Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1048: Bloody Lantern Festival (5)


A sudden northerly wind not only brought a slight chill, but also caused a large group of clouds to move forward, blocking the afternoon sun and making the sky overcast. This gave Sun Fulin, who had just entered the west courtyard, a chill in his heart, and then he subconsciously looked towards the side and front courtyard wall.

Just at this glance, his heartbeat suddenly increased, his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he was about to scream with fear on his face. Just because there were dozens of gray-clad murderers with knives crouching just ahead of them on the courtyard wall. Dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at him at the same time, making him feel like he would fall into a beast's den and be surrounded by wild beasts. The feeling comes.

Before he could scream out the warning, a thin man flew down like a big bird. His speed was extremely fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Sun Fulin, and with his left hand, he flew down. Tanjian had covered his mouth, suppressing his screams, and the knife in his right hand quickly flew out, slitting the other man's throat in one go. Blood spurted out, but the other party did not dodge at all. He kept pressing Sun Fulin's mouth and tightening his body until he twitched for a while and completely stopped moving, and then he threw his hand to the ground.

At the same time, the men in gray clothes on the wall had jumped into the courtyard one after another. Cai Xuan, who had just left Sun Fulin behind, waved the bloody knife lightly and saw that hundreds of men in gray clothes had quickly divided into several teams and were attacking every courtyard of the Yuehou Mansion in all directions. . This time, as long as they can catch Sun Tu and his family in one fell swoop, they will have made the greatest contribution!

Starting from Cai Xuan, this group of people are all powerful figures selected and cultivated by Cai Jing from the imperial army and the people over the years. Not only are they loyal to him, but they are also highly skilled in martial arts and have endless killing methods. Over the years, they had assassinated between one hundred and eighty political opponents of Cai Jing, and almost no clues could be found. Today, they moved in full force, and they were sure to kill Sun Tu.

Cai Xuan's steps were fast, and as his figure swayed, he had already jumped out of the westernmost courtyard. His eyes were as sharp as arrows, and he was always paying attention to the situation in front of him. Whenever there was a figure passing by, he would be there immediately. Pounce on the silencer and prevent the other party from making any noise. As a master of assassination, the act of sneaking into someone's home is as natural to him as eating and drinking, and there is no need to think too much about it.

The men in gray clothes behind them all followed quickly, and they were fully prepared to massacre the entire Yuehou Mansion. But as we headed towards the backyard, the situation became a little weird. Although we met three or five slaves, after four or five courtyards, there were still too few people here, and everything went too smoothly. It really felt like entering. In a deserted place, it looks like an empty house.

Seeing that he walked two more yards into the courtyard and saw the back house where Sun Tu lived, Cai Xuan suddenly stopped and said with a solemn expression: "There's a problem... Why didn't our brothers scattered in the front yard say anything?" There was no movement, but no screams were heard...and there were too few people in the yard, as if they were all emptied out on purpose."

His reminder indeed made the others uneasy. Their eyes flickered one after another, but they still looked at him, the person in charge, waiting for him to make a decision.

. After all, for these assassins, it is their job to obey orders and do not have to have their own ideas.

"Cai Jialiu, you and Cai Bingsan go over quietly, open the courtyard door over there and take a look. The others follow me around to the left, and we kill from the side." As the leader of this killer team, Cai Xuan quickly Come up with a countermeasure. Although he felt that something was fishy, assassinating Sun Tu was the most important part of this plan. Of course, it was impossible to withdraw his troops, so he decided to test it a little and use another move to surprise him.

The two assassins whose names were called agreed quietly and then quickly rushed forward. The two of them moved very fast, and in just a few ups and downs, they had passed through a courtyard in front and arrived in front of the closed back house. The two of them only made eye contact. Cai Bingsan had already approached the courtyard door with his knife, and skillfully used the thin blade of the knife between the cracks in the door to open the door latch at the back. But in the end, the space was empty. At the same time, the two courtyard doors quietly opened with his force, but were not bolted.

This should have been enough to surprise the two of them, but now an even more shocking scene appeared in front of the two assassins as the courtyard door slid open, making them completely ignore the automatically opened portal. I saw two to three hundred generals in bright uniforms standing densely in the yard. They all held crossbows in their hands, and the arrows with cold light were all aimed at the two of them!

What makes people even more frightened is that there are so many people in the courtyard separated by the door. The two of them are leaning in front of the door, and they can't hear any sound. It's like there are not hundreds of soldiers and horses standing inside. It seems like there are just hundreds of statues placed there.

Cai Jialiu and the others froze instantly. Their faces were so pale that they didn't even dare to move their fingers. Although they were good at martial arts, they still had no chance of surviving when faced with hundreds of crossbows.

"You two, put down your weapons, come over slowly, and lie down on the ground." As the door behind the crossbowmen opened, a man in a light robe slowly walked out with the support of his men. It was Sun Tu. Although he was injured, it was obvious that the injury was by no means as serious as what was reported outside, at least it was far from being bedridden.

Cai Jialiu and Cai Jialiu exchanged glances quickly, but they did not surrender as Sun Tu said, but shouted at the same time: "There is an ambush!" At the same time, they stepped back quickly, and the two of them flew back. They also quickly separated with a tacit understanding, retreating to the left and right in order to escape at least one person.

But they still underestimated the power of these crossbows. The moment they screamed and flew back, there was a buzzing sound, and hundreds of arrows shot out like a violent storm, covering them instantly. An area a hundred steps ahead. Not to mention that the two of them escaped in front of the courtyard gate, even if they noticed something was wrong dozens of steps away from the courtyard gate and turned around to run away, it would be impossible to escape from the shooting range of dozens of feet.

A burst of chirping sound accompanied by two screams sounded instantly. The two assassins had just retreated less than ten steps, and their bodies had been severely nailed by arrows. In the blink of an eye, they fell to the ground like hedgehogs, dead instantly...

Seeing this, Sun Tu just sighed softly: "Why bother? You think this can remind others to escape here?"

Is it a trap? "As soon as the words came out, there were bursts of arrows piercing the air and screams from the side. It was the assassins led by Cai Xuan who also fell into the trap and were killed by the dense rain of arrows. call.

Cai Xuan thought he was well prepared and careful enough, but he didn't know that once they stepped into this courtyard, their fate was already doomed. Here in the backyard, Sun Tu has laid out a dragnet with thousands of elites, just waiting for Cai Jing's last strength to fall into the trap and completely annihilate it.

When Cai Jialiu and two others issued a warning, Cai Xuan and others in the side yard were also surrounded from both sides and high places by the crossbowmen ambushing there. Cai Xuan's reaction was the same as that of his men. Unwilling to surrender, he made a decisive decision and retreated. As a result, he was hit by hundreds of arrows. No matter how skilled they were in martial arts or how fast their movements were, it was all in vain. In just a moment, There were dozens of corpses filled with arrows in this courtyard. Only Cai Xuan was not injured due to his superb martial arts, but he was already dying and could not move.

Soon, he was brought to Sun Tu. After seeing this target that moved freely, Cai Xuan finally understood that he and others had fallen into the opponent's plan. The so-called flaw was simply a trap used by the opponent to lure him and others into the bait.

But at this moment, Cai Xuan was speechless. He could only stare at Sun Tu in front of him, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness. Sun Tu slowly walked up to him and looked at him condescendingly: "I don't know your name, but obviously, you should be Cai Jing's strongest trump card. He is indeed insidious and smart enough. At this time, he still has the courage and plan to put all his efforts into a fight. Unfortunately, his opponent is me, Sun Tu, so he and you are all doomed to fail.

"I have already guessed that you will take action today. No, it should be said that I asked you to set today as the day of your last stand. And I also guessed that you will make a lot of troubles in the execution ground and in Tokyo city. In addition to the chaos, they will also target me, my biggest enemy. After all, I am injured now and must stay at home to recuperate. This will greatly reduce the strength of the natural guards around me, giving you the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

"It's a pity that all your calculations were within my expectations, so your so-called assassination is just asking for your own death. And in this way, all Cai Jing's hidden powers will surface. As long as he takes the opportunity to kill you By eradicating them all, I can rest easy and no longer have to worry about any hidden enemies that will harm me and the brothers below in the future."

Cai Xuan's breathing accelerated and worsened as Sun Tu spoke, and his eyes widened with anger, his face full of despair and anger. What made him feel even more painful was that at this moment, he couldn't even say a word in tit-for-tat. In the end, he could only spit out a large mouthful of blood with a loud sound, and then his body twitched and became completely silent.

Sun Tu suddenly raised his head at this moment and looked at the slowly darkening sky: "It should be almost time to finally close the net outside. Both Cai Jiu and Cai Jing should have reached their end. After today, Tokyo There are no more hidden dangers in the city. We just have to wait for them all to be punished tomorrow, and then we can implement a series of reforms with peace of mind!"