Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1007: The Doomsday of the Jin Man (Part 1)


At this time, Yue Fei looked really embarrassed. Not only was his armor broken in many places, but his body was also covered with many wounds from swords and guns. He was dripping with blood and even his body was a little shaken. This was how he killed hundreds of golden soldiers on foot. The price to pay for the road. But his eyes were still bright, and his expression was as calm as before. He gave the order extremely simply and firmly: "First stop the enemy with Polu bombs, then use Thunderbolt bombs, and first disrupt the enemy's formation!"

Yue Pengju is worthy of being a famous general in history. Even though he is still young and in an extremely disadvantageous situation, he can still adapt to changes and stabilize the momentum of his subordinates with just a few words. As his order was issued, the Qingzhou soldiers who were still thinking about retreating suddenly suddenly moved forward. With a wave of their hands, fist-sized bombs were thrown towards the Jin soldiers.

Today's Polu bombs have made a qualitative leap compared to the first batch due to continuous improvements by Ling Zhen and other firearms experts. These bombs are not only more lethal, but also more convenient to use. They no longer need to be ignited with an open flame. Instead, the twister is hidden inside the round body, covered with white phosphorus, and then covered with ceramics on the outside.

This is like a fire breaker used in ordinary homes. Once the outer cover is broken, the fuse inside can be ignited by the wind in the blink of an eye, and then the bomb will explode with a sound. However, the cost and workmanship of this batch of firearms were much higher than ordinary ammunition, so their production was limited. Only the most elite Qingzhou soldiers were issued a few each. Because they were all in front of them, they hesitated and never used it. It was only now, seeing that the situation was extremely critical and Yue Fei gave a loud order, that the soldiers took action boldly.

In an instant, hundreds of bombs crossed a distance of several feet and hit the middle of the golden soldiers. Some golden soldiers didn't know the purpose of this hidden weapon, so they just subconsciously waved their weapons to block. Some of them evaded in a hurry, but it seemed that they were able to break it easily. But then, a series of rumbling and violent sounds exploded in the ranks of the Forbidden Army, causing the golden soldiers around each bomb to fly back and scream in agony, falling to the ground howling miserably.

And this was only the first layer of damage caused by the bombs. Immediately, countless ceramic shards, iron sand, nails and other sharp objects flew in all directions like a storm, covering their heads and bodies. Hit the unprepared Jin soldiers.

An instant later, the screams were several times louder than before. Countless golden soldiers covered their faces and fell straight down, then screamed and rolled on the ground. Some people could not even scream, so they fell to themselves. There was no movement in the pool of blood. Just like a wheat field cut by a sickle, in just a moment, the hundreds of golden soldiers rushing at the front fell down. The unaffected golden soldiers at the rear were also frightened and stopped moving, and retreated directly.

Wu Shu was also distracted by this attack, and could not react for a long time. It was not until a sharp pain came from his shoulder that he realized that he had also been hit. This made his heart even tighter: "Why do these Song people have so many weird weapons? We can't let them keep distance anymore, they have to fight in close quarters!" Thinking of this, he turned around and rushed to the rear, having already killed the first half of the Song Dynasty. The subordinates who were scattered after being killed shouted: "Where's the shield? Press it on!"

In fact, he didn't even need to shout. The incident in front had frightened the Jin soldiers behind so much that they didn't dare to be careless. Immediately, seven or eight huge door panels rushed forward. They were the ones that had been used to allow A Gu to hit them from the city gate calmly. The simple shield that was shot out came up again.

At the same time, hundreds of enemy bombs were dropped on the Song Army's side, but this time

This time, the lethality was not as great as expected. After all, these bombs are not comparable to the thermal weapons of later generations. The most powerful damage is only on the scattered fragments. Once the golden soldiers are protected by a thick shield, they will no longer be able to cause too much damage to them. On the other hand, the Jin soldiers saw this and their confidence greatly increased. They roared and charged forward again, vowing to overwhelm and kill this abominable Song army in one fell swoop.

But no one from the Song army, starting from Yue Fei, showed even the slightest hint of surprise. At the rear of the team, a row of torches was already lit, and then with the sound of bowstrings, a round of arrows went straight towards the enemy.

Seeing this, many Jin soldiers showed ferocious smiles. The Song people's arrows could not hurt them at all just now. What can they do now? The dozen or so strong men holding the "shields" in front roared loudly and rushed forward at a faster speed, facing the rain of arrows.

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, the rows of sharp arrows shot by them were firmly blocked by their "shields". Although the tops of these door panels were already covered with sharp arrows, there was still room for the subsequent arrows to land. They even felt that the force of these arrows was much lighter than those they had blocked before, which made the strong men roar again, as if urging the Song army to send out more arrows.

The golden soldiers at the rear seemed to be encouraged at this time. Amidst the strange screams, they rushed forward with greater momentum and faster speed, almost rushing towards the shield-hands. They want to kill these hateful Song people as soon as possible and avenge their own people!

Even A Guda, who was already murderous at this time, roared and killed the Shandong Army soldiers who continued to struggle in front of him in pieces, and then followed closely. Unknowingly, the two parts of the Jin soldiers who were supposed to be separated have reunited. However, the Shandong army between them has suffered heavy casualties. The rest have retreated to both sides, and it is difficult to stop its impact. .

Seeing that the situation was finally reversed, Wu Shu, who should have been equally excited, somehow felt a strong uneasiness welling up in his heart, which caused his forward steps to slow down unconsciously. And when he saw Aguda shouting and trying to run past, he quickly stretched out his hand to stop him: "Father, wait a minute..."

"Why are you trying to stop me now?" Aguda couldn't help asking angrily after being blocked by this.

But the moment he said these words, another burst of roars erupted from the shield-hands in front, and a dazzling fire burst directly on the shields they held, instantly destroying the sturdy shields. The door panel was torn into pieces along with their arms, and then another wave of iron sand and other fine debris spread out, swallowing up and killing these shielders, as well as the golden soldiers behind who were eager to kill the enemy.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and they howled like waves. The Jin soldiers who were still trying to charge at the rear were frightened to stop their movements. Then everyone stared at the Song army in front in surprise, for fear that they would come out with some terrible weapons. . This time, these Jin soldiers were really frightened by the Song people's changeable tactics.

Even Aguda's face turned pale, his body trembled slightly, and he was terrified. Because if it weren't for Wu Shu's pull and hold, I'm afraid he would have rushed forward and would have been injured by the sudden explosion. The weapons used by the Song people this time were too terrifying and unpredictable.

In fact, this is the thunderbolt arrow that was later followed up in Yue Fei's order!

This is a brand new product painstakingly created by Ling Zhen and others in Jiangnan.

The firearms make up for the lack of human throwing distance of Polu bombs. However, during this on-the-spot battle, Yue Fei developed a special method for dealing with shields. These thunderbolt arrows are made of bamboo tube gunpowder tied to the arrow body, and then mixed with iron sand and other substances that are only half of the Polu bullet. Therefore, its shooting distance is not as good as that of normal arrows, but it is much further than that of Polu bullets.

It's just that this thunderbolt arrow cannot detonate on its own like a new type of bomb, so it needs to be lit with a torch before shooting, which makes the operation a little more complicated. Only then did Yue Fei give the initial order to repel the enemy with Polu bullets, and then release thunderbolt arrows. And because this thunderbolt arrow also has the effect of an arrow, it is nailed directly into the shield. In this way, when it explodes, the entire impact falls on the shield.

Not to mention that these so-called shields are just door panels, they are real strong shields. Once they are bombarded by a large number of thunderbolts, they will only break into pieces. At the same time, they will also kill the shield bearers and other golden soldiers behind them. .

Yue Fei became more decisive at this moment and immediately ordered again: "Break the bullets!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless bombs flew across the arc and fell straight into the enemy's formation. They exploded loudly, causing the Jin soldiers to stagger and collapse. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yue Fei finally shook the spear in his hand and shouted violently: "The time has come to avenge our brothers, kill!" The man jumped out like a dragon, brandishing the spear, and dots of red light shot straight ahead. The Jin soldiers, who had been disgraced by several rounds of explosions and lost their minds, fought back.

The Qingzhou soldiers already had their own pride. What they had just encountered made them both shocked and angry. Once they seized the opportunity, they would naturally be brave, roaring, and decisively pounced on each other like wounded wolves. Golden soldiers.

On the battlefield, although momentum is mysterious and invisible, it is real. After this incident, the Jin soldiers, who were always forward-moving, became frightened and discouraged. The fierce offensive just now had disintegrated. Seeing the Song army counterattack, they subconsciously retreated.

And this retreat is even more ebb and flow, and it also exposes their biggest problem - soldiers killing.

At this time, the total number of Jin soldiers was just over a thousand, but the Song army in front was about three thousand. At the same time, there were two to three thousand Shandong troops on the left and right. Seeing their own robes suddenly turning the tide of the battle, these soldiers who had lost their fighting spirit were also inspired. With roars of anger, they rolled back and attacked again, attacking from both sides. The golden soldiers could no longer resist and defend. He retreated to avoid the sharp edge. After retreating, he retreated to the base of the city wall again. He was about to be killed by the Song army and retreated back to Zhuozhou City where the fire was raging.

Just as the battle situation suddenly reversed, several hot air balloons in the sky finally slowly descended. Hundreds of people quickly descended on ropes from a height of more than two feet without waiting for the bamboo baskets to reach the ground. The first person was none other than Sun Tu.

At this time, his eyes were sparkling. He could see the turnaround in the battle just now very clearly, and he greatly admired Yue Fei in his heart. This junior brother really did not let him down. And now, it's time to end this battle completely and drive out the Jin people and the Jin country!


I almost missed such an important day today. . . . . So, you all know what the passers-by are going to say, it’s Monday again, please vote. . .