Bringing a Son to Marry a Giant

Chapter 97


Small pets? ! pretty? !

For a while, those unsavory words from many years ago seemed to ring in Shi Rushui's ears again.

'Mr. Gao, if you want me to say, you are the one with the sharpest vision in our circle. In this business field, you can make accurate decisions. Even the little pet around you is so beautiful. '

'Why, did you like it? '

'Apologize for crime. The man laughed: "It's a great honor for me to feast my eyes on Mr. Gao's beloved." '

Someone interjected: "Why, Shou Xing's wife is willing to trade for fun, and I'm afraid Mr. Gao won't be able to part with a small pet." '

'makes sense. It was Gao Tianyi's voice: "If I disagree, it would appear that I am narrow-minded." 'As he said, he was pushed out of Gao Tianyi's arms:'Go and spend time with Mr. Li. '

The moment he was pushed out, Shi Rushui really understood his position in Gao Tianyi's eyes and heart.

He has experienced his brutality, he has endured his overwhelming engagement news, he has endured his molestation at the banquet, but, he still has the feeling that Gao Tianyi likes him, looking forward to him every day .

until that moment.

That night, under the smoky and countless hideous faces, he stood tremblingly in front of Gao Tianyi, watching Gao Tianyi lower his head to smoke, and let Mr. Li put his arms around his shoulders, his mind was buzzing at that time With a sound, he pushed the man away with the greatest strength in his life, fell to the ground and knelt down in front of Gao Tianyi, begging bitterly...

If the fate can be repeated, that day, he will no longer beg Gao Tianyi on the ground like a dog, he will either leave or die.

It was Gao Tianyi who devoured his flesh and blood, took away his self-esteem, and made him, a person who was so eager to live and live through the thorns, think of giving up life countless times.

Yes, how can those who live in the light know how much they have to do in the dark? How can those who live at the top only care about the life and death of others think highly of those who struggle for money? How can a person who is crazy in love understand his compromise and madness.

But now, he has gone through the darkness, has been trampled by love, and has someone more important in his life, so he doesn't want to compromise anymore.

Even if it's just a little bit, he doesn't want to compromise anymore!

The affection in Gao Tianyi's eyes finally turned into mockery in Shi Rushui's eyes.

"Mr. Gao," Shi Rushui raised his hand and put it on Gao Tianyi's shoulder. He seemed intimate, but there was an indifferent smile in his eyes, and his words were extremely sarcastic: "No matter how beautiful a pet is, it is still a pet, and no matter how beautiful the child born to a pet is, it will be a pet." If you don't go to the elegant hall, since we are distinguished guests, my children and I should not embarrass Mr. Gao."

"..." Gao Tianyi's complexion changed, and he rubbed the hand on Shi Rushui's waist vigorously, suppressing his tone: "Okay, I won't use this word in the future, go in with me, change clothes and go downstairs to eat."

"Since it's not a pet." Shi Rushui snorted, "Then I don't want to take my child down to be watched by others, can't I!"

"You!" No matter how restrained Gao Tianyi was, he couldn't help but get angry. He threw Shi Rushui on the bed, strode out of the room, and closed the door with a bang: "Fuck!"

Hearing Beibei's 'woo-woo' sound through the door, he grabbed the heart of his chest heavily with his right hand, panting heavily.

The current Shi Rushui is really eloquent, becoming more and more unreasonable!

And Shi Rushui, who was kneeling on the big bed, hugged Beibei tightly in his arms. Ning Yiyi's arrival was like mending a knife on his already bruised heart, which made him feel so painful.

He even had an ominous premonition that someone would take his baby away.

Here, Gao Tianyi, who strode down the stairs, wanted to let Ning Yiyi clearly understand his decision through tonight's meal.

She also took the opportunity to tell Shi Rushui that he and Ning Yiyi had nothing to do with each other, and now that they have decided to divorce, they will treat him well from now on.

However, if Shi Rushui rejected him thousands of miles away, would he really care about this? !

Gao Tianyi stood at the wooden railing at the door, looked down at the fish swimming in the water and smoked a cigarette, Gao Cheng, Gao Quan, Bai Ziyan and a group of people came, among them were some who had just arrived Ning Yiyi.

Seeing Gao Tianyi's figure, Ning Yiyi shyly called 'Brother Yi', and hurried forward, as if the unhappiness just now had never happened.

The dinner started, everyone was seated, Gao Tianyi ignored Ning Yiyi beside him, and told Hong Yi carefully: "You serve the food for Rushui and the children yourself, and then ask Rushui if he would like to come down to eat, go."

After a while, Hong Yi went downstairs and said that Shi Rushui didn't want to go downstairs to eat. Gao Tianyi sighed, got up and put some hot dishes for Shi Rushui in a small bowl, and asked Hong Yi to serve him.

Ning Yiyi's shoulders trembled, showing embarrassment on his face, but Bai Ziyan just couldn't see it: "Boss, I'm here. I haven't seen my godson for a day, and I miss him very much."

Gao Tianyi was noncommittal, so Bai Ziyan went upstairs with a few small bowls of vegetables.

Gao Tianyi was a little cautious, hoping that through Bai Ziyan, Shi Rushui could understand his intentions and go downstairs obediently, so that both of them could go down the stairs.

But Bai Ziyan, who only had Beibei in his eyes, happily teased Beibei a few words, and when he heard Beibei call him uncle, he happily went downstairs.

During the dinner, Ning Yiyi behaved as usual. As a man, Gao Tianyi naturally couldn't open his mouth to mention the divorce.

Everyone understood Gao Tianyi's intentions, so they didn't bring the topic to the two of them. The banquet ended with two bottles of white wine. Ning Yiyi sent everyone out of the main building, and Gao Tianyi, who was half drunk, went upstairs.

"Yiyi." Gao Tianyi was in a bad mood, and he was indeed a bit greedy, but he was not really drunk, so when there were only two people left in the room, he pushed Ning Yiyi away: "You should go back and think about the matter of retiring the engagement." How to deal with it properly, it's getting late, go back and rest."

"Brother Yi." Ning Yiyi boldly pressed her soft front against Gao Tianyi's arm: "Is it okay if you don't break the engagement, if... if you really have a lover, I... I will try my best to tolerate it."

"Heh." Gao Tianyi smiled suddenly, lowered his head and asked her, "Don't you feel wronged?"

"No..." Ning Yiyi looked at Gao Tianyi's magnified handsome face, suppressed the jealousy she couldn't hide in her eyes, lowered her eyebrows and shook her head: "Because I like you, so, I can."

"But," Gao Tianyi held Ning Yiyi's delicate wrist, and pulled down the arm that was wrapped around his arm: "You misunderstood, I can't bear to be wronged, only Shi Rushui."

Ning Yiyi suddenly raised her head, her eyes were at a loss: "..."

"Go back and rest." Gao Tianyi let go of Ning Yiyi's wrist, turned around and went upstairs, and finally said: "After two months, if I do this matter, then I'm sorry."

When Gao Tianyi treated Ning Yiyi, no matter the expression on his face or his words, he could not be called majestic and domineering, and even a little gentle, just like how he appeared in front of the camera.

Like a businessman who talks about business.

However, Gao Tianyi like this is really disheartening.

After the banquet ended, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, Shi Rushui was lying on the bed hugging the sleeping Bei Bei, thinking wildly.

The first floor is high-ceilinged, the relationship between the layout of the room and the material, the noise on the first floor can hardly be heard on the second floor, in the afternoon Shi Rushui stood in the corridor and could not hear the sound of the living room, let alone the bedroom door is closed at this time with.

The moment the door was pushed open, Shi Rushui seemed to feel that the big stone on his heart fell to the ground, and it was not until Gao Tianyi hugged him after taking a shower that his heartbeat returned to normal.

After taking a bath, Gao Tianyi was covered with the minty fragrance of shower gel, but he still couldn't help sniffing his nose to smell it. While doing so, he was afraid that he would smell a different feminine fragrance from his body.

Worrying about gains and losses, Gao Tianyi pressed the back of Shi Rushui's neck against Gao Tianyi's hot lips, and then kissed him lightly. Shi Rushui stopped breathing suddenly, and his eyelashes were wet with tears.

He... was really afraid that Gao Tianyi would hug his fiancée tonight, although he knew it would be sooner or later, but...

He was really scared.

what to do? !

Probably caused by the environment in which he lived since he was a child, Shi Rushui is very sensitive and has a heavy mind, which is very good at hiding his thoughts.

But Gao Tianyi is just the opposite, he has always acted vigorously and resolutely, even thinking about his daughter's love affair in his heart, so he is a little worried about gains and losses after being messed up by Shi Rushui recently.

Therefore, if Shi Rushui didn't speak, how could Gao Tianyi understand his deep thoughts.

Shi Rushui slept with nightmares, and the next day, Gao Tianyi woke up very early, almost waking him up at the first movement.

He felt Gao Tianyi carefully prop up his upper body behind him, then held his face, held his mouth in his mouth and licked it gently for a while, then got up and left.

After about ten minutes, Gao Tianyi should have cleaned himself up, so he leaned over Beibei's side of the bed, kissed Beibei and then his cheek, then turned and left.

After the sound of closing the door, Shi Rushui's eyes suddenly opened, with endless sadness in his eyes: outside, it was dawn, but his dark night had just begun.

After Gao Tianyi left, Shi Rushui always thought that Gao Tianyi took Ning Yiyi to leave, but unexpectedly, at nine o'clock, he carried Beibei to the small garden on the second floor to bask in the sun, and saw the lotus standing on the ground. On the other side of the pool was the graceful Ning Yiyi.

She is indeed a national goddess.

A suitable silk blue dress not only outlines her willow slender waist, but also perfectly and subtly sets off the turbulence of her upper body and beautiful hip line.

Due to the distance, Shi Rushui could only see his long hair fluttering in the breeze, his beautiful oval face, and her snow-like white skin under her knee-length skirt.

Only in this way, there is already enough capital to attract men.

Gao Tianyi has good eyesight and good luck.

After seeing the stone like water, Ning Yiyi walked towards him around the lotus pond, and then walked up the outer stairs on the side of the small garden with ease.

Shi Rushui stood still on the spot, watching Ning Yiyi approaching him step by step, and then caught off guard as Ning Yiyi raised her right hand high, about to slap him in the face.

Shi Rushui's hand raised slowly, ready to grab Ning Yiyi's arm, but Ning Yiyi's hand was earlier than him, abruptly stopping in mid-air.

Ning Yiyi glanced down at Bei Bei who was beside Shi Rushui, and stared at Shi Rushui with a sneering voice: "Shi Rushui, I will spare you for the sake of the child!"

"Hmph." Shi Rushui put down his left hand that stopped her, covered Beibei's ears with Bebela in front of him, and looked at Ning Yiyi without showing any weakness: "Ning Yiyi, if you really dare to slap me like this... Face, I will give it back to you without mercy!"

"Tsk." Ning Yiyi folded her arms in front of her body, narrowing her peach blossom eyes: "You've come out to sell ass, yet you're still pretending to be shameless here, it's really ridiculous."

"I'm sorry, I don't just sell ass. I have something that makes your brother Yi ecstasy even more than ass." Shi Rushui smiled like a courtesan waving to customers in a brothel in ancient times.

Ning Yiyi's eyes widened suddenly: "You!"

"If Miss Ning has the ability, let your brother Yi let our father and son go." Shi Rushui's voice suddenly became cold: "Talking about this with me, a dog who can only shake its waist and hips, will lower your status. .”

"It really is a dirty and despicable thing!" Ning Yiyi sneered: "Don't worry, when brother Yi agrees to entrust your son to me to raise, you can retire."

"What did you say!" Shi Rushui's cheekbones twitched a few times: "What do you mean!"

Ning Yiyi looked at Shi Rushui with disdain, and finally said: "It means literally!"

That ominous premonition was indeed right.

Watching Ning Yiyi twist her waist and go downstairs, Shi Rushui let go of Beibei, and quickly took two steps forward.

He looked at Ning Yiyi's enchanting back in the blue dress, and felt an urge to push her down the stairs. He absolutely couldn't hand over the child to this duplicity woman...

However, just as Shi Rushui was hesitating to take another step forward, Ning Yiyi only heard an 'ah', and suddenly disappeared into Shi Rushui's eyes.

Ning Yiyi didn't fall too hard, when she left with the help of her servant, she turned her head and smiled coldly at Shi Rushui.

After Ning Yiyi left, Shi Rushui was panting and couldn't rest for a moment. He didn't know if Ning Yiyi's fall was really careless, or... a scheming fall.

If so, then how would Gao Tianyi vent his anger on him? ! He wouldn't really give his son to such a woman!

Finally, around noon, Shi Rushui returned to Gao Tianyi in fear, but Gao Tianyi's first words were to tell him that Su Mu's family was coming, and asked him to go down to greet them with Beibei in his arms.

It was already noon when Su Mu arrived with Xiaoying.

With the arrival of Su Mu and Su Ying, Gao Tianyi saw the smile on Shi Rushui's face after a long absence, and his mood improved accordingly.

He ordered the luncheon to be held in the gazebo in the middle of the lotus pond in the back garden. In the season when the lotus is in full bloom, the scenery is very pleasant. In addition, the lunch is well prepared, and there are a few exquisite snacks. Just walked into the gazebo. The two little guys were excitedly clamoring to start eating.

In order to make Shi Rushui happy, Gao Tianyi naturally wouldn't let other people eat at the same table, so there were only three members of Su Mu's family and theirs.

Shi Rushui sat between Beibei and Gao Tianyi. After being fathers for a long time, it was natural for Shi Rushui and Mu Mu to feed their children first.

Gao Tianyi rested his left elbow on the table and looked at Shi Rushui with his head propped up as a 'good wife and father'. His previously sharp eyebrows and eyes were now full of warmth and comfort.

During the enjoyment, from the corner of the eye I saw Jing Zhixuan feeding Su Mu, Gao Tianyi also picked up the chopsticks, scanned the dishes on the table, then picked up a shrimp and fed it to Shi Rushui's mouth: "Come on, open your mouth."

"..." Shi Rushui was stunned for a moment, raised his eyes to meet Su Mu's searching gaze, and then opened his mouth to bite the shrimp.

After going back and forth several times, Shi Rushui became a little impatient, and simply avoided: "Please eat it yourself!"

The tone is quite heavy, like training.

Gao Tianyi shook Mu Xurou's hand, his eyes dimmed instantly: "..."

Seeing the change in Gao Tianyi's expression, Jing Zhixuan quickly got up and poured tea for him and Shi Rushui: "Mr. Gao, I really want to thank you for this matter of Su Mu. If it wasn't for you to come forward, with my ability, I really want to thank you." I don't know when I can get back the company shares belonging to Su Mu."

"..." Gao Tianyi didn't speak, put his chopsticks on the plate, took out a piece of paper and wiped the corners of Shi Rushui's mouth, Su Mu's eyes widened because of his good temper.

When Jing Zhixuan sat down, he touched Su Mu, and Su Mu suddenly woke up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Gao."

"Come on," Gao Tianyi pinched his chin under Shi Rushui's impatient eyes and turned his face away, and said with a smile: "If I didn't please this little guy, I wouldn't bother to help you, so, if you want Just thank this one."

"..." The light in Shi Rushui's eyes flickered, and then he tried his best to break free from Gao Tianyi's fingers.

"That..." Su Mu looked at the corners of Gao Tianyi's lips with a doting smile in complicated eyes, and hesitated for a moment, "Mr. Gao, Shui Shui doesn't like to eat Mushu meat."

Gao Tianyi's eyes slowly turned to Su Mu, raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

"Yeah." Su Mu slowly raised a smile, looking down at the dishes on the table: "Shui Shui Duo likes to be vegetarian, I don't like vegetarian dishes, I don't like to eat pure meat, except for crayfish and fish, I can eat some, haha , especially like to eat lotus root, such as lotus root with osmanthus glutinous rice, lotus root meat box, purple rice lotus root with rock sugar, lotus root filled with honey juice, Shui Shui not only likes to eat these, but also is quite good at cooking."

"Really?" Gao Tianyi finally raised his eyebrows again, put his arms around Shi Rushui's narrow waist, turned his head, bowed his waist, pecked his delicate face and looked at him with a smile in his eyes: "Chirp, no Know when I can have this blessing."

Shi Rushui's slightly swollen lips trembled slightly, the matter of Ning Yiyi was still lingering in his heart, his head was heavy at the moment, and he felt a little dizzy.

Fortunately, Beibei pulled his arm at the right time and whispered: "Papa, pee."

"Oh," Shi Rushui stood up from the seat in a panic, bent down and carried Beibei off the chair, "Go, Papa will take you to pee."

"Baby," Gao Tianyi also stood up following Shi Rushui: "Let the baby sprinkle here and add fertilizer to the lotus."

Su Mu looked at the back of Shi Rushui pulling Beibei away, and called softly, "President Gao."

Gao Tianyi lowered his eyebrows and turned his head, Su Mu stood up from the chair, and after looking at Jing Zhixuan, Jing Zhixuan took out a leather bag from the backpack prepared for Su Ying and handed it to Su Mu.

Su Mu handed the cowhide bag to Gao Tianyi again: "Mr. Gao, Shui Shui is a person worth cherishing. Although I don't know what your position is for him now, I hope you read the book inside." , to understand him a little more, to love him a little more."