Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1045: Bloody Lantern Festival (2)


Turning back the time slightly, more than two hours ago, the east was white and the sky was just beginning to light up, outside Tokyo.

Sitting in a bumpy carriage and running along the official road for hundreds of miles was really too much for Cai Jiu and Cai Dezhang, who had always lived a pampered life. Finally, after the vehicle took another turn and almost hit the wall of the carriage, he roared from inside: "Hold on!"

This shout was still very useful. The galloping carriage stopped at the sound, but Cai Dezhang still jumped forward due to inertia, and his head hit the front fender, which made him dizzy again. He stretched out his hand for a long time, but still The guards outside helped lift the curtain of the carriage, revealing the blue sky and white sun outside, as well as countless cavalry and infantry on the left and right of the carriage.

"Prefect..." Before the guard could ask what his orders were, Cai Dezhang had already pushed him away, rushed out of the car with his legs weak, lowered his head and vomited out everything in his stomach, and then burst out again. After coughing for a while, he finally regained his composure. He wiped the traces from the corner of his mouth with the embroidered handkerchief he carried with him and asked, "Where are you now? How long will it take to get to Tokyo?"

"It's less than fifty miles away from Tokyo now. You should be able to see the capital after climbing over the hillside in front." The confidant hurriedly stepped forward and replied: "I just don't know if we can make it in time..."

"We will definitely be able to make it in time. Order the entire army to continue marching at full speed and arrive at the gates of Tokyo before noon. We have already had an internal response in the city. As long as we arrive, we will be able to enter smoothly. By then, the great credit will be at your fingertips!" Cai Dezhang said in After taking a few deep breaths, he finally recovered and said loudly. But he said this to the surrounding subordinates who had followed him all the way from Jiangzhou, because he knew very well how difficult and dangerous they would encounter next.

"Ouch... enter Tokyo and save His Majesty and the Grand Master!" These soldiers were greatly encouraged and shouted loudly. After Cai Jiu got back into the car, they speeded forward again.

At this time, the genius was just beginning to shine. Judging from this speed, they could indeed arrive in Tokyo before noon, and the momentum generated by these tens of thousands of people could almost cover the world along the way. Half an hour later, they had climbed up the last ridge. They could even see the outline of Bianliang City in Tokyo in the distance. It seemed that as long as they sprinted one more time, they could reach the city without any hindrance!


Back to the present. In the city of Tokyo, outside the execution ground of Xiangguo Temple, Tong Mu, the supervisor and beheading official, has read to the end of the imperial edict in his hand. Although the edict is gorgeous in terms and contains too many twists and turns, the content is actually very simple, that is, the emperor has already The serious crimes committed by Cai Jing and others were determined to be true, so they decided to execute these traitorous officials and their families in public...

When such meaning spread to the crowd, the people who had come because of this became even more excited. Amidst the cheers, the crowd unconsciously surged forward, as if they wanted to get closer to these traitorous officials who were about to die. This makes it easier to see them more clearly when their heads fall to the ground.

When this scene fell into the eyes of Cai Jing and others, their faces, which were already quite numb, became miserable again. It turned out that the people had long resented themselves to the core of their bones and wished that they were about to die. However, they had not had this opportunity before, but now they vented their anger completely.

Then, they heard more

A desperate voice: "Noon is coming, verify the identity of the prisoner!"

Following Tong Mu's long shout, the soldiers behind them quickly stepped forward and carefully examined their appearance. At the same time, they also removed the wooden shackles from the prisoners' necks to facilitate the subsequent torture. Amidst loud shouts of "Verified!", Cai Jing and others were quickly pushed to the ground. Many soldiers quickly reached out and stepped on them on the ground, raising their swords high with both hands. Just waiting for a command, he could slash down and kill them on the spot.

Until this moment, the last feeling of fear surged from everyone's heart like a tide. They were already quite insensitive. Suddenly they burst into tears and cried loudly: "I am wronged. I have always been upright as an official and have never harmed anyone. This is all because Sun Tu wanted to eliminate dissidents." , a conspiracy to seize power..."

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged. I have been loyal to the court for decades and have never slacked off for a moment. What Sun Tu said is all lies, and the people are just pawns incited by him..."

"You have all been deceived by that Sun Tu. As long as I die and His Majesty falls into Sun Tu's hands, your situation will only be even more miserable than before..."

These people were making a death struggle and shouting loudly. However, their voices could only be heard clearly by the soldiers waiting for execution around them. The people in the distance were cheering and yelling, but no one could hear clearly what they were shouting. Everyone was staring at them intently. These treacherous and corrupt officials who are waiting to be beheaded by a knife are only worried about why time passes so slowly and wish they would die early.

However, in the palace far away, Zhao Ji, who was sitting deserted in the palace, suddenly looked up at the sky outside with a feeling, his face full of fear: "It's almost three quarters to noon..."

"It's three quarters past noon, get ready for execution!" Tong Mu shouted after staring at the sundial in front of him for a moment, and then the ink pen in his hand suddenly hooked on a thick command arrow, and with another flick, it read A large slashing arrow had been thrown to the ground in front of him.

The arrow fell to the ground and the sword was raised!

Even Cai Jing, who was as stable as a mountain, felt a wave of fear gripping his heart at this moment: "Why haven't I seen anyone come to save me at this time? Maybe something went wrong..." As his mind flashed, he saw a black shadow coming from behind. He flashed up from the restaurant in front of him, crossed nearly a hundred paces, and with a swish of an eye, he went directly into the chest of the soldier behind him who was about to strike with the sword, causing his burly body to stagger. He fell back even with the knife.

This arrow was a signal. After it flew out, it caused a sudden change in the surrounding situation. Hundreds of strong men holding sharp swords jumped up from the crowd. They shouted in unison: "We are following His Majesty's decree to save our loyal ministers. Kill the traitor!" Before the shouting ended, people were already flying towards the execution ground in front of them like strange birds, waving their swords, scaring countless people around them into screaming and fleeing, and immediately disrupted the orderly order of the execution ground. Gotta make a mess.

Originally, there were groups of soldiers separated between the crowd and the prisoners, but at this moment, because the people were frightened and ran around, they rushed towards the neat queue, causing holes in their formation to appear in an instant. And those murderers armed with sharp knives are among the common people.

Under the cover of the enemy, he quickly rushed forward, raised his sword and killed the unprepared soldiers. In the blink of an eye, no less than thirty or forty soldiers had fallen to these people. As blood surged, the people became even more panicked. Running around gave them more opportunities to move forward.

Tong Mu, who was on the high-level prison execution platform, turned livid when he saw this, and shouted repeatedly: "Guard the execution ground, don't let anyone get close..." Before he finished speaking, there was a whoosh, and an arrow suddenly flew from the distance. If a guard beside him hadn't pulled him aside in time, he would have been hit by an arrow. But even so, he was still so frightened that he could no longer give orders, making the situation on the execution ground even more chaotic. The soldiers under his command had only time to set up their shields, guard him on his left and right, and even carried him straight down. , no longer dare to stay at such a conspicuous height to face the archer's sneak attack.

And as a result, the situation on the scene became more and more critical. The soldiers and generals around the execution ground were already overwhelmed by this sudden attack, and the common people were attacking them, making it impossible for them to make a real move. And often when they are distracted, those guys mixed among the people will suddenly kill them at the moment of close proximity, and pierce the swords into the vital points of these soldiers. In an instant, with one successful attack after another, the last line of defense in front of the execution ground had been torn apart. The criminals had gathered into a torrent and rushed in, reaching the officials who were still lying on the ground. Around them, the soldiers who acted as executioners had fallen to the ground, and all of them died from cold arrows in their bodies. Only a few people retreated to the rear under the leadership of the general in prison uniform, but they did not bother to stop them from saving people...

"Grand Master, little Cai Jian is here to save you." The leader of the thugs said loudly while helping Cai Jing up from the ground. Then, without waiting for Cai Jing to reply, he forced himself on the other party and ran straight to the side in a hurry. The rescue operation has just begun. There are still too many troubles waiting for them to deal with one by one, so there cannot be any delay.

The same goes for the others, each of them lifted one up and followed Cai Jian towards a passage that had been opened on the side. On both sides of the passage, there were murderers with knives, killing people indiscriminately, frightening the people around them. Have to run somewhere else.

At the same time, dozens of fires suddenly broke out in the city, causing the city to become increasingly chaotic. Obviously, this was their follow-up move to rescue Cai Jing and others. The latent forces of Cai Jing and others, which had been hidden since Sun Tu entered the city, finally exploded completely at this moment and appeared in front of everyone.

On the high tower of Xiangguo Temple, the man still had a faint smile on his face, overlooking the extremely chaotic scene below, and sighed softly: "Sun Tu, it seems that you are nothing more than this. You actually underestimated the enemy to such an extent. I With just a few tricks, the situation in Tokyo has been completely disrupted. Not only have people been rescued, but this city will soon be under my control. And you will be my first step towards the top. A stepping stone!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the Yuehou Mansion in the distance...

At this time, a team of hundreds of gray-clothed swordsmen suddenly appeared around Sun Tu's mansion. Without any hesitation, they rushed towards the shortest building on the west side of Yuehou Mansion like a whirlwind. Cut off the courtyard wall.

The real killer move against Sun Tu was revealed at this moment...