Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1076: Before the Storm (Part 1)


After leaving the banquet hall with only his own clan members, Xi Fengchang couldn't help but look at the monks beside him with strange eyes: "National Master, why did you say nothing at today's banquet? You have helped several times I have saved Sun Qianli before. If you come forward to speak out, maybe he will give in..."

Jie Sangwali's footsteps paused lightly, and then he said: "The young monk asked himself that he didn't have such a great reputation. Just look at the current Taiwei Sun, he is no longer the same person he was in Xingqing Mansion. He is in a high position and holds the hand in his hand. How could he, who is so powerful, make concessions on major issues between the two countries just for some small favors? So even if the monk opens his mouth, it will be in vain. What's more..." He paused again.

"What else did the Imperial Master see?"

"That Lieutenant Sun still carries a strong murderous intention. This is a terrifying aura that the monk has never felt in anyone. It seems that he will soon start a mass killing, and countless people will die as a result. "When he said this, the Xixia Imperial Master's voice trembled a little.

But Xi Fengchang did not take seriously such nagging words, and still only cared about the current predicament: "But the three demands he made are more difficult to fulfill than the last, but how can we repay the court? I am afraid that the emperor will not You may agree to these three unreasonable demands... but what should you do?"

It wasn't until they returned to the embassy not far away that Li Chengmo, a Xixia official who had been following them but had not spoken, whispered: "Lu Ze, don't worry too much. The matter has not yet reached an irreversible situation. After all, what happened today The request was not made by the Song Dynasty court, but was just casually said by an official at a banquet."

"Does this make any difference?" Xi Fengchang scratched his head in annoyance. Although he has now become Lu Ze with a certain status in the Xixia Kingdom, that is, the leader of a clan, and controls tens of thousands of clan members, after all, he does not have enough experience. .

On the other hand, the deputy envoy Li Chengmo, who had been serving in the court and had done a lot of research on the Song Dynasty, was more calm and said calmly: "Although Sun Tu is now the person with the most power in the Song Dynasty, this does not mean that everything is controlled by He has the final say, especially such a major matter between the two countries, which cannot be decided by a military commander casually. The implications are too great.

"I can actually understand why he is so aggressive and leaves us almost no room, because he wants to promote a war between the two countries. He is a military commander, and only on the battlefield and constant war can he continue to gain power. We will not hesitate to expand, even if it causes countless casualties. This is why the Imperial Master just saw the murderous intent revealed in him."

As soon as this statement came out, even Jie Sangwali agreed and nodded lightly. Xi Fengchang, on the other hand, seemed more and more nervous: "According to what you said, wouldn't it be more difficult for us to succeed? He has already made up his mind to go to war with our Xia Kingdom."

"But after all, the Song Dynasty is not decided by him alone. There are many officials, including their emperor, and I believe that these people definitely don't want to fight again and let Sun Tu make greater contributions and seize the throne. Even greater power." Li Chengmo smiled and said: "These people are the help we can fight to change the current situation."

After Xi Fengchang thought about it carefully, he finally thought: "So, I found the wrong person from the beginning

But how should we contact those Song officials? "

"It's up to me to come forward. But I need Lu Ze to hand over the jewels, gold and silver given by the court to me." What Li Chengmo could think of was to use money to clear the way and buy many officials of the Song Dynasty through bribery.

Of course, Xi Fengchang couldn't object to this matter, so he nodded immediately: "As long as this matter can be settled, the gold, silver and jewelry that came with us can be used by you. I only want a good person result!"

"Of course, Lu Ze, just wait for the good news." Li Chengmo promised immediately.

So in the next few days, the Xixia deputy envoy became busy all over Tokyo, always finding various reasons to visit some famous and important officials in the city.

He came to visit in the name of an envoy from the Xixia Kingdom, so the officials couldn't even figure out the reason for shutting him out. They could only show up for a visit. Then after some of his sincere words, especially after he sent an extremely generous gift, those officials who had not been living too well recently were really moved one by one, and agreed to attend the court. China helped them negotiate the terms and tried their best to mediate to make the two countries friendly and request the early opening of border markets.

At the beginning, the officials Li Chengmo came into contact with were only middle and low-level officials in the court, such as doctors and other minor officials of about fifth rank. But with his continuous efforts and the help of gold and silver, by early September, he could even meet senior officials at the level of the Six Ministers. If Tong Mu and Li Gang were not of high status and each had their own concerns and refused to meet foreign envoys, he would have been able to influence the two most important people in the imperial court in a short period of time.

When Tong Mu told Sun Tu about this situation, the latter was also a little surprised, and then laughed and shook his head: "I really can't see that these Xixia people have actually learned the set of vertical and horizontal skills that we Han people have. But such dependence After all, the bribery method is inferior to the inferior, and most of the people he is looking for are only small and medium-level officials in the court, so I am afraid it will be difficult to get what he wants."

Seeing that he didn't care too much, Tong Mu showed a serious expression: "Don't underestimate what the Xixia people have done. It is indeed impossible for things between the two countries to change because of his actions. However, the situation in Beijing and China is hard to say.

"Aren't you always wary of some people's evil intentions? If they collude with the Xixia people and use this as a cover up and make some preparations, I'm afraid they will catch us off guard."

"Huh?" This sentence really touched Sun Tu's worries, and his expression immediately became solemn: "We really have to guard against this. It has been a while, and I guess those people are about to die. Can't you hold yourself back and take a desperate move? If it's true as you said, I'm afraid they might really use the Xixia envoy incident to attack me."

"So how are you going to deal with it?"

"The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. This city of Tokyo cannot allow them to act recklessly! What's more, I have already made corresponding arrangements. They can survive if they don't move. If they really move, it will be a dead end. No one will be exception!" Murderous intent flashed in Sun Tu's eyes. This time, it would be impossible for him to be merciful and cause trouble!

Prime Minister Li Gang, who also had not seen the Xixia envoys but was paying attention to their every move, was also talking with him at the moment.

A confidant said: "This should be our best and perhaps last chance. I have heard that with the sudden suppression of the army in the south of the Yangtze River, the scholars did not dare to cause trouble again. As for other places, It’s even more hopeless. As a result, those soldiers and horses that were transferred out of the capital will come back soon, and by then, our chances will only be smaller. "

"So Prime Minister Li plans to take advantage of the arrival of the Xia State envoy to kill Sun Tu by surprise?"

"Exactly, today is the ninth day of the lunar month, and the fifteenth day coincides with the great dynasty. The ministers will meet the emperor. It is just the right time for the Xia envoys to meet the emperor on that day. By then, the capital's defense force will definitely be placed near the palace and Xixia In the area around the embassy, our people can take advantage of the opportunity to seize several important places, such as the armory, firearms depot, military camp, etc... "

After a pause, Li Gang said with murderous intent: "Also, you think of a way to ask Xi Fengchang to persuade Sun Tu to accompany the Xixia envoy into the palace. In this way, you will have the opportunity to assassinate Sun Tu in the imperial city. . As long as he dies, his soldiers and horses will inevitably be leaderless and become a mess. At that time, it will become easier for our people to come forward to clean up the mess. After all, Song Jiang can also be regarded as one of their commanders. If he shows up, It’s enough to scare a small group of people.”

"What Prime Minister Li said is true. I have only two worries. First, if this matter affects the Xixia envoys, or if they feel that there are changes in our Song Dynasty, what should they do if they feel that they have a chance to counterattack? Second, what should they do? , Sun Tu is gone, and if Song Jiang replaces him, what will happen if Chengwei is invincible?"

"If the Xixia envoy dies, the most the court can do is to appease us. As for whether they will be disadvantageous to us, there is no need to worry. Today's Xixia is already different from ten years ago. They don't have the ability, let alone the courage to fight with us again. When the Song Dynasty goes to war, the most it can do is agree to their demands. Compared with the domestic stability of the Song Dynasty, this is a small matter. As for your worry that Song Jiang will become powerful because of this, you are even more worried. He is just a small official. His background is far different from that of Sun Tu, so what if he is given the official position of Taiwei? After the incident is completed, it can be eradicated within a few years. What's more, I still have the biggest trick, and maybe I can do it by then Get rid of him all together!"

The person in front of him was slightly shocked. As a close confidant of Li Gang, he didn't know that he actually had a backhand. This was the first time he heard of this. But soon, he calmed down again: "I understand, I understand. We will definitely succeed this time and kill the national traitors!"

Next, with Sun Tu's deliberate connivance and Li Gang and others' special promotion, the affairs of the Xixia envoys became extremely smooth, and it was soon decided that they would meet with the emperor on the fifteenth of this month to discuss major issues between the two countries. Decide. Later, when Xi Fengchang asked Sun Tu to accompany him to the palace as a friend, Sun Tu did not refuse and agreed on the spot.

Everything has slowly developed in the way and direction that Li Gang and the others envisioned. As time comes to the fourteenth, everything will be revealed tomorrow.

In the evening, on the eve of the storm, the city of Tokyo today seems extremely peaceful. With a population of one million, only a few people know what will happen tomorrow...


Asking for votes on Monday, I can't think of anything sexy this time. . . . .