Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 72


Gao Tianyi held Shi Rushui's face with both hands, his eyes were warm but keen, and his voice was soft but harsh: "Shui Shui, tell brother, did you also give birth to a son for brother?"

Seeing that Shi Rushui didn't respond, Gao Tianyi pinched his little face to wake him up: "Huh?"

Shi Rushui trembled because of the slight pain: "Woo..."

"Don't touch my daddy!"

Suddenly, Su Ying's crisp voice came from the opposite bedroom, Shi Rushui's lax eyes closed abruptly, and then his expression was horrified, leaning on the bed with his elbows to get up: "...Xiaoying."

"..." Gao Tianyi gritted his teeth irritably, and held Shi Rushui's shoulder: "You have a fever, don't move around."

Shi Rushui took a deep breath. Hearing Su Ying's crying sound more and more clearly, his brows were furrowed even tighter. He raised his head and looked into Gao Tianyi's eyes complicatedly. He then grabbed his wrist and pulled down his big hand. Stand up with all your strength.

Gao Tianyi saw his stubbornness, so he let go of his hand and helped him out of bed to the opposite bedroom.

"Baba," on the opposite side, Su Ying, who also woke up in the middle of the night, was sobbing and shaking Su Mu's body: "Baba, wake up..."

"Xiaoying~" Shi Rushui pulled Su Ying over, trying to pick up the child, but found that he couldn't do what he wanted, so he sat on the side of the bed and pulled Su Ying into his arms, stroking his little head and said softly, "Good boy, Baba is sick. Don't wake up Papa."

"Little Baba, woo...why is Baba sick..." Su Ying cried, looking back at the unconscious Su Mu and said, "Papa..."

"Okay, baby don't cry." Shi Rushui kissed Su Ying's sweaty forehead, squinted his eyes, and quickly explained to Jing Zhixuan the method of physical cooling, then took out a new towel from the bedside drawer and handed it to Jing Zhixuan Zhixuan: "Please take care of Mumu, I will take the child to another bedroom first."

Shi Rushui was too weak to hold Su Ying, so when Gao Tianyi bent down to pick up Su Ying, he didn't say anything, just held Su Ying's little hand and followed Gao Tianyi, worried that the child would be afraid of life.

Walking into the living room, Shi Rushui touched Su Ying's small face: "Good boy, I'll go find antipyretics for the baby."

Gao Tianyi took advantage of the stone like water to turn over the drawer, walked up to Gao Wenze who was sleeping comfortably on a bed made of dining chairs, and kicked him on the ass to get him up to pour water.

Gao Wenze, who was woken up by the kick, lingered and sat up grumbling and rubbing his eyes aggrieved. When he heard that Shi Rushui had a fever, he immediately jumped up from the chair, more energetic than a rabbit.

After a while, Shi Rushui found the medicine. Gao Tianyi hugged Su Ying with one arm, and walked past Shi Rushui to the west bedroom, "Shui Shui, where are your clothes? First, take off your wet clothes. .”

"..." As soon as Shi Rushui entered the bedroom, he opened the cabinet, found a set of pajamas and threw it on the bed: "Change clothes for Xiaoying first."

"Well, look for yours too." Gao Tianyi let go of Shi Rushui, put Xiaoying on the bed, sat on the bed and kissed Xiaoying's forehead, right in the middle, um, it was the sweet smell of water: "Come on, son, Papa will change your clothes for you."

"!!!" Su Ying groaned, and got up from Gao Tianyi's arms, standing on the bed with her arms folded in front of her, looking at Gao Tianyi from the tail of her phoenix eyes: "You are not my daddy!"

"Tsk?" Gao Tianyi raised his eyebrows higher than Su Ying's, and clamped Su Ying's two chubby shoulders with a ferocious expression: "I don't call you Baba, look at me..." Hearing the sound of Shi Rushui's footsteps Gao Tianyi, a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Tickle you!"

"...haha, get out of here..." Su Ying was suddenly thrown by Gao Tianyi, her arm was pulled up by Gao Tianyi to scratch her armpit, she kicked her calf in anger, and she couldn't control her physiological reaction and laughed loudly: "Little Baba , haha... little papa, help me..."

Shi Rushui came to the bedside and held Gao Tianyi's muscular arm, his palms felt hot, and he felt a little embarrassed: "Don't, stop making trouble, Xiaoying has a fever too!"

"Obey!" Gao Tianyi immediately let go of his hand when he heard that, and took advantage of Shi Rushui's leaning over to pull Su Ying. She precisely met the corner of her lips that fell like stone like water...

Taking advantage of Stone Rushui's unpreparedness, Gao Tianyi easily attacked the city with his tongue. The kiss was short but deep and enjoyable.

Shi Rushui, who suddenly raised his head, said in an aura: "You!"

Gao Tianyi's thin lips curled slightly, and his voice was ruffian: "Baby, this thank you gift is too shallow!"

Stone Rushui: "..."

Su Ying pushed Gao Tianyi away: "Go away, shameless!"

Shi Rushui gritted his teeth, knelt down to the end of the bed, quickly took off the sweat-stained pajamas for Su Ying, wiped his little body with a towel, changed into dry pajamas, and put the little guy under the blanket.

As soon as Shi Rushui put Su Ying into bed, Gao Tianyi came over with a set of pajamas he found from the closet: "Your clothes are also wet, take them off, and change them on."

"..." Shi Rushui took Su Mu's pajamas, pursed his lips, "I...please go out and pour Xiaoying a cup of tea."

"Chirp~" Gao Tianyi covered Shi Rushui's back and lifted him up, pinched his waist and bit his lips lightly in front of Su Ying: "It's all my master's, why are you ashamed?" .”

Even so, Gao Tianyi walked out under Shi Rushui's shameful eyes, and closed the bedroom door.

"Little Baba," Su Ying watched as Shi Rushui took off his shirt, looked at his white jade-like body, tilted his head and said, "Who is that person, I'm so annoying."

"..." Although Shi Rushui was slender, he was slightly plumper than Su Mu. He looked very sexy and alluring. He quickly changed his shirt, went to bed and changed his pajamas, and said, "Why do you ask so many questions? Take medicine."

"Oh." Su Ying nodded obediently: "Little papa... how is my papa now?"

Shi Rushui lifted the quilt and sat side by side with Su Ying on the head of the bed, rubbing his little head comfortingly: "It's okay, your daddy has a fever too, take the medicine and you'll be fine."

As soon as Shi Rushui finished speaking, Gao Tianyi opened the door and came in with boiling water in his hand, and a few packets of biscuits from the coffee table.

Su Ying's temperature is about thirty-eight degrees.

Ever since she had a squeamish Beibei, Shi Rushui has acquired the ability to measure her body temperature with her lips, which is very accurate, and the fluctuation will not exceed 0.2° under normal circumstances.

Shi Rushui took the water glass from Gao Tianyi's hand, tested the temperature of the water, coaxed Su Ying to take a sip of the unpalatable fever-reducing medicine, then fed Su Ying half a glass of water and ate a packet of biscuits.

After seeing Shi Rushui serving Su Ying, Gao Tianyi knelt down on the bed with one knee and leaned over to touch Shi Rushui's equally hot forehead: "I'll go to the opposite side to see if the thermometer is used up, and I'll take your temperature too."

"No need." After Shi Rushui refused, Gao Tianyi was still walking out, so he could only say, "There should be some in this room, open the drawer and have a look."

Gao Tianyi raised his eyebrows and turned back: "Okay."

Gao Tianyi quickly found the thermometer. He took out the thermometer and shook it, then sat on the side of the bed, unbuttoned Shi Rushui's pajamas at the neckline, and clamped the thermometer under his arm.

Shi Rushui was immediately shivered by the ice.

"Baby." Gao Tianyi's big hand came out of Shi Rushui's clothes and held his left arm to let him clamp the thermometer, and kissed the tip of his ear: "Actually, you didn't live in the same room with Su Mu, did you?"

"!!!" Shi Rushui hid.

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't say anything." Gao Tianyi bit Shi Rushui's earlobe and kissed gently. After rubbing it for a while, he left, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Shi Rushui, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "Soon, I'll be there soon." Check it all out."

Shi Rushui had a trace of sadness in his eyes, he gently put the sleepy Su Ying down, lay down, hugged him, patted his back and coaxed him: "Baby, go to sleep, when you wake up tomorrow, you can see It's papa."

"Hmm." Su Ying hugged Shi Rushui's neck tightly, as if she wanted to seek a sense of security, then buried her head in his arms and rubbed her hands, and her eyelids finally dropped.

Gao Tianyi was sitting on the side of the bed, condescendingly watching Shi Rushui gently coaxing the child.

Shi Rushui was already very glamorous and charming, with long eyebrows like willows, charming eyes, unstained and smoky cheeks, unstained lips, her beauty is breathtaking.

But now, this person who is as beautiful as a banished fairy has added an indescribable charm, as if exuding an aphrodisiac fragrance, and his whole person is full of seductive crimes.

I wanted to rub him hard into my body.

Gao Tianyi felt his suit pants tighten, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and couldn't help but raised his fingers to gently scratch Shi Rushui's scorching face.

Shi Rushui's body stiffened suddenly, his slender eyelashes trembled a few times, then he closed his eyes and pulled Su Ying deeper into his arms.

It seemed that, like Su Ying who was hugging him tightly, she was looking for a sense of security.

Fascinated, Gao Tianyi scratched the soft and greasy skin of his face with the side of his fingers over and over again.

In fact, Gao Tianyi has an entertainment company under his name, which ranks among the top three in the country, so, what kind of beauties he has never seen before!

Sculpted and smeared natural beauty, pure and elegant celestial appearance, jade-like beauty, measurements ranging from 686 to 848, the most coquettish woman, the most handsome man, and beautiful as a flower like Shi Rushui Xiao Shuang'er, as long as he says a word, it's all about wagging his tail.

Unfortunately, he met Shi Rushui.

Everyone else has become a general.

And he never settles.

Gao Tianyi's rough fingertips scratched and scraped, and it became more and more unsatisfactory. He pressed the injured index finger to Shi Rushui's lips, and coaxed with an evil voice: "Hey, let me lick the wound, huh?"

"..." Shi Rushui: Fuck you!

"Tsk~" Gao Tianyi thought that Shi Rushui was sleepy and powerless, so he plucked Shi Rushui's lips in a tricky way: "Why don't you come by yourself?"

The stone burned like water at thirty-eight degrees two.

The doctor finally arrived in a hurry after 20 minutes, because it was already two o'clock in the morning, and it was hard to invite a doctor, so a doctor and a physician's assistant came.

After the doctor came, he saw Su Mu first, and asked his assistant to infuse Su Mu with water, and then he came to see Shi Rushui.

Jing Zhixuan also came in after the doctor, seeing his son Su Ying sleeping peacefully in Shi Rushui's arms, thanked Shi Rushui gratefully.

The doctor is an old Chinese doctor in his sixties. After Gao Tianyi reported Shi Rushui's temperature, he held Shi Rushui's right wrist and felt the lower pulse. Then he took out a cotton swab and asked him to open his mouth to check his tongue coating and throat.

Seeing Shi Rushui's red and swollen throat, the old Chinese doctor immediately froze.

From the pulse, it can be found that the stone is like water and the fever is not caused by wind and cold. If the fever is caused by internal fire, the doctor can check the degree of suppuration and inflammation from the tongue coating and palatine tonsils to judge the amount of medicine to be prescribed.

But after practicing medicine for many years, the old Chinese doctor naturally saw that the stone-like throat was man-made, and his face immediately became gloomy.

"Okay." The old Chinese doctor let go of Shi Rushui's chin, threw the cotton swab into the trash can, and said in a stern tone, "What's all this for? How could your throat be worn like this!"

"!!!" Shi Rushui didn't think of this at first, but now when the doctor asked him, his whole face and body felt like they were about to explode, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to get in!

It's not shame, it's the feeling of being so humiliated that you want to die!

"!!!" When Gao Tianyi heard this, his face was also ugly and terrifying. He clenched his fists and said coldly, "Doctor, how is he doing?"

The old doctor was invited here in the middle of the night, and he also saw menacing black suits standing upstairs and downstairs, but he was not afraid, and gave Gao Tianyi a cold look, and said sharply: "Put the clothes first Take it off, I'll talk after I have a look at the injuries on my body."

"You!" Gao Tianyi gritted his teeth: "No need, he has no injuries."

"Are you sure!" The old doctor's voice was louder than Gao Tianyi's. Su Ying, who was in Shi Rushui's arms, trembled in fright. The doctor's gray eyebrows trembled and his voice was lowered. He pointed at Shi Rushui's wrist with anger and said: "Isn't it an injury on the wrist?"

Gao Tianyi glanced at Gao Wenze and Jing Zhixuan who were standing opposite the bed like a sharp sword, and after seeing them give him a look of a beast, they walked out with interest, then let go of his fist, sat on the side of the bed, The hot palm was attached to Shi Rushui's left ear facing the ceiling, and he looked up at the doctor, frowning: "The inner wall below him is broken, and there are no other wounds."

"..." Such things are not uncommon for old doctors who have been practicing medicine for many years. Now that they know the answers they need to know when taking medicine, they said in a bad tone: "Did you catch a cold?"

"No." Gao Tianyi replied affirmatively.

"Then you give him two pills of antipyretics first." After taking a box of medicines from the medicine box, the old doctor picked up the medicine box from the bedside table: "Tomorrow morning I will ask my assistant to bring a few packs of boiled Chinese medicine, Let him drink a sachet in the morning and in the evening."

"Doctor." Gao Tianyi rubbed his stone-like cheeks with his fingertips, let go of his ears, and stood up with complicated eyes: "It's better to give him water. Before he had a fever, he needed water to heal."

"... Hmm." The old Chinese doctor looked at Gao Tianyi for half a minute, sighed and said, "The antipyretic solution is with the assistant, you and I come out and get it."

When we arrived at the living room, the old Chinese doctor taught me a lesson: "You young people are really messing around. Look at what you've made of people!" After speaking, he narrowed his eyes and added in embarrassment: "Cough, Is it you?"

"..." Gao Tianyi glared at Gao Wenze, who was gloating at other people's misfortune, and seeing Gao Wenze cast a not-so-obvious look of disdain at him, he carried a glass of water into the stone-like room, squinted his eyes, and said through his teeth: " I won't hurt him again."

"Don't think this kind of injury is a minor injury." The old Chinese doctor said earnestly: "There is a big medicine supermarket at the gate of this community, go and see if there is XXX or XXX ointment, if not, follow me to the health center to get the medicine. But the effect is not as good as these two.”

"Thank you doctor." After Gao Tianyi thanked him, he said coldly, "Gao Wenze, get out..."

As soon as Gao Wenze bought the ointment, Bai Ziyan arrived hurriedly, so he and Gao Wenze hurried upstairs.

As soon as Gao Wenze entered, he yelled towards the bedroom: "Boss, the medicine you asked for has been bought."

When Gao Tianyi came out to get the medicine, Bai Ziyan jumped in front of him excitedly and said, "Boss, guess me..."

"Hold it first!" Gao Tianyi finished speaking to Gao Wenze, walked to the bathroom, and said to Bai Ziyan, "Yanzi, talk as you walk, and then you'll be fooling me, I'll kill you!"

"Yes!" Bai Ziyan watched Gao Tianyi turn on the faucet and start washing his hands. He raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ask for credit: "I brought more than twenty brothers tonight and didn't rest for a second. I finally found out that Shi Rushui did give birth to a child... "

Gao Tianyi's movements stopped abruptly, he held his breath and focused.

Bai Ziyan: "The child is two years and four months old! It is definitely yours."

"!!!" The soap in Gao Tianyi's hand suddenly slipped, his neck mechanically turned to Bai Ziyan, and the corners of his usually cold mouth trembled slightly: "Where is the child!"

"The child was picked up today by a man named He Wenzhuo, and he is currently in the Bicuiyuan community." Seeing that Gao Tianyi did not respond for a long time, Bai Ziyan said, "Boss, Xiaofan and the others are now in Bicuiyuan. Bring the child back?"

"No need! Send someone to guard there!" Gao Tianyi pulled out two tissues from the wall cabinet, the corners of his mouth curled up in a terrifyingly resolute way: "Damn, I didn't expect such a petite woman to give birth to a son for me. Come! By the way, is it your son?"

Bai Ziyan's throat tightened: "Yes...Little Shuang'er."

"Very good!" Everything is fine, it's all his Gao Tianyi's seed, throwing the tissue, Gao Tianyi strode out of the bathroom: "Get ready, pick up my son at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. I have to personally go."

Bai Ziyan frowned, and said happily, "Yes."

In fact, Bai Ziyan only got the news over the phone ten minutes ago, and the reason why he didn't explain it to Gao Tianyi on the phone was partly because of Beibei's gender.

I thought that Gao Tianyi might not be able to accept it, but I didn't expect the boss to be so happy that he would pick up the child himself.

Bai Ziyan followed Gao Tianyi out of the bathroom: "Boss, it's agreed, I want to be a godfather."

"Fuck, I haven't called daddy yet, so why wait!" After finishing speaking, Gao Tianyi lowered his voice and confessed: "Hurry up and do it, don't be so ostentatious."

"You went to pick it up in person, it's not public enough." Bai Ziyan hecked, and said quickly under Gao Tianyi's unruly 'baba eyes': "Go now."

Gao Tianyi took the medicine, raised his eyebrows and entered the bedroom. Shi Rushui, who had already been infused with water, was drowsy.

Gao Tianyi quickly took off his clothes and went to bed, and hugged Shi Rushui into his arms from behind: Cool!

His back was crushed by his stone-hard pectoral muscles, Shi Rushui moved forward sadly, and uttered a cry: "Don't..."

"Baby, you are so cunning." Gao Tianyi still raised the corners of his lips, he bit Shi Rushui's ear, squeezed the plaster on his middle finger, and put it under the bed: "Come on, let my brother treat you well." The place where the elder brother gave birth, huh?"

"..." Gao Tianyi said that he had already acted, causing Shi Rushui's brain to go blank all of a sudden, and he couldn't hear what he said, "Don't..."

Gao Tianyi's actions are domineering and gentle: "Baby, in the future... I won't make you hurt again."

In the end, Shi Rushui, who was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyelids, was bullied by Gao Tianyi's "good intentions". .

However, he pecked at his cheeks, sideburns, ears, fingers and lips, and he didn't stop.

"Go to sleep." Gao Tianyi supported his body with his elbows, cupped Shi Rushui's face with both hands, and pressed a last kiss on Shi Rushui's lips, looking at him affectionately and dotingly: "Tomorrow, Brother will take you and your son home."