Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1038: A name that will leave a lasting legacy?


After a good night's sleep, Ya'er slowly woke up from her sweet dream until around noon. This was the most peaceful sleep she had had in months. Ever since she vaguely knew what her husband-in-law was doing and offended officials from all over the dynasty, Ya'er had not had a good night's sleep.

It wasn't until Sun Tu came back last night, the whole family was reunited, and she could snuggle into a familiar embrace and fall asleep smelling the familiar smell that Ya'er truly relaxed and fell asleep, and then she slept until noon.

But when she woke up, she found that the person beside her who could make people feel completely at ease was gone. There was only a bowl of cold rice porridge on the table in front of the bed, and a note underneath. Ya'er stood up and went over, picked up the bowl, and saw a message full of tenderness: "When you wake up, have a drink and have a good rest. I will come back to have dinner with you in the evening." It was Sun Tu's handwriting that made her A joyful smile appeared on her face again. At this moment, she felt that everything she had done before was worth it.

At the same time, Sun Tu, who was the most gentle to his family and looked like a loving father and a good husband, had changed from his gentle demeanor at home. He stood murderously in front of those guys who were kneeling on the ground, his eyes moving from them. It swept across the body quickly, as sharp as a sword, making these people dare not take a deep breath.

After looking at them for a while, Sun Tucai sneered: "Okay, you are really loyal and courageous enough. At this time, you are still trying to fight me. I really don't think I dare to kill anyone to establish my authority." ?"

Kneeling in front of him were the men of Cai Jing and Liang Shicheng, who had just wanted to take the opportunity to rescue people and disrupt the situation in Tokyo, as well as a group of people from the Li Family Trading Company headed by Li Wei.

Just like what Tong Mu said, when Cheng Yayu pretended to lead people to set fire and kill, these people really thought that the opportunity had arrived, and immediately followed up and started burning and killing in their respective areas of power. In addition, a team composed of many experts went straight to the Prison of the Ministry of Punishment, hoping to rescue Cai Jing and others who were imprisoned there.

But in the end, they threw themselves into a trap. As soon as they launched their attack, they were surrounded by soldiers from the rebel army who had been ambushing them all around. They couldn't even light a few fires, but they were swallowed up by more than ten times the number of elite soldiers. All the important figures were captured alive and were brought before Sun Tu at this moment.

At this time, each of these people lowered their heads like a defeated rooster and said nothing. Sun Tu sneered again: "Since you insist on seeking death, I will help you. And this time, not only you, but also your relatives and friends will be implicated! Originally, I didn't want to go on such a killing spree, but this is You yourself killed them!"

"Sun Tu, don't be pretentious. Do you think we will believe you? You are a rebellious minister. Even if you dare not wait for me for the time being, you will still not let us go when you really seize power. Since sooner or later, you will It's a death, it's natural for us to fight back now!" A man suddenly looked up at Sun Tu and shouted loudly.

Then, Li Wei, who was old and frail, coughed twice and said, "Yes, don't you think I can see through your character? I only knew from your ruthless treatment of the Gu family business that if you were allowed to take power There will be no peace for us anymore, so this time we are just trying to save ourselves. Since it fails, we can only sigh that it is fate, God is unfair.

. Now that it falls into your hands, I will be a king or a bandit, I will kill or behead you as you please!

"But Sun Tu, don't be too happy too early. The world will judge for itself. Even if you, a rebellious minister and traitor, can get lucky for a while, it will not last long. I believe that it won't be long before you are defeated and crowned. By then , we will know who is loyal and who is traitorous through history!”

These self-righteous remarks immediately made Tang Feng next to him angry, and he immediately took a step forward to repair this old guy who was talking arrogantly. But Sun Tu stopped him with a wave of his hand: "At this time, they can also use their words. Why should they be angry at the words of a few dying people? We will not lose our own face."

After Tang Feng obeyed the order and retreated, he looked at these people with a smile and said: "I don't know whether you are thick-skinned enough, or if you are really such a fool that you believe that you are doing justice. I never said anything about sending troops. If you want to rebel, I am coming from the side of the Qing Dynasty. I am here to stabilize the country of the Song Dynasty and to prevent the emperor from being deceived by traitors such as Cai Jing. So I only captured those corrupt officials and traitors, not all the officials in the court. As for the emperor The people in the city are even more innocent, so I also issued strict orders not to disturb the people.

"But even so, you are still stubborn, so don't blame me for killing you all. But don't be too happy too early, saying that you died generously, I will not give you such a chance. Today From the beginning, the people in the city will know that I am here to challenge the bandit army for them. I will announce it to the world so that they can redress their grievances and bring them to the government. Which of you has not been burdened with a lot of blood debts? This time I will use Kill you and your family members in the most upright way.

"You all actually think that you can leave a name for loyalty in the history of history. It is simply wishful thinking! What you have left in the hearts of the people, and in the history books, is only the eternal infamy of greed, cruelty, and deserved death!"

A few heart-wrenching remarks knocked away the last bit of their momentum. All of a sudden, these people all slumped to the ground like deflated rubber balls, their eyes filled with despair. Even when they were all killed before, they were not so desperate, but now, after knowing that Sun Tu in front of them was by no means a reckless and easy-to-kill man, they truly had no chance of making a comeback.

After seeing these people being dragged out like dead pigs, Tang Feng and the other generals felt relieved and couldn't help but admire: "The general is so wise, he took care of all these stubborn guys in just a few words. I admire my humble position!"

"You don't have to flatter me. In fact, even if there was no such chaos, I had already made up my mind to announce it to the whole city and let the people complain. Because we must find the most logical reason to deal with all these high-ranking officials and ministers of the imperial court. Just like this, you will be busy, so send people to do it quickly. As for the places to pick up the grievances of the people, they should be located in Kaifeng Mansion and the Ministry of Justice!"

After Sun Tu issued this order, the soldiers under his command were really busy. Tokyo is a huge city with an even larger population. It is not easy to spread the news throughout the city in a short time, even if it has a large number of troops.

So in the next half day, the rebel army dispatched thousands of people in the east

Walking through the streets and alleys of the capital, beating gongs and drums to attract the attention of the people, he also announced Sun Tu's decision to call on the people in the city to complain about their grievances. Fortunately, more than 80% of the people in the city are hiding at home and dare not go out, so there was not much delay along the way.

And when the news began to spread throughout the city, some people who had great grievances began to become unable to sit still. Among them, some of their relatives or friends had died at the hands of those officials, or they had been oppressed and framed by them and could no longer survive. When they saw the opportunity, they plucked up the courage to walk out of their homes and ran to two nearby places. The yamen that was sued complained of injustice.

People often have a herd mentality. Even if everyone is hiding at home, there are still countless people peeking from behind their own courtyard doors, waiting for further news. After seeing their neighbors really going out with hope and coming back happily, these people who had more minor grievances naturally couldn't sit still.

So in the evening, more people with grievances rushed to the two government offices to complain about their grievances. When it got dark, the queues outside the government offices were getting longer and longer. After accepting many grievances in a row, the people had more and more trust in General Sun, so more people came to complain. It can be said that almost every official with a fifth rank or above was burdened with more than three lawsuits...

Of course, some people may be exaggerating, and some may want to take advantage of troubled waters to retaliate against their enemies, but more often than not, these are real cases in which officials rely on their status to oppress people. Even though hundreds of literate clerks, soldiers, and generals were used to deal with grievances this time, they were still very busy. It was not until after the third watch that they persuaded everyone to retreat and asked them to wait until dawn the next day.

Sun Tu also took a large number of grievance records related to Cai Jing and other powerful officials to read when he returned home. After eating and reading, even though Sun Tuduo was prepared, he was still annoyed. Finally, he slapped all the case files on the desk: "Stealing people's money and property, seizing people's wives and daughters, framing people and killing people... these Officials all look sanctimonious on the surface, but in fact, nothing they do behind the scenes is human affairs. It’s really too numerous to describe!

"But these people are regarded as cronies by Zhao Ji, and the entire imperial court is handed over to them to govern, and then they are allowed to take the opportunity to harm more innocent people and embezzle more benefits. This is our great power The Song Dynasty, the so-called prosperous and prosperous age! The emperor was ignorant and the ministers were greedy, and the people suffered. When the country was ruined and foreign enemies invaded, more people suffered disaster! Don't forget about such a great Song Dynasty!"

If Sun Tu did all this before just to target Cai Jing and others and wanted to use a more reasonable reason to get rid of them, then now Sun Tu really intends to eliminate the guy who has become a puppet. This guy who is also selfish and greedy to the extreme does not deserve to continue to be the master of the world, even in name only!

In an instant, a bright light shone in Sun Tu's eyes, and a bolder plan was born in his heart: "Strike while the iron is hot. After convicting Cai Jing and others, it is time to move the man on the throne." !”

But before that, he had to gather the hearts and minds of the people and the army. It was time to give an explanation to those innocent people.