Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1000: Who falls into whose trap (Part 1)


Perhaps feeling the suspicion from Yelu Dashi, Master Zhong turned his head and looked back. Their eyes met in the air. The latter had no intention of escaping with a guilty conscience. Instead, he smiled and nodded.

At the same time, things happened again on the mountain. Although the fire caused by diesel was extremely violent and almost burned the entire ridge, the fierce Jurchen warriors still did not give up. Following the roar, there were actually one or two thousand people, covered in flames, rushing straight ahead like evil ghosts coming out of hell.

When this scene appeared, even though there were many soldiers and horses at the foot of the mountain, many people still screamed. The soldiers in the front were even more frightened by its momentum and subconsciously retreated back. But at this time, the seed master was unmoved and immediately calmly ordered: "Thunderbolt, release!"

The crossbowmen in front stepped forward in response, cocked their arrows, drew their bows like a full moon, and fired towards the densely packed enemy troops above. The sharp-eyed Yelu Dashi only glanced at it and discovered that these arrows of the Song Army were very different from the ordinary ones. The arrow tips were not sharp, but the arrow shaft heads were thicker than ordinary arrows. They seemed to be There's something on it, and I don't know what it's for.

Soon, he and his subordinates saw how powerful the specially-made arrows of the Song Army were. Just as they were shooting in front of the enemy troops and watching them raise their weapons to block or dodge, the arrows suddenly struck. With a sudden explosion, countless iron nails, iron sand and other fine objects swept towards all directions like a storm, almost covering these golden soldiers again.

Immediately, another burst of extremely miserable screams broke out among the golden soldiers. Many people fell down, and many people were rolling on the ground like crazy and howling... The charge that was still relatively powerful was instantly overturned. disintegrated, and then the Song army shot at them with bursts of arrows. Although they were ordinary arrows, they were enough to cover and kill the Jin soldiers who had completely lost their resistance.

Everyone in the Liao soldiers, including Yelu Dashi, opened their mouths wide and stared at everything in front of them, unable to believe that this was true. The Jin soldiers who had just been killed so hard that they had no choice but to retreat hastily were so vulnerable to the Song army. They were about to be slaughtered in just a few rounds of attacks? When did the Song army's combat power become so strong

However, Yelu Dashi quickly recovered from the shock. He had already figured out the whole reason. The reason why the Song army was able to defeat the enemy so easily had many prerequisites. For example, after his troops were defeated just now, they attracted The Jin army pursued it with all its strength. For example, the geographical environment of this place, and only the combination of various factors contributed to such a seemingly easy victory.

Although such a great victory was gratifying, the doubts in Yelu Dashi's heart became more and more serious. After seeing that the overall situation was decided and the Jin soldiers could no longer pose a threat to the soldiers in the west, he could not hold back and strode to Zhong. The teacher came forward: "Old General Zhong, do you, the Song Dynasty people, give us an explanation? Why did the Jin people only have about 10,000 people on the only way to the south, and they were already prepared to drive away our Daliao soldiers?" Open the way in front of me and catch me off guard? Also, you should have received the news a long time ago, so you have made corresponding preparations, but why didn't you inform us?" As he said that, he stared at the seed master with his eyes. Face: "Aren't you and I allies?"

"Dashi Linya, please be patient. I am just doing this to annihilate all the Jin soldiers."

I have to hide it from you first, otherwise, if the enemy sees the problem because your Liao army is not careful enough, it may let them slip through the net and escape. "Zhong Shizhong smiled calmly.

"How can I say that you Song people really knew that there would be such a change?" Yelu Dashi asked through gritted teeth.

However, the seed master did not give a direct answer. He just said: "This time I am just following orders. If Dashi Linya is dissatisfied, you can go and talk to Sun Qianli and see how he responds to you. But if I As the commander-in-chief of the Liao army, what I have to do now is to kill the fleeing Jin army as much as possible, expand the battle, and recapture the fortress in the rear."

Yelu Dashi was so angry that he even wanted revenge. However, after seeing the embarrassing appearance of his own soldiers retreating in defeat, especially after seeing the Song army's terrifying firearms, he wisely chose to suppress his anger and did not dare to explode. Because he knew very well that once he really turned his back and started a war, his own army was really no match for the Song Army. What's more, there is still a big enemy outside now, and it is really not suitable for Song and Liao to fight again.

But there was one thing he firmly believed - the Song people were untrustworthy, and Sun Tu was even less trustworthy. It was obvious that the other party had more information than him, and the Jin army's actions were completely different from the previously planned strategy.

According to their previous plan, the main force of the Jin army coming from Shangjing to take Youzhou will definitely pass by Lulongsai, so they will set up a pocket formation trap here, and they will be severely damaged after they run into it. golden man. But now it seems that the Jin people must have seen through their own plot, so they used this trick to take advantage of it, but their main force still doesn't know where they are. As for the Song people, they were more advanced than the Jin people. Taking advantage of the situation, they deployed a powerful firepower offensive and directly destroyed this suspected Jin army.

If the Liao people think they are on the second level, then the Jin people are obviously on the third level or above. As for which level the Song people are on, it depends on the final result.

At this moment, Yelu Dashi felt a deep fear of Sun Tu in his heart. This man's scheming and ruthless methods were far beyond his imagination.


When the battle in front of Luronce was almost over, an unexpected surprise battle also came to an end.

Under the setting sun, Zhuozhou City seemed to be covered with a thick layer of blood, and countless people were bleeding and fighting outside the city.

Although nearly 30,000 soldiers and horses were stationed here as one of the important strongholds and granaries for the Song Army to advance into the north, when the soldiers and horses guarding the city faced a sudden attack by the same number of Jin soldiers, they were completely unable to withstand it. Even if they have a city to defend.

This group of thirty to forty thousand Jin soldiers, who were supposed to appear in the Lulongsai area, actually crossed the defense lines of the Song and Liao armies as if they could fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and appeared out of thin air in this extremely important city near Youzhou. and launched the most violent attack on it at dawn.

Zhuozhou had already had its moat leveled and half-collapsed city walls due to several changes of hands and fierce attacks by soldiers and horses from all sides. Now, when it was attacked by the elite Jin army, many flaws suddenly appeared. As these golden soldiers continued to throw thick ropes onto the city without fear of death, countless soldiers climbed up head to toe like ants and killed them. The defenders at the top of the city soon couldn't resist and were defeated. The enemy quickly captured a section of the city wall.

In this battle, Wanyan Wushu, as the fourth prince, charged forward and was almost invincible. He was the first Jin man to truly establish a foothold at the top of the city. It was he who charged back and forth with his sword and completely killed the defenders at the top of the city until their morale collapsed and they fled down the city crawling.

After noon, the northern city wall was completely in the hands of the Jin army. Then, the North Gate was quickly opened by the Jin soldiers. More Jin soldiers outside the city rushed in like hungry tigers and ferocious wolves. The Song army, which was still trying to defend the city, was defeated step by step. In the end, only half of the soldiers were left. The horse retreated from the south gate in embarrassment, but gave up the city, the wounded soldiers, and the food and grass in it.

This was an exquisite and risky assault tactic that the Jin Army had never used before, and the credit for all this lies with Wanyan Wushu alone. It was he who noticed the conspiracy after the Song envoy arrived, and promptly persuaded Aguda and others, and then in a short period of time formulated a further strategy to target the Song people.

First, 10,000 elite troops escorted the Liao army to the south with great fanfare, pretending that they had believed the Song people's request for help and were about to come with all their strength. Before that, the real elite soldiers and horses of the Jin Kingdom had been reduced to pieces under the leadership of Aguda and others. They took a detour through the high mountains in the northeast and spent more than half a month bypassing the defense lines of Song and Liao. , appeared behind them and came to Zhuozhou City.

This was actually just a variation of Wu Shu's previous secret mission to Zhuozhou, but this time they came with more troops and stronger strength. But because both the Song and Liao sides were focusing on Jizhou, Youzhou and Lulongsai at this moment, they actually allowed them to successfully cross the sea and reach this place without anyone noticing. The Song army regarded it as a dangerous place. The location of the granary.

And it only took them most of a day to successfully capture the city. So when Wanyan Aguda stepped into the north gate of Zhuozhou, he let out a burst of proud laughter: "They say that the people of Song Dynasty are smart and cunning. Now it seems that my son Wushu's strategy is obviously much better than theirs. Okay, With this city in hand, we can then open up the north and south, take the entire Liao Kingdom into our hands, and then cut off the Song army's retreat and kill them all. By then, the Song Kingdom in the south will have no strong troops to defend. The wealth and population there will also be in my hands!"

After these words were spoken, there was immediately a burst of cheers from the surrounding soldiers, and the roars of joy soared into the sky. Then, as the soldiers and horses searching the city continued to report the harvest in front of them, Aguda was even more overjoyed. He repeatedly patted the bloody Wu Shu and said, "Well done, if we can invade the Song Dynasty, , you should take the lead. Once we capture the Song Dynasty, I will reward you with everything there!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Wu Shu was not too excited, only his eyes flashed with a strange light, and then he looked up to the north and said secretly in his heart: "Sun Tu, although I was defeated by you before, I had to rush Escape from Zhuozhou. But you must have never dreamed that in just two months, I have become the master of this city! This time, please be resourceful, and you will be plotted by me. In the end, I won. !”


One... One thousand chapters, this book finally broke through the thousand chapter mark again, and passersby believe that it is impossible for this book to have a second thousand chapters (isn't this nonsense...), so it is so meaningful. In one chapter, Natural Four asked for a vote. . . . I need all the votes. . . .