Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1018: Just the beginning


Shortly after dark, the main force of the anti-thief army also appeared in front of Daming Mansion under the leadership of Sun Tu. When he saw from a distance the big banner with the word "Sun" on the top of the city and the two flags flying high like slogans. When I picked up the Union Flag, my last worry was completely gone, and my judgment was indeed correct.

"In order to eliminate thieves from the country and clear the emperor's side, the officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty should strengthen themselves!" The purpose of defeating the thief army represented by these two flags really resonated with the officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty, so that there was little obstruction when the army went south. Because the continuous and bloodless capture of Yanmenguan and Damingfu, two important gates, is clear evidence. Just looking at the open city gate and the few soldiers and horses guarding the city gate, we know that since entering the city, the rebel army has not What kind of battle did you encounter

Seeing this, Sun Tu made a decisive decision and ordered his army to be stationed outside the city without doing anything to disturb the people. He led three thousand elite troops directly into the city and was responsible for taking over the entire Daming Mansion. Just like Yanmen Pass, which he quickly entered without any resistance, he had no intention of harming anyone who was willing to cooperate with him. Apart from arranging some troops to replace the generals guarding the city, he could be said to have done nothing wrong. When he arrived at Daming Mansion, Sun Tu went one step further. Even the Chinese army did not enter the house, and he truly did not disturb the people.

However, after entering the city gate, Sun Tu discovered that things were not as simple as he thought. Although the soldiers and horses defending the city did not resist, and as soon as the vanguard army entered the city, they abandoned their weapons and surrendered, but in the end there was still a force of thousands of people. The troops did not compromise, and actually stood guard in front of the left-behind mansion, confronting the forward army led by Han Tao, and actually prevented them from occupying this key government office.

And because Han Tao had received Sun Tu's order early, it was difficult to start the battle when almost all the defenders surrendered, so he did not march because of this, but led his troops to encircle and confront each other outside, surrounding the left-behind mansion like an iron barrel. Also similar. It wasn't until Sun Tu arrived that he stepped forward with some shame to report: "General, it was a humble duty and a momentary oversight. You actually let a group of defenders run here to defend the place tightly, and you were unable to capture all the city officials such as Liang Zhongshu."

Sun Tu smiled nonchalantly and said: "General Han, there is no need to blame yourself. You have successfully captured Daming Mansion this time. It is not a problem to capture a mere government office later. By the way, when I entered the city I have heard that it was precisely because Liang Zhongshu was acting rebelliously and persecuting the people in the city that the army and the people were dissatisfied, so they opened the city and let our troops come in?"

"That's right. This thief has been an official in Daming Mansion for many years and has exploited the people to no great extent. He has harmed countless people just to send these people's wealth to Tokyo for his father-in-law, Cai Jing, the old thief. He really deserves to die!" Han Tao had even said from before. The surrendered soldiers and the surrounding people inquired about the various crimes Liang Zhongshu had committed, and immediately replied angrily and loudly.

Sun Tu nodded and said: "We are here to eliminate the traitors of the Qing Dynasty and punish the people for their crimes. Those who harm the people for personal gain must not be spared lightly! Come on, come forward, I will fall. Let’s see how courageous these defenders are and dare to contend with my army!”

With this order from Sun Tu, the troops that had previously been encircling them immediately began to press forward. The layers of soldiers and horses surged up like waves, like mountains, frightening the outermost defenders into retreating. , until the general who had been guarding the gate of the government office shouted: "Hold it!" He picked up his ax and took a step forward, rushing over at the lead, and the momentum of the army did not gain momentum.

Shake slightly.

After seeing the coming general, Sun Tu was also stunned. He quickly ordered in a low voice and stopped General Wu Song who was about to rush over. Then he shouted loudly: "General Suo, I haven't seen you for many years. I never thought you and I would be here." See you again!"

The only general in front of him who was willing to lead his subordinates to guard the door was Suo Chao. At this moment, there was a trace of doubt on his face: "Who are you?"

Sun Tu's face was also full of emotion. He really didn't expect that he had changed the lives of many people, but most of them were familiar to him, but Suo Chaozhen was a little special.

Suo Chao, the vanguard, was supposed to end up in Liangshan early. However, because of his meritorious service in suppressing the bandits in Yuncheng County and retaking the birthday card, he gained the trust of Liang Zhongshu and was promoted several times in his official position. In addition, Sun Tu pacified Liang Shanbo earlier, which allowed him to work peacefully as a military attaché in Daming Mansion until today, and even became Liang Zhongshu's right-hand confidant.

Seeing the confusion on Suo Chao's face, Sun Tu laughed again and answered loudly: "General Suo is really a noble man who forgets things. Do you still remember Sun Tu, a humble citizen from Yuncheng County who helped you regain your birthday card?"

"It's you!" Suo Chao finally reacted: "Are you the Sun Tu who made a century-old contribution to the Song Dynasty?" In fact, he had heard of Sun Tu's name a long time ago, but he had never mentioned it before. The two people were connected, which really surprised him.

And at the moment when he was slightly distracted because of Sun Tu's identity, Sun Tu, who kept leaning forward by talking to him, suddenly grabbed his horse and rode forward quickly. In the blink of an eye, he was already there. He rushed to Suo Chao. Just as Suo Chao screamed in surprise and raised his ax to meet him, Sun Tu's spear took advantage of the momentum of the horse and hit him hard on the waist, knocking him to the ground.

At the same time, the surrounding soldiers and horses also quickly followed up, and many swords and axes were placed on the neck of Suochao who was still struggling. Sun Tu shouted loudly: "I am seeking thieves for the country and the people, you Do you still want to fight stubbornly?" With a loud shout, the horse under his crotch neighed again from Herod, and he rose up with his strength, leading Sun Tu on his back to suddenly raise his gun. With extraordinary momentum, he killed the thousands of weapons around him in one go. The defenders were all restrained.

In fact, these defenders had no fighting spirit at all, and they only held on because of their loyalty and loyalty to Suo Chao. But now, seeing General Suo, whom they regarded as a god, being knocked down by Sun Tu with one move, their last bit of resistance disappeared. Coupled with Sun Tu's courage and reputation, everyone immediately dropped their weapons and knelt down. No one dared to stop the rebel army from entering the government office.

Only Suo Chao, who fell to the ground and couldn't get up, shouted bitterly: "Sun Tu, you are so despicable!" If Sun Tu hadn't used such means to sneak attack, he could have defended for a while longer.

Sun Tu said with a smile: "General Suo, you never tire of deceit. And this is the best result. I don't want to ruin the harmony between us because of a corrupt official. I know Liang Zhongshu must think highly of you to make you They are so determined to protect each other, but it is even more true that they are greedy for money and harm the people, and I am also eliminating harm for the people!"

After saying this, before Suo Chao could react, Sun Tu strode into the left-behind mansion where the door was knocked open. At this time, Liang Zhongshu, who was hiding in the back house and shivering, was still mumbling: "How could this happen? Why did someone suddenly rebel and quickly attack our Daming Mansion? Those

What do the defenders and soldiers do for food? What should I do? "

And as a burst of chaotic footsteps sounded outside, the door here was finally kicked open with a bang, and several soldiers rushed in like wolves and tigers. As soon as he saw Liang Zhongshu, who was still wearing official uniform and huddled in the corner, he dragged him up and got up without saying a word. Afterwards, they even shouted in joy: "We caught that dog official Liang Zhongshu!"

When Liang Zhongshu was brought to Sun Tu, he was trembling as much as a withered leaf in the wind in late autumn. He couldn't even speak properly: "Sun... General Sun, why... why did you do such a thing?" What's going on?" He was originally asking, but now he sounded so guilty.

Sun Tu didn't answer, and just asked someone to take the two flags and put them in front of Liang Zhongshu. At first glance, this local senior official turned pale with fear: "You... how are you doing?"

"For the Song Dynasty court and for the innocent people of Daming Mansion!" Sun Tu didn't bother to communicate with him. He immediately waved his hand and ordered: "Take him out. At noon two days later, all the party members and others will be killed." He was chopped off and his head was hung on the top of the city as a lesson to the officials all over the world. I want everyone in the world to know that my bandit army went south to kill corrupt officials and traitors for the people, so that our officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty can be upright from now on. Come stand up!"

Liang Zhongshu was immediately dumbfounded. He really didn't expect Sun Tu to act so carelessly and decisively, and directly condemned himself to death without any questioning. It wasn't until he was dragged out of the lobby that he screamed: "Sun Tu, you can't kill me. I am a fourth-rank retainer in the imperial court and an important local minister... Even if there is any crime, it should be interrogated by the imperial court first and then dealt with. What you do is treason..."

"Huh, the court is unfair. I will not follow the rules anymore. I will not let anyone who deserves to be killed be spared. You are just the beginning. There will be more corrupt officials like you who have harmed the country and the people and will follow in your footsteps!" Sun Tu snorted coldly and seemed to give an answer. However, his words were not loud, and naturally they could not reach the ears of Liang Zhongshu, who was being dragged further away. In the end, all he could hear was his screams, which sounded outside, no different from the pigs and sheep before being slaughtered. .

With the main force of the anti-thief army in the outer city, and one of them taking full control of the city's defense, the entire Daming Mansion fell completely under Sun Tu's control. In the next two days, he first appeased the local people, and then took half of the money and food in the warehouse and distributed it to the exploited people in the city, winning the hearts and minds of more than 100,000 Damingfu people at once.

And at noon on the 20th, a group of corrupt officials headed by Liang Taishu were taken to the busiest cross street in the city. With a burst of drums, hundreds of heads fell to the ground at the same time, and tens of thousands of people around were ushered in. Like cheers.

After the rebel army entered Daming Mansion, Hou Qiu committed no crime, eliminated harm for the people, and opened warehouses to provide relief... As soon as he did these few things, his reputation was completely spread. Afterwards, not only did most of the city's defenders sincerely come to surrender, but also There are actually many ordinary people who want to join this army of justice.

Therefore, when Sun Tu led his army to set out again on the 22nd, the size of the rebel army not only did not decrease due to the capture of the city, but actually expanded further.

But all this was just the beginning. Daming Mansion was just the first Song Dynasty city that Sun Tu easily captured!