Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1040: Military morale and public opinion (Part 1)


"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!..." The thick arm-thick military sticks struck the people, making a dull sound that made the people around the platform tense up, especially when they saw such a big shot as Lian Suntu. After the commander of an army was tortured in front of everyone, the impact on everyone became even greater.

Before, there were many people who suspected that everything today was just a formality or a drama, but now, after seeing hundreds of soldiers being beaten with military sticks, until their skin and flesh were bruised, and their screams continued, everyone truly believed it. He lost Sun Tu's sincerity, because even he himself was suffering from this torture.

The people near the high platform could clearly see the horrifying scene where the military stick carrying the sound of wind fell heavily on Sun Tu's back, and then his skin and flesh tore apart, bringing out traces of blood. They could also see Sun Tu's face when he was hit by the stick. The muscles were twitching. If anyone said that this was all a show and fake, they would be lying.

After dozens of blows, Sun Tu's back was already bloody and bloody, and the people around him gradually came out of the shock. A buzzing voice kept coming: "General Sun, he really values military law more than anything else. , so we should believe that he can protect our Bianjing city and prevent the common people from suffering again."

"I have long said that General Sun is the great hero of our Song Dynasty. Since he led the troops and said that he was siding with the Qing emperor, it must be the fault of those treacherous ministers and corrupt officials. The six thieves Cai Jing, Gao Qiu, etc. are not deceiving the superiors and the inferiors. Those traitorous ministers who brought disaster to the country and the people should die!"

"The soldiers under General Sun are our great saviors. They defeated the Liao and Jin people in the north before, and this time they came to Tokyo to kill corrupt officials. And he himself values military law so much and emphasizes not to disturb the people. This is This is something that no army has been able to do for thousands of years..."

"The prince is guilty of the same crimes as the common people, and cutting off his hair is all deceptive tricks. Only a great hero like General Sun will use actual actions to tell us that in the face of his military law, everyone is a fool." Equal, even he himself is no exception. Let me ask, what else can we doubt about him?"

Under the influence of some caring people, the people around him had a better and better impression of Sun Tu, and they believed more and more that his soldiers and horses could bring security, fairness and justice to the people of Tokyo and the entire Song Dynasty. Some people even began to worry about whether Sun Tu's body could withstand such a severe beating, and shouted loudly: "General Sun, we already know your sincerity. You belong to the world, so please don't suffer this punishment again!" "

But these words had no effect after being passed on. The military stick was still whistling and falling on Sun Tu's back, which was heart-wrenching to watch. In fact, the people who were most touched this time were not the common people, but the soldiers around them. Seeing their commander being punished in public for the fault of his subordinates, this was more painful for them than being tortured by the rod themselves, and the lesson they received was also More profound.

It turned out that they were privately complaining about Sun Tu's strict treatment of Pao Ze who had committed an offense. After all, in the eyes of ordinary sergeants, they fought consecutive battles, captured dozens of cities, and finally even Tokyo was quickly conquered. Naturally, everyone deserved credit, and the credit was huge. With such great merit, even if he robbed and hurt the people out of greed, it wouldn't be a big mistake. At least the merits and demerits would be balanced and he would not be punished.

But in the end, Sun Tu had no such idea at all, and directly ordered this torture, even if

No matter how loyal the Qingzhou soldiers were to him, they would still have some resentment in their hearts.

But now, with Sun Tu accompanying everyone to be tortured, and receiving more military sticks without discounting at all, the resentment in the hearts of the soldiers has turned into worry and shame. No time has made them realize more than this time that military law is so strict. No matter who they are or what achievements they have made, as long as they violate military law, they will be severely punished.

Every time the military stick fell, it not only hit Sun Tu on the back, but also hit the hearts of every soldier in the army, especially those Qingzhou soldiers guarding the high platform. Listening to the banging sound above, The muscles on his face were trembling and twitching. He was extremely sad, and his respect for Sun Tu reached its highest point.

Suddenly, a soldier subconsciously sang: "Every soldier of the Song Dynasty must remember the three major disciplines and eight points of attention..."

As the singing started, the surrounding robes were stunned for a moment, and then followed one by one, and slowly started singing too. First there were a dozen people, then dozens, then hundreds, and finally it was not only the thousands of soldiers around the high platform, but also the soldiers on the high platform who were still waving their sticks. The soldiers in the crowd who were watching all this also joined in unconsciously. Come to the chorus of this military song.

The songs slowly gathered together and sounded a tune. A military song with strangely simple lyrics and music, but one that was understandable, quickly spread among the crowd and sung: "First, follow the command in all actions, and only by working in unison can we win; second, we can win by following the command; Secondly, I don’t take a needle from the people, and the people support and like me; thirdly, everything seized must be returned to the public, and efforts should be made to reduce the burden on the court... "

At first, the people just listened curiously, but as the soldiers kept singing and singing repeatedly, this catchy song actually aroused everyone's resonance, and soon many people joined in. The chorus of this song also means that the people recognize Sun Tu and the rebel army, believing that they are indeed dedicated to the public, and there is no longer any doubt or grudge.

In ancient times, Shang Yang placed a log in the city to establish trust, saying that anyone who could carry the log to the city gate would receive a hundred gold. At that time, the people of Qin still refused to believe it, until a strong man tried to move the giant tree, and he was rewarded with a hundred gold. As a result, the imperial decrees were recognized by the people of the country, and eventually Qin's reforms penetrated into every corner of the country, marking the beginning of Qin's hegemony.

But today, what Sun Tu did was more radical than Shang Yang. He used his own punishment to win the trust of the people and the whole army. As a result, a wave of military sticks were struck down, and the hearts and minds of the army and the people had thrown themselves into his arms, completely opening the door and paving the way for the next action!

His thoughts are naturally invisible to ordinary people and soldiers, and those scholars who are smart enough, under this general trend, do not dare to stand in such a position that is trusted and even worshiped by everyone. The opposite of a great hero. It can be said that the value of these one hundred military sticks is immeasurable, greater than commanding an army to capture dozens of cities. The city outside the body is easy to break, but the city in the heart is difficult to attack!

But after all, all this is only for the overall situation, but people who really care about Sun Tu obviously don't see it that way, such as his family.

Just when everyone was singing, the crowd was excited, and everyone's admiration for Sun Tu reached its highest point, he was still suffering the ruthless beatings from the military stick on the high platform. Immediately, I saw a man on horseback rushing towards me. He rushed in from the crowd like a wave, screaming loudly:


This situation was so frightening that the people screamed and hurriedly ran away. The soldiers originally planned to stop them, but they stopped until they heard the panicked and distressed cry and saw clearly the slender and pretty woman wearing a fiery red coat on the horse. . Because everyone recognized her identity at this moment—Sun Tu’s common wife Hu Rong!

Because Sun Tu knew that he would suffer a lot of trouble this time, he kept it secret from his family and did not let them know about this incident. Unexpectedly, the matter was leaked, and Hu Rong rushed over in such a hurry. This made him stunned, and when the military stick was drawn again, he couldn't help but groan.

When seeing this scene, Hu Rong was even more anxious, his eyes were red, and he urged the horse with all his strength again. When the horse rushed to the high platform, he pressed hard on the horse's back with one hand, and his whole body flew into the air. He got up and rushed towards Sun Tu who was rising up. His eyes widened and his mouth opened angrily. A scream followed. At the same time, there was also a cold light. Suddenly, it happened to be on the ground. Another blow from the stick cut off a section of the arm-length military stick. At the same time, she landed lightly beside Sun Tu, and took another step to block in front of him: "Stop!"

This turn of events shocked everyone. The singing stopped early and tens of thousands of eyes fell on the stage. However, Hu Rong showed no signs of surprise at all and shouted loudly: "Why do you want to beat Sanlang? He clearly... He obviously didn’t do anything wrong. He came here to save the Song Dynasty and save the people... Even if the soldiers below did something wrong, they brought it upon themselves, so why should he be punished!"

Yes, why? Just because he is the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, does he have to be implicated by the people below? If this is true, I am afraid that there will no longer be any generals in the world. It can even be deduced from this that when officials commit crimes, wouldn't it be possible to blame the emperor

In an instant, the surrounding soldiers and civilians were shocked again, and they admired Sun Tu even more. Instead of blaming Hu Rong for her appearance, they admired her courage to speak out to save her husband.

Even Sun Tu didn't expect such a change. He immediately endured the pain and looked at Hu Rong beside him: "Rong'er, you, why are you here? How do you know this?"

"Sanlang..." Seeing the bloody mess on Sun Tu's back and pale face, Hu Rong felt more and more distressed, and her eyes shed tears: "Why didn't you tell my sister and me about such a big thing? It scared us to death. If Brother Tong hadn't asked someone to bring the letter, I'm afraid we would still be kept in the dark... I, I will never let you be beaten for no reason again!" The last sentence is She was so determined, and like a female leopard who only protected her injured mate, she showed full aggression, which actually frightened the surrounding soldiers to take a few steps back.

Sun Tu smiled bitterly: "What on earth does Tong Mu want to do? I obviously asked him to go to the emperor to settle the matter, so why did such a dispute arise again?"


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day everyone. . . . Well, passers-by who focus on persistence rather than explosions have not let you down. Even in this festival that only happens once in decades, I still keep updating. . . . So don’t you give me two votes to encourage me? If you have a guaranteed monthly pass, give it to me. If you don’t have one, it’s also good to give a few recommendations. . . .