Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1039: Military law is as great as the sky (Part 2)


In the blink of an eye, it is already the fourteenth day of the first lunar month. If it had been before, the city of Tokyo would have been filled with lanterns and crowds of people, and it would have been many times more lively than usual.

Because every time during the Lantern Festival, almost all the people in the city come out to celebrate, and the shops and merchants on each street will inevitably try their best to put up various lanterns to compete with each other and attract people. At night, the lanterns all over the city will be as bright as the stars, more brilliant than the stars and the moon in the sky.

But all of this came to an abrupt end on this New Year's Day, because Sun Tu led an army of rebels to kill him, putting everyone in the city in danger. Who would put their minds on such things again? So until today, there are only a few lanterns in the entire Bianliang City, but there are many more pedestrians on the road than in the past few days, and they are all rushing in one direction, which is the busiest place in front of Xiangguo Temple. Crossroads!

Just in the past two days, with the sound of gongs, the people who were fighting against the rebels had filled the city, spreading the news that they would be here today to give a satisfactory explanation to the many people who had suffered from the war, and bluntly said that today they would Soldiers and generals who harmed the people were dealt with according to military law, and General Sun Tusun, the Marquis of Yue, personally came forward to give everyone an explanation.

This indeed aroused the curiosity of countless people. At first, everyone was a little relieved because the rebel army behaved according to the rules after entering the city. Later, they were willing to accept people's accusations against high-ranking officials in the court, which made the people have a better impression of them. Now General Yue Hou Sun, who is regarded by countless people as today's hero, has come forward to explain everything, which naturally attracts everyone's attention.

So even though the time was set after 6 o'clock, the genius was bright, and tens of thousands of people had already rushed to the Xiangguo Temple area from all directions despite the cold wind. The appearance was much better than the previous days when they went to Xiangguo Temple to see the lanterns. After Chen time, tens of thousands of people gathered in this area with a radius of several miles. They were so densely packed that all the streets and alleys were completely blocked.

In this way, it is naturally cheaper than many restaurants and shops nearby, especially the second and third floors of various hotels, which are full of guests. The price of private rooms has skyrocketed, but even so , it is still difficult to resist the enthusiasm of many people.

At this time, on the second floor of a restaurant, in a private room with a clear view of the crossroads ahead, several drinkers were drinking wine and commenting on the grand scene ahead—

"Tell me, what medicine is the Marquis of Yue selling in the gourd? How will he deal with his soldiers and generals after he has called so many people?"

"How else can he show off? It's just a show. Everyone has been killed, how can he also kill his own men? If he really wants to do this, I'm afraid that the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and generals under his command will not obey his orders. ”

"This is reasonable. Let's talk about it. These rebels are already adhering to military discipline. They did some looting and killing when they first entered the city. Now they are all guarding the city gates and other important places. They are doing good to us people. It was Qiu who committed no crime, and was even more disciplined than those imperial guards in the past. They have already reached this point, and I really don’t think the Marquis of Yue can still hold them accountable."

"But now tens of thousands of people have gathered to see what's going on. If you really lift the board high and put it down gently, how can the Marquis of Yue give everyone an explanation?"

"Well, officials like them always have a way to fool them. Let's just watch. In my opinion, we should just let people kowtow and then

Lose some money and settle the matter. I heard that the family that was killed was rich and unkind, and colluded with the government to harm many poor families. The soldier who killed their whole family was also their enemy. This can be regarded as retribution for evil... "

Before this man could finish telling the news he had learned, his companion suddenly pointed out the window at the crossroads: "Look, there's someone on the stage." This immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It turns out that in the past few days, a high platform three to four feet high and twenty to thirty feet square has been temporarily built here, which allows people further away to clearly see the situation above. At this time, Sun Tu, who was dressed in military uniform, had already climbed onto the high platform accompanied by several personal guards. He was so popular that the people around him were in awe upon seeing it. Even the buzzing discussion suddenly stopped. It became lighter.

Sun Tu only glanced around, then raised the electronic loudspeaker in his hand, Qi Luck Dantian, and said loudly: "Fellow fellows in Tokyo City, I am Sun Tu, the Marquis of Yue. Please be polite here. !" The voice rolled out, suppressing all the surrounding noises at once, and making the people look shocked. They really didn't expect Yuehou to have such magical powers.

After bowing to the surroundings for a moment, Sun Tucai continued: "Today, I have asked everyone to come here, just for two important things. One of them, I have already sent people to spread the news throughout the city, which is about my pursuit of thieves. The officers and soldiers did some illegal things after entering the city. Not only did they rob some innocent people's homes, they even killed people and destroyed their homes. This is definitely not the purpose of my original army, and it is not what I want to see.

"As early as when our army came south from Youzhou, I had already issued dozens of military orders to the army. The most important of them was not to hurt innocent people or plunder the people. This is why our army came all the way. Young Master The reason for the city's resistance is because everyone knows that I am here for righteousness and am definitely not a bandit who harms the people.

"But after entering the city of Tokyo, there were still some soldiers who violated our military laws. They not only looted and looted, but also killed and injured the people. This matter is my unshakable responsibility. I must not only investigate it, but also give an explanation to the people in the city and the world. And today , I will give you an explanation here.”

As soon as these words came out, the tens of thousands of people around him became even more interested, and the crowd also surged. If there were not thousands of elite soldiers guarding the platform, the common people would have destroyed the platform. At the same time, someone shouted loudly below: "General Sun, what are you going to do with those soldiers?" However, the sound was covered by more noise around him and could not travel very far at all.

But Sun Tu seemed to have heard it, and he gave a solemn expression and said: "When the military law was first established, I stipulated that anyone who robbed the people would be punished with fifty military sticks. But the truth is that It is too serious, and in order to warn the whole army, I have decided that in addition to ordinary soldiers who only receive fifty sticks, all officers above the corps commander will receive eighty sticks, and they will be tortured here, in front of everyone!"

"Boom..." The crowd suddenly exploded. No one expected that Sun Tu would be so ruthless and so unselfish. He said he would punish severely, but he really had to reprimand his soldiers in full view of the public. Of course, some people were quite disdainful of this, thinking that Sun Tu would just show off and bring a dozen or two people to be tortured at most.

But before they could say anything, the reality left them speechless. As Sun Tu finished speaking, hundreds of soldiers and generals had already

When Dong Dong came on stage, they were only wearing single clothes, but they didn't show any signs of trembling, and their expressions were quite calm. After taking a look at Sun Tu, they said in unison: "We have made a big mistake, and we are fully convinced by the general's punishment today. We dare not have the slightest complaint!"

While they were talking, they all took off their clothes and knelt down around the stage. Then, many soldiers came up with thick and long military sticks, and they actually wanted to torture him. It was only then that no one knew why the table was so big. It was clearly meant to allow so many people to be tortured together.

"Is this... is he serious? Those soldiers don't have any resentment at all..." Many people were dumbfounded and couldn't believe there was such an army.

Sun Tu, however, was not busy ordering the torture. Instead, he suddenly took off his clothes, revealing a strong upper body covered with many scars—these were all traces left during battles. Even though he was raped, Like Sun Tu, he has also suffered many wounds, big and small, in the past years of fighting - it is really shocking to see. Just when everyone exclaimed again, he loudly said: "Also, as the commander-in-chief of the army, I failed to control the officers and soldiers under my command and allowed them to harass and kill the people. Of course they were wrong, I, Sun Tu His fault is even greater, so today I will also be punished, and the punishment will be doubled, with a hundred military sticks!" After saying that, he put down the loudspeaker in his hand and knelt down like the others.

The scene that had been filled with exclamations just now fell into a strange silence as soon as he spoke. No one spoke anymore. Everyone stared blankly at Sun Tu on the high platform. They couldn't believe their ears and... eyes.

Is this, is this still the world that I am familiar with? Isn’t this a world where might makes right? Sun Tu obviously had a very high status, no matter how many people he killed, no one dared to trouble him. How could he be willing to be punished in front of so many people for such a "little thing"? And it was such a heavy blow with a hundred military sticks...

Are you not dreaming? If it weren't for a dream, how could such an unreasonable thing happen

"General..." The soldier standing behind Sun Tu holding a stick couldn't help but feel embarrassed and timid. He raised his stick but didn't dare to swing it down.

"Come on, this is a military order, and it is also a military law. I said, military law is as great as the sky! Since it is a military law set by me, it should start with me. I, Sun Tu, can still bear a hundred military sticks. Come on. Let's go!" The last two words were almost shouted, causing the soldiers behind him to tremble suddenly. Finally, he felt his heart cross, gritted his teeth, and suddenly waved the military stick in his hand, and then whistling, he whipped fiercely. On Sun Tu's back, there was a muffled sound.

When the stick really fell on Sun Tu's back, the people below woke up from a dream and almost simultaneously exclaimed - all this is true, General Sun really followed the law and became everyone's Face this military law!

At the same time, everyone else on the stage also waved their military sticks, and there was a loud banging sound. A spectacular torture scene was presented in front of all the people without any concealment or adulteration, and it also allowed them to truly understand the strictness of Sun Tu's military law and it was no joke...


The day... the day matches... half, today happens to be August 14th.

So it’s not easy for me to find a reason to ask for a ticket from a passerby. . . Especially when this is my last request in September, I seem to be more sincere. Can you bear not to give me a few tickets