Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1049: Bloody Lantern Festival (6)


It was approaching dusk, the sun was setting, and the sky was already dark, but the chaos in Tokyo was far from completely calmed down. Several houses and shops that had been deliberately set on fire were still emitting thick smoke, and there were soldiers and civilians all around. Water put out fire, busy as hell. On the streets further away, there were many innocent injured people lying down, who had lost their breath, or were still crying out in pain. A quick glance revealed that there were hundreds or even thousands of them.

In addition to the discarded and trampled objects on the ground, there were also shocking bloodstains dragging everywhere, showing all the newly arrived soldiers how tragic the scene that had just happened here was. The thick smell of blood made people feel nauseous, even causing the full moon, which had just half of its face peeked out from the thick clouds, to have a frightening blush.

Everywhere in the inner city, especially in the East City area, there are constant exchanges of soldiers and horses. As long as someone of unknown origin is bumped into by them, they will be captured on the spot without any extra effort. The elite anti-thief army who have been quite friendly and friendly to the people since entering Tokyo finally showed their sharp claws today.

They finally put down the chaos after half a day and took control of the entire Dongcheng. They also captured and killed hundreds of thugs and criminals on the spot. But even so, they still didn't relax at all. From time to time, groups of soldiers with open fire and guns walked through the streets and alleys, searching every corner, not even letting go of the most inconspicuous corners.

And the reason why they behave like this is because they have not yet found the whereabouts of the most critical criminal, Cai Jing. Yes, since the chaos broke out on the execution ground and Cai Jing and others were rescued by the murderer hidden in the crowd, although the soldiers had responded as quickly as possible, everyone had been surrounded by soldiers and horses. They visited the Dongcheng area and captured alive most of the prisoners, represented by Master Liang. However, Cai Jing and his family still fell through the cracks. Until now, they have not been able to find any clues. They can only continue to search for miles around. Search the area carefully, and if you can't find it, you have to search door to door. After all, Cai Jing's identity is too critical, and he must not be allowed to escape from the city.

But when the soldiers were searching around for the whereabouts of Cai Jing and others, they didn't know that the person they were looking for was actually right under their noses, only half a street away from the execution ground, in a small and inconspicuous building. In the house. If someone finds this place and traces the identity of the head of the household, he will find that he is an honest and honest small businessman who has been in Tokyo for many years. Not to mention that he has nothing to do with the high-ranking Master Cai. He is not even recognized by the officials. A common man who couldn't be more ordinary.

But in fact, this is one of Cai Jing's many secret hiding places, and it is also where he is hiding this time. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

At this time, Cai Jing had been removed from the shackles and changed into blood-stained prison clothes. Some of his wounds had also been treated urgently. But he still seemed distracted. He sat dumbly in a secret room in the backyard. For a long time, he barely even moved his eyes.

It wasn't until the door to the secret room suddenly opened that he trembled slightly and looked over, but what caught his eye was one of his trusted guards, Liao Yuan. This made him relax a little, and spoke slowly

He said: "How is it? Has the situation outside changed? Jiu'er's troops have invaded the city, and why has there been no news from Cai Xuan?"

Liao Yuan only pondered for a moment before whispering: "Grand Master, those rebels reacted faster than we thought. They quickly moved out in all directions and completely surrounded Dongcheng. Others could not escape at all. .Although this chaos caused a lot of turmoil and some people died, the rebels have stabilized the situation and many people have been re-arrested. It is said that even Taifu Liang was captured alive by them. And Cai Xuanna I haven't seen anyone come back after such a long time, so I'm afraid it's a bad thing and I fell into his scheme."

These bad news shocked Cai Jing's body again, and after a while he said with difficulty: "So, they are also prepared this time?"

"It should... it should be like this." Liao Yuan lowered his head: "Now that I think about it, this matter is indeed a bit unreasonable. There is no need for Sun Tu to announce the execution of the Grand Master in such a hurry, and he also announced it to the whole city, attracting countless people. Come here, this is obviously giving us a chance to rescue you..."

Although he suffered a lot and was extremely weak, Cai Jing's mind was still sharp and he immediately understood what was going on: "Do you suspect that all of this is a trap that Sun Tu lured my people to expose? That's why they can make the most correct response immediately, so I'm afraid Jiu'er outside the city has also missed it?" At the end of the sentence, his already pale old face became even more pale without any trace of blood.

Liao Yuan did not directly tell the terrible result, but just said euphemistically: "At least until now, there has been no news of a surprise attack in Tokyo. Grand Master, the current plan can no longer counterattack according to the previous strategy, but You should think about escaping from here safely. But this is not too difficult. There is a secret passage in the west corner of this courtyard that leads directly to the Xin Song Gate in the east. While it is dark now, I have a way to get you out of the city." As he spoke, , he took a step forward and actually planned to help Cai Jing away.

But when his hand touched Cai Jing, the latter sat upright and shook his head with a bitter look on his face: "Do you think I can still escape?"

"Grand Master, we have spent nearly ten years digging this secret passage. It is the most secret, and only a few people know about it. And there are also our people guarding the gate of the New Song Sect tonight, which is enough for you to leave safely. Yes." Liao Yuan explained quickly. But his words did not win Cai Jing's heart, and he still shook his head: "I am not doubting your arrangement, but even if I really escape from Tokyo, will there be a place for me, Cai Jing, in this huge world? Sun Tu. Now that everything has been calculated, he is not afraid that I will flee Tokyo, because he knows very well that as long as I, Cai Jing, leave, I will be no different from a dead person. The imperial court will soon issue a picture of the shadow, and the world will be full of wanted me. I can escape from Tokyo, but how can I escape from the Song Dynasty?"

"Grand Master..." Liao Yuan felt the despair coming from Cai Jing, and for a moment he didn't know how to persuade him.

Cai Jing looked at him deeply again: "Not to mention you, as others are arrested, you people will soon surface. By then, the world will be so big that there will be no place for you. I am old, even if I am captured or killed by Sun Tu, it is not too unfair, but you

After all, we are still young, so we can't let me get involved. "

When Liao Yuan heard this, he was suddenly moved. Finally he couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly he knelt down and cried: "Master, you treat everyone like your nephews. Even if we are broken into pieces, we can't repay the kindness of the master." , today the little people will definitely send you and the two young masters out of the city safely, even if it costs their lives!" At the end of the sentence, his words became more firm, and he took two steps on his knees and took Cai Jing's arm again. : "Please Taishi, please come with me. The matter cannot be delayed any longer."

Cai Jing's face was tangled again, but he helped him up in the end: "Well, since you are loyal, I can't be ignorant of good and bad. But you have to remember that if you are really in danger, you must not do it again. You lost your life in vain to protect me.”

Liao Yuan did not agree. He just helped Cai Jing quickly leave the secret room and walked straight out. Soon he was gathered together with dozens of people who were also frightened. They were protected by these domestic slaves and headed towards the backyard. Go through a secret passage.

The entrance to this secret passage is a well, but the entrance is opened on one side of the well. People have to use ropes to send people a certain distance before they can find it and enter. Under the illumination of a few torches, they quickly took action. First, several of his men quickly moved in to explore the way, and then Liao Yuan protected Cai Jing into a bamboo basket and slowly put him inside.

But just as Cai Jing was trembling and going straight down, a whistle suddenly sounded at the outer courtyard wall. Immediately, torches were lit on three sides at the same time, illuminating the small courtyard as if it were daytime, making many people busy here. The ten people were completely exposed to the arrows of thousands of soldiers who suddenly appeared with bows and crossbows. The shining arrows in the torches pierced everyone's hearts and made them weak, causing them to fall. one slice.

Cai Jing was in this awkward position, his old face full of despair, and a bitter smile climbed onto his cheeks: "Sure enough... I can't escape your pursuit here after all... "

As he spoke, a scream sounded from outside, and a rumble of footsteps came quickly, but another group of soldiers and horses rushed straight into the courtyard from the main gate. Soon, Tang Feng, who had a lot of blood on his body and face, strode into the courtyard. Looking at Cai Jing who was hanging at the mouth of the well, he smiled coldly and said, "Master Cai really asked me to wait and find him, and he actually put him there." You chose such an inconspicuous place to stay. Fortunately, my brother from the Imperial City Division handed over the relevant information in time, so you didn't let you escape from the city just like that, which gave me a lot of credit."

"Brothers, the time has come to repay the grand master for many years of kindness. Follow me!" Liao Yuan suddenly shouted loudly at this moment, and then he jumped up. There was a soft sword in his hand, and he was like a flying bird. He swept straight out and killed Tang Feng, who was only two feet away from him.

At the same time, the dozens of other masters trained by Cai Jing also shouted in unison and launched an attack. Various weapons were displayed and they attacked Tang Feng and the other generals who thought they had the situation under control. He really planned to make a final struggle!


I bet many book friends have forgotten that today is Monday because of this holiday, but I will not forget it as a passerby - at least not at night. . . . So, it’s not too much to ask for a vote, right