP, then hugged Su Mu's neck and kissed Su Mu Mu's chin was soft, and he said in a soft voice, "Papa, let's go to sleep."

"Okay." Su Mu also kissed the tip of his son's nose, glanced at Jing Zhixuan with a smile, and lay down with Su Ying in his arms, "Good night, baby."

Just like that, Su Ying pouted her little PP and lay between Su Mu and Jing Zhixuan, hugged Su Mu's neck domineeringly, and fell asleep sweetly with her little face in Su Mu's arms.

After a while, Su Ying's small snoring sound came from the darkness, combined with the subtle sound of rainwater beating the glass window, in Jing Zhixuan's ears, it became the most beautiful sound of nature in the world.

On a rainy night, the night seemed to be dizzy with ink, thick and deep as if even the air had condensed.

Looking for the weakest light, the two pairs of eyes looked at each other quietly in the dark night, as if there were endless words to say, and they wanted to convey them to each other unreservedly through this gaze.

When Su Ying was fast asleep, Jing Zhixuan could no longer control his emotions. He carefully rubbed Su Mu's delicate but bony cheek through Su Ying, and whispered softly, "Baby, these years have been really hard. It's you."

"Chirp~" Su Mu twisted his neck, pecked lightly on the palm of Jing Zhixuan's hand, and then smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Zhixuan, didn't you want to ask what I said to my son just now?"

Jing Zhixuan paused with his big hands. He knew that Su Mu was using an excuse to change the topic, so as not to let him blame himself: "... Well, what did you say?"

"I said that uncle actually loves the baby very much." Su Mu said with a smile, "If the baby bullies uncle again, uncle will cry."

"Could it be that..." Jing Zhixuan thought of Su Ying's strange eyes that he agreed to look at, and said in surprise, "I looked like I was going to cry just now?"

"Hush" Su Mu reminded Jing Zhixuan to lower his voice: "Yes, you are really good at acting like a baby now."

"Hehe." Jing Zhixuan lowered his head and kissed the back of Su Ying's head: "It turns out that my son has a tough and tender heart like me."

Su Mu snorted and said, "What the hell adjective."

Jing Zhixuan smiled softly: "Mumu, tell me about the matter between you and your son, you can say anything, I want to hear it."

Su Mu squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said, "Then let me tell you some of your son's preferences first. If you know the baby better, maybe you won't quarrel in the future, haha."

Jing Zhixuan lifted the thin quilt, gently rubbed into the blanket, and responded softly next to Su Ying: "...OK."

Jing Zhixuan didn't realize how gentle Su Mu is until now.

He thought that Su Mu would start talking about Su Ying's birth, and he would mention a few words about the hard days he had lived in these years, but no matter how he explicitly or hinted, Su Mu always didn't mention it. It seemed that in the past five years, life was like Carefree as in college.

That night, the pampered and willful Su Mu in Jing Zhixuan's memory was overshadowed by this tender, juicy, strong-minded papa in front of him.

That night, Jing Zhixuan knew that Su Ying had been fond of playing Rubik's Cube since she was two years old, and she figured it out from Su Mu's description that Su Ying didn't have many toys when she was a child.

He knew that Su Ying always resisted taking pictures, but as soon as the camera pointed at him, he would immediately start acting cool and handsome.

He knew that Su Ying was very popular in the kindergarten, and was called a "cold little male god" by the kindergarten children, and the little girls always liked to kiss him, but Su Ying only let Beibei kiss, Jing Zhixuan instantly felt that today was the kiss Brother Lu Xin's son is a flirt.

He also knew that Su Ying's favorite foods were egg custard made by Shi Rushui, boat porridge next door to the community, and steamed fish made by Su Mu...

Then, Su Mu's voice slowly disappeared, and he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Jing Zhixuan gently straightened his body with his elbows, and his lips stayed on the corners of Su Mu's lips for a long, long time: Mu Mu, you know, I am actually a big tsundere who dislikes bluntness. Say I love you, then I will be 10,000 times happier than I am now when I get all of you from then on.

The next day, Jing Zhixuan got up before six o'clock in the morning again. This time he was more cautious than yesterday, and finally he didn't wake up Su Mu.

But Su Ying woke up.

As soon as Jing Zhixuan got out of bed, he saw the little guy got up by himself, looked at the sleeping Su Mu, rubbed his eyes in a daze, and wanted to get out of bed.

Jing Zhixuan quickly picked up Su Ying who crawled to the bed, and asked softly, "Baby, do you want to pee?"

Su Ying was startled in Jing Zhixuan's arms, and then gave a vague 'hmm'.

Jing Zhixuan carried Su Ying to the toilet, but the little guy was shy and refused to let Jing Zhixuan see, so Jing Zhixuan had no choice but to throw a towel on the ground and let Su Ying pee on it.

After Su Ying finished urinating and was carried on the bed by Jing Zhixuan, she hugged Su Mu's neck in a daze and fell asleep in Su Mu's arms. Su Mu also snorted and pulled Su Ying into her arms Bring a belt.

Jing Zhixuan leaned over and kissed the two babies, one big and one small, and then walked lightly to the closet.

Jing Zhixuan ordered Wei Zicheng to put all the documents to be signed in his office yesterday, and at this moment, he happened to finish the business while Su Mu and his son were sleeping.

In addition to accompanying them during the day today, I also have to go to the court. Su Ying's kidnapping case will be formally sentenced the day after tomorrow.

At seven o'clock, Jing Zhixuan called Qian Qinghua and told her to order egg custard, boat porridge and steamed fish, and ordered two side dishes that Su Mu liked.

At eight o'clock, Jing Zhixuan finished the work at hand and called Gao Tianyi.

After making the phone call, when Jing Zhixuan walked into the living room, Qian Qinghua was setting the last dish at the dining table: "Mr. Jing, good morning."

"Good morning." Jing Zhixuan nodded towards Qian Qinghua, and strode towards the bedroom.

"Mr. Su is already awake." Qian Qinghua reminded with a smile, "He is taking Xiaoying to feed the fish in the garden."

"Oh, yes, thank you."

Jing Zhixuan smiled at Qian Qinghua, and strode towards the greenhouse.

It rained all night, and it was sunny early this morning. Su Mu pulled Su Ying and stood at the lotus pond in the middle of the flower room. Su Mu had some fish food in his hand, and Su Ying was pinching and throwing fish food. Feed the fish, the picture is extremely warm.

Jing Zhixuan walked quickly behind the father and son, stroked Su Ying's shoulder with one hand, put his arm around Su Mu's slender waist and put a belt in his arms, and walked around to him, held his idle left hand in the palm of his hand and gently rubbed against him. The back of his hand: "Why did you wake up so early today?"

"It's still early!" Su Mu turned his head and glanced at Jing Zhixuan, and said with a chuckle, "The sun is almost drying our ass."

"So what?" Jing Zhixuan lovingly kissed Su Mu's cheek, and said domineeringly, "My wife can sleep as long as she wants."

"Hehe." Su Mu pursed her lips and smiled, thinking of the easel she had just moved, she said, "Zhixuan, you don't have to accompany me in the morning, I can just take my son here to draw, you work hard, don't get up again tomorrow It's so early."

"Not today." Jing Zhixuan greedily rubbed Su Mu's cheek with his lips, and his voice became softer: "Mu Mu, today I will take you to see Shi Rushui."

Su Mu turned around abruptly, let the fish food scatter all over the ground, and stared at Jing Zhixuan with wide-eyed almond eyes in surprise and joy: "Really!?"

Jing Zhixuan raised the corners of his lips, and brushed Su Mu's wind-blown hair behind his ears: "Yes, I'll take you there after breakfast."

At this moment, Su Ying also turned around, staring at Jing Zhixuan with two phoenix eyes and asked urgently: "Where did you put the big stupid bear in Superman's pants that I won last night?!"