Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1063: Suspicion


Two days later, there was another peep show in the city of Tokyo, and the common people also had another piece of after-dinner teasing banter - those high-ranking government officials who roamed the streets of Tokyo in the past were so humiliated this time that they were all dragged down. They were paraded on crowded cross streets, carrying a pair of heavy and huge shackles on their bodies, being pointed at by countless people, but they couldn't even lift their heads.

When these people were arranged to be tied up and paraded in various streets, the number of people passing by in those places was 30% more than usual. Many people came here to watch them make a fool of themselves. There were even some people who did nothing all day long. , just wandering around the main streets in the capital, admiring the embarrassing appearance of those young men.

It's just that the people felt happy, but the family members in the Young Master's office were extremely angry. This was just a slap in their faces. As a result, these people naturally regarded the Ministry of Justice and Song Jiang as enemies, and many began to write memorials to impeach Song Jiang and them.

Although Song Jiang had expected such a result, he still felt a little uneasy in his heart, so he kept a straight face all day in the Yamen. Until Li Kui was called to him, his expression softened a little: "Here comes Tieniu. Already…”

"Brother Gongming, do you have any orders for me?" Although the identities of both parties have changed greatly, Li Kui's temperament has not changed much, and even the name he calls Song Jiang is the same as before.

It is said that as Song Jiang's most trusted brother, Li Kui should have a place in today's officialdom. But in fact, to this day, he still only works as a sixth-rank clerk in the Yamen of the Ministry of Justice, and has no real power at all. This is completely determined by his temperament. He is reckless, irritable, and simple-minded, and it is indeed difficult for him to hold a big position. But this does have an advantage, that is, it is leisurely and comfortable, which is also to his liking.

Seeing that he was still in such a turbulent mood, Song Jiang sighed softly, and then said solemnly: "Yes, I want you to come over today because I have a matter for you to handle. In this way, you can come up later. Go to the streets, walk around all over Tokyo, and go to various restaurants, drink some wine, eat some food, and the most important thing is to talk to the drinkers there and stay longer. You Can you do it?"

"Ah..." Li Kui was a little stunned, his eyes widened, and for a long time he couldn't understand what kind of task Song Jiang had entrusted to him: "That's it?"

"That's right, that's it. Well, there are still ten coins here. You can take it and spend it. Don't save it for me. Just go and walk around more, eat and drink more." Song Jiang said, and then A sack full of copper coins was taken from him and handed over to the other party.

Only then did Li Kui become convinced that his brother was not joking. He was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly took the robe. What kind of errand is this? It's obviously to benefit myself. It is said that ever since he followed his brother Gongming into the yamen of the Ministry of Justice, he has been deliberately suppressing his nature, and he has not dared to eat too much when going out to drink. Now it is good, he finally has a chance. It seems that this is because brother Gongming is considerate of him. , to give such benefits.

At that moment, he smiled even more happily and promised repeatedly: "Okay, I'll go out right now and have a good meal and drink."

"Remember, go to more stores and stay longer." Song Jiang finally warned, and Li Kui replied again.

In response, he rushed out of the door happily. And just after he got out of the door, two strong men also flashed out from the side. Song Jiang nodded slightly at them: "Two brothers, follow Tieniu, but more importantly, we still need to investigate. Understand if anyone is following him."

These two men turned out to be Yang Xiong, a sick man, and Shi Xiu, a desperate man. The two of them are Liang Shanbo's old brothers, and they have been working under Song Jiang since then. Now they have become the fifth-grade military attache of the Ministry of Justice. They follow his lead in everything, and they can be regarded as capable generals around him. However, due to some reasons, not many people inside and outside the yamen knew the inside story, and they were only regarded as ordinary officials.

The two of them didn't waste any time, and hurriedly left after a brief exchange of fists, following Li Kui closely. It wasn't until they left that Song Jiang let out a long breath, but he still didn't relax. He actually paced back and forth in his office for a while before sitting back down behind the case again, with his eyes locked tightly. His brows still showed the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart.

Although this is just a trial, for Song Jiang, this is still an extremely risky event that may affect his wealth and life, because it will be related to what choice he will make next!

At this moment, the words written on the ball of paper he received that day suddenly came to his mind again - do you think Sun Tuzhen will believe you? I'm afraid there are countless pairs of eyes around you that are staring at you and your subordinates. As long as you show something strange, the fate of Cai Jing and others will be your fate. The only ones who can help you now are us... To show our sincerity, we will also help you get Sun Tu's letter this time and give you and Sun Tu a big gift. We hope that Mr. Song will not disappoint us...

After reading the contents on the paper, Song Jiang was shocked and even thought about handing the thing directly to Sun Tu. But then I discovered that there was no name on the paper, and the handwriting was in the most common Guange style, which was really difficult to use as evidence. Moreover, once Sun Tu really knows about this, he is afraid that the other party will doubt himself.

In the end, after some weighing, he decided not to hand over the things. At the same time, his mind started to get excited, and he actually had the intention to see the sincerity of these people.

As a result, there was a series of changes. Those people really kept their word and gave themselves two ministers, plus dozens of Yameni young masters, so that they could make a contribution in front of Sun Tu. This kind of gesture was really shocking. What amazed Song Jiang even more was the other party's interlocking and meticulous methods.

Now when he went back and thought about it carefully, he could see that everything was a ploy by those people to win over him. From those officials and nobles who refused to cooperate with the imperial court, causing conflicts between the two sides, to those young masters in the Yamen who injured Xu Jue in the street, and then to all of them being arrested, causing the officials to go to the palace to cry out, and finally sent them to Ministry of Punishment - All this is to give them an opportunity to contact him openly and openly, so as to avoid Sun Tu's attention and suspicion.

Just thinking about the generosity they used to win over him, Song Jiang felt nervous, and he also guessed that their plan must be huge, maybe... Because of this, he had to be more cautious, at least to understand, Is it really like what is written on the paper? Someone has been secretly watching me and the people around me.

The time to wait for the result is always so long. Song Jiang started from before noon.

Afterwards, they waited until it got dark before finally waiting for Yang Xiong and his wife. At this time, the two of them looked extremely solemn, and their eyes were even more wary. After seeing Song Jiang, they quickly closed the door.

"How do you say it?" Although he already had a vague answer in his heart, Song Jiang couldn't help but ask. As soon as the words came out, I realized that my voice was a little astringent, which showed that I was nervous.

Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu looked at each other before the former said: "Brother, something is indeed fishy. We followed Tieniu. He went to seven or eight restaurants and had contact with more than ten people. As expected, someone We followed him and the people who had contact with him separately. He was indeed being watched secretly and refused to let up at all."

"Can you find out the origin of the other party?" At this point, Song Jiang calmed down and asked again.

This time it was Shi Xiu who answered: "Then the younger brother also brought a yellow bird behind them and followed one of them. Finally, it was discovered that this person went to a drug store, and a clerk in the drug store was... exactly Our former Qingzhou soldier's brother, I remember he was still a member of the scout battalion. So I'm afraid he's not some pharmacy clerk, he's clearly... a man from Taiwei Sun, a spy from the Imperial City Division."

Yang Xiong then added: "So just as my brother was worried, you and the people around you have been targeted for a long time. No matter where they have been or who they have come into contact with, the Imperial City Division will immediately report Follow up and pass the news back in time. Unexpectedly, they... actually doubt my brother so much!"

"Is that true?" Song Jiang smiled weakly, and his heart was completely calm. When he didn't know the answer, he was worried about gain and loss, but now that he has the exact answer, he feels calm. In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is not too sudden. Although he is a veteran of the entire army, he has never been completely trusted by Sun Tu. .

If nothing else, let's just say that when he first entered Tokyo two years ago, his capable general Qi Huan was killed because of a trivial matter. In the past two years, those close to him, such as Wu Yonghuarong and others, have not been able to truly take charge of their own affairs and have been entrusted with important responsibilities. This clearly shows that Sun Tu is suppressing him.

As written on the paper, Sun Tu never really trusted him, he only used him. And when he has completely lost his value and when Sun Tuzhen feels that he is a threat, he will not hesitate to kill himself, just like he killed Cai Jing and the others. No, I'm afraid that I can't compare with those people. It seems that I can get everything through Sun Tu. Once he wants to take action, I'm afraid that I won't even have the ability to resist.

After a moment of confusion on his face, Song Jiang slowly clenched his fists. At this point, it seems that he has no other better choice but to cooperate with those people and fight Sun Tu! After all, many armies in the capital now have their own brothers from the old army. As long as both parties cooperate properly, they can catch Sun Tu by surprise!

The only question now is, can they be trusted? Also, can you really achieve the greatest results afterwards


Every time after a long vacation, I always feel that the time is a little messed up. Fortunately, at night I finally remembered that today is Monday, so I put my hands on my hips to ask for votes. . . . .