Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 76


Gao Tianyi held Shi Rushui's face and brushed away the hair on Shi Rushui's forehead.

He used his fingers to draw Shi Rushui's inconspicuous light pink scar near the hairline, used his eyes to draw Shi Rushui's slightly trembling slender and gorgeous eyelashes, and gently touched Shi Rushui with his lips. The tip of the nose is like water.

Once, Gao Tianyi, who lost his mother, thought that his heart would never hurt so much in this life.

However, on the third day after Shi Rushui disappeared three years ago, when he walked into the empty room, his heart felt as if he was being strangled by a cold machine. He was so painful that he couldn't breathe, and he couldn't even stand up. .

Although he was a little belated, Shi Rushui's departure really made him feel the pain of losing his mother again.

Now, he is lying here, hugging one big and one small on the bed, thinking that he might lose them, his heart starts to ache.

Thinking of this, Gao Tianyi hugged Shi Rushui tighter and kissed him deeper, until he tasted Shi Rushui's sweet and greasy breath, he let out a satisfied sigh.

However, his overly enthusiastic manner soon woke up Shi Rushui.

After Shi Rushui instinctively struggled for a while, when he came to his senses, he immediately raised his hand to Gao Tianyi's Adam's apple in annoyance, while trying to push the person away, while moving his head to escape, helplessly, he was not Gao Tianyi's opponent .

Gao Tianyi didn't let Shi Rushui go until he got annoyed with Shi Rushui's kiss, and Shi Rushui's claws like a little wild cat scratched the side of his neck hard.

Shi Rushui gritted his teeth restrainedly, and gave Gao Tianyi a vicious look with his fox eyes, then moved forward to distance himself from Gao Tianyi, hugging Beibei who was crying in his sleep, and gently patted him.

He could not hide the sadness in his gaze towards Beibei, and it took a long time before his gaze slowly turned into deep affection.

As soon as Beibei came back today, he could tell that Beibei must not have had a good rest last night.

Just think about it and know that Beibei has been away from him for more than an hour since he was so old, but Beibei just came back to him in the morning, still in shock and unwilling to fall asleep no matter how coaxed.

Hey, how much he hopes that his baby can grow up carefree, healthy and happy, even if he doesn't live a rich life, but don't experience gossip and gossip, and don't live in the power of open and secret struggles.

And these are exactly what Gao Tianyi can't give him at all.

Gao Tianyi didn't know Shi Rushui's complicated state of mind at this time. He rested his head on his elbows and looked at the big and small ones in front of him comfortably. Shi Rushui calmed down in his arms, then slowly narrowed his eyes, and whispered in Shi Rushui's ear, jokingly: "It seems that the stocking time is too long, it's time to train it."

"I don't know," Shi Rushui patted Beibei's hands in his arms a little stiffly, his eyes turned to Gao Tianyi's direction, and a cold line of irony overflowed from the corner of his lips: "Mr. Gao, how do you plan to adjust?" .teach."

Gao Tianyi raised his eyebrows, and along Shi Rushui's arm held his right hand that was placed behind Beibei's back, and then put it in front of him, playing with taste: "First bite off the nails on your sharp claws."

As he spoke, Gao Tianyi let out an 'ahhh', and suddenly put Shi Rushui's finger into his mouth, bit the back of his index finger with his teeth, and then bit the knuckle on his index finger, which was neither long nor short. I'm really going to 'cut' his knuckles with my teeth.

"..." Feeling Gao Tianyi's breath flowing between his fingers, Shi Rushui was startled, his neck shrank subconsciously, and then his whole body became stiff.

If he didn't have Bei Bei, if he didn't think about the future, then perhaps he would still be willing to live in Gao Tianyi's shadow until now.

Shi Rushui lowered his eyebrows and retracted his arms, only to see Gao Tianyi bit his fingertips with a smile, and while letting him go, he approached him even more viciously: "Then, I'll beat you with a whip."

"You!!" Damn it! When Shi Rushui heard this, the tips of his ears turned red uncontrollably. He hugged Beibei and crawled forward in panic, his body trembling in anger: "Please get out of my bed immediately!"

"You said let me get out, so I'll get out!?" Gao Tianyi also followed, holding Shi Rushui in his arms very reluctantly, with a look of a ruffian: "Then where do I put the face of being the boss?"

"Gao Tianyi," Shi Rushui put his hand on Beibei's upturned left ear, stared back at Gao Tianyi and said coldly: "If you really want to save face, you won't pester me here. , and Beibei's gender, wouldn't it damage your dignity even more."

"Your identity!" This is the second time Gao Tianyi heard this critical statement today, but he didn't expect that the second time it came from Shi Rushui himself. He narrowed his eyes suddenly and pinched Shi Rushui's lips. Chin asked sharply: "What's wrong with your identity, huh?!"

"!!" What happened to my identity! Shi Rushui sneered.

My identity is still up to you!

You said I was just a pet by your side, didn't you!

But everyone knows that they are both pets, and my treatment is not as good as those two dogs you raised!

But he didn't say anything, he didn't intend to be with Gao Tianyi, what's the use of saying it, his voice came out from between his teeth: "I warn you, it's best not to wake up my son! "

"Okay." Gao Tianyi frowned, then let go of Shi Rushui's chin, and smiled playfully: "In order not to wake up our son, please stay still, brother will apply medicine for you, um ?”

Shi Rushui took a breath: "..."

Looking at the unconcealable fear on Shi Rushui's face, Gao Tianyi was obviously in a good mood, and his smile became more and more evil: "Be obedient, as long as you relax~ relax a little, brother will be very gentle."

Shi Rushui: "..." Song your mother! The scalp is so tight!

Taking lessons learned from the past, Shi Rushui has no doubts that Gao Tianyi has a thousand ways of torturing people. In the past, he used violence to tear people apart, but now he grinds them slowly. In short, any method can make him want to die.

This time, Gao Tianyi wanted to bully Shi Rushui like last night, until Shi Rushui kicked him unbearably, Gao Tianyi withdrew his hand abruptly: "Fuck! I didn't..."

"... Papa."

As soon as Beibei's voice sounded, Gao Tianyi gritted his teeth with a green face.

"!!" Shi Rushui pulled down the pair in panic, touched Beibei's little head, narrowed his fox eyes and said, "Baby is awake?"

"Yeah." Beibei rubbed her eyes, then stared at Gao Tianyi who was behind Shi Rushui vigilantly with big and small fox eyes, and said in a childish voice, "Papa, why is uncle here?"

Shi Rushui gritted his small white teeth: "..."

"Baby is awake." Xing was kicked on the head, but it was quite sour. Gao Tianyi was in pain and his five sense organs could not be stretched yet: "Papa, come to sleep with you."

Beibei pursed her mouth and rubbed against Shi Rushui, obviously not welcoming the intruder: "Baba, Beibei, I'm hungry."

"Okay, Baba will take the baby to eat now." Shi Rushui pushed Gao Tianyi's domineering hand away with his hand on the bed, and then got out of the bed with Beibei, his feet hit the ground, and he almost didn't fall.

As soon as he saw the father and son disappearing from his eyes, Gao Hooligan immediately curled up into a ball on the bed and let out a deep growl: Fuck, a broken arm didn't hurt so much a few years ago!

Gao Tianyi felt relieved from the pain for a while, then moved his head to the pillow that Shi Rushui was resting on just now, took a breath of Shi Rushui's fragrance and closed his eyes.

The smell was really good, and he was really too sleepy.

When Gao Tianyi woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

He walked out of the bedroom shirtless, and saw that in the living room, Shi Rushui and Beibei used a footbath, Su Mu and Su Ying used a footbath, and the two pairs of father and son sat together on a small square stool in a tacit understanding. Chatting while soaking feet.

While Gao Wenze and Jing Zhixuan sat on the sofa, Gao Wenze fawned on the two little guys peeling melon seeds, while Jing Zhixuan rested his head on the sofa chair and looked at Su Mu quietly.

Su Mu raised his head occasionally and gave Jing Zhixuan a shy little look, but he always avoided it as soon as he touched it.

It's a joyous picture.

Gao Tianyi raised the corners of his lips in a subtle arc.

Because the cartoon was still playing on the TV in the living room at this time, the sound was not low, so after Gao Tianyi opened the door, only Shi Rushui looked up at him, and quickly looked away.

Gao Tianyi raised his eyebrows, it really was his man, he had a good understanding.

In a slightly better mood, he went to put some water to wash his hands, and then strode over to Shi Rushui and Beibei.

"Brother Yi." Gao Wenze hurriedly stood up and said hello: "You are awake, what do you want to eat, I will go out and buy it for you."

Gao Tianyi narrowed his eyes and thought, "Is there any instant noodles? Make a pack for me."

"Yes!" Gao Wenze said quickly, "What flavor do you eat?"

"Spicy, huh, spicy like my cat is the best!" Gao Tianyi said tauntingly while squatting beside Shi Rushui, and picked up the dry towel on Shi Rushui's legs and asked: "Is this a foot cloth? "

Shi Rushui turned his face away coldly, ignoring him: "..."

"Fuck!" After habitually cursing, Gao Tianyi subconsciously turned his face to look at the two children, only to see Su Ying smiling contemptuously at him, while Beibei looked at him with a crooked little face, and then looked at the two children. Shi Rushui finally fixed his eyes on him, his fox eyes slowly widened, his face puffed up like a toad, and he looked away after a while, and dared to timidly mumble his dissatisfaction without looking at Gao Tianyi : "No, kill me, papa."

"..." Gao Tianyi touched his face with his tongue, put on a gentle face, reached out and pinched Beibei's chin, "I obey, my little princess."

"Hmm~" Beibei fluttered her arms happily for a moment, looked at Gao Tianyi shyly and said, "Yes, little, prince."

"Okay," Gao Tianyi moved up to Beibei's face and kissed: "My little prince, come on, lift up your feet, and Papa will wipe your feet for you."

Gao Tianyi gently wiped Beibei's feet, then took Shi Rushui's feet out of the water in a gentle manner, wiped them for him in a gentle manner, and then, amidst Shi Rushui's exclamation, , one left and one right hugged a small one and a big one and walked into the bedroom where he had just woken up.

Gao Wenze, who had just made the noodles, was startled, and followed to the bedroom door and shouted loudly: "Master, your noodles..."

"Bring it in!" Gao Tianyi put the honest little one on the bed first, then stuffed the dishonest big one into the bed with his own hands, while turning around to coax the little one: "Baby, Baba warmed the bed, hurry up!" Get in."

Beibei clumsily crawled to Shi Rushui's side with all four paws together, then hugged Shi Rushui's neck, turned her head and looked at Gao Tianyi timidly: "...baba."

"..." Shi Rushui clenched his hands and endured it. Anyone who knows Gao Tianyi knows that Gao Tianyi's temper is out of control. Lowering Beibei's forehead: "Well, does the baby pee?"

"No pee." Beibei shook her head, "Bebe, I want to drink water."

When Shi Rushui heard this, he was about to turn over and get out of bed, when Gao Tianyi immediately said, "Just sit here, I'll come."

So, Gao Boss, who was ordered by someone, took the instant noodles at the door and ordered Gao Wenze to pour water.

In the following time, Beibei drank the water, leaned obediently in Shi Rushui's arms, and continued to watch the cartoon of the big stupid bear on the TV with his mobile phone.

Gao Tianyi kicked over a sofa stool and sat on the edge of the bed watching them. After about a minute, his stomach growled, and he hugged the unsoaked noodles in a bit of embarrassment and ate them.

Gao Tianyi was a rough guy, and he ate noodles a little loudly. Hearing his "sucking and sucking" sound and smelling the overwhelming fragrance, Beibei soon lost his composure, and turned his small face to sneak peeks many times.

Finally, when Gao Tianyi was holding the bowl to drink the soup, the little guy licked his lips, raised his head, looked up at Shi Rushui, and looked like a greedy cat: "Papa, noodles, is it delicious?"

"..." Shi Rushui raised his eyebrows and glared at Gao Tianyi, then put his mobile phone on the quilt, lowered his head and held Beibei's back-turned face, fearing that he would tire his neck: "Instant noodles are junk food, children can't eat them." .”

Shi Rushui looked at Beibei and pouted unhappily: "... oh."

Shi Rushui pampered Beibei's forehead and asked softly, "Is baby hungry?"

Beibei licked her lower lip, and said obediently, "Yeah."

Watching Shi Rushui and Beibei's intimate movements, Gao Tianyi slowly put down the instant noodle cup, narrowing his eyes subtly.

In the past, how many times have he and Shi Rushui been intimate in such a sweet way.

Thinking of the days and nights in the past, Gao Tianyi couldn't help turning red at the end of his eyes. For a moment, it seemed that Shi Rushui's charming voice had resounded throughout the room, as if Shi Rushui was still under his control...

Just when Gao Tianyi's eyes became more bloodthirsty, Beibei's little coquettish voice sounded again: "Baba, baby, I want to eat, Mianmian."

Gao Tianyi's throat moved violently, and then Shi Rushui coaxed softly, instead of Shen Jin's lingering voice in his head: "Then papa, go and make noodles for the baby?"

Beibei blinked pitifully: "..." I want to eat bucket noodles.

Gao Tianyi stood up abruptly, and looked at the greedy Beibei dotingly: "No need, it's okay for children to eat less instant noodles, and I will make Wenze's bubble buns not spicy."

"Beibei can't eat instant noodles!" Shi Rushui yelled at Gao Tianyi's back: "Even if it's instant noodles, it has to be boiled!"

"Then cook it!" Gao Tianyi turned his head and raised the corners of his lips: "Do you want to eat it? What kind of taste do you want? I will make it for you myself."

Shi Rushui snorted and turned his face away: "Don't eat."

"Okay." The arc of Gao Tianyi's lips gradually deepened, and he described a wicked smile: "Anyway, you are hungry in the middle of the night, so I can eat."

Shi Rushui: "..." He couldn't react for a long time.

And the happy Beibei asked crisply: "Papa, uncle, can I eat?"

Shi Rushui: "..." flushed all over his face.

I haven't seen him for three years. How did this person become a verbal hooligan