Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1004: Desperate Counterattack (Part 1)


The raging fire, fueled by diesel fuel and strong winds, burned through the entire city of Zhuozhou. It could destroy everything that appeared in front of it, whether it was dead or alive. The ensuing thick smoke was like giant black dragons raging in the streets and alleys of the city, and the soaring fire also rendered the sky completely red, which could be clearly felt even from dozens of miles away. The huge devastation caused by this fire.

If someone could leap up in the air like a bird at this time and look down, he would definitely be able to witness with his own eyes the unprecedented terrifying destructive power of the flames... No, in fact, there are literally hundreds of pairs of eyes in Zhuozhou City today at a height of dozens of feet. They looked down at the scene of the burning city destroying everything, and all of this was caused by their own hands.

Even Sun Tu never thought that this air raid and arson tactics would achieve such an astonishing effect. In just over an hour, the entire city was engulfed in fire. No matter how brave and brutal the golden soldiers were before, they could not Facing the billowing heat waves and flames that came from all directions, they still had no way to resist like most people. Most of them could only retreat again and again, and were finally forced into a blind corner, screaming and being killed. Devoured by fire.

Some Jin soldiers ran into a certain building and died in the ruins as the fire completely destroyed the building. Even if there are some brave and brave people who rise up to fight, they are all exhausted and seriously injured. Even if they are gathered together in one place, the situation is still not optimistic. They are just like headless flies scurrying around in the city, and then He was forced into a dead end by the fire again.

The screams of tens of thousands of golden soldiers came one after another, forming a continuous sound, almost covering up the sound of wind and the crackling sound of fire burning everything around them, and were blown by the wind and scattered in all directions, also reaching the sky. , until many Song Army soldiers who had been dropping diesel jars and torches before were trembling with fear.

Even though the two sides had long been hostile, the soldiers were still shaken after seeing these enemies dying in such a miserable way. Many even forgot to throw away the last few cans of diesel in the basket. But this was enough. Not only was Zhuozhou City about to be completely destroyed, it also allowed all the hot air balloons to climb higher to avoid being harmed by the rising fire and heat waves.

Under the light of this fire, Zhuozhou City today is even brighter than during the day, so even if Sun Tu is at a height of dozens of feet, he can still clearly see that there are still a few remnants of the Jin Army emerging from the flames. After fighting their way out, they stumbled toward each door. Although the number was not large, it was enough to attract his attention.

It's a pity that he was in mid-air and could not land in a short period of time. He could no longer issue orders for the surrounding soldiers and horses to surround and intercept him. He could only hope that the layers of ambush laid before could perform well at this time and not let himself disappointed. Because Sun Tu knew very well how much hidden dangers would be left by letting the tiger return to the mountain. Even if the Jin army had suffered heavy casualties in this battle, as long as they could escape, it would be possible for them to make a comeback. After all, as far as he knew, the Jin army that entered Zhuozhou this time But there are absolute leaders of the Jin Kingdom like Agudawushu.

Finally, a group of five or six hundred golden soldiers closest to the west gate took the lead and rushed to the incomplete door.

It was closed, and at the same time nearly half of the city gate was destroyed by fire. These golden soldiers had already lost their courage at this time. Without much hesitation, they rushed straight to the city gate. They just wanted to escape from this purgatory as soon as possible and save their own lives.

But just as some people were running at full speed and were about to rush through the city gate in front, there was a familiar whistling sound outside that made their heartbeats suddenly stop and their blood freeze instantly. It was arrows flying through the air. Sound, outside the city, the Song army had actually set up an ambush, just waiting for them to crash into it!

When the fire in the city was burning in such an unscrupulous state, and the heat waves, thick smoke and fire were constantly rushing out, even if they were mentally prepared, the nearly 10,000 soldiers down the Song River who were scheduled to guard the west gate were all shaken and fearful - their own hearts Is what the general pulled out from nowhere so terrifying? Using this move, with less than a thousand men, he was able to trap tens of thousands of enemies in a big city to death. How tyrannical and murderous this is...

It wasn't until bursts of shouting suddenly came from the city, and a burst of chaotic running footsteps came closer and closer, that all the soldiers recovered from the shock. Following the low voices of Song Jiang and other generals, thousands of Ji's crossbows were all fully drawn and aimed at the city gate, which usually looked quite wide.

However, when those thousands of sharp arrows roared into the city gate and swarmed like locusts towards the Jin army that was rushing out, the city gate hole seemed particularly cramped and narrow. Because those arrows almost filled the entire passage, blocking all angles and possibilities for them to dodge. Almost every arrow could penetrate into the enemy's body, killing the already injured Jin soldiers on the spot like slaughtering pigs and dogs. No one was spared. Even some people at the rear who wanted to turn around and escape were killed in the corridor by more arrows that followed.

In just a short cup of tea, under a burst of flying fire like pear blossoms, the five or six hundred golden soldiers who thought they could escape were all turned into bloody hedgehogs, and no one survived. But on Song Jun's side, not even a single person was injured.

Such a great victory was unimaginable by all the soldiers below Song Jiang. This was not a battle, it was clearly a one-sided massacre. They were massacring a group of ordinary people who had completely lost the ability to resist. This made them feel excited, but they also had some strange feelings in their hearts. Is this the legendary Jurchen Golden Soldier who killed the Liao people without any ability to fight back? It turns out that there are times when they are so vulnerable under their own hands...

The same scene happened at the South Gate and North Gate! The will to survive and the consistent bravery and mobility allowed several remnants of the Jin soldiers to break out from the siege of the fire, and then tried their best to run towards the city gate. But as a result, Song troops were waiting outside the city gates. What greeted them was not the fresh air, but a dense rain of arrows. There was not even a superfluous nonsense, as long as there was movement inside the city gates. As soon as the news came out, there was a hail of arrows, blocking all the enemy's escape routes.

In the past hundred years, the Song army was able to deal with the Liao people undefeated despite the shortage of horses and insufficient combat power. It relied on skillful city defense and powerful bows and crossbows. For this battle, Sun Tu mobilized hundreds of thousands of bows and crossbows together, which made the soldiers

We can completely let go and shoot without any worries or savings, and the effect of this is also extremely obvious. The three city gates are firmly guarded by the Song army, let alone the Jin soldiers, even a mosquito Don't even think about flying out of the city easily from this wave of arrows.

The city gate was sealed, but the fire was getting bigger and bigger. For the remaining Jin soldiers in the city, it was really the end of the road and there was only one way to die.

Even though they were ten miles away, the intensive screams could still be heard by Yue Fei and other soldiers outside the east gate, but they did not dare to relax at all, and still stared at the half-open city gate, looking at Looking at the deep corridor, waiting for the next wave of enemies to rush out.

Because just now, a group of about a hundred Jin soldiers suddenly rushed out and killed most of them after a hail of arrows. Only a few of them retreated into the city. Then, except for a burst of shouts and screams from inside, There was no other movement. Now, it was even quieter inside the city gate, as if the enemy had given up, left here, and found another place to escape.

But Yue Fei didn't think that the Jin people would give up this only escape route at this time, because as long as they looked outside the city, they knew that the entire city had been engulfed in fire. Turning back at this time was really the same as committing suicide. On the contrary, if he risked his life and charged forward one more time, he might still be able to survive in death and find a glimmer of hope.

What's more, the number of enemies who just rushed out is also very problematic. Just from the screams coming from other directions, you can know that there are hundreds of thousands of golden soldiers attacking from other sects. How can there be only a mere number of them here? Where are the hundreds of people

The only explanation is that the golden soldiers here are more cautious than elsewhere. They rushed straight out of the city without thinking. Because of this, those who were smaller in number and did not block the entire city gate were able to retreat part of the way amid the dense rain of arrows. Thinking of this, Yue Fei's heart suddenly jumped up. He knew that next was the time to test his side's combat strength and determination. The enemy's next wave of momentum must be extremely strong, and it must be launched with one attack. Initiated in a way that no one expected.

In the city, the faces of all the Jin people were extremely solemn. Aguda had already raised his sword in his hand and was making final mobilization in a low voice: "We Jurchen warriors, although today we fell into the trap of the Song people and suffered heavy casualties. But we We will never succumb to such a conspiracy, let alone fall. We have to fight out. As long as we escape from this city, the world outside still belongs to our battlefield, and we will surely win the final victory. Warriors, Come with me and fight out of the city!" After saying that, the sword slashed down hard. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom suddenly turned around, with the sword across his chest, roaring like a tiger, and rushed forward at the lead. .

He is Wanyan Aguda, a great hero who led the entire Jurchen tribe to rise from ignorance and humiliation. He will never accept the result of being tortured and burned to death. Even if he dies, he will die on the first step towards the enemy. First line!

The more than a thousand golden soldiers around him were inspired by his words to have the strongest fighting spirit in their hearts at this moment, and they immediately roared out, followed by dozens of soldiers holding huge crossbars in their hands. Aguda rushed into the city gate and headed out of the city...

The life and death of the Jin Kingdom and the Jurchens depend on this battle!