Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1029: Long song enters Tokyo


Amidst the loud shouts of "Put down your weapons, don't harm your life", countless defenders at Chenqiao Gate dropped their swords and guns. They had no determination to fight to the death against the bandits, and now that even their last advantage had disappeared, they naturally no longer dared to resist, so they just surrendered without mercy.

Sun Tu, who rushed into the city after falling into the camp, was not busy continuing to expand his victory. Instead, he ordered his subordinates to divide their troops and break into Xin Fengqiu Gate, Xin Jujube Gate, etc. on the other side. Hundreds of soldiers rushed towards the city along the stone steps. He had to ensure the safety of his family in time.

This is not to say that Sun Tu abandoned his official career for personal reasons, but that he knew that his family was indeed extremely important to the overall war situation. Once they were controlled by others, there would be another setback. But when he led his men to quickly control the city and found those familiar figures, he was surprised to find that his wife, children, etc. were not among them.

"What's going on?" Sun Tu's heart suddenly twitched, and he strode to a guy who was obviously a city officer. He pulled him over and asked, "Where are my wife and children? You guys?" Where did you hide them? Why don't you actually recruit them?"

"Little... I don't know. From the beginning, the Marquis's wife and children were not kidnapped in the city. There were only servants and servants at home." This man was relatively calm and quickly gave the answer. But Sun Tu breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time felt even more confused. He hurriedly came to the servants who had been unchained, pulled a steward over and said urgently: "Tell me, two Where are the lady and the tiger-headed phoenix now?"

This man had just experienced life and death and escaped from the gate of hell. He was completely confused. It wasn't until Sun Tu shook for a while and shouted again that he suddenly came back to his senses and said quickly: "Little... I don't know. On New Year's Eve Someone from the government suddenly rushed into the mansion to take someone away. As a result, they searched the Marquis' mansion but found no sign of the two ladies... "

"You mean they didn't fall into the hands of the army?" Sun Tu asked anxiously with greater expectations in his heart.

But this one couldn't explain clearly: "Anyway, the young one is the young master who has never met his wife. He must have been rescued by someone. In addition, two days before New Year's Eve, Chief Cui came to the house... "

"Cui Lueshang?" Sun Tu narrowed his eyes and had a vague suspicion. It is obviously impossible for Ya'er and the others to escape from the Hou Mansion that is guarded by the government, but with the cooperation of Cui Lueshang and even Shi Qian and others who came to the rescue earlier, the situation becomes completely impossible. It’s different. What's more, there must be other people in the city who will help save people, such as the Di family brothers, and people from the Imperial City Department with whom he has a good relationship. They are all local snakes in Tokyo City, and they are really determined to save people. Tibetans, it is really difficult to find them with the official power for a while.

And at least it seemed that his family was safe now. This made Sun Tu put aside his worries. Without any further entanglement, he quickly went down to the city, met up with Tong Mu and others who had led the army to the northern city wall, and then decisively gave the order. : "Let's lead the troops to press forward, quickly capture the inner city, and reach the imperial city before dark."

"Here!" The morale of the generals was high. They saw that the outer city, which was more than ten feet high and guarded by tens of thousands of people, was captured effortlessly. Naturally, they did not have much impact on the much lower inner city wall in front of them.

No longer worried, as orders were issued, the army moved forward again.

At this moment, Tong Mu suddenly said to Sun Tujin: "General, let everyone sing a war song to strengthen our army's momentum, and at the same time to tell the people in the city that we are not rebelling, but are here to eliminate the enemy." Treacherous and sycophantic, the righteous master of the Qing Dynasty!"

Sun Tu nodded immediately when he heard this. He had indeed ignored this point because of family matters. He immediately ordered loudly: "Come here, sing for me the war song that was passed down to the army before to challenge the rebels." .”

So, while these tens of thousands of troops were advancing, loud singing also sounded in the empty city of Tokyo, and spread along the streets and alleys to thousands of households, reaching every ordinary person hiding in his home who was in panic all day long. In the ears of the people—

"Wolf smoke rises, the country looks north, the dragon flag rolls, the horse neighs, the sword is like frost..." Although the lyrics of a song of loyalty to the country are far inferior to those of the famous works that are sung around the world today, the simple and direct lyrics can still be loved by the people. They quickly captured and understood, and also truly told everyone the identity of the rebel army. They were still the imperial army and loyal to the imperial court.

When the last line "The great China wants to congratulate us from all over the world!" was sung, even the disarmed garrison soldiers beside the city wall showed longing, obviously inspired by the majestic song. The infection of the war song.

But the soldiers of the bandit-defeating army were already singing energetically, their steps were fast, and their songs kept singing. They soon changed to another song: "Arrogant and arrogant, laughing at thousands of waves, hot-blooded and hot than the red sun, courageous as iron, Bones are like fine steel..." The man regained his self-improvement, and the morale of the army rose again. The forward team had reached the gate of the inner city, and met head-on with a guard of the Forbidden Army who had been ordered to stop the enemy.

This time, there was nothing to hesitate about. It was a direct fight, no, a one-sided massacre. One of these forbidden troops was incompetent in combat, and the two were unprepared mentally. When they encountered the murderous and singing rebel army, they could only hold on for a moment before they were quickly defeated and expelled by the elite of the trapped camp. Following a burst of pursuit, they panicked and fled back. As a result, the gates on the inner city side had no time to close, so they were attacked by the trapped camp and quickly occupied.

The city of Tokyo is divided into three levels. The outer city actually occupies the largest area, but most of the people living in it are ordinary people. At most, there are some officials who are not sixth or seventh grade, plus various large and small shops. Then there is the inner city, where the families who live here are either rich or noble. For example, Sun Tu's former Marquis Mansion is here. As for the innermost level, it is naturally the imperial city. However, this imperial city is not entirely an imperial palace. There are also many important government offices of the imperial court, such as the two offices, three divisions and six departments, all of which are located here. It can be said to be the core of the entire Tokyo Bianliang.

Now that the gates of the inner city have been breached, most of Bianjing has fallen into Sun Tu's control. At the same time, many soldiers and horses with swords and guns are rushing towards them like wolves and tigers, scaring countless people into fear, even if they are separated from each other. At the door of the house, there were still people screaming, feeling like the sky was falling, and they were afraid that they would die.

Some wealthy families have begun to mobilize their servants and pick up various weapons to protect themselves. At this point, they can no longer count on the official and forbidden troops and can only rely on themselves. If these rebels really come in, they will have to fight to the death.


To their surprise, the rebel army that easily entered the inner city had no intention of burning, killing and disturbing the people. Their team was still neatly organized. Under the leadership of their generals, they marched along the straight imperial road like a long dragon. Heading towards the core of the Imperial City, it seemed that the magnificent shops and mansions around them were not in their eyes.

At the same time, through the door, the people inside heard another burst of singing. This song is different from the previous two heroic songs. It is more straightforward, but also easier for people to understand: "Every soldier of the Song Dynasty must remember the three major disciplines and eight points of attention. First, all actions Only by following the command and working in unison can we win... "

The most straightforward vernacular has the most direct power to penetrate people's hearts. This revolutionary song "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" adapted by Sun Tu from later generations has a greater impact on the surrounding people than the previous two war songs. After hearing the military discipline mentioned in the article that this army will not disturb or harm the people, and seeing that they indeed acted in a uniform manner as the song sung, and did not come to harass the people. , the people in the city felt completely at ease this time.

It turns out that it was all because of myself that I was scaring myself. It turned out that this traitor, who was described as demonic and murderous by the court, was actually an elite force with steely will and discipline. Amidst the singing and marching, the wariness of the people in Tokyo and inner cities against the bandit army dropped to the lowest point in an instant. In their eyes, this army was much stronger than any imperial army they had encountered before. .

"No wonder, no wonder General Sun was able to lead this army to win consecutive battles in the north, eliminate future troubles for the court, and recapture the Sixteenth Prefecture of Youyun. It turns out that the root of everything lies here. With such an elite army, there is no need to worry about the failure of foreign enemies. Immortal..." A silver-haired old man sighed sincerely after seeing the soldiers of the bandit-defeating army marching by through the crack in the door.

Beside him, the middle-aged son and the young grandson also showed approval: "Compared with this, the soldiers and horses from other places are really not worth mentioning, so they were able to enter Tokyo in just a few months." , obviously, no city will resist along the way."

Maybe other people can't hit the mark as well as this scholarly family of scholars, but at least the people still have a strong sense of balance in their hearts. In just one moment, they already have a little more respect for the rebel army, and the original wariness and hostility It dissipated quickly and disappeared without a trace. The weapon in his hand for self-defense also dropped.

With just a few war songs, Sun Tu led his army straight into the city of Tokyo. There was almost no resistance. The morale of the army and the people were in his hands. And what he wants to go to next is the final core of the city, the Imperial City!

At this time, too many senior officials of the imperial court were running towards the imperial city in panic. Facing the influx of thieves from all directions, these corrupt officials had nowhere to go and could only subconsciously move towards the imperial city. He ran towards the emperor, hoping that his majesty would come forward to protect him. At least, Sun Tu still regarded himself as a minister of the Song Dynasty. He would not dare to do anything wrong in front of the emperor, right

At dusk, Sun Tu led his army to the east of the imperial city. At the end of the long street, he was in front of a majestic and huge palace gate. There were three big characters written with dragons and phoenixes on it - Donghua Gate!

Outside the palace wall, there were hundreds of people standing in front of the road, blocking Sun Tu's way...