Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1065: Secret Meeting (Part 2)


In an instant, a dozen or twenty pairs of eyes in the hall fell on Song Jiang at the same time, waiting for him to give an answer. Song Jiang was not so eager, and still drank the wine slowly, as if he did not feel the expectant eyes of everyone at all. After a while, he gently put down the glass and said with a smile: "Li Xiang, you said that Taiwei Sun is a traitor. Please forgive me for not agreeing with this."

Everyone's expressions darkened when they heard this, but Song Jiang still said calmly: "If you don't mention anything else, let's just say that in the past few years, Taiwei Sun has been leading his army to conquer the east and west, killing the rebels, eliminating troubles, and starting a campaign for our Song Dynasty. The expansion of territory and illustrious military exploits are not fake. Moreover, Cai Jing and others he killed two years ago are indeed treacherous and corrupt officials known to the world, and their death is not a pity. From this point of view, Taiwei Sun can be regarded as the pillar of the country, and the world He is a rare great hero in the world."

Li Gang listened quietly to what he said, but he didn't show any anger at all. Instead, he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Everything Taifu Song said is right. Everything Sun Tu did before was a great contribution to the imperial court. Everyone knows this." It cannot be denied. Similarly, Taifu Song, you have made great contributions, and you are not even inferior to Sun Tu."

After saying this, everyone else understood. It turned out that what Song Jiang cared about was not whether Sun Tu was a traitor, but about his previous military exploits and whether he was right or wrong in killing Cai Jing. Because these things were not only the work of Sun Tu alone, but also the fundamental reason why Song Jiang could gain a foothold in the court, he naturally had to make it clear first.

When Li Gang said this, he also expressed his attitude. Song Jiang's achievements would not change because of Sun Tu, which was a reassurance for him. Then, he said: "But you have seen what happened now, so what Sun Tu did is not even remotely like a human minister. How can we, loyal ministers, sit back and watch him continue to act recklessly and insult the king? "

"Well..." Song Jiang responded noncommittally, and then smiled: "Song Jiang naturally admires you for being dedicated to the court and the king. However, this matter is quite dangerous after all, and it will be difficult for us to save it alone. Your Majesty. And there is one more thing I want to ask Prime Minister Li first: if the matter is really accomplished, how should the credit be calculated?"

Before Li Gang could respond, someone had already drank his wine in displeasure, looked at Song Jiang and said, "Master Song, what do you mean by this? Shouldn't we, as ministers, be loyal to His Majesty? Isn't the current situation dangerous enough? Could it be that you Do you want to be that accomplice who will be infamy for thousands of years and be despised by everyone in the world?"

Immediately, someone else followed up with a cold voice: "I'm afraid, Mr. Song, even if you intend to help others, Sun Tu may not be willing to trust you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have placed many eyes and ears around you, and he would even be able to control your every move. Moreover, In the past two years, you, Grand Tutor Song, have occupied a high position but have very little real power in your hands. Even Tang Feng, who is not even a general in the army, has more power than you, let alone Tong Mu and Dong Ping. "

These words hit Song Jiang's key point, making his entire face darker and darker. Seeing this, Li Gang immediately shouted: "Xu Jingzhi, please don't be rude. Doesn't this prove that the Song Taifu is actually not the same person as Sun Tu, but a loyal minister who is loyal to the Song Dynasty and your Majesty?"

Xu Zhen, the Minister of Household Affairs, was quite sincere. He immediately clasped his fists and apologized to Song Jiang: "Don't blame Taifu Song. I drank a few too many glasses and got agitated. I have offended many people."

Everyone says that

Naturally, Song Jiang was not in trouble, so he just smiled wryly and waved his hand: "What Mr. Xu said is quite right. I, Song Jiang, am indeed not in an embarrassing situation right now, and I am quite embarrassed in my heart. However, there are still things that should be explained clearly. You have to make it clear, after all, only when your name is right can your words be followed, and only when your words are followed can things be accomplished."

The meaning of his words is actually very clear. He will definitely contribute a lot to this matter and take more risks. Naturally, he will get the biggest share of the benefits after the event is completed! But right now, in terms of status, fame, etc., he is far behind Li Gang and others. Once that time comes, he is afraid that he will be fooled around by these old officials, and he may not even be as good as he is now. Then he Why take such risks

After all, Song Jiang is now a powerful Taifu of the Song Dynasty and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. In terms of status, his status is higher than everyone present except Li Gang. If he wants to help, he must be given enough benefits. As for rhetoric such as loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, perhaps Song Jiang would have taken it very seriously in the early years, but now...

Li Gang fell into deep thought for a while, and then said after a while: "What Taifu Song has thought about is not bad. Yes, the credit is worth talking about, and there is also the arrangement for everyone after the matter is completed. In fact, if we really want to talk about it, I The one who initiated it should take the first credit. Since Taifu Song still has military power in his hands and his status is higher than others, the credit this time will naturally be yours."

"The matter of military power..." Upon hearing this, Song Jiang wanted to shirk the blame again. But before he could say anything, Li Gang added: "In addition, I am old. After next year, I will be seventy-three. Now I am dazzled and tired, and I am really tired. As long as this thing is done, I can work with peace of mind. I went back to my hometown, traveled around the countryside, and entertained my grandchildren. And my current position as prime minister belongs to you Song Gongming. How about it?"

What he said really surprised Song Jiang. He was stunned for a while before he nodded and said, "Sure enough, Prime Minister Li is devoted to the country and has no other selfish motives. Song Jiang admires him."

Others also followed suit, even saying they admired him.

Yes, if what Li Gang said is true, then he is really the most loyal minister. He only wants to get rid of traitors for His Majesty, but does not ask for anything in return. This made Song Jiang a little too selfish, making his dark face turn slightly red again, and he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Li Gang's words softened: "Actually, I can understand the concerns in Taifu Song's heart. Whether it is the danger of this matter or the friendship between Sun Tu and you, they are the key to your dilemma. But What I want to say is that as a minister, the first and most important thing is to be loyal. Since you and I share the emperor's salary, we should share the emperor's worries. Let's not forget the greater justice for the sake of small justice!

"In addition, as Jingzhi said, Sun Tu doesn't trust you too much. He is always on guard and suppresses you. There is no sense of friendship at all. The reason why he has not taken action against you now is just because the time has not come yet. Or he is worried about uncontrollable consequences. Once he finds the opportunity, he will eradicate you, Taifu Song, just like he did with any enemy in the past.

"So in my opinion, regardless of public or private matters, the best choice for you, Taifu Song, is to cooperate with us. I am not afraid to tell you the truth. There are many people in Tokyo who are as determined as us to get rid of Sun Tu for His Majesty." Yes, there are many people in the military who have already contacted me and are just waiting for an opportunity.

"Of course, if we are the only ones doing this, the success rate of this matter is only 50%, but if we add you and the troops that can be mobilized, Taifu Song, our success rate should be more than 80%. And as long as it is accomplished, You are not only our greatest contributor to the Song Dynasty, but you will also lead the people in the future, become the prime minister of the dynasty, and become famous in history. Song Taifu, the rise and fall of the Song Dynasty, and the general trend of the world are all determined by your thoughts."

Once again, everyone's eyes fell on Song Jiang, but this time, he could not remain as calm as before. His expression changed several times, obviously making a final decision. Of course, this time he was no longer thinking about what he could gain from this matter, but the bargaining chip in his hand, that is, the specific location and number of his old troops that could still be used by him today.

After a long examination, he finally nodded slowly: "In fact, Song Jiang has been taught by his father since he was a child, and he must be a loyal, filial, benevolent and righteous man. However, due to various reasons, he took a detour. Fortunately, God did not give up, and I finally did not end up as a bandit. Since God’s will is this, I, Song Jiang, should do my best to eliminate traitors and thieves for the imperial court and your majesty, and restore a bright future to the country and the country! "

"Okay! What a great person, and the country will be restored to a bright future! Just this sentence is worth enlightening!" Li Gang immediately applauded and raised his wine glass high.

Everyone came back to their senses, cheered at the same time, and then raised their glasses in response, and drank the wine in the glass. For a moment, everyone's face showed a trace of blush, whether it was excitement or drunkenness, and the previous depressive atmosphere had been swept away.

"With Taifu Song joining us, we have reached 80% success rate. As long as we choose the right time and attack with all our strength, we will be able to defeat Sun Tu in one fell swoop, wipe out the evil spirits, and return power to His Majesty!" Someone laughed again and raised their glasses in toast. .

Then, someone else looked at Li Gang: "But when should we set the day to eliminate the thieves?"

"Well, I have already made up my mind, let's choose..." When Li Gang expressed his thoughts, not only the officials but also Song Jiang changed their expressions slightly. This was indeed an extremely unexpected moment. Obviously, This time Li Gang really put a lot of thought into it and made a lot of preliminary preparations.

After a pause, Li Gang smiled again and said: "By the way, I have one more thing to tell you today. Not only will there be actions in Tokyo this time, but also in Jiangnan, the place where Sun Tu is based, in autumn. There was a turmoil in the country, and by then, maybe he will send some of his troops to Jiangnan, which will create better opportunities for us in Tokyo."

"What is Mr. Li referring to?"

"In the autumn of this year's imperial examination, Jiangnan has actually promoted Nao Shizi's vernacular and abandoned ancient Chinese. Doesn't this destroy the foundation of scholars in the world? This matter has aroused the disgust of countless people, so there is going to be a storm in Jiangnan. I Let's see how Sun Tu will respond." Li Gang sneered again. Compared with the previous ones, Sun Tu's decision made him even more disgusted, so he naturally tried his best to destroy it.

Not only him, but all the officials present also agreed, and Song Jiang was even more certain. From this point of view, the certainty of success this time is getting stronger. Maybe I can really use this to become a person under the Song Dynasty, with great power and a name that will go down in history!