Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1024: Cross the river


Zhang Shuye suddenly woke up from his deep sleep. After a moment, he realized that the continuous rebel attack scene that almost cut off the Yellow River was all from his nightmare. It was completely quiet outside, and it was already midnight. , no fighting took place at all.

This made him exhale the turbid air in his chest unconsciously, and then he turned over, wanting to go out of the tent to take a look around. Now that the morale of the army is unstable, Zhang Shuye does not dare to slack off in the slightest. He patrols the army almost every night to feel at ease. Just after he got out of the big tent, his face, which was still a little relaxed, changed again, because it was so quiet outside, and the sound of running water that should have been clearly audible was completely gone!

"No! Is it true that God is going to kill me..." Zhang Shuye felt a chill in his heart, and even his body began to shake. The thing he feared most in his heart finally happened, and he could lead this fragile person. The Yellow River, the biggest barrier for weak soldiers to block the rebels, has been frozen. Is it a smooth road

And at this moment, an even more panic-inducing sound suddenly sounded from the north - dong dong dong dong dong dong, the exciting drum sound suddenly rose in the middle of the night, accompanied by the roar and neighing of men and horses, and There was the sound of countless feet trampling on the ice. The rebels actually chose this late at night to launch a sudden night attack on the defenders on the south bank, stepping on the frozen water of the Yellow River.

When the killing sound suddenly echoed across the ground, the garrison camp immediately went into chaos and exploded. Countless soldiers ran out of the camp in a hurry, accompanied by panicked screams, and they looked even more panicked. Very few people can actually come out fully clothed. Some people even come out with only a single coat and empty hands, shouting:

"Rebels, rebels are coming..."

"The Yellow River has frozen long ago. We can no longer withstand their attack. Run quickly..."

"They said they raised the army to let me and other soldiers live a good life. They raised the army to clear the emperor. Why should we run away? I am willing to surrender..."

In the chaos, some people turned around and ran back, some went to find the horse's queen, and rushed to the rear without caring, and some even dropped their weapons directly and knelt on the ground... There were few. They had deliberately resisted for a while, but the defenders who were supposed to be united quickly collapsed amidst the sudden burst of drums and killing sounds, turning into a ball of scattered sand, hundreds of thousands of scattered sand...

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Zhang Shuye stood there blankly, with no reaction at all. Because at this moment, his heart was dead. If only a few soldiers escaped or something, he might still be able to stabilize the morale of the army by killing people to establish prestige, forcing the soldiers to stick to the river bank and block the wave of resistance from the rebels. But now, in such a chaotic situation, even the two soldiers around him have turned around and fled. No matter how talented Zhang Shuye is, he can't turn the tide and rein in the army.

He could only watch in despair as the hundreds of thousands of troops whose morale had been shaken due to food shortages collapsed and fled in the blink of an eye, kneeling down and begging for surrender. In the end, he could only helplessly close his eyes out of despair. Waiting for the final moment to arrive. Maybe it wouldn't be long before the rebel vanguard would rush in front of him and chop off his head.

At the same time, the soldiers who were scrambling to flee to the rear took action because of various frictions. With this chaotic scene, the brazier was also crowded, and continued

And set a tent on fire somewhere. As such collisions and conflicts continued to intensify, fires broke out in many places throughout the military camp, and spread everywhere under the blow of the north wind, causing the entire military camp to fall into terrible fires again.

Amidst the crackling fire, the figures and cries of the fleeing soldiers became more and more distorted. It seemed that everything was false, as if everything was in a dream. This feeling gave Zhang Shuye a glimmer of hope again in his heart. He had already closed his eyes tightly and opened them again. As a result, when he looked around, he still saw a scene that made him heartbroken and desperate. His soldiers and horses had already fled. Only a few hundred people were still by his side. This was reality, not another nightmare.

The only similarity with the previous dream is that the rebels who were supposed to be attacked like ferocious beasts did not come with the sound of drums. Although the sounds of killing and drums were still ringing, it was imaginable that they were coming on the ice. But there were not even half a person in sight. Even if we looked carefully, there were only a few fires on the other side, and there was no sign of any forward movement.

At this moment, Zhang Shuye suddenly discovered an extremely sad fact - the rebels on the other side were just bluffing, beating the drums, and pretending to cross the river at this moment, but they had already lost more than 100,000 people on their side. The army was completely frightened and collapsed and fled, kneeling down and begging for surrender. The morale of this army was already so bad that it collapsed without the enemy taking action.

Not only Zhang Shuye, but also Sun Tu on the other side was also shocked by the sudden collapse of the defenders in front of him. After being stunned for a long time, he sighed softly: "I finally understand..." He finally Understand why the Northern Song Dynasty was so completely defeated in history. It was clear that they still had the danger of the Yellow River in their hands. It was clear that the Song Dynasty could actually mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops. How could it be defeated by less than a hundred thousand? What about the golden soldiers who destroyed the country? It turns out that this is where all the answers lie.

Regardless of history or reality, today's Song Dynasty army, those that can still obey the imperial court's dispatch, have long been rotten to the core, and there is not much combat effectiveness at all. If they had the upper hand, they might be able to hold on for a while, but once they were at a disadvantage, they would be like the sand sculptures on the coastline, completely disintegrating as soon as the tide came.

But now, as the Yellow River freezes, the loss of the last line of defense they relied on has finally become the straw that breaks the camel's back. Therefore, they don't even have to take the initiative to send troops to attack, because the enemy will be afraid of them. And when it collapses, there is no longer any strength or heart to resist.

All the generals around him stared blankly at the fire rising into the sky from the military camp on the other side, and the defenders running around like lost dogs in the light of the fire. After a while, they cheered, and then someone shouted loudly. Said: "The general is so wise that he frightened more than 100,000 enemy troops into fleeing with just a few war drums. The general and others are really convinced!"

In fact, such an effect was something Sun Tu had not expected. The reason why he made this arrangement was just to disturb the hearts of the defenders, so as to tire the enemy, and then wait for dawn before launching a fatal blow. I just didn't expect that the effect would be so astonishing, and that the enemy would be so unbearable that they would be defeated without a fight even before the confrontation at dawn.

But that's fine. In this way, casualties will be avoided. Moreover, successfully crossing the Yellow River under such conditions will definitely greatly enhance the morale of one's own army, which will be of great benefit to the subsequent war.

At this time, the subordinates and soldiers were also extremely excited, and they were very excited about it.

Sun Tu's admiration reached its peak. For a while, various shouts echoed throughout the army: "General Sun went south to Shuntian to serve the people. Even God came to help and let the Yellow River freeze to help us wait." Cross the river smoothly. This is God's help for us, to eliminate the traitors and restore the prestige of the army!"

"The enemy army will collapse without a fight. Our army has won a great victory. It will be a blink of an eye to enter Tokyo and eradicate the traitors!"

"Cross the Yellow River and enter Tokyo!"

With the sound of various slogans, the morale of the rebel army on the north bank has risen to the extreme. If Sun Tu had not ordered not to cross the river before dawn, everyone would have taken the opportunity to rush over and hunt down those who had long lost the ability to resist. There are enemy troops.

Although they had not dispatched, the sound of hundreds of thousands of people shouting at the same time still spread far across the Yellow River and reached the ears of the already panic-stricken army. They were so frightened that they did not dare to look back. Escape quickly towards the rear.

But Zhang Shuye, who saw all this, had no reaction at all. In despair, he just slowly pulled out the sword from his waist, suddenly turned around, knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed hard to the south: "Your Majesty, I am incompetent and failed to lead the troops to guard the natural dangers of the Yellow River, which caused the defeat of more than 100,000 troops overnight. I am ashamed of my trust in you. I have no face to live in this world. I can only die to apologize and tell the world. I, Zhang Shuye, , He is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and he is not a person who would collude with rebellion!" At this point, he slammed the sword across his neck, and shouted one last time: "God, you are so unfair. You don't help me and other loyal ministers. Help the rebel!" After shouting, he pulled his hand sharply, and the sword edge had cut open the throat and rear artery. With the sudden spurt of blood, the person fell down with a plop.

Although the soldiers around wanted to stop him, they did not dare to step forward in the end because they knew that this might be the best outcome for Zhang Shuai. If he fled back to the south like the others and returned to Bianjing, he would probably die due to his guilt, so it would be more honorable to die for his country.

Of course, it was impossible for these soldiers to die with him. Most of them had quickly fled south after Zhang Shuye's death, while the other ten people were guarding the body of their coach Jianlen. , waiting for the arrival of the rebel army.

It wasn't until the sky dawned, the sun shone with golden light, and the reflection on the frozen Yellow River shone bursts of light, that the army on the north bank finally formally advanced, carefully stepping on the frozen river to the south. This time, let alone blocking it, there were almost no people visible on the other side.

Facts also proved that Sun Tu's choice was right. Although the Yellow River looked frozen, the ice was actually far from as solid as imagined. Especially near the center of the river, holes were often trampled by horses and men. . Fortunately, there was no obstacle this time, otherwise Sun Tu would have to pay a heavy price if he wanted to cross the Yellow River.

But now, they can safely cross the Yellow River and officially enter the Gyeonggi Road on the south bank.

On the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month in the seventh year of Xuanhe in the Song Dynasty, Sun Tu led his army across the Yellow River. Bianliang, Tokyo, was no longer in danger, and troops were approaching the city...


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