Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1046: Bloody Lantern Festival (3)


"Boom..." The sudden explosion made Cai Jiu Meng, who was dizzy sitting in the car, startle. At the same time, the carriage he was riding in also suddenly stopped at this moment, causing his whole body to stagger forward again. . But at this time, he and the soldiers outside could no longer care about such trivial matters, because the ensuing sound of drums and trumpets, as well as the accompanying killing sounds from high places on both sides, had frightened them into confusion. Cai Jiu He even lowered his body and leaned against the wall of the carriage, not daring to move rashly.

The Jiangzhou officers and soldiers outside were in chaos. They were not attacked by such terrible weapons at all. They were walking quickly on the official road when suddenly there was a flash of fire under their feet. Along with the explosion, there were countless tiny iron sand and iron pieces like raindrops. It shot out in a wide range, and immediately shot dozens of people in the area covered in blood. They fell to the ground and screamed in agony.

Before they could react, the drums and trumpets sounded again, and there were sounds of killing on the high hills on both sides. Countless soldiers and horses attacked from left and right, stabbing hard at the middle of the frightened army like two sharp knives. This caused the entire Jiangzhou Army to fall into a greater panic, and many people could not even lift their weapons.

Before the people arrived, there was a shower of arrows like raindrops and hail and fist-sized porcelain bottles with sparks. The whooshing sound and the roaring explosions immediately tore the entire army into pieces. Each soldier was like a soldier. The frightened rabbits didn't care about formation and military discipline at all, and they all screamed and ran away. As soon as the battle began, the Jiangzhou army, which thought it could seize control of Tokyo, had already collapsed and had no fighting spirit at all.

But even if they wanted to escape, their opponents would not give them a chance. Because at this time, another cavalry team with astonishing speed came rushing like the wind from the front. They were still a hundred steps away, and their arrows were already sprayed. When they got closer, they waved their swords and guns again, like fierce tigers. It pounced on its prey like a cheetah, and together with the comrades attacking from both sides, launched a fierce offensive like boiling water and snow on the entire Jiangzhou Army. On their charge, almost no one could stop them. It was like entering a deserted area, charging straight into the center of the Jiangzhou Army.

Countless Jiangzhou troops had completely lost the courage to resist at this moment, and could not even escape. So when the soldiers coming from both sides roared: "Those who abandon their weapons and lie on the ground will be spared death!" They all obeyed obediently and knelt on the ground with their hands free.

Only the guards near Cai Jiu's carriage still tried to resist. But immediately, they were hit by a burst of bombs and suffered heavy casualties. They couldn't even put up a decent defensive position. Then the cavalry made a final attack.

When the enemy was strong and we were weak, they were suddenly attacked, and even their weapons were far inferior. This mighty general was defeated in the suburbs about twenty miles away from the city of Tokyo. Except for a few rear soldiers who reacted quickly enough to escape, the others were either killed or captured. This is not a battle, it is clearly a one-sided massacre and suppression.

Wu Song and other generals who led the charge felt that their motivation was still lingering for a while, and they had not even exerted their strength. These enemies had completely given up. Compared with them, the Liao and Jin people in the north were more interesting.

Of course, Lin Chong, as the commander of the troops and horses of this group, had no intention of underestimating the enemy. He immediately issued orders one after another, asking people to tie up all the prisoners and keep them under guard. And he himself led the people slowly to the carriage that was lying in the middle of the road and had not made any movement for a long time.

As he waved his hand, soldiers from the left and right rushed over, and with a swish, the car curtain was lifted, revealing the contents inside - only a man wearing a vermilion official uniform was curled up in a ball inside the car, hiding. I was shivering in the corner of the carriage, and I didn't have the slightest trace of the demeanor of a local official.

For a moment, all the soldiers laughed disdainfully, and immediately someone got on the car and dragged Cai Jiu out. After being dragged out of the car, Cai Jiu was trembling like a leaf in the wind, screaming repeatedly: "Don't kill me... I am an official of the imperial court, the son of my grand master Cai Jing, you can't kill me..."

"Don't worry, we won't kill you now. Even if we want to kill you, we have to wait until you are taken to Tokyo and handed over to the court for interrogation before we make a decision!" Lin Chong stood in front of this trembling guy. I was in a trance for a while. Looking back at the beginning, all this really seemed like a dream.

I vaguely remember that when I was in Tokyo as the instructor of the imperial army, I had to be humble to any civil servant I met. I didn't dare to be disrespectful in the slightest. I only had to kneel down and pay respect to people. Big shots like Cai Jiu wanted to meet them even more. There is no existence that can be obtained. But now, such a person can look down on him and kowtow to him and beg for mercy. Even his father Cai Jing has become a piece of meat on the chopping board...

"Prefect Cai, you are so courageous and filial that you dare to lead a rebellion and go straight to Tokyo. But since we have everything under control, how can we leave you a chance to sneak in?" What?" The person who said this was Luda who was walking forward. He and Cai Jiu had some friendship.

Cai Jiu, who was still confused and frightened, suddenly trembled after hearing these words. After being stiff for a moment, he slowly raised his head and looked at Luda: "You mean..."

"You think you still have a chance to fight, but in fact you don't know that your reaction has been expected by our General Sun, and you have all fallen into the trap." Wu Song also spoke at this time and gave the other party a heavy blow. hit. Sure enough, after hearing this, Cai Jiucai truly collapsed, his eyes full of despair: " could this be..."

As the chief officer, he collapsed like this, and the last bit of confidence of the surrounding soldiers was completely dissipated. As a result, this ambush battle finally ended with the overall victory of the rebel army.

From the time the enemy stepped into the trap to the end of the battle, in just a short period of time, the casualties were negligible, but the foreign aid that Cai Jing and the others had placed high hopes on was completely wiped out in one fell swoop.

But even so, there was not much relaxed joy on Lin Chong's face. Instead, he frowned and turned around, looking in the direction of Tokyo City ahead: "I don't know how much noise those guys will make in the city. Can the general do it at the minimum cost?" Completely annihilate them..."

At this time, Tokyo city has once again fallen into chaos. Because of the commotion in the execution ground, the people there were greatly frightened.

They were all running around like headless flies, which gave those guys hiding in the dark more opportunities to strike. They either rushed towards important government offices with fire and oil in their hands, or they kept killing innocent people with sharp knives, hoping to make the whole situation more chaotic and create better opportunities for seizing the capital next. Especially at several key city gates, teams of people rushed towards them like flying, hoping to take advantage of the chaos to seize them.

Of course, the most critical thing is the protection and retreat of Cai Jing and other important officials. At this time, not only were there hundreds of elites surrounding them, but there were also more than a dozen sharpshooters at the high point near the execution ground to provide support. Whenever an army came forward to stop them, they would promptly kill the officers with cold arrows. , thus opening a path forward.

Liang Miao was such a sharpshooter. He originally served as an errand in the Forbidden Army, but was later taken under Liang Shicheng's command early on. Now he has become the contact point at the top of a restaurant in the southeast corner. Just now, he had fired seven arrows in a row, shot down five rebel officers, and helped his master go around to a remote part of the street ahead. Now, just waiting for him to take over one more time, Liang Shicheng can retreat to the stronghold where everything has been prepared.

At this moment, Liang Miao saw another army appearing on his master's retreat route, and the number was very large, which seemed to be enough to pose a threat. He immediately narrowed his eyes to look for the leader of this army. As long as he shot this person to death, he could quickly disrupt the opponent's rhythm and give his own people a chance to kill him.

Soon he had identified the target, and he skillfully attached the arrow to the bowstring. He was confident in his archery skills, and at a distance of a hundred steps, he could hit a target that was not moving fast with perfect accuracy. But just when he pulled the bow string violently and was about to let go, a sudden feeling of fear hit Liang Miao's heart, followed by a whooshing sound from the side. This sound was all too familiar to him. It was the sound of an arrow flying out. When he heard this sound, it meant that the arrow was only a few steps away from him.

His whole heart suddenly contracted at this moment. Liang Miao no longer cared about aiming at the target. As soon as his hand loosened, he was already rolling to the side. But it was already too late. Just as he let go and rolled to his side, an arrow had been nailed to his neck, causing a large amount of blood.

The sharp arrow cut off Liang Miao's arteries and throat in one stroke, causing him to roar only halfway, but his voice broke quickly, and blood shot out like a fountain. After only two or three breaths, he Then there was no sound. Just like the soldiers he shot before, he fell in a pool of his own blood.

In the distance, Hua Rong didn't even glance at the target, but decisively aimed at the opponent's shooter who had been found elsewhere. As soon as his fingers were released, the sharp arrow flew out again, spanning a distance of more than 120 steps, and accurately nailed into the man's eye socket, killing another enemy archer.

"The fifth one!" He said softly. As long as there were archers who shot within his sight, he had already found and shot them. Fan Qi on the other side had similar results, and he shot six archers one by one. The chess pieces of Cai Jing and other treacherous officials and gangsters have been removed from the heights. Now it only depends on how the backhand on the ground will launch a counterattack!