Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1005: Desperate Counterattack (Part 2)


Hearing the cries of killing and charging again in the city, the Song army at the east gate fired a thousand arrows again, intending to use the same method as before to severely damage the enemy and kill them all.

But this time, when the rain of arrows flew into the city gate, the first thing that sounded was not the familiar scream, but a dull sound, and then several strong figures rushed out. When they entered the city gate, they saw that the seven or eight strong men of the Jin Kingdom were all blocked by a heavy wooden door the size of a bed board. At this time, it was covered with dense arrows, which actually killed most of the arrows of the Song army. Blocked.

It turns out that the East Gate area used to be a gathering point for large-scale stores. Although they have been emptied out by the war, many things cannot be moved, such as those doorways. And Sun Tu and the others couldn't cover everything when they set fire at high altitude. There were many shops in the east gate that were not on fire. However, at this moment, the Jin people used them to save themselves. They actually blocked the thousands of arrows with astonishing lethality, and finally let them go. They were able to truly break out of the narrow city gate.

Following these strong men, they were followed by a group of Jurchen generals and warriors headed by Aguda. At this time, they were in a desperate situation. Naturally, they did not care about their status. Everyone showed their most primitive and ferocious side. They roared like tigers and wolves, and rushed straight into the Song Army's formation at the fastest speed. Almost in the blink of an eye, they were The distance between the two sides was shortened from eighty steps to only fifty steps. At this time, the Song Army's next wave of arrows had not yet been released.

Seeing this, Huang Xin in the Song army's formation shouted loudly: "Brothers, come forward with me to kill the enemy!" After shouting, others kicked their horses forward and faced the Jin soldiers who were constantly rushing forward. The Shandong Army officers and soldiers beside them didn't hesitate at all. They followed up with shouts, discarded their bows and crossbows, raised their swords and guns, and charged in to cover them up. Behind them, Yue Fei calmly gave orders repeatedly, asking other soldiers to continue drawing their bows and loading arrows, so as to be sure.

Although he was still young, Yue Fei at this time still showed the good qualities that a famous general should have. Not only was he calm enough, but he was also ready to deal with greater threats. He always felt that this golden soldier was a bit weird. , it seems that there is another trick that has not been used.

"Kill!" With continuous angry shouts, the Song and Jin armies finally collided head-on, and a battle without any tricks, purely a competition of combat power, began. Huang Xin took the lead. He danced the Sangmen Sword with great force. The sword light turned four times. Almost at the moment of the battle, the tip of the sword had grazed the necks of two golden soldiers. They screamed and fell down. At the same time, his forward momentum became more and more fierce, and he went straight towards Aguda who was in the middle of the Jin army.

When Aguda saw him coming to kill him, he roared angrily and swung out the big knife in his hand. There was a head-on collision. The golden soldiers beside him completely ignored the momentum brought by Huang Xin and continued to rush and kill with swords and guns. Ru Lin instantly withstood the attack of the Song army, which was twice his number.

"Clang, clang, clang..." The swords clashed, and there was a fierce clashing sound. Then an unexpected scene happened. The horse sprinted, and Huang Xin, who should have had a great advantage, fought against A Gu who was on foot. , not only did he not take any advantage, but his own momentum was abruptly blocked. The opponent's strength was much more terrifying than he thought.

Before he could react to changing his moves, with a clang, the Sangmen Sword was blocked and lifted up, A Gu

Da has suddenly leaned down, the long knife in his hand has been slashed out, and with a pop, he cut off the two front legs of the war horse under Huang Xin's crotch. The horse suddenly neighed miserably and leaned forward, causing Huang Xin to scream in surprise and rush forward. After cutting off the horse's hoof with one knife, A Gu's knife suddenly stabbed forward, predicting Huang Xin's movement accurately, and then struck his chest.

At this time, Huang Xin's situation was extremely dangerous. He lost control of his body and almost rammed into the opponent's knife tip, but he couldn't even stop himself. The only thing he could do was to roar loudly, use all his strength to withdraw the Sangmen Sword, and block the attack of the sword. And as the swords collided again, with a loud noise, Aguda took the opportunity to kick out again, found the flaw, and kicked Huang Xin hard in the lower abdomen, kicking the seven-foot-old man until he screamed and flew backwards. It passed over the heads of the subordinates and fell to the ground like a torn sack.

This immediately dampened the momentum of the Song army. They could still rely on their superior strength to deal with the Jin soldiers, but their formation was thrown into chaos and they retreated straight away. At the same time, several more people rushed forward, blocking the way of Aguda who wanted to continue pursuing. However, Hao Siwen, Pei Xuan and Wei Dingguo, who had always been on good terms with Huang Xin, came to the rescue.

At the same time, Yue Fei in the rear also shouted: "Fire the arrows!" However, he realized that the more than two thousand people could not stop the momentum of the Jin soldiers, so he could only use bows and arrows to repel the enemy, and then organize a formation to defend himself. Fortunately, there are tens of thousands of elites here. As long as they are properly dispatched, there shouldn't be much problem in trapping these golden men.

Just as the arrows flew out again, the battle ahead became rippled again. Seeing the generals rushing towards them, Aguda let out another angry roar, and then suddenly dwarfed, the long knife in his hand swept out like a whirlwind, and he launched a fierce attack first as if he had predicted their coming. , when the sword flashed, the horses under the crotches of the generals were the first to suffer damage. They were hit by the sword one after another, and fell from their horses screaming in shock.

At the same time, among the surrounding golden soldiers, several more vigorous figures were quickly thrown out, and swords and guns were drawn out to attack the unbalanced three generals. Although Hao Siwen and the other three were not weak in martial arts, they lost their sense of control in their eagerness to save people. Now that they and their horses fell to the ground, how could they still struggle? They were immediately overwhelmed by the Jin soldiers hiding among the Jin soldiers. The fierce generals found opportunities and fell into the trap one after another. Amidst the screams, they were all killed on the spot.

At this time, the wave of arrows from behind had just hit, but the Jin army had already retreated quickly, and someone picked up the door panel in front of them, allowing them to push through directly.

Just as the sound of arrows suddenly stopped, Aguda roared to kill again and rushed forward quickly. Although he also had an extra feather arrow on his body, it did not affect his movements at all. Wherever he swung the long sword, he actually swept away the seven or eight Song soldiers in front of him, screaming and flying away, and also brought the Jin soldiers behind to fight. Rushing forward with a violent gesture.

Huang Xin had just struggled up from the ground at this time. After watching this miserable scene, his eyes were already red. He immediately let out an angry roar, brandished his sword again, and pounced forward like a mad tiger. He was filled with regret and remorse. He never expected that his careless move would have affected so many brothers. This made him unable to explain to those brothers who died in the battle even if he died.

Beside Yue Fei, the other generals were also affected by the fighting in front of them. They shouted and galloped forward, no matter what, they had to fight with the Jin soldiers in hand-to-hand combat and kill these enemies with their own hands to avenge their brothers. And the Jin Bing on the other end also

The early battles had gone crazy, and everyone was going crazy. They completely ignored their injuries and just rushed forward, constantly crushing and killing the Song army in front of them.

Perhaps the only person who remained calm at the scene was Yue Fei. He did not rush out like the others, but kept glancing back and forth at the enemy and at the dark and quiet city gate behind them. He has always had a feeling that the enemy has a back-up plan, but he doesn't know when this back-up plan will be used.

It was precisely because of his calmness that the real elites of the Qingzhou Army around him did not attack without authorization. More than three thousand elites were still tightly surrounding Yue Fei, with their bows and arrows strung, staring straight ahead. At this moment, those who are fighting against the Jin soldiers are the group of heroes, mainly those who surrendered from Liangshanbo. Although they are also an important part of the elite Shandong army under Sun Tu, in terms of combat power, Obviously, they are still not as good as those golden soldiers who risked their lives.

Even though their strength was five times that of the enemy, in this frontal battle in the dark night, they were still driven back by the enemy. Several generals were also hit one after another and were on the verge of collapse.

"We can't wait any longer." Seeing that the Jin soldiers were trying to completely suppress his own team and break out from the side, Yue Fei finally couldn't hold it back completely. He immediately gritted his teeth and ordered boldly: "Fire the arrow, and then kill." Go up and be sure to keep them behind, with the main purpose of killing the enemy!"

Following his order, another wave of arrows rained down from the sky, falling straight towards the Jin soldiers in front, halting their offensive. Then the remaining Qingzhou soldiers also shouted and rushed forward to counter-press the Jin soldiers.

At this moment, Yue Fei felt a chill in his heart, feeling the threat coming. Then he raised his head when he noticed the sound of wind rising above his head. A scene that surprised him suddenly appeared in front of him.

To everyone's surprise, there was a team of golden soldiers waiting just above the east gate. At this moment, with the help of ropes, they were running down the steep city wall like a flying trapeze. While they were in mid-air, many of them jumped up and pounced on the unprepared people like birds. The Song army's cold light flickered and went straight to greet the soldiers.

This is Jin Bing's final move to break through! The man who flew out first to attack Yue Fei, who was already charging towards him, was none other than Wanyan Wushu, who had never shown up.

It turned out that this was a tactical arrangement made by the Jin people who had retreated to the city after being shot by random arrows in a short period of time based on the on-site environment. It was Wanyan Wushu who proposed this risky tactic!

Because he knew very well that there was a huge gap between his own troops and the Song army. Even if he tried his best to charge, only some of his troops could get out. This was obviously unacceptable to Wanyan Aguda, who had suffered heavy injuries. So it was better to take a gamble and bet that the Song Army soldiers would not expect them to launch an attack from above, attract everyone's attention with the bloody battle of those below, and then completely reverse the situation with a move like a divine soldier descending from the sky.

Wu Shu found the right opportunity and the target, and went straight for the obviously calmest target, who was also the target of the Song Army's commander - Yue Fei! He believed that as long as he killed this general in a surprise attack, the Song army would collapse!

Therefore, in this environment, Yue Fei and Wanyan Wushu, the fateful opponents in history, officially met and clashed for the first time!