Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1037: Underground forces (Part 2)


"Uncle Cheng took us to a dark and smelly place." The person who answered Sun Tu's question was not Hu Rong or Ya'er, but Hu Tou, who looked disgusted next to him. Just as Sun Tu was stunned, Feng'er in his arms corrected him in a sweet voice: "It's Brother Cheng, he asked us to call him that..."

"You kid, you don't have to interrupt when adults are talking." Hu Tou glared at his sister with some annoyance. The little adult's appearance immediately made the other three people laugh, and also relaxed the slightly tense atmosphere. Sun Tu's brows also frowned and then quickly dispersed. He had already guessed the answer: "Is it Cheng Yayu's hand? It should be him who Tang Feng tried to contact, right?"

This time it was Hu Rong who finally spoke: "It's him. It's a blessing that he's helping us secretly this time. Otherwise, my sister, my sister, and our two children wouldn't be able to get out of this house. In those few days, we'd have a lot of trouble." There are hundreds of soldiers surrounding them, and they won’t give us any space at all.”

In addition to being frightened, Sun Tu was also relieved. It seemed that the trap he had laid out had really worked.

This Cheng Yayu has also been very famous in Tokyo in the past few years. He can be regarded as the boss of the largest underground force outside the government. But who would have thought that this young hero who is now famous in Beijing was just a little beggar living on the street with no food to eat more than ten years ago, and his life could be taken away at any time

It is said that Sun Tu had just entered the officialdom at that time, and a major case fell into his hands - the Changxingfang arson case. At that time, he used various clues to find the beggars living in a ruined temple in the city, and when he took down those guys, he rescued Cheng Yayu, a little beggar who had no power to protect himself at the time but still dared to risk his life. , Luda even accepted him as his disciple because he saw him as a figurehead (if you forgot, you can look back at Chapter 127).

Although Sun Tuluda and the others left Tokyo shortly afterwards, he still asked Cui Luoshang to take more care of the young man. Luda did not hide his secrets and taught his martial arts carefully. And this Cheng Yayu is not bad at all. He has made great progress in practicing martial arts for several years. At least he has almost no opponents in the market.

Relying on this ability, and with Cui Lueshang taking care of him, Cheng Yayu was able to establish a firm foothold in the small world of Tokyo, and he also had some of his own team members, a few good brothers who could rely on him in life and death. It's just that his foundation is not real after all, and he doesn't want to become a pawn of some corrupt officials, so his power is not too great.

It wasn't until Sun Tu took action against Gui Fanlou again two or three years ago, killing all the gang members involved, that Cheng Yayu and his brothers really came to the fore - of course, this was also related to Sun Tu's secret support. , but only a few people knew about this - and quickly replaced him with Gui Fanlou, becoming the real local snake in Tokyo, even the government was afraid of him.

Because Sun Tu deliberately kept him as his backup, even this year, no one in the court knew that this newly emerged boss was actually Sun Tu's person. It was not until this time that the Hou Mansion was besieged, his family was in danger, and Shi Qian came forward to rescue people. Sun Tu showed his trump card and asked him to find Cui Lueshang and Cheng Yayu after entering the city. Get people out through them.

"How did he rescue you from the siege of the army?" Sun Tu asked, still full of curiosity, looking at them.

"Third brother, go to the corner over there and open the box to find out the answer." Ya'er pointed to the mahogany box next to her with a smile.

It was a box used to store sundries. It had been placed in the corner of the hall before, and it was really inconspicuous. When Sun Tu saw this, his heart moved, and he immediately stepped forward to open the box, and then a slightly surprised smile appeared on his face: "So that's it, what a great workmanship." However, he saw that there was a dark cave underneath the box. It's the tunnel entrance that leads directly below. Cheng Yayu was really good at it. In order to save people, he actually dug a tunnel from the outside. No wonder Ya'er and the four of them were able to escape the siege without anyone noticing.

"This is also thanks to Brother Cui and Tang Feng. If it weren't for their guidance, this tunnel would not have been dug into our house so accurately, and even hidden from the officers and soldiers outside." Hu Rong also said with a look of admiration. .

Sun Tu nodded in approval, feeling even more grateful: "By the way, where does this tunnel lead to?"

"It's a small shop behind our house. Even I didn't expect that behind our house is Luogu Lane, which is the liveliest place, so when we get there and change our clothes, we can easily blend into the crowd, even The officers and soldiers can no longer trace our whereabouts." Hu Rong said with admiration: "Also, in order to ensure our safety, Boss Cheng specially sent us into the waterway below. In this way, the officers and soldiers would You can't find us even if you turn the city upside down. It's just that the place is too dark and smelly, so it's very uncomfortable."

Only then did Sun Tu know that his wife and children had been hiding in the underground waterway that he had a close relationship with some time ago. Over the years, he has killed thieves from Wuyou Cave twice in the waterway, but in the end, his wife and children also needed to use this to protect their lives. It was an inextricable fate.

At the same time, thinking about the harsh environment they could only hide in these days, Sun Tu felt distressed and guilty again: "I have really wronged you this time. Don't worry, I will never let you suffer like this again in the future. I’m worried about this.”

Ya'er hurriedly smiled and said: "Third brother, we have never complained about you. Although I don't understand any big things, I also know that what you do must be good things that are beneficial to people in the world. Even if we suffer a little, it is nothing." What. What's more, compared to others, we are already doing well. I heard that the third housekeeper and others have been killed..." At this point, her eyes turned red, feeling quite sad.

Things were urgent that day, and it was impossible to take away everyone in the house silently, so in the end, the four of them had to leave through the tunnel, but all the servants and housekeepers were left behind. Ya'er still felt uneasy about this until this moment.

Seeing this, Sun Tu reached out and held her catkins: "You don't have to blame yourself. In the end, it was not you who killed them, but those corrupt officials. I can guarantee that there are thousands of others who will be blamed for their hatred." He framed and oppressed the people, and I, Sun Tu, will make them pay back with profits!"

"Well, I believe Third Brother, you can definitely do it!" Ya'er nodded solemnly, and then yawned unconsciously. In fact, it wasn't just him. Hu Rong and his two children were also a little drowsy at this time. After all, they were also quite sleepy and tired. It was almost dawn now, so naturally they couldn't hold on any longer. If it weren't for being anxious to see Sun Tu, after meeting him,

There was another burst of excitement, and I was afraid that they would have fallen asleep by now.

Seeing this, Sun Tu smiled remorsefully: "Look at how careless I am. Everyone is sleepy, so go back to bed first. I will also rest with you for a while, and we will talk about anything else after dawn."

When the time came around five o'clock on the 11th, Sun Tu's family, who had been separated for a year and experienced many twists and turns before being reunited, finally rested together.

However, some things outside did not stop at the same time as Sun Tu fell asleep, and more changes continued—

Tong Mu didn't rest. A pair of bloodshot eyes were scanning back and forth on Tang Feng and Cui Lueshang and Cheng Yayu who came with him. His tone was a bit sinister: "You mean, someone in the city actually plans to take advantage of our army's just entering." Tokyo, whose foothold is not stable, actually intends to let your people set fire to and kill people here and disrupt the whole city?"

"Exactly." Cheng Yayu didn't flinch at all when he met Tong Mu's eyes, and nodded: "But they never dreamed that I was from Yuehou, so I have already captured him and The identity of the person behind the scenes who wanted to do all this was revealed from his mouth. Those who really wanted to cause chaos in Tokyo were the wealthy families in the city headed by the Cai and Liang families, and the person who led all of this was the boss of the famous Li Family Trading Company Li Wei."

"A businessman? He is really courageous and has a bigger appetite!" Tong Mu's eyes were full of murderous intent: "I really thought that I was a good person who eats fast and chants Buddha's name, but at this time, he still wants to do evil things. It seems we can’t do it without killing some people.”

"Tong Zhifu, after all, this matter is of great importance. Do I need to report it to the general first?" the subordinate asked vaguely. After all, not long ago, Sun Tu was furious because his soldiers broke into people's houses to steal money and hurt people, and punished many people severely.

"No need." Tong Mu immediately shook his head: "Although there are witnesses to this matter, I'm afraid we won't be able to get physical evidence for a while. It's hard to have a foolproof plan to disturb the general at this time."

"Does that mean we have to let them do the mischief behind our backs?" Tang Feng said angrily. We have already found out to this point. We can't let those guys go just because we have scruples, right

"Who said we should let them go?" Tong Mu smiled coldly: "These people will be a disaster after all. We can't always guard against them, so what we have to do now is to lure the snake out of the hole. Isn't there a great opportunity now? "?" Tong Mu said, then looked at Cheng Yayu in front of him.

This person's reaction was also very fast. He immediately understood the other party's intention and replied: "Of course my people can act, but the day is almost dawn... Will they really take the risk and cooperate with us?"

"Of course, for them, the most urgent thing is to muddy the water in Tokyo before we have a stable foothold, and then rescue those important people. So as long as you take action now, even if it is risky, they have to follow Come in. And don't forget that you have betrayed the truth just now. If you delay it for a while, they may know the inside story or there may be changes. Therefore, this matter must be acted upon immediately. As for the general, I will explain it myself. "Tong Mu immediately gave out his overall plan: "And Tang Feng, you sent people to keep an eye on the Li Family Trading Company. Once they make any changes, it's time for us to take them down in a legitimate manner!"

"I obey my command!" Tang Feng took a deep breath and immediately accepted the order. He knew that the time had finally come for him to make a real difference!