Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 63


When he came back from Yangming Mountain, Su Mu didn't look very unhappy, but his beautiful almond eyes were always out of focus, and he looked very preoccupied.

Jing Zhixuan or Su Ying talked to him several times, but he didn't respond.

Jing Zhixuan knew that he must be thinking about Shi Rushui, but he still suppressed his doubts, had dinner with his father and son, and walked around the greenhouse twice to digest food.

Su Ying fed the fish again, since Su Ying came here, the fish are much happier than before.

Jing Zhixuan was able to be alone with Su Mu when Su Ying went back to the bedroom and Su Ying was having a routine.

This time, the little guy obediently hugged his cell phone and played Smelly.

The toilet bowl is a bit big, and Jing Zhixuan was worried that he would slip into it, so he bought a toilet shrinking pad so that Su Ying's small PP would not leak in.

Su Ying sat comfortably, and her affection for Jing Baba rose to another level.

The main favorability still comes from the comparison with high hooligans.

As soon as Su Mu came out of the bathroom, Jing Zhixuan hugged him and sat on the bed and kissed him for a minute, using the precious time that King Su had no choice but to "give alms" to, desperately cuddling with Su Mu.

It wasn't until the light-colored strawberries were planted on Su Mu's face and neck that Jing Zhixuan sat down solemnly, sat Su Mu on his lap, and firmly restrained Su Mu's waist.

Jing Zhixuan looked at Su Mu tenderly and asked, "Honey, did you say something to Shi Rushui today? When you came out, you looked sullen."

Su Mu's wet and charming eyes were slightly confused after being kissed: "..."

"Hehe." Jing Zhixuan raised the corners of his mouth, hung his fingers from Su Mu's forehead to his nose, and finally pinched his thin chin, shaking it lovingly: "It's so cute, I want to do it."

"!!!" This time, Su Mu gave Jing Zhixuan a hard look, and his swollen and swollen lips lightly parted: "In my opinion, my son should call you a pervert, that's right!"

"Even if it's a pervert." Jing Zhixuan bared his mouth and showed his wolf fangs, and then gnawed at Su Mu's face: "I only like you, Su Mu, chirp~tweet~tweet~"

The recent Jing Zhixuan's Xiaoqing talk is very smooth, almost without soft-spoken, and he can get Su Mu's Su Dianer every time.

This made Su Mu, who thought he had no integrity, a little bit overwhelmed.

"Zhixuan." Su Mu squinted his eyes, and looked seriously at Jing Zhixuan's face, as if he wanted to see through him: "To be honest, your love words are only practiced by hurting so many girls."

"Hey." Jing Zhixuan's former aloofness, rebelliousness, and obsession really meant to be thrown away, but what could he do? The closer he was to the Buddha, the farther Su Mu would be from him, so he fell on Su Mu's side. With the palm on the back, the pervert looks down: "Don't you know?"

"Young poor!" Su Mu said angrily, "Take your claws away, how would I know."

"Then I'll show you." Jing Zhixuan smirked: "Two, one in the front and one in the back, no, the one in the back should be the little brother."

"Jing Zhixuan!"

Following Jing Zhixuan's misbehavior, Su Mu let out angrily, and then Su Ying's voice came from the toilet: "Big bad wolf, you dare to bully my papa, I'll go out and beat you up."

"No!" Jing Zhixuan yelled in the direction of the toilet with a quarrelsome attitude: "Take care of your stinking."

Su Ying's voice was crisp and bright: "Hmph! Baba, the big bad wolf bullied you, so you called me."

"Okay, baby." Su Mu suppressed a helpless smile, and said, "After you finish pulling, call Papa to wipe your PP."

Su Ying: "I know."

Jing Zhixuan raised his eyebrows, suddenly squeezed Su Mu's chin with a serious face, and looked directly at Su Mu's dark and deep eyes, with a kind of terrible seriousness: "Baby, don't you like my husband treating you like this? Hmm?"

"..." Su Mu blushed. In fact, he quite enjoyed Jing Zhixuan's occasional treatment of him like this: "Hmph, but, you used to be cold to others, and you couldn't say a single nice word. … I… "

Su Mu couldn't find a suitable description, and after holding back for a long time, he spit out four words: "I'm a bit square."

"Baby." The corners of Jing Zhixuan's resolute lips are full of indulgence, and the bottom of his deep eyes is drawing a trace of memory: "Can't you see that I look like a person now?"

When Su Mu heard this, he tilted his head in surprise, and quickly searched every face in the back of his mind: "..."


"It's very similar to..." Jing Zhixuan let it go, watching Su Mu stare at him like a cat with wide almond eyes, then gently opened his thin lips and said: "22-year-old Su Mu, 23-year-old Su Mu, that …”

Su Mu's eyes were rounded, and he held his breath: "..."

Jing Zhixuan's doting smile suddenly revealed evil: "That cheeky Su Mu who chased and beat me fiercely, who was a bit rascal, who was a bit aggressive, who was a little bit wild, but super cute, always flirts with others The Su Mu who flirts with me, the Su Mu who rides domineeringly on me and threatens to call me brother, will buy a lot of childish patterns and spread them on the dining table and peel himself like a lotus root, waiting for me to go back and kiss him and hug him... "

Su Mu was ashamed and angry, his face puffed up like an angry toad: "Hey...don't, don't say it."

Jing Zhixuan chuckled, the tenderness in his eyes could melt everything in the world: "Once you were sick, you hugged me and acted like a baby, and said let me hug you for a while, and then I will let you go to class. Remember?"

Su Mu blinked in a daze, only remembering that a few days ago, Jing Zhixuan hugged him and acted like a baby on the bed.

Jing Zhixuan said: Let me hold her for a while, and then I will go down after holding her for a while.

Jing Zhixuan stroked Su Mu's tender face with his fingertips, and said, "Do you still remember how you seduced me with your bathrobe open?"

Su Mu choked for a moment: "..."

Jing Zhixuan narrowed his eyes, exuding a wolf-like glint: "That day, as soon as I walked in, you asked me if I was hungry, and you said, take a bite of the newly baked hot buns."

Jing Zhixuan rubbed his lips against Su Mu's face in a funny way: "Huh? Haven't remembered yet?"

Su Mu's eyeballs rolled, and then his face blushed suddenly, and the corners of Jing Zhixuan's lips curled up evilly.

He knew, Su Mu remembered.

Jing Zhixuan said slowly: "That was the third month we were together, I didn't have lunch..."

That was the third month that Su Mu and Jing Zhixuan had been together.

At noon, Su Mu and Jing Zhixuan quarreled because Jing Zhixuan was eating with others and didn't call him.

As the patron, Su Mu was a little arrogant, and said that he would take Jing Zhixuan to eat well, but Jing Zhixuan dropped the bowl of the rice and didn't eat at noon.

There was no class in the afternoon, and Jing Zhixuan stayed in the library angrily until nine o'clock in the evening, when Su Mu called him, crying and acting like a spoiled child, Jing Zhixuan went back.

Jing Zhixuan entered the door with a gloomy face. Su Mu, who had just taken a shower, stood at the entrance and flattered him with his towel open: "Guest officer, are you hungry? I have freshly baked hot buns here. You can taste them for free." '

Jing Zhixuan froze at that time, narrowed his eyes, then arrogantly pushed him away, and went back to the second bedroom to sleep. Su Mu, who can't cook, quickly made a bowl of noodles for him, pitifully: "Guest officer , you don't want to eat steamed stuffed buns, we still have noodles, and we don't want money, please eat. '

Jing Zhixuan, who ate noodles, didn't eat buns that night.

But the next morning I couldn't bear it and ate it.

Su Mu blushed, always feeling that the coquettish and cheap in the memory must not be him.

After recalling this one, Jing Zhixuan said again: "Who wipes the corners of my mouth after eating, before I have time to wipe it? Huh?"

Su Mu blushed and lowered her eyebrows: "..." Well, it's me.

Jing Zhixuan took the opportunity to demonstrate the mouth-wiping technique to Su Mu again: "Who still says it's really sweet every time?"

Su Mu played with his fingers: "..." Well, it's still me.

The little cute cat Yanba looks so cute, Jing Zhixuan continued to tease: "Who is that one who threatens me to drain me every day without calling me brother, huh?"

At this time, Su Mu's face can be said to be very colorful.

"Tsk, I don't remember." Jing Zhixuan raised his eyebrows, and his tone became more and more charming and sexy: "Then husband will help you recall memories."

Su Muwen twisted the cloth in front of Jing Zhixuan angrily: "No more."

Jing Zhixuan said domineeringly: "Yes! That should be the sixth month we have been together. You, at that time, you are getting more and more ambitious, and you have learned to bully others..."

Yes, it should be the sixth month together.

He was also getting more and more aggressive. Now that Su Mu thinks back, he can't help but realize that Jing Zhixuan at that time really changed for him.

It's just that Jing Zhixuan's changes were too slow and subtle, so he didn't notice it.

Or maybe, he was too preoccupied with the great changes he made for Jing Zhixuan, while ignoring the gradual pampering from Jing Zhixuan.

After all, if Jing Zhixuan really treated him badly, how could he remember the details of the two of them in such detail and firmly, and even engrave the time in his mind and heart

At that time, after they had been together for a long time, Su Mu began to want to control Jing Zhixuan, just because he liked Jing Zhixuan more and more, became more and more inseparable from Jing Zhixuan, became more and more anxious, and became more and more anxious. More and more jealous, more and more suspicious.

I also began to slowly forget that I was a contract lover with Jing Zhixuan who had a one-year contract.

In short, he was in deep trouble, and he was afraid of losing this person.

Su Mu began to pester Jing Zhixuan to go to class together, and he began to greedily take Jing Zhixuan into consideration 24 hours a day.

One day, a school girl who pursued Jing Zhixuan called Jing Zhixuan brother Zhixuan in front of Su Mu and stuffed him with a small love letter.

Anyway, it's green tea, and he clearly knows that Jing Zhixuan is his man!

That night, while the two of them were doing business, Su Mu let out his jealousy and ordered Jing Zhixuan to call him brother.

Jing Zhixuan got angry and wanted to push him away, but he acted foolishly, with all his limbs on Jing Zhixuan's body: "If you don't shout, I will squeeze you dry, and you will call me daddy every day!" '

'Calling dad, right? "Jing Zhixuan flipped up and pressed him under him, his movements and eyes became very cruel: "Su Mu, you f***ingly treat me as a human being, don't you?" '

That night, Su Mu was exhausted and couldn't sleep because of the pain. He was still crying with swollen eyeballs until the next morning.

Seeing that he was aggrieved and refused to sleep, Jing Zhixuan held his breath, and finally had to compromise and lie next to his ear and squeeze out through his teeth: "Brother, ancestor, go to sleep, okay?" '

Su Mu's hoarse voice was vague: "It's not the ancestor, it's the elder brother." '

Jing Zhixuan broke down slightly: "Okay, okay, brother." '

'Hey, call again. '

'You want to be fucked, don't you! '

'... Woohoo...'

'Fuck! elder brother! elder brother! elder brother! '

Then Su Mu, who was crying so ugly, forced Jing Zhixuan to sleep all night.

When he woke up, his body was refreshed, probably Jing Zhixuan wiped it for him.

It's just that he didn't know that Jing Zhixuan gave him medicine for the first time.

After all, Shuang'er's there is not a back door that can't be used for such things, it has a certain shrinkage and recovery ability, so Jing Zhixuan used it for him for the first time, and never used it for him again.

Moreover, the medicine that Jing Zhixuan bought that time was applied strictly according to the doctor's instructions, every two hours, and then it was used up eight times during the sixteen hours when Su Mu fell asleep.

Since then, Su Mu forced Jing Zhixuan to call him brother countless times.

Su Mu recalled the past, and couldn't help wrapping his arms around Jing Zhixuan's neck, and kissed Jing Zhixuan's chin.

Jing Zhixuan brushed Su Mu's hair behind his ears, and said softly, "If I don't see you, I will miss you. You have said this to me countless times, remember?"

Su Mu nodded.

Jing Zhixuan covered Su Mu's ear and blew into the small hole: "Now that the truth of the previous case has been revealed, shall we talk about the former and the latter?"

"No, don't!" Su Mu pushed Jing Zhixuan away suddenly, remembering to jump to the ground: "I never said such a thing!"

Jing Zhixuan had a look of disgust: "Then why are you nervous, huh?"

Su Mu pushed Jing Zhixuan weakly with trembling lips: "Baby..."

"Papa," Su Ying's voice came just in time: "I'm done stinking."

Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief: "Let go, my son is calling me!"

"Papa," Su Ying's voice came again: "I can clean PP myself, you don't need to come in."

"..." Su Mu trembled: "Baby don't move, you will fall down, papa will come soon."

This time Su Mu easily pushed Jing Zhixuan away, after all how could playing hooligans be more important than having a son.

Jing Zhixuan finally said: "Then let's discuss this issue before going to bed."

"I don't want it!" Su Mu hummed and walked towards the bathroom, while not forgetting to threaten viciously: "Don't talk nonsense, you go out to sleep tonight!"

After Su Ying pulled Stinky, Jing Zhixuan had already put hot water for the father and son. The automatic jacuzzi was big enough for Su Mu and Su Ying to take a bath together.

Su Mu first stripped Su Ying to wash his feet and put them in, and then he took off his clothes and started washing his feet, when Jing Zhixuan opened the door and came in.

In the dense water vapor, Jing Zhixuan squinted at Su Mu, hugged Su Mu and kissed him as naturally as possible, and said in a gentlemanly tone, "Hurry up, baby, don't catch a cold."

"..." Su Mu looked at his son's curious eyes, quickly slid out of Jing Zhixuan's arms, and got into the big bathtub, blushing all over.

As soon as he got into the bathtub, he quickly poured a lot of shower gel and made bubbles in the water.

However, Su Ying doesn't seem to be very sensitive to this.

Su Mu also took him to the Shuang'er public bath several times when he was a child, so Su Ying felt that bathing together was different from sleeping in the same bed, and the latter was more shy.

When Jing Zhixuan was taking off his clothes, the little guy showed displeasure and rolled his eyes at Jing Zhixuan: "Don't be ashamed."

"..." Jing Zhixuan was very depressed: You and your papa can be naked, but I can't: "Papa can't wear clothes when taking a bath."

"Hmph." The little guy stopped talking, hugging Su Mu's neck stickyly, "Papa, rub your back itchy."

Su Mu pursed her lips: "Okay." Gently picked up the children's bath towel and gently wiped Su Ying's back and asked, "Where is itching baby?"

Su Ying replied obediently: "Going down..."

Jing Zhixuan took back the nosebleed that was about to flow out, and viciously dried the big vat of fresh vinegar that his son gave him.

Su Mu heard that Jing Zhixuan started to take a shower, knowing that Jing Zhixuan must be very attractive at this time, and wanted to take a sneak peek, but dared not.

While wiping his son's back, he searched for his memory, and carefully recalled that sultry past.

That was when he hadn't caught up with Jing Zhixuan, but it was also after he became famous for chasing Jing Zhixuan.

Anyway, his reputation was rotten, so he broke the pot and smashed it.

It was another Saturday, and Jing Zhixuan didn't go home as usual. He followed Jing Zhixuan to the toilet in the teaching building, and then looked at him while Jing Zhixuan was peeing. up.


As soon as Jing Zhixuan saw him, he showed undisguised disgust, washed his hands and prepared to leave: '...'

Su Mu didn't know what kind of psychology he had at that time, so he started talking directly: "Student, do you want to experience the dual feelings of a man and a woman?" '

Jing Zhixuan shook his back: '...? ? ? '

"I... one looks like a woman and the other looks like a man," Su Mu approached Jing Zhixuan, hugged his explaining arm shamelessly and said, "It's great. '

Jing Zhixuan suddenly supported the sink, and was at a loss in front of Su Mu for the first time.

He probably, maybe, no, he must not have guessed that he could be so flirtatious.

Ahem, he also suddenly felt that the way of liking big parts like this is a bit cheap, so he pursed his mouth and said dejectedly: "Oh, if you don't want to, then forget it." '

Sure enough, the corner of the mouth of the person who didn't want to twitch and walked out of the bathroom, Su Mu said bitterly to Jing Zhixuan's back unwillingly: "Hmph, there are a lot of people who want to taste it, don't regret it!" '

Then, a week later, he got Jing Zhixuan.

Later he thought, besides money, Jing Zhixuan must have been acquired by his words.

It wasn't until Jing Zhixuan didn't want to try the second one at all that he felt that he was thinking too much.

Jing Zhixuan asked coldly, "What are you thinking?"

Su Mu replied abruptly: "I'm thinking about big parts..."

"Papa, what are the big parts?" Su Ying asked in a childish voice, and Su Mu almost didn't go crazy. Papa oh?"

Su Ying happily said: "Yes!"

Jing Zhixuan smirked: "I think your papa must be thinking about the first one and the second one..."

Su Mu overwhelmed Jing Zhixuan's voice loudly: "Oh, I was wondering, after the baby's back is washed, should I wash the front?"

"Okay." It's a real son, Su Ying sat back very cooperatively, and stared at Jing Zhixuan's childlike warning, "I'm talking to Papa, so stop interrupting! Hmph!"

After waiting for King Su to take a bath, Jing Zhixuan hurriedly helped to wipe his son's body, wrapped his son in a towel, and carried the little guy into the bedroom.

When he entered the bathroom again to take advantage, Su Mu had already put on the bathrobe very quickly, and gave Jing Zhixuan a "beautiful as you think" big white eyes.

Jing Zhixuan had no choice but to kiss Su Mu twice in desire and dissatisfaction, and hugged him out of the damp bathroom.

Su Ying didn't sleep during the day, played some mobile games with Su Mu, and then fell asleep obediently.

Jing Zhixuan was about to discuss the 'remaining issues', but Su Mu stared at him in the dark, and said, "Zhixuan, didn't you ask what Shui Shui said to me?"

Jing Zhixuan was stunned, and gently held Su Mu's side face with his palm: "Well, what did you say?"

"Shui Shui said," Su Mu said with a wry smile, "He knows everything about Gao Tianyi, but Gao Tianyi doesn't even know what he likes to eat, even just one thing."

Jing Zhixuan frowned subtly in the dark: "..."

After Su Mu finished speaking, he let out a slight sigh: "Actually, Shui Shui likes Gao Tianyi, but unfortunately, Gao Tianyi doesn't know how to cherish him."

"He will understand." Jing Zhixuan stepped forward, wrapped Su Mu and Su Ying together in his generous chest, and affirmed: "One day, he will cherish Shi Rushui like I cherish you."

"... Mmm." Su Mu closed his eyes, and finally said with a strong nasal voice: "I hope that one day, Shui Shui will be as happy as me."

"Yes." Jing Zhixuan gently kissed Su Mu's forehead: "Then, you will be happy forever, good night, my love."