Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1051: Trading and hidden dangers


Listening to Sun Tu explain his overall plan, the fear in Cai Jing and others' hearts has reached its peak. It turned out that everything about him and others was under the control of the other party, and their loyal subordinates became puppets on strings, led by Sun Tu into a dead end.

This man's scheming and ruthless methods were truly unprecedented to them. From the moment he captured them from the very beginning, he was already fully prepared to capture them all in one fell swoop.

It was originally thought that he was tortured in public yesterday in order to win over people's hearts. This made many people believe that Sun Tu had exposed his flaws, which was why today's changes happened. But it turned out that this was actually a flaw that he deliberately sold out in order to induce them to take action and wipe out all the hostile forces lurking underground in the capital. What is even more frightening is that even if he does it again, he and others will have no other choice but to fall into his plan again and be cleaned up by him, becoming a stepping stone for him to reach the top. …

In the midst of despair, only Cai Jing seemed to retain a trace of clarity. After looking at Sun Tu for a while, he said: "I only have one thing that I still can't figure out. Now that you have won the final victory, not only have we become prisoners, but we have also become prisoners." You will be executed soon, so why do you still spend this time and effort to meet with us and talk so much? What other plans do you have? "

Sun Tu smiled: "Master Cai is so shrewd after all that he can still remain so calm at this moment. Since you have taken the initiative to intervene, I can no longer hide it. I have called you here today only for two things. The first one is I want to make a deal with you."

"Business? What else can we do between you and me? Are you willing to let us live?" Cai Jing suddenly sneered, but the others quickly gained a glimmer of hope and looked up at Sun Tu. Perhaps Taishi Cai, Taifu Liang, and Sun Tu have too much hatred to fight to the death, but after all they have no enmity against him, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope

But Sun Tu's words broke their illusions: "If you have committed numerous crimes, you will naturally not be forgiven. Death is your only destination."

"Then what else do you want to discuss?"

"I know that in addition to the family property on the surface, you also have a lot of hidden wealth, just like the hidden power you have exposed this time. It is not easy to find out these properties. Even if you are tortured, you may not be able to get much, so I hope you can explain everything happily." Sun Tu glanced at them one by one: "Just think of it as you atoning for the mistakes you have committed and doing great things for me. Let the Song court do its last part.

"Of course, since it's a business, I won't just ask you to pay. As long as you are willing to hand over the wealth in full, I can assure you that I will leave a bloodline for you so that you will not be completely extinct. I I think you should know very well that it is much easier to find people than money, but if the people are gone, no matter how much money you have, it will be of no use. What do you think?"

This was Chi Guoguo's threat, and the faces of these people showed confusion. In fact, except for the family members of his nephew and nephew who had already fallen into the hands of Sun Tu, they

There are more or less descendants left in his hometown and elsewhere, and of course there are many properties outside the capital. Originally, they really planned to hide these people and property, at least to leave a hope, but now, after experiencing Sun Tu's ruthless methods, they did not dare to have too much luck. But asking them to just hand over everything obediently was a bit reluctant.

Sun Tu was not in a hurry, he just lay there slowly and waited with a confident smile on his face. He believed that with the shrewdness of these people, they would be able to make the wisest choice, which would solve his biggest problem at the moment - the reward for the generals in the army.

It had been several days since he successfully entered Tokyo. If he really started to raise troops from Youzhou, it would have been several months for hundreds of thousands of troops to follow him through life and death. Although Sun Tu advocated the Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention in the army, and although no one asked him for any rewards, he also knew in his heart that with the current habits of the army, it was impossible to really treat them as a thousand years later. The team that won the final victory looked at it.

Regardless of whether they were soldiers or generals, in the final analysis, they were willing to follow Sun Tu and take huge risks to rise up, because they believed that they could live a better life and gain more benefits under his leadership. This can only be seen from the fact that people were looting everywhere as soon as they entered Tokyo.

Although Sun Tu suppressed this evil trend, he could not really suppress this natural need, otherwise he would definitely fail and be abandoned by the soldiers below. But at the same time, he cannot really let his soldiers act recklessly, because he has greater ambitions and must gain public support and a good reputation, which is why he did what he did yesterday. In this way, the needs of the soldiers can only be obtained from elsewhere, and the property of these corrupt officials in front of them is the best source of money, and there is no need to bear any guilt.

But the problem came again, because Sun Tu had previously asked the people in Beijing to sue the officials for their crimes, which implicated a large amount of property misappropriation cases. In this way, a large part of their family property will be compensated to the victims, and the rest may not be enough to divide the hundreds of thousands of troops. So now he has to squeeze more money out of these people.

After being silent for a long time, Cai Jing let out a sad laugh and took the lead: "Sun Tu, Sun Tu, you are really powerful. At this time, you can still try your best to take away the last bit of our wealth. But I do I have no choice but to believe you this time. No matter what, you ask someone to bring paper and pen. I will tell you more than 20 properties and places where money is hidden inside and outside the capital. I hope you can do what you say. Leave a trace of my Cai family's blood. Otherwise, even if I die and turn into a ghost, I will not rest with you."

"Of course, I, Sun Tu, dare not say anything else, but the most important thing is to keep my promise. As long as you are willing to truthfully explain everything, then I will definitely leave you a great-great-grandson to continue your incense." Sun Tu felt happy, but his face remained calm. Looking calm, he waved his hand, and a servant brought up the pen and ink and gave it to Cai Jing to write.

With him as the leader, the others no longer hesitated and expressed their willingness to hand over all their hidden family properties in exchange for the life of a descendant. In just half an hour, everyone

Sun Tu was told about the hidden property. After a quick calculation, the combined property of these people was probably tens of millions, which made Sun Tu speechless.

It is said that in the Song Dynasty, the poor and the people were rich, which is actually wrong. It should be the poor and the rich, especially the guys who are in charge of the power in the court. They are so rich that with just one scratch, they can Let countless soldiers have a good year.

After the strange look in his eyes disappeared, Sun Tu smiled and nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that you are still very sincere, and I will not treat you badly when the time comes. Let me talk about the second thing. Well, then who are your accomplices?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned and looked at each other in confusion. They all saw the doubts on their faces: "What accomplices? Aren't all our people already captured by you, Marquis Yue?"

Even Cai Jing looked puzzled and fell silent. Seeing this, Sun Tu frowned: "Why, do you still want to show loyalty to protect the guy who cooperated with your people and caused a lot of trouble in the city?"

"I really don't understand what Marquis Yue said. We have been captured by you, so what allies do we have?" Cai Jing said, shaking his head.

Sun Tu's eyes met these people one by one again, but apart from doubts, there was nothing else in their eyes. It was obvious that they were not lying. And he also feels that these people really have no need to save someone at this moment. After all, they are selfish to the end. They are going to be killed, so how can they think of keeping someone

But in this case, things became a little weird, because according to what the people below reported, in today's entire turmoil, there is indeed a force that does not belong to anyone in front of you. It is a larger-scale force. The army, with their strict orders, meticulous actions, and stronger combat power, caused a lot of trouble to the troops arranged by the rebel army, and they were also the main culprit of today's catastrophe.

But what's even more disturbing is that this team quickly disappeared into the crowd after their defeat, leaving almost no clues, as if they had never appeared. As a result, Sun Tu and others felt quite threatened, and naturally wanted to dig them out as soon as possible.

But now, Cai Jing and the others actually say they don't know the existence of such a force, and things are becoming more and more bizarre and difficult to understand. So where are they coming from, and what is their purpose for wading into this muddy water

After staring at everyone again, but with no results in the end, Sun Tu could only give up and waved to have them all taken away. And he himself fell into deep thought. This time, it seemed that he dominated everything and won the final victory, but now it seems that there is still an unsatisfactory ending after all. And this force that is obviously against him is hiding in the city of Tokyo, and it may become a serious trouble in the future.

"No, I can't just let them hide all the time. It seems that I still can't relax in the future. I must form a special force as soon as possible to deal with these enemies hiding in the dark." An idea quickly came from Sun. Tang Feng, who was most loyal to him, was immediately designated as the leader of this force!