Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1081: Changes in Tokyo (4)


Facing Han Tao's question, Song Jiang's face suddenly stiffened, and a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes. This was not only because of Han Tao's questioning in person, but also because he realized that he had been negligent and ignored the huge hidden dangers along the way.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, the departure of one hundred thousand elite soldiers from Tokyo, led by Sun Tu's cronies, Wu Song and Lu Da, was what gave him the confidence to launch a sudden coup. If these 100,000 Baizhan elites who were completely loyal to Sun Tu were still in the camp, even if he was given ten courages, Song Jiang would not dare to come here to recruit him like he did today.

But at this time, Song Jiang couldn't show any panic or timidity. Even if he was confused in his heart, he still looked calm and composed. He quickly smiled and said: "General Han is worried too much. Since I have ways to control the troops and horses in Shandong and Jiangnan." , the same is naturally true for the one hundred thousand soldiers and horses. When the time comes, His Majesty and the imperial court will issue an order to appease the soldiers, and Sun Tu has been crowned, do they still dare to risk the disapproval of the world and raise troops to rebel

"So these concerns are minor matters, so you don't have to worry too much. What you should be thinking about most now is the future of yourself and your family. Do you really want to be a traitor and be despised by the world even if you die?" This was to put more pressure on Han Tao to surrender as soon as possible.

Sure enough, Han Tao, who felt the heavy pressure, changed his color again, stepped back slightly, and his face was full of tangles: "After all, Taiwei Sun and I have the kindness of knowing each other, and I really don't want to be accused of being an unjust person..."

"So what? Righteousness can be divided into big and small righteousness. For the sake of the court and the Song Dynasty, even if there is a small righteousness, it is the right thing to do. You have also seen that now all the generals in the camp have abandoned the secret and turned to the light. If you continue to refuse to submit, what will happen to you? There is only one way to die." Song Jiang took advantage of the situation and took another step forward, his eyes focused on the other party.

He knew very well that in the past two years, due to Sun Tu's deliberate cultivation, Han Tao's reputation among the Forbidden Army had indeed greatly increased, and many soldiers followed his lead. Therefore, if he wanted to successfully gain control of the military camp and the more than 100,000 troops today, Quan, it is really necessary to convince him, and then he will not hesitate to spend more words and persuasion.

"I..." Han Tao's face was full of entanglement and pain, and his eyes were already red: "What Taifu Song said is that I really shouldn't be entangled in the small loyalty I had at the beginning, and everything will be based on the overall situation!"

"It's best if you understand this. Why don't you put down your weapons and let everyone come out of the camp to obey the order?" Seeing this, Song Jiang felt relieved suddenly. The big thing has been accomplished. Next, he just waits for Sun Tu to be killed in the imperial city. When the news comes out, Tokyo will completely change. This made him quite excited and eager, and his eyes were fixed on Han Tao.

Then, this former brother made a move that made Song Jiang a little confused. He did not drop the weapon in his hand, but wiped his left hand on his waist, raised his hand again, and there was a strange sound. It rose into the air, and finally exploded with a bang in the air, scattering a ball of fire.

This was so sudden that Song Jiang and others were startled and looked up into the air subconsciously. Han Tao took this opportunity to shrink back and quickly retreated. Behind him, hundreds of personal guards moved at the same time to protect him and quickly retreated, widening the distance between him and the surrounding generals.

At the same time, a burst of killing sounds rang out from the military camp. The soldiers in the camp who seemed to be at a loss

The soldiers moved at the same time, all with swords and spears, and they rushed over like tigers and leopards upon seeing their prey. Their targets were not only the Song Jiang people who were caught off guard, but also the generals who had just laid down their weapons to express their surrender.

This turn of events was enough to frighten people, and what made Song Jiang's expression change even more drastically were the two murderous generals who were charging at the front of the team. One of the two men was tall and strong, waving the Zen staff in his hand as if a king had come to the world, while the other walked vigorously and had a figure like the wind. The two steel knives rose and fell with murderous intent, making the soldiers who faced them tremble with fear. Unable to lift their weapons, they all screamed to get out of the way.

Because these two generals really enjoy a very high reputation and prestige in the army, even if they are not as good as the generals Sun Tu and Dong Ping, their past bloody battle records are enough to overwhelm all ordinary Song troops.

"Wu Song, Lu Da... why are they here? If they hadn't gone to Jiangnan to quell the chaos, how could they still be in Tokyo?" After recognizing the identities of these two generals, Song Jiang's originally excited heart quickly fell into a deep trough. Full of disbelief and deep despair.

At this moment, he had quickly figured out the whole story - he was afraid that he had already fallen into the trap. The so-called soldiers and horses going south and the so-called emptiness in the capital were all a trap set by Sun Tu. A vicious plan to completely lure himself, Li Gang and other unstable factors out from the secrets!

Just when he was stunned and vaguely guessed the cause and effect, Wu Song and other generals from the front had already rushed in. Without any hesitation or softness, these well-prepared soldiers attacked with all their strength, using both swords and guns, and killed all the generals who had put down their weapons and resistance.

It wasn't until the screams and blood flew everywhere that Song Jiang suddenly woke up and shouted quickly: "Retreat quickly, return to the city and hold on!" Once the entire military camp with more than 100,000 troops is mobilized to rush over, Tokyo will be in chaos, and they will really There is only a dead end.

Only with this cry did the subordinates finally come to their senses, and without caring about anything else, they all screamed and turned around and ran away. Although these soldiers were loyal to Song Jiang, they did not insist on selling their lives to him. Before, they only dared to go deep into the military camp because they were sure that this time would be successful. But now, the situation suddenly changed, and they couldn't care about anything else and only wanted to escape.

In an instant, thousands of people and horses had dispersed, and only a handful of more than 300 people, led by Li Kui, closely protected Song Jiang and galloped towards the front. Fortunately, it seems that in order to clear the uneasy factors in the camp first, the soldiers and horses in the rear did not immediately pursue Song Jiang and others, letting them escape from the camp and galloping all the way to the city gate in front.

They believed that as long as they entered Tokyo City and relied on the city walls and defenders, they could still deal with the enemy forces along this route. As Song Jiang said just now, even if there are more than 100,000 soldiers and horses outside the city, it is not easy to break through a strong city like Tokyo. They still have this confidence.

However, when they actually ran all the way to the city gate, they were horrified to discover that they had oversimplified the matter. It turned out that the army at the rear did not rush to catch up, not because they ignored them, but because they expected that they would not be able to escape - Tokyo at this time The city gate was tightly closed, and there were even more garrison troops waiting on the city wall. The leading general Shi Qian even decisively ordered after seeing them approaching:

"Fire arrows."

Under the attack of the swishing arrows, dozens more soldiers fell down. Only then did Song Jiang believe that he was really defeated. The opponent had even prepared for the city gate. As soon as he left the city, the defenders here were taken down and replaced, completely blocking him out of Tokyo.

"Brother, what should we do?" Li Kui waved his axes vigorously to help block the burst of arrows. In a panic, he asked loudly.

"I... I underestimated Sun Tu. It turned out that he had already noticed what I would do early on, and I was under his control early on. Now, even if I want to escape, I can't. In order to prevent my brothers from being implicated by me again, Death, now I can only abandon my weapons and surrender." Song Jiang was a bachelor. Seeing that the situation was over and he had no way out, he decisively decided to give up resistance.

"No, brother, if you surrender, I'm afraid you'll be dead. Let Tieniu protect you and fight your way out. Let's go somewhere else to avoid it, even if we fall into the trap..." Li Kui refused to let Song Jiang give up. , roared loudly, and then shouted to the more than two hundred brothers beside him: "Follow me and kill them all, before they can-" Before he could finish his words, he was hit hard on the back of the head by Song Jiang behind him, and he immediately Then he fell down with a thud.

Song Jiang's face was full of despair: "Brothers, I know you are willing to fight to the end for me, but doing this now will not help except losing your life in vain, so why let everyone die because of me? You just tie me up, So that you can save your lives! Come on." As he said that, he closed his eyes and stretched out his hands, waiting for everyone to come forward and tie him up.

"Brother..." At this moment, all the subordinates were moved and cried. Even the names returned to the past, but no one came forward. These subordinates who have Song Jiang's trust and have always been with him are naturally his closest confidants. How could they betray him at this moment

And during this entanglement, the sound of killing swept in from the direction of the military camp. In the dust, thousands of troops came from all directions and surrounded Song Jiang and others in Gaixin. Now, even if they wanted to run, they couldn't.

At this moment, Song Jiang stopped trying to struggle. He dropped the sword on his waist, raised his hands and said, "I, Song Jiang, am willing to be bound. I just ask you not to hurt the brothers around me. They only followed me out of loyalty." There was an incident, so everything is my fault."

"Brother..." Everyone was moved when they saw this, and they all put down their weapons and fell to the ground.

When this scene fell into the eyes of the tens of thousands of soldiers who came to kill them, they all had strange expressions on their faces. They hesitated and didn't know whether they should step forward and capture them all as usual. Until Wu Song arrived later and gave the order without mercy: "Everyone is tied up and will be handed over to the Taiwei later!"

The soldiers then stepped forward and quickly tied up Song Jiang and the others.

Song Jiang never dreamed that when the strategy he thought was foolproof was actually implemented, he would be reversed in the blink of an eye, and he would become a prisoner. But at this moment, he no longer cared about himself, but subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the high and thick city wall, imagining what the scene was like in the city now.

Since even Sun Tu here has been prepared, I'm afraid the situation in the imperial city is similar, right