Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1006: Desperate Counterattack (Part 2)


The Jin soldiers who flew down from above along the straight and steep city wall really exceeded the expectations of almost all the Song army soldiers, and completely caught them off guard. This was an attack method that was completely beyond common sense.

But in fact, this tactic, which was simply unthinkable in the eyes of the Song people, was nothing in the eyes of the Jurchen warriors. Because for so many years, countless Jurchens have relied on risk-taking adventures to support their families - the ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and seabirds they used to pay tribute to the Liao Kingdom all grew on the steep cliffs of Changbai Mountain. If you want to get the things on the top, the Jurchens need to use the simplest means to fall from the top of the cliff hundreds of feet high, and then dig out these treasures.

Although in the past ten years, with the continuous growth and rise of the Jurchen clan, they no longer have to exchange their lives for some poor survival necessities as they did in more than a hundred years, their traditions have still remained, and almost all the elites in the army have The skill of climbing a cliff as if walking on flat ground is nothing compared to the difficulty and danger of a ten-foot-long city wall.

Moreover, this kind of swooping and falling tactics has a powerful momentum that is not found on the plains. It can further increase the Jin people's combat power by another three points. It is really like adding more wings to a tiger. It is really beyond the ability of ordinary Song soldiers to resist. They almost killed them before they fell. As soon as they met, the soldiers at the front fell down one after another, unable to stop their momentum at all, allowing them to pass over their heads like wings on their ribs, and then pounced on the Qingzhou soldiers in the rear who were still raising their bows to shoot. Elite.

At the front of the team, Yue Fei was the first to bear the brunt. His destined opponent, Wushu, roared like a god descending from the earth and slashed down with a sword. His force was so powerful that it seemed like he could cut both men and horses in half with one strike. Fortunately, Yue Fei sensed the danger before the enemy approached, and took precautions under this premise. As soon as he felt the fierce and powerful sword falling, he decisively picked up the reins and controlled the horse, and dodged towards the side. Finally, He narrowly avoided the opponent's knife that he was determined to get, and at the same time, the spear in his hand turned into a shadow in the sky, facing the other two golden soldiers who were coming towards him.

The speed and reaction of these two people were far inferior to that of Wu Shu. Their knives were still more than half a foot away from Yue Fei. They had already been stabbed by the spear in the chest and were thrown backwards with screams. They hit Yue Fei hard. After hitting the wall, it hit the ground again, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

But Yue Fei's danger has not yet passed. Just when he stabbed two people with two consecutive shots, Wu Shu, whose sword failed, shouted loudly again. He only used his waist to exert force, and stopped his body in the air. He swung the sword again with both hands. He changed from a straight slash to a horizontal slash, and then attacked Yue Fei's shoulder and neck. He finally figured out that the other party was an extremely important general in the Song Army. Killing him would definitely disrupt the defense here.

The timing of this sword was also extremely exquisite. It was the moment when Yue Fei's old strength had just left and his new strength had not yet regenerated. Even if he wanted to return the gun to save himself, it was a little difficult. This also made his face suddenly tighten, and he did not dare to make any more moves. After a pause, his legs kicked and retreated, and he exerted force on his hips and legs. He quickly separated from his mount and flew straight to the side and behind. At the same time, there was a cry, and the light of the sword flashed past the back of his horse. If he had been delayed even a moment, he might have been cut in two.

Yue Fei's sudden decision to abandon his horse and dodge was beyond Wu Shu's expectations, and it also made him helpless.

Change your tactics and attack. But after letting out a light sigh, he still followed the trend. After a pause, he opened his legs and landed lightly on Yue Fei's mount. With a shake of his hand, the rope that helped him fall quickly was abandoned. Immediately, the reins were firmly grasped by him. With a start, he quickly turned around, and Wu Shu actually rode his horse straight towards the Song soldiers behind him.

The fight between the two of them was extremely dangerous and very fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, one of them had fallen off the horse and the other had taken the horse. At this time, the fighting in front and behind really broke out. No Qingzhou soldiers were killed by surprise. The hundreds of crossbowmen in the front all fell down in blood. The people in the rear also quickly retreated amidst the continuous shouts of the low-level officers. He managed to escape the enemy's subsequent pursuit, but his attempt to rush over to help was also completely cut off.

If it were an ordinary army, even if it still had an absolute advantage in terms of strength at this moment, it would probably collapse. After all, the current situation is that the Song army was cut into two parts by the Jin soldiers. It was hard to take care of the first position, and many generals were either killed or fell from their horses. However, the enemy's killing power was in full swing. The more they fought, the more brave they became. It seemed that they were completely at a disadvantage. But this Qingzhou Army cannot be guessed by common sense. Every officer here has subjective initiative and adaptability that other army generals do not have. Even if the general is temporarily trapped, they will not panic and actually respond to orders. , retreating in an orderly manner, first taking a step to widen the distance from the enemy who was in full swing, and then a burst of arrows flew to disrupt the enemy's momentum and block their pursuit.

Sure enough, this kind of on-the-spot response really frustrates Jin Bing's attack that was supposed to take advantage of the situation. Wu Shu also caused the horse under his crotch to be hit by two arrows due to a careless move, so he could only give up and continue to charge and control the horse. He lined up with the others, making preliminary preparations for another challenge.

Behind them, the battle between the Song and Jin Dynasties also entered a fierce battle. However, after losing the cover of the rear crossbows, the Shandong Army soldiers who were several times more numerous were unable to withstand the fierce impact of the Jin soldiers in waves, and actually retreated step by step. , they were about to retreat in front of Wu Shu and the others.

The battlefield outside the east gate is indeed full of strange scenes. The two groups of soldiers and horses were actually cut into two pieces, and the two sides were still unable to communicate and cooperate effectively. This is obviously not what the Song army, which has more strength, wants to happen, but since the initiative has fallen into the hands of the Jin people, they will naturally not let it go.

After Wu Shu looked at the Song army waiting in front, he decisively turned back to his horse and shouted: "Counterattack, kill all the Song troops in front of you first, and then try to leave!" With that, he once again took the lead in the opposite direction and headed straight towards the back of the Shandong Army. The road rushes away. Under his leadership, the other golden soldiers roared angrily, and with a force of less than a thousand men, they charged back again and fought back.

At this time, facing the situation of being attacked from both sides, the Shandong Army was really unable to withstand it. Huang Xin roared several times to marshal the army, but it could not have much effect. Moreover, Aguda had already killed him again with the cooperation of several generals. He rolled his sword and slashed Huang Xin's face. He was frightened. He could only quickly raise his sword to parry. But this time, the long sword in his hand was no longer the repeatedly tempered Sangmen Sword. After continuous battles, the long sword with a more brittle texture finally couldn't withstand the strange force coming from the broadsword and suddenly broke.

"Dang!" As the sword broke, Huang Xin's figure suddenly stagnated, and then his chest

The middle door is fully open. The Aguda in front of him showed no hesitation at all. The sword in his hand flew out, and with a roar, it completely penetrated into Huang Xin's chest. With another puff, he would be cut into two pieces.

"Brother Huang..." Several generals who were also born in the Liangshan brothers were furious when they saw this. They roared angrily and charged forward regardless. But obviously, the choice of these generals who valued loyalty was completely wrong. At this time, the momentum and murderous intention of the Jin soldiers had reached the extreme. They could not cope with such a reckless attack. Suddenly, Hao Siwen and Wei Dingguo Others were attacked and fell down one after another, and were stepped on by the golden soldiers, becoming the stepping stones for their front conflict.

As these generals continued to die in battle, the morale of the Shandong Army had dropped to the bottom. Coupled with the fact that Wu Shu led the army in the rear, it immediately collapsed and dispersed! Facing the full impact of two thousand gold soldiers, this 7,000-strong Shandong Army, which had been prepared for a long time, was defeated so easily, and they were already considered the most combat-effective army among the Song Army, even better than the Western Army. , just a little worse than the Qingzhou Army that Sun Tu truly built.

In the sky, Sun Tu, who was controlling the hot air balloon to slowly descend, looked at this scene with an extremely ugly expression. The melee fighting here at the east gate attracted Sun Tu, who was still controlling the fire in the city before. Especially after seeing the defeat of his men, he became extremely angry and quickly brought a lot of heat. The balloon flew to this side.

In addition to being angry, he was also a little scared and even thankful. Angry because this army that had high hopes made so many mistakes and was defeated miserably by the Jin soldiers whose strength was far inferior to its own under such favorable conditions.

Fortunately and fearfully, I was lucky that I chose to join forces with the Liao people and used the strategy of luring the enemy into the city, gathering them and annihilating them. If they were to fight against the Jin soldiers on a regular basis, even if the Song army had twice as many troops, they would not be able to defeat the 50,000 or 60,000 Jin soldiers.

No wonder the Liao, which had always ruled the north and had no rivals for a century, would be completely destroyed in just two or three years. It turned out that it was not that the Liao was too weak, but that the Jin people's combat power was more powerful and terrifying than anyone imagined. It is precisely because of this that in real history, the Jin people were able to quickly go south after destroying the Liao Dynasty, killing millions of soldiers of the Song Dynasty in a devastating way, and finally escaped to the sea to save a front line. vitality. Such a powerful enemy is simply not something that the Song Army can contend with head-on. No matter how much time they give themselves to train their so-called elites, they are still no match for them!

Having such powerless thoughts also made Sun Tu more determined to annihilate the Jin soldiers in this battle. So while he was staring closely at the last three thousand soldiers and horses, he gave a decisive order: "Drop another three feet, and we can go down along the rope. Remember, once we encounter the enemy, we must remove all the ammunition." Throw them all out, be sure to grab the enemy first, kill the enemy first, don't let them get close to fight!"

And just when Sun Tu was about to personally intervene in this final decisive battle, the battle situation below became turbulent again, because one man had retreated to the Qingzhou army formation, and then decisively issued the wisest order: "Broken prisoner bombs." , Thunderball, play it for me!" It was Yue Fei who roared with a calm and calm voice even though he was young!