Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1052: The dust has settled


The Jade Rabbit sets in the west and the Golden Crow rises. As the sky gradually becomes brighter, this Lantern Festival full of chaos, panic and blood is finally over. But it is obvious that this special Shangyuan Festival will inevitably become a nightmare that countless Tokyo people will remember for life. The killings and chaos will continue to spread, giving rise to various versions of the story.

However, for the court and the government, the most important thing right now is to stabilize the people's hearts and restore order. Therefore, since yesterday, in the streets and alleys of Tokyo, one can always see teams with uniform troops and weapons in hand patrolling around. Anyone who is suspicious will be arrested immediately without any mercy.

Even on the morning of the 16th, such defenses were not relaxed at all. On the contrary, more and more troops were mobilized. The common people did not have much objection to this. On the contrary, they felt that having these elite soldiers and generals who had experienced hundreds of battles stationed and patrolled in the city gave them a little more peace of mind. Even if they were hindered and questioned when they went out, they were happy to do so.

So, unknowingly, Sun Tu's soldiers and horses had completely taken over the power of the entire city defense of Tokyo. Not only did he take over every city gate, but he also led the soldiers and horses on the important streets. The incoming soldiers and horses took over, and the original imperial army was ineffective.

This is naturally one of Sun Tu's strategies that kills two birds with one stone, but it is not the last one.

As the situation in the city calmed down, Sun Tu brought up the past again, revisited the court, and executed Cai Jing and other corrupt officials who were judged to have brought harm to the country and the people. And this time, it was naturally impossible for anyone to come to cause trouble, but there were several times more people to be punished - in addition to the family members of the original criminals, there were also many subordinates of the officials who had jumped out before, because their actions had violated serious crimes. , naturally they could not escape death, and there were also the family members of officials like Cai Jiu who had thrown themselves into the trap—at a rough calculation, there were three or four thousand of them.

It is naturally not easy to kill so many people at the same time. At least the area outside Xiangguo Temple cannot accommodate them. Therefore, after a brief discussion with Tong Mu and others, Sun Tu decisively decided to execute all the prisoners separately. Execution sites were set up in the inner and outer cities, east, west, north and south, and the prisoners were executed in batches.

In this way, the common people no longer have to crowd together outside Xiangguo Temple to be tortured like the day before yesterday, and thus suffer many injuries due to an accident. But even with that lesson, when the day of execution came, which was the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the execution ground was still surrounded by people who had grievances and just wanted to watch their enemies die, or just to have a look at them. The sight of the bustling people once again emptied the streets of Tokyo, which was no less impressive than celebrating a festival.

At three quarters in the afternoon, as the prison officer shouted orders, the soldiers and generals shouted from behind each prisoner: "Verified that he is correct! It is prisoner XX himself!"

The order sign marked by the ink pen was violently knocked to the ground, but the sharp light of the sword rose in response, and the eyes of countless people fell on the execution ground, waiting for the scene of the sword beheading the person. There were also people who were looking around like a snake, fearing that something would happen again.

But this time, it is impossible for such a thing to happen again. On the execution ground in front of Xiangguo Temple, Qi Huan was still wearing prison uniform and took a deep breath.

Finally, he slashed with both hands, and the knife in his palm had already cut into the back of the neck of the confused prisoner in front of him!

However, this person is not Cai Jing, the most important prisoner here, or even any imperial official, but a middle-aged man with a rather elegant appearance. He was one of the main culprits who colluded with others and caused the destruction of Qi Huan's family, Gao Shun, the second manager of Taiwei Gao's house!

Now, as the sharp blade penetrated the back of his neck and moved straight forward unimpeded along the gaps between his joints, cutting off his blood vessels and meridians, cutting off all his vitality, Gao Shun finally issued a cry before his death. One last cry of grief. But as soon as the sound came out, his head had already separated from his body, and was kicked by Qi Huan, who had quick eyes and quick hands. Gululu rolled straight forward, leaving a trail of blood.

After killing his big enemy with his own hands, Qi Huan's breathing became heavy again, and the expression on his face changed for a while. Finally, his knees softened and he knelt there, murmuring: "Father, mother, Second brother, Wulang, little sister... I finally avenged your great revenge with my own hands today, and I will come down to accompany you soon, and we will go underground with you to settle the score with the old thief Gao Qiu!"

After saying this, he straightened up his waist, threw the bloody knife in his hand to the ground, and shouted to his friend Pao Ze next to him: "Li Liulang, come on, you will give me a ride!"

The faces of the generals around him were full of entanglement and sadness. Even though the two of them had already agreed on everything, when the matter really came to light, they still felt embarrassed and hesitant. But Qi Huan didn't want to wait any longer and called out again: "Liu Lang, you promised the general that this is for our ideals and for our soldiers to never bow their heads again. You must not be soft. Come on." Well, this is not just for you and me, but also for everyone, for my son of the Han family!"

"Qi Silang, brother, I can't help you anymore!" After being yelled at by him, Li Liulang finally calmed down, took a step forward, and reached behind him, and shouted loudly again: "Fellows of Tokyo City, I Military general Qi Huan was framed before and had a big enemy. After entering the city, he killed all his enemies. However, this was still a big mistake and should be punished with death according to military law. Now I will kill him on the order of General Sun! "As soon as the words fell, the knife also fell suddenly. There was still a relieved smile on Qi Huan's face, and his body and head were separated just like that.

When countless people reacted and screamed continuously, his head rolled out and hit Gao Shun's head, as if he would not let him go even if he died. After seeing this scene, the people around him sighed, and once again understood how much Sun Tu's department attached great importance to military law!

This scene diluted the impact of the scene where Cai Jing was killed just now. The prime minister of the Song Dynasty, who had overwhelming power for a while and survived several dynasties, finally paid the price for everything he had done. Not only was he killed, but his family of 237 were all sentenced to death. The only one who escaped this fate was his little grandson who stayed in his hometown of Xianyou. This was of course a reward for him handing over all his family wealth.

Apart from him, Liang Shicheng was in the west of the city, and Yang Jian was in the south of the city... Every treacherous and important minister was also beheaded by the most ordinary soldiers in front of countless people.

, almost all his family members were implicated, and none of the adult men survived. At this point, the so-called six thieves of the current dynasty, except Tong Guan who was still under house arrest in Youzhou City, have all been beheaded, and they were all eliminated by Sun Tu.

From this, many years later, a legend was born among the people, saying that Sun Tu was the general Ziwei who came down from heaven to save the people with water and fire, and to slay demons, and that the six thieves all became the incarnations of demons, and then Sun Tu, as the protagonist, The journey is to kill them one by one in arduous battles, until in the end the world is at peace...

Of course, at this time, Sun Tu didn't have any intention of seeing the stars in the sky descending to earth. He was still lying on the embroidered couch and was looking at the officials in the DPRK who were hiding their panic but showing a flattering smile. Since the Lantern Festival, these middle and low-level officials who had been pretending to be deaf and dumb finally recognized the situation and began to come to see Sun Tu continuously and express their loyalty to Sun Tu.

Because at that time, they finally understood that the imperial court would be controlled by Sun Tu. For the sake of their official future and lives, no matter how reluctant they were, they had no choice but to surrender to Sun Tu. After all, these people are the most aware of current affairs. When Cai Jing and others were powerful, they were proud to follow Ji Wei. Now that Sun Tu has destroyed these powerful officials, they naturally surrender. As for moral integrity, it is nothing to these officialdom veterans.

Sun Tu did not make things difficult for them this time. He just smiled and glanced at the dozens of officials and said: "It is a blessing to the Song Dynasty that you can abandon the darkness and turn to the light today. I am also deeply gratified. So be it, I will give it to you. In two days, you should come to the table as soon as possible to discuss the next affairs between the DPRK and China. Especially when Cai Jing and other power traitors are wiped out, who should fill the positions vacated by them. You have been waiting for these things for a long time Naturally, it is most clear to the court, so I don’t want to worry about it any more.”

"Yes, yes, I will go back and plan a proper solution soon, and I will satisfy you, Marquis Yue."

"The title of Marquis of Yue can still be called. According to the official's opinion, with the contribution of Marquis of Yue to our Song Dynasty, it is natural to be granted the title of Duke of Yue this time. No, it is also a matter of course to be granted the title of King of Yue."

"I can't bear the responsibility of the King of Yue, and the credit for this time is not mine alone. All of my generals and others have made great contributions to the country. You must not forget them." Faced with the flattery of everyone, Sun Tu just He emphasized with a smile, and then waved them away without waiting for them to say anything more.

There is no need to be too polite to these fagots. Although they have some uses, they are not of great use. It is impossible to say that they will be replaced after the situation in the DPRK stabilizes. Only those who are indeed capable can continue to stay in the court.

In this way, these court officials became another bird in Sun Tu's entire plan. Relying on his decisive killing, he had completely subdued these court officials. At least for a short period of time, they no longer dared to be his enemies. And Sun Tu could also completely control the overall situation of the entire court through them.

With both civil and military affairs in his own hands, Sun Tu truly became the powerful and unnamed master of the Song Dynasty this time.

On the twentieth day of the first lunar month, the dust settled, and a new era of the Song Dynasty began...