Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1079: Changes in Tokyo (2)


"Kill!" All the soldiers followed Sun Tu, their eyes wide open, roaring like thunder, desperately urging their horses forward, their sharp steel knives raised high, vowing to crush all enemies on the way forward. This momentum alone was enough to overwhelm the opponents in front of them and make them retreat again. Even Li Gang and other officials further behind were retreating in panic.

Seeing this, the soldiers' confidence increased and they rushed forward faster. They were about to catch up with the retreating assassins. But at this moment, Sun Tu, who was already two steps behind, frowned and shouted loudly: "Be careful, there is a scam in it!"

The other party has been planning for this for a long time. How could they prepare so many troops here? And knowing that they will never sit back and wait for death, they will definitely have corresponding follow-up tricks. Therefore, their retreat made Sun Tu suspicious and he quickly shouted a warning.

Sun Tu was a god-like existence in the minds of these soldiers. Upon hearing this, most of them reined in their horses and were on guard. Only a few who were not good at riding were still urging their horses forward. And at this moment, with a whistle, there were several swishing sounds on the ground, and several black shadows bounced up one after another, just blocking the angle of the horses' forward movement, causing more than a dozen horses to neigh at the same time. He staggered and fell down, and by the way, the knight on the horse was also thrown off the ground, and he was seriously injured.

There were actually many tripping ropes placed on the streets here, which caused considerable damage to Sun Tu's men in just one moment. At the same time that these people fell from their horses, hundreds of soldiers armed with guns and knives poured out of some government offices on both sides of the street. They shouted, "Kill the national traitors," and surrounded and killed them.

At this time, the more than ten fallen soldiers were far away from the main force in the rear. The enemy's attack came so fast that Sun Tu had no time to rescue him, so he just watched these people being killed one by one on the spot. Hearing the screams, his face turned even more livid. He gritted his teeth and looked forward, staring at Li Gang and others who had stopped, as if he wished he could turn his gaze into sharp arrows and kill them all.

At this time, Li Gang and the others had stood firm under the protection of other soldiers and horses, and there was no longer any panic as before. Obviously, the retreat and haste just now were just a disguise to lure Sun Tu and the others into the trap here. But unfortunately, the other party was still too cautious, and only a dozen people were ambushed.

But they are still confident, because the current layout in the imperial city is not limited to these two places. Since it is difficult to completely destroy the enemy through trickery, they will use force to kill them. Li Gang immediately looked at Sun Tu a hundred steps away and said decisively: "Blow the horn and gather all the soldiers and horses to get rid of this national traitor!"

"Li Gang, I will make you regret everything you have done today. All the people related to this and the three clans of me, Sun Tu, are destined to be destroyed. Even if Supreme Lord Ru Lei Buddha arrives, I will not be able to save them!" Sun Tu suddenly said Just a violent roar, and at the same time a decisive order: "Charge forward, cut the rope first, and then break the enemy's formation!"

"Here!" All the officers and soldiers were all red-eyed. They agreed in unison after hearing the order and urged their horses to charge forward again. Those who rushed to the front were those with superb riding skills. They only relied on their legs to control the horses to gallop. However, they bent down and raised their swords to face the crisscrossing horses on the road ahead. The trip horse rope.

These stumbling ropes are just ordinary ropes. Although they are quite strong, they cannot withstand the head-on slashes of sharp knives.

In particular, they were all straightened and tightened. After being hit by a sharp steel knife, they quickly broke and rebounded on both sides, rendering them useless, allowing the cavalry to pass quickly and rush forward.

However, as another burst of horns sounded, another burst of killing sounds rang out from behind the imperial city. Dark groups of men and horses came over like a wave and quickly merged with Li Gang and others, truly forming a rock-solid defensive formation. He stood in front of Sun Tu, who was leading his army to charge.

This is a group of three thousand infantry, many of which are heavily armored. Although the mobility was far from comparable to that of the cavalry around Sun Tu, it was easy to just defend the streets. When the cavalry rushed to the front, with the sound of shouts, countless spears were fired out, piercing the opponent's horses. The cavalry were frightened and quickly reined in their horses to dodge. However, in the end, many people were hit and fell to the ground, and then were killed by the rear. The axemen who caught up chopped them down one by one.

At this time, the limitations of cavalry in urban street fighting were revealed. Faced with such a solidly defended force, even elite cavalry such as those under Sun Tu's command were unable to break through their defensive formation. Instead, they caused considerable casualties to themselves. In the end, they could only temporarily avoid its edge, feint a shot and then return to their horses. Walk.

"Sun Tu, this place is your burial place. Even if you have hundreds of cavalry, you will still be surrounded and killed by us and other Song soldiers!" Li Gang was very excited at this moment and shouted with a laugh. On his left, a general was calmly giving orders, allowing the heavy-armored infantry, which could completely suppress the cavalry on the frontal battlefield, to slowly press forward and launch a counterattack against the cavalry.

Seeing this, not to mention Xi Feng Chang and the Xixia people who were in the cavalry team felt frightened, even Sun Tu felt a chill in his heart, and at the same time he felt helpless as if he had shot himself in the foot. Because this kind of heavy armored infantry was what he had strongly advocated to establish in the past two years, in order to naturally deal with the threat of new nomadic cavalry that might appear in the future.

Although they have made great progress in firearms, they have not yet reached the point where they can use firearms to restrain the light cavalry that come and go like the wind. Therefore, based on the methods used by Han infantry to deal with foreign cavalry during the Han and Tang Dynasties, Sun Tu selected strong men from the Forbidden Army to form a heavy armored infantry phalanx to specifically target the cavalry.

I just didn't expect that these soldiers had not been used on the battlefield against the Liao people, but today they were used against me first. Moreover, due to the terrain and the fact that their cavalry were not equipped with crossbows, they completely suppressed themselves, resulting in the cavalry being at a disadvantage.

Seeing thousands of heavily armored soldiers pressing forward, Li Gang was even more determined: "Kill them and force them into the city gate, and we will definitely annihilate them all in one battle. Your Majesty has an order, whoever kills Sun Tu can be made a marquis. Whoever kills his subordinates will be rewarded with thousands of dollars and promoted to five levels!"

Once the reward was opened, it aroused the fighting spirit of the entire team. Without any fear, everyone roared and pressed forward. They even divided into two teams to surround them from both sides. They didn't even intend to let Sun Tu and the others enter the city gate and slowly attack and kill them. After all, the terrain there was narrow and it was not conducive for them to have more troops, so they might as well surround and kill them all on the spot.

"Lieutenant, what should we do?" The guard beside him asked loudly with a worried look on his face. As a subordinate who had not been with Sun Tu for too long, his mental endurance was still somewhat lacking.

Although Sun Tu's face was also ashen, his face was still resolute, without any trace of fear, and he just shouted: "Slowly retreat."

Finally, don't mess up the formation, otherwise it will only give the enemy a chance to break us. We still have the possibility of a comeback. They are all military generals, and I am the current military commander of the Song Dynasty. "

As he spoke, he shouted loudly: "Soldiers, have you ever thought that once you kill me, Sun Tu, you will return to the state of being suppressed and bullied by civil servants, and you will no longer be able to live with dignity as you do today? Now. Are you really willing to go back?"

As soon as these words were spread, the army that was constantly pressing forward was stagnated. Naturally, they couldn't understand this truth before, and no one would remind them. But now, Sun Tu personally pointed it out, which naturally made all the soldiers have doubts.

Seeing that Sun Tu's heart-attacking plan had a certain effect, Li Gang suddenly became nervous again, and immediately shouted: "You are all loyal ministers of the Song Dynasty, how can you be bewitched by you! Soldiers, I can guarantee that as long as Kill this national thief, and the court will not treat you badly! General Guan—" But he looked at the general next to him.

This man is described as powerful, with a long beard on his chest. He is Guan Sheng, a famous general in the capital, and one of the rare military generals who has nothing to do with Sun Tu. At this moment, he shouted: "Soldiers, today is the day to kill the thief, how can we hesitate any longer?" As he spoke, he swung the big knife in his hand, and at the same time, he urged the red-maned horse under his crotch to accelerate towards Sun Tu and the others rushed over to fight.

There were nearly two hundred guard swordsmen on his left and right. When they saw the master's general rushing out on horseback, they all did not dare to neglect. They shouted to kill the thief and followed up with their horses. Their momentum suddenly surged towards him like a wave.

At this time, the infantrymen in front finally became moved. After all, half of them have been under Guan Sheng's command all this time. Now that they saw the general urging them, they no longer dared to hesitate. They gritted their teeth and moved forward as a team, pressing forward again.

Seeing this, Sun Tu's eyes flashed with murderous intent: "You have to think about it, there are hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops in the city now, and they all obey my life. As long as I hold on for a while, the backup will kill If you arrive, you will definitely die! Not only you, but also your family members will be implicated in this. Are you going to use your whole family to bury these people with them?"

"Hahahaha, Sun Tu, do you think you can still control the military power in Beijing? Haven't you discovered that in addition to some of the soldiers and horses here being from General Guan, half of them are the Forbidden Army you are familiar with? But now, they We have abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, because Taifu Song Jiang and Song have decided to bring order to the chaos. The good ones will get more help, but the bad ones will get less help. Now you are in a desperate situation, and there is only one way to die!" Li Gang immediately seized this opportunity to damage the morale of the opponent's troops and roared loudly.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the soldiers who originally wanted to fight head-on felt a chill in their hearts. Their momentum weakened and they retreated again. They were about to be cut off by the enemies outflanking them from both sides.

Many people are filled with panic. If it is true as Li Gang said, Song Jiang has betrayed and surrendered to the enemy, then there really will be no backup this time. Wouldn't he be completely in a dead end

Even Sun Tu frowned at this time and turned around to look outside the palace wall, as if he wanted to see what was going on outside.


I feel like my IQ has been severely challenged. Double Eleven starts tomorrow, all kinds of prepayments, November 1st, 3rd, 11th... Isn’t it a good idea to give discounts and make profits? It has to be so complicated. . . . .