Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1016: The confidence to raise an army


As Sun Tu directly denounced the imperial edict as a false edict and issued the order to go south to Qingjun's side, the Sixteen States of Youyun, which had just subsided for more than two months, became agitated again. Soldiers and generals in various cities began to mobilize frequently, and supplies and grass were everywhere. All the baggage then went straight to Youzhou City to gather.

In fact, as early as after capturing the Sixteenth Province of Youyun, Sun Tu had already begun to be fully prepared for the difficulties he might encounter next, so the subsequent mobilization of troops, horses, and food seemed to be so smooth, with almost no rush. This means that the arrangements for the remaining troops and generals in each city are being carried out in an orderly manner.

Originally, with the complete defeat of the two major enemies of Liao and Jin, this Northern Expedition army, which was formed by the merger of multiple armies, should have been disbanded long ago. But in fact, until this time, except for nearly half of the Western Army who had been brought back to the Western Front by Zhong Shizhong, all other armies were left behind by Sun Tu for various reasons.

Needless to say, the Jiangnan officers and soldiers with the Shandong Army as the backbone were Sun Tu's die-hard personal soldiers, but the northern frontier troops originally stationed at Yanmen Pass, the Xiang troops from all over the country, and even the Forbidden Army from Tokyo were all forced to stay by him, which is worth pondering. . Now, Sun Tu's intentions were finally revealed. This time he actually planned to lead an army of nearly 300,000 people to go south to attack the Qing Dynasty in the capital. This momentum was greater than any southward invasion of the Liao army.

What is even more shocking is that even though some soldiers raised objections during this period, the vast majority of the soldiers and generals sided with Sun Tu. In other words, these soldiers who were soldiers of the imperial court actually completely changed their stance in a few months and became Sun Tu's allies!

As for the people in these more than ten cities, it is even less likely that they would care about the Song Dynasty court. Since Sun Tu has raised his banner and the army has made all preparations, they have naturally shown considerable support. Even if it doesn't give up everything, it can still ensure the relative stability behind it.

It was because of this united effort and all-out efforts that it took less than half a month for Sun Tu to prepare and mobilize 230,000 troops to march south to Qingjun's side. What he left behind in the north was a powerful defensive line-up with Zhongshi Dao as the main force and Yue Fei as the deputy. Coupled with more than 100,000 Song soldiers and horses, they were naturally enough to withstand the invasion of the Liao people who were seriously injured. Well - if the Liao people at this time can really seize such an opportunity when they are about to split.

This also shows how right Sun Tu was in convincing Yue Fei and opening up his foolish and loyal heart. It is true that the old Zhongshi Dao alone may not be able to properly handle all the countless military and political affairs in these more than ten cities, but with the help of Yue Fei, who is young, smart and capable of fighting, everything will be perfect. After all, he is Yue Fei, a real hero who almost regained a large area of land in the north in history and defeated the powerful Jin army.

As for other soldiers and horses, generals at all levels were all taken away by Sun Tu. This was not only to make the entire army stronger, but also to prevent possible trouble in the rear. At this time, no one could stop Sun Tu from going south. But the night before his departure, Sun Tu, who was supposed to be recharging his energy or discussing details with his subordinates, appeared in a In front of old friends whom I haven’t seen for many days.

On the second day of October, it’s watch time. In an inconspicuous house in Youzhou City.

Suntu Station

In front of an old man with white hair and no beard. If you are not familiar with him, you will never believe that this old man, who is very old and trembling even when he is sitting, was the commander-in-chief of the entire Northern Expedition Song Army a few months ago, and the Song Dynasty had the most military power in the world. Privy Councilor Tong Guan!

He was mutinied to seize power, and then placed under house arrest. He was moved around several cities many times, but in the end he couldn't even get out of the courtyard of this house... All these experiences finally broke Tong Guan's mind and body, making him look old. , no longer live up to the appearance of that day. Even now when he brings a glass of water to his mouth, he is trembling frequently. Before he even takes a sip, his clothes have become wet, and his old eyes have become cloudy. When he looks at Sun Tu who comes to him, he also looks a little confused. .

But even so, Sun Tu was still polite to Tong Guan: "Tong Shuai, are you okay?"

After looking at him blankly for a long time, Tong Guan's expression changed slightly: "Sun Tu... are you here to tell me that my death has come?"

"Shuai Tong's words are serious. You have a favor with me. How could I, Sun Tu, do anything to repay kindness with enmity?"

"Hahaha..." Tong Guan showed a sarcastic smile: "Isn't everything you did before just repaying kindness with hatred? Take away my military power and imprison me here. Even if you don't kill me, do you think I am like this? Is it any different from dying?"

"Everything I did before was just for the sake of my Han family. Although I feel sorry for you, Tong Shuai, the result proved that I was right. Because if I hadn't led this war, we would never have been short. To seize the Sixteen Youyun Provinces in a short period of time, isn’t this the grand goal that Tong Shuai you have been hoping to achieve for many years?” Sun Tu explained calmly, “As for you, Tong Shuai, I will never do anything to you. There is no intention to cause any harm, no matter what time, your food and daily life are properly arranged for the people under you, I can be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous person!"

"Take good care of me? Have no worries about food and clothing? But you ruined everything for me!" Tong Guan's eyes suddenly flashed with hatred, but then it quickly dissipated, and a bitter smile emerged again: "But there is You are right about one thing. At least in this war, you are more suitable to coach the Song Dynasty than me. If it were me, I am afraid I would still be facing off with the Liao people in the Baigou River area... "

As the conversation continued, Tong Guan's mind became sharp again: "So why did you suddenly see me today? Is the court trying to settle an old score with you? Do you want me to say some fair words for you? In fact, I have already I have reminded you that if you act with such drastic means, even if you can achieve great victories, you will still end up disastrous in the end. This is not only because your methods cannot be seen in the light, but also because of the high status of you and me. It’s different. Your Majesty and the court cannot truly trust you as much as they trust me. The greater your contribution, the more dangerous you will be!"

"Just because I am a normal man and you are a eunuch?" Sun Tu's eyes suddenly narrowed and he asked aloud.

The bitterness and embarrassment on Tong Guan's face flashed away, and then he nodded and said: "That's right. It is impossible for the imperial court to allow military generals to become powerful. This is the ancestral system that the Song Dynasty has followed for hundreds of years. That's why I can win the emperor. Trust, just because I am an eunuch and have no heirs, can naturally make people feel at ease. But your Sun Tu is different. The more contributions you have made, the more

The greater the reputation, the greater the threat to His Majesty and the high-ranking civil servants in the court. They cannot allow you to continue to be powerful. Even if you are not guilty, they will make up some crimes against the family. What's more, you are usually unscrupulous and have a lot of crimes! "

Sun Tu laughed: "Tong Shuai is indeed very powerful. He immediately grasped the key to the problem. To be honest, just half a month ago, the imperial court issued an order to seize my military power, and even listed my seven major felonies in order to take me back. Tried in Tokyo.”

"Huh?" Tong Guan's old eyes suddenly looked wrong, and his breathing became heavier: "You mean half a month ago? Then why are you still in Youzhou?"

"Because I think it is a false edict, a decree forged by the treacherous ministers and traitors headed by Cai Jing to deceive Your Majesty and confuse right and wrong, so I do not obey the decree!"

"You..." Tong Guan's body trembled violently again, more severely than before. However, it was not due to old age or acute illness, but due to excitement: "So you have decided to risk the disapproval of the world and raise an army to rebel? ?”

"No, I am here to get rid of the treacherous ministers, clear the emperor's side, and punish the thieves from heaven!" Sun Tu immediately refuted.

"Hehe... Hehe... Sun Tu, although I have always thought that I looked down on you, now I know that I still underestimated your ambition and courage. You actually dare to make such a decision. You are not afraid of being cast aside by the world. Are all the people going to attack? Even though you seem to be in full swing with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in your hands, you are planning to rebel. Once the imperial court issues an order, the soldiers and horses under your command will disappear in an instant. Do you think you can achieve something just by relying on your prestige in the military? It’s impossible. The century-old foundation of the Song Dynasty cannot be overturned by a small military commander like you! What’s more, don’t forget, you, and that The families of hundreds of thousands of soldiers are all in the south. Even if you can make them join your army for a while, when they wake up, it will be your death!" Tong Guan shouted loudly, as if he planned to use this The words came to make Sun Tu change his mind.

But what responded to him was Sun Tu's long laugh: "If it were placed in any other dynasty, I, Sun Tu, would not dare to raise an army like this. But in the Song Dynasty, it is different. Do you think I raised an army this time? Will I only use the slogan Qing Junzhi? No, in addition to the traitor Qing Junzhi, I have also prepared another slogan called Soldiers and generals should strengthen themselves! It has been a hundred years, and we and other generals should avenge their shame and let those who only know how to write and write ink, Scholars who calculate people’s hearts know how powerful we are! But they don’t know that after my statement spreads to the world, how many warriors in the Song Dynasty will be willing to be used by those treacherous ministers and sycophants to live a life of dependence and precariousness. Sad day!"

At this time, Tong Guan's expression really changed: "You... So you have made all the preparations?"

"Yes, this is a fate that I cannot escape. Song Dynasty has taken the wrong path from the beginning. It's up to me to get it back on the right track!" As he said that, he looked deeply at Tong Guan: "Tong Shuai, I am about to send troops. I came to see you today for one reason only. I need you to tell me all the evidence you have over the years about Cai Jing, Liang Shicheng and other traitors who have caused harm to the country and the people. I believe that you have been in the court for many years. , whether intentional or not, there will always be preparations for this!"

Only then did Tong Guan realize Sun Tu's purpose of coming to see him. Can he refuse