Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1058: The bad guys complain first


Seeing An Daoquan come out of the room, Sun Tu quickly stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "How is it? Xu Shangshu's injury is not serious, right?"

This was Xu Jue's residence. He was rushed back after he was injured. Sun Tu also hurriedly arranged for many Xinglin experts from Tai Hospital to diagnose and treat him. The miracle doctor An Daoquan was the last one to come out.

An Daoquan hurriedly bowed and saluted, and replied in a low voice: "Xu Shangshu's injuries were not too serious. Apart from flesh injuries, his right hand was bruised, but his muscles and bones were not injured. The reason why he fainted was because he had worked too hard before. It's caused by wind and cold. Now the official has given him acupuncture and medicine, and it's expected to be cured in less than ten days and a half."

After hearing this, Sun Tucai let out a long sigh of relief, and then asked: "Is he awake now?"

"He's awake, but he's still a little weak. If the Lieutenant wants to ask him anything, he'd better hurry up."

Sun Tu nodded, patted the other party's shoulder, and then pushed the door open and entered Xu Jue's bedroom.

It is said that the Ministry of Industry is the fattest government office in the world. Just a little leakage in various project funds is enough to feed an official. As the chief official of the Ministry, the Minister is naturally the biggest contractor in the world. This is Not to mention the benefits.

However, Xu Jue obviously does not fit this statement. As the minister of the Ministry of Industry, he has never embezzled a penny from the court because of his position. This can only be seen from his residence. As the residence of a third-rank minister, his home is no different from the houses of other fourth- and fifth-rank officials. You can’t even see any luxurious decorations when you enter the courtyard. There are only a dozen servants in the family, which was already a high standard in the Song Dynasty. The performance of an extremely low-key and frugal official is even more astonishing when combined with his status as Minister of Industry.

At this time, Xu Jue was lying on the bed, with many bruises and abrasions on his pale face. He looked really embarrassed, with fear and grievance in his eyes. It wasn't until he saw Sun Tu entering the room that he forced his weak body to sit up and greet him: "Lieutenant, why are you..." However, Sun Tu stepped forward and held him down gently: "You are already like this, so don't worry about it. These are vain things." This made him stop moving, and at the same time, his heart felt warm, and he felt the concern from Sun Tu.

After seeing him lie down again, Sun Tucai sighed and said: "You have been really wronged this time. It is unheard of for you to be hurt because of your loyalty to the king. But don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with it. The officer will definitely make the decision for you, and all those who hurt you have been captured on the spot, and they will definitely pay the price."

Xu Jue was moved again, but at the same time he still said: "I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding about this matter, and it is related to the stability of the DPRK and China, so it is better not to delve into it. After all, the official was not seriously injured..."

"No, this is not a misunderstanding, but a deliberate provocation. It is a provocation against you, and even more so against me, Sun Tu! This is not necessarily related to the severity of your injuries." Sun Tu lowered his gaze and said, "I just asked someone to After checking, although those who hurt you were some young and innocent young men, they were the nephews of the officials who had just been washed away by the Jinming Pond in Zhuangzi. At best, this was revenge for your order to dig the embankment. As a matter of fact, that's it

He was obviously opposing the court's decision. "

"Actually... is this what happened?" Xu Jue was stunned again, and then he understood why those people would attack him in the inner city for no reason, and while beating him, they would insult him, saying that he had brought disaster to the country and the people, and deserved all the punishment. Die. This is where the grievance he felt just now came from. He believed that he had always acted upright and had never done harm to anyone. How come he was treated like this...

But immediately, Xu Jue's face showed worry again: "Taiwei, I recognized that several of them are the children of noble families in the court. If we really dig into it, I'm afraid... let's forget it."

Sun Tu looked at him deeply again: "I understand your thoughts, but there are some things that you must not let go, otherwise it will only make them more unscrupulous. Today they will attack you because of this matter. If you don't pursue it, I'm afraid Tomorrow someone else will suffer for other things. This kind of behavior of condoning adultery is definitely not allowed by me. You can rest assured that you will be raised at home, and I will be the master of everything. I have worked hard on you during this period, even if the court gives you It's your holiday, it won't be too late to go back to the Yamen when you feel better." As he said that, he straightened up and smiled at the other party.

He is still very satisfied with Xu Jue. This is a technical bureaucrat who focuses on water conservancy projects. He does not have too many complicated thoughts. He is exactly the talent he needs in the DPRK. Because of this, after knowing that he had been hurt by others, Sun Tu became even more angry and vowed to make those people pay a heavy price.

When Sun Tu opened the door and came out, the smile on his face had been replaced by a strong murderous intention. He looked at Tang Feng who was waiting aside: "Have everyone been taken to the Imperial City Division?"

"Yes, they will be interrogated soon. Those dandy boys are already acting quite panicked. I feel that as long as they are tortured for a while, they will reveal the inside story of who ordered them. "

"Well, with the temperament and style of these people, it is indeed possible that they will find trouble with Xu Jue because their property was flooded, but it is impossible to be so meticulous and block people so quickly. There must be someone among them who is giving guidance! What I have to do now is dig this person out for me!" Sun Tu said through gritted teeth. Compared to those dudes who are simple-minded and taken advantage of, the person behind this is the one who deserves the most damn.

"I understand, I think I should be able to find out the answer today." Tang Feng hugged his fists and was about to leave. Sun Tu did not stay here any longer. As a captain and a ruler, he had too many military and political matters to deal with. If he only left for half a day, I am afraid that there would already be too many matters to be dealt with in the Privy Council.

The two of them came out of the gate of Xu Mansion and were about to get on their horses and return, when a person came on horseback on the street in front of them. Originally, this capital city was not allowed to ride horses at will because of its large population, especially in the inner city. But now, the visitor could not care about these rules. He relied on his exquisite riding skills to avoid the panicked crowds several times. He quickly rushed in front of Sun Tu, reined in his horse, and knelt down to report: "Captain, something happened! Dozens of officials and lords suddenly gathered in front of the palace gate, crying and calling for injustice, and attracted more officials to go After checking, we found that no less than a hundred officials have gathered in front of the palace, and General Yang specially asked the humble officials to come and report."

"What? This happened?" Sun

Tu's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he immediately guessed what was going on. It was obvious that the fathers and brothers of those dandy boys reacted after knowing their fate, and actually planned to cry out to the emperor. They really had a good plan to get people out of the hands of the Imperial City Division!

As his thoughts turned around, Sun Tu's face became more and more gloomy, and he immediately got on his horse and said, "Let's go to the palace!" He wanted to see how much noise these guys could make, and how they could excuse his nephew!

When Sun Tuchi rushed towards the palace, the scene here had become huge and out of control, because more than a hundred officials had gathered in front of the palace gate, and this number was still increasing.

Although in the past two years, due to Sun Tu's deliberate suppression, except for the imperial meetings twice a month, officials in the capital rarely came to the palace to see the emperor, which made the area around the palace quite deserted. But after all, the palace is located in the center of the imperial city, and there are many government offices in the imperial city. Everyone always pays attention to the situation there, so every move in front of the palace gate cannot escape everyone's eyes.

This afternoon, a group of officials suddenly came crying in front of the palace gate, shouting that they wanted to see the officials and ask them to make decisions for them. Although the soldiers and horses guarding the palace gate did not let them in, and even asked them to leave, they would report anything to the Political Affairs Hall in advance. But in the end, they completely ignored the soldiers holding knives and guns in front of them. They just kept crying and begging, kowtowing, and kept saying that they had grievances and wanted to see the emperor. They also threatened that if they could not see the emperor, they would never leave and knelt down. I have to kneel and die here!

As a result, the momentum in front of the palace became louder and louder, attracting the attention of more officials, and some people came to ask what happened. At this time, some people started their performance, shouting with fear and injustice on their faces: "My colleagues, we are wronged. Just two days ago, the manor outside the city that was granted to us by the imperial court was seized by that person. Xu Jue, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, deliberately diverted water for irrigation, so my nephew went to argue with him today. As a result, Xu Jue pretended to be injured, attracted the patrol from the middle of the capital, and actually killed everyone. Caught... That's all, now they are even taken away by the people from the Imperial City Division!

"Then where is the Imperial City Department? Your colleagues should be very clear about it. Whenever we think that our sons and brothers may be framed and tortured by those vicious guys, we become anxious. Now the only one who can save them and restore their innocence is Your Majesty. , we can only come to beg Your Majesty... Your Majesty, I have been wronged, please seek justice for us... "

Such confusing rhetoric really convinced many officials. They already had great prejudices against the Imperial City Division, an agency that was specifically tracking them. Now that they heard that something like this had happened again, they felt the same way. They were all filled with righteous indignation. They actually ran forward and gathered with them. Together, they expressed support and at the same time shouted loudly into the palace, saying that they wanted to see the emperor.

Just like this, there were more and more people in front of the palace, and the pressure on the soldiers guarding here increased sharply. Each of them felt like they were facing a powerful enemy, but they had no idea how to deal with them. The only way is to quickly send someone to see Sun Tu and ask him to come as soon as possible to calm the matter...