Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1008: The Last Days of the Jin Man (Part 2)


The long night is over and it's dawn.

But the sunlight that just emerged from under the clouds in the east was far from being compared with the fire that burned in Zhuozhou City all night. The fire that burned the city almost illuminated the surrounding area dozens of miles red, and it was thicker than the ground. The blood that is still flowing is brighter and deeper.

At this time, the Jin soldiers had come to the end. There were no more screams in the city, and there were no more fleeing Jin soldiers rushing out. Almost all of the soldiers and horses who had desperately fled before were killed by the Song Dynasty, which had been well prepared. Under the layer-by-layer interception of the army and thousands of bows and arrows, only a group of soldiers and horses who broke out from the east gate were left. However, their number was only three or four hundred at this time, and they were also defeated by the Song army. Surrounded on three sides and backed by a city wall with fires constantly coming out, it was obvious that the city was at the end of its rope and there was no way out.

When the Song army rose up to attack the enemy again under Yue Fei's order, the weaknesses of the Jin soldiers in strength and weapons were gradually exposed one by one. Even though they all gritted their teeth and fought to the death, they could not close the huge gap in strength between the two sides and could only continue to fight. Shrinking and retreating, so that he was trapped in such a desperate situation. On the other hand, as the battle progressed, the fears in the hearts of the Song Army had long since dissipated. Even the Shandong Army, which had been defeated before, also burst out with stronger combat power, not giving the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of it. Until now, the bloody battle has The golden soldiers have been reduced to a mere three hundred, and it is no longer possible to break through and charge.

As horns sounded again around them, armies rushed to their aid from other directions. Tens of thousands of troops were already surrounding the golden soldiers. When this encirclement is completely formed, it means that they will no longer have a chance to escape and can only make a final death struggle.

Aguda was covered in blood, and one of his arms had long been severed. He was half-leaning on a soldier, with a desperate and cold smile on his face. Wushu was not much better than him. He had more than a dozen arrows stuck in his body without even bothering to remove them, but the sword in his right hand was still tightly held in his hand. The same goes for other Jinbing soldiers. Even though they are already in a certain death situation, they still grit their teeth and look coldly at each other. From time to time, some people shout loudly: "Come again!"

These more than 300 remnant soldiers were still full of fighting spirit and killing intent, which actually made the Qingzhou soldiers who were about to charge again hesitate. After the hard and bloody battle in the middle of the night, both the Shandong Army and the Qingzhou Army suffered heavy casualties. More than half of their 10,000 troops were killed. This was unprecedented in any previous war, and it also made the soldiers feel more worried.

Yue Fei narrowed his eyes, and just as he was about to inspire his troops to launch a fatal blow to the enemy, a familiar voice sounded from behind: "Don't rush to attack, let me have a few words with them first." It was Sun Tu, who had been watching the battle from behind and had not intervened in the fighting, who came over.

Although Sun Tu had fallen from the sky more than an hour ago, after seeing Yue Fei's behavior, especially after seeing the Jin soldiers being counterattacked by him and retreating to the city wall again, he was not in a hurry. Come forward to take over the command of the battle. This is not only because Sun Tu does not want to compete with his subordinates for credit, but also wants to give the great credit of annihilating the Jin soldiers to Yue Fei, and more importantly, he hopes to see a truly strong man who can succeed him in the army grow up. He also believed that with Yue Fei's contribution in history, it should be very easy to achieve this.

Sure enough, Yue Fei did not disappoint him. Although there were some twists and turns,

The Jin soldiers' dying counterattack was more violent than expected, but with their calm and orderly mobilization, the Song army still steadily suppressed the enemy troops and reached the current harvest situation. It was only then that, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, Sun Tu finally stepped forward to speak and stopped the more brutal fighting.

As Sun Tu appeared, all the soldiers gave way one after another. Yue Fei looked at his senior brother with some anxiety: "General, I am incompetent. Although I blocked the Jin people's breakout, I lost many brothers. , even General Huang Xin and the others..."

"There is no need to blame yourself, Pengju. Not only did you do nothing wrong this time, but you also made great contributions. You should also know very well that the Jin people with such fierce fighting power are by no means ordinary soldiers, but the most brave among the Jin people." As a good fighter, you can lead the army to stop them and retain them all, which is the greatest contribution. As for the other brothers, casualties will inevitably be inevitable, so you don't have to worry too much." Sun Tu said as he spoke. , patted him on the shoulder again: "You should be the first to contribute in this battle!"

Having said this, he suddenly looked at the Jin soldiers ahead who were still making their final struggle, seemingly ready to attack at any moment, and shouted loudly: "Fourth Prince Wushu, am I right? What if I didn't expect it?" Oops, the person next to you should be the famous financial lord Aguda, right?" But he could see through the identity of the enemy over there at a glance.

Wu Shu opened his mouth, but was speechless for a moment. Previously, he boasted that he was never inferior to Sun Tu in terms of brains and skills. He failed in Zhuozhou that day and left because his subordinates were not as strong as him. But now, no matter how reluctant he is, he can only accept the reality and admit that he is no longer Sun Tu's opponent.

On the other hand, Aguda, who was seriously injured next to him, suddenly puffed up his chest, his eyes were like lightning, and shouted loudly: "You are right, I am the Emperor of Jin, Aguda! So stop trying to use any excuse to persuade me to surrender, I am a Jurchen Warriors are only heroes who die in battle, not bears who surrender!"

"We swear to fight side by side with Aguda, live together and die together!" All the Jin people also shouted loudly, and their momentum was still not weak.

Seeing this, Sun Tu couldn't help but sigh softly: "Why is this necessary? It is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death. You are already in despair, why do you have to risk your life for a few ambitious people? ? Think about your parents, wives and children in your hometown. Without you, how miserable the next days would be. I, the Song Dynasty, have always been kind to people. Even the most vicious people will be given a chance to change their ways. As long as you sincerely surrender , not only will I not take your lives, but I will also send you back to your families when the time comes. And all you have to do is put down your weapons and surrender."

Sun Tu's words of persuasion to surrender were very ordinary, but they were also full of contagion and completely hit the vital points of these Jin people. They are not afraid of death, but what about their families

The reason why the Jurchen clan can rise rapidly and sweep everything in just a few years is because they have integrated the martial spirit into their own bones. Every family's wealth is obtained through military merit. If there are no young and strong men in the family to fight in battles, then these people will inevitably become poor and eventually become slaves in other people's families, and even be deprived of their lives.

People always have selfish motives, and it's okay when they are not thought of, but once Sun Tu reveals the interests and dangers,

Even the most valiant warriors could not help but begin to have doubts. Death is not terrible. What is terrible is that after death, your family will have to suffer.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. This Sun Tu is used to deceive people and confuse right and wrong! He just wants to disturb the morale of our army and eradicate us at the minimum cost." When Wu Shu saw this, he immediately reminded loudly: "You don't want to We have forgotten how cunning and untrustworthy the Song people are. If we really lay down our weapons and surrender, we will die without a burial place. Our failure this time is the best proof!"

These words had some dissuasive effect, and the hesitation on the faces of the Jin people really dissipated a little. And Sun Tu said loudly: "Can't you see, this is just Aguda and his son trying to deceive you in order to protect themselves, because they know very well that I can let any one of you go, but only his father and son are equal." I will never let the culprit go! So if you really want to surrender to the Song Dynasty and return to your family, the most important thing you should do now is to kill them to show your loyalty to the Song Dynasty! "

No one expected that Sun Tu would make such a harsh request at this time. Even Yue Fei and other generals around him were a little stunned. The Jin people might not believe his persuasion to surrender. Now that he made such a request, wouldn't they? Are you even more unwilling to obey

Sure enough, after hearing these words, those Jin men raised their weapons again. Although they did not say any harsh words, their meaning was clearly expressed. Even if they died, they would not surrender. , let alone attack his own emperor and prince just to survive.

The Jurchens may be cruel, vicious, greedy and crazy, but they also have their own advantages, loyalty!

"Hahahaha... Sun Tu, I advise you to save your energy. If you want to use such rhetoric to persuade the warriors of the Jin Kingdom to rebel, it will be harder than climbing to the sky." Wu Shu laughed and ridiculed.

Sun Tu also smiled: "Really? But just last night, I led people to the sky and defeated you completely. So there is no certainty in this world."

"You..." Wu Shu choked for a moment, but then he still hummed: "No matter what you say, we won't be able to surrender, so just give up. After this incident, We, the Jurchen clan, will no longer be able to believe even a single word from you Song people, you treacherous Han people are not worthy of our trust at all!"

"Yes, we obviously made a covenant with us before to jointly raise troops to destroy the Liao Dynasty, but what's the result?" A Jin general also shouted loudly, his face full of resentment and anger.

"The result is that you colluded with the Liao people to set up a trap, which caused the tragic death of countless Jurchen warriors!" Aguda also summoned his energy and shouted: "So don't waste any more effort. If you want our lives, just send troops to kill us."

Sun Tu sighed: "The so-called cooperation between you and me is just to get what we need. We have always been wary of each other, and you don't have to say that you are so innocent. I ask you, if you sincerely How can you cooperate with me and appear here in Zhuozhou at this time? If I remember correctly, the envoy sent by the Song Dynasty asked you to send troops to attack Youzhou City. Why did your main force appear here? So we really have to discuss Get up, it’s you who broke the contract first, and that’s why you ended up like this!”