Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1082: Changes in Tokyo (5)


In the imperial city, Guan Sheng galloped on his horse, holding the sword high above his head, spring thunder bursting from his mouth, and rushed straight towards Sun Tu. During this period, the heavily armored infantry who had long been accustomed to his tactics quickly separated and made way for them to pass through the military formation calmly and reach Sun Tu.

And as he, the general, rushed forward without any worries, the surrounding generals were also inspired. They had no intention of staying behind and waiting for the credit to be obtained. They all shouted loudly and clapped their horses to follow. These dozens of people rode forward at the same time, and their momentum was not even as strong as the thousands of infantry who pressed forward to kill them.

Li Gang and other civil servants were excited at this moment. Some of them flushed, stroking their beards and saying: "Everyone of the soldiers is fighting bravely to be the first, and this time the traitor Sun will be killed. If I had known that the military morale would be available, and there would be countless loyal ministers, we would wait for it." Why wait until two years later to get rid of the thieves?"

"Yes, yes, after today, the government will return to His Majesty, and the grievances I have been waiting for for many days will finally be redressed."

However, Li Gang did not follow their words and continued to stare nervously at the battle ahead. Because he knew very well that the enemy in front of him was extremely powerful and terrifying, and it was impossible to say victory until the last moment. Especially when he saw that none of the cavalry around Sun Tu showed any signs of timidity and were still struggling to fight with the infantry encircling them from both sides, they did not dare to relax.

At this moment, Guan Sheng rushed to Sun Tu and shouted: "Sun Tu, take Guan's sword!" There was a buzzing sound where his wrist shook, and the sword weighed at least fifty kilograms. He had already hit Sun Tu's head with a force that could split Huashan Mountain.

Sun Tugang knocked over a spearman who was approaching him with one blow. His expression changed when he saw this, and he quickly reined in the reins and dodged. At the same time, his free left hand reached out like lightning and snatched the long spearman's hand. He raised the spear with the tip of the spear and blocked another attack from the opponent with a quick change of moves. But this move was a bit hasty after all, and he was struck by Guan Sheng's sword and the middle gate was lost, revealing a huge flaw.

When he saw this opportunity, Guan Sheng was even more overjoyed. He shouted loudly again, and with a flick of his arm, his broadsword changed from a horizontal slash to an oblique sweep, attacking Sun Tu's chest vitals. In desperation, Sun Tu could only lie back on the horse's back, and then he let go of this fatal knife. The heavy and sharp blade almost passed by him, and he was so frightened that he didn't even feel the pain on his forehead. I broke into a few cold sweats.

This time he finally knew that there was something he couldn't calculate after all. This Guan Sheng had always been honest and inconspicuous in the Forbidden Army, but unexpectedly he had become his biggest threat today. Fortunately, Sun Tu's martial arts skills are not fake. They are all practiced in life-and-death fights and bloody battles. Even at this time, he can still control the horse to turn around and run back, trying to open up the distance between him and the opponent. distance. After all, he is lying on the horse now, but he is extremely passive, which is really not conducive to a head-on confrontation with him.

But how could Guan Sheng let go of this opportunity to seize the first-class achievement? Immediately, he rushed to the scene again, vowing to kill Sun Tu with his own hands. Beside Sun Tu, although many of his subordinates saw this and desperately wanted to rescue them, they were entangled by countless infantry and couldn't get rid of their hands at the moment. They could only roar one by one, but they were unable to do anything. On the other hand, the generals who followed Guan Sheng and rushed over saw their morale increased even more. They followed closely with shouts and shouts. Seeing that they were about to completely surround Sun Tu, leaving him alone.


What a good Sun Tu, even at such a critical moment, he still refused to give up. Seeing Guan Sheng slashing at him again, he suddenly turned away and disappeared on the other side of the horse, causing the opponent's sword to fail again. . And at the moment when Guan Sheng returned the sword, he had already bounced back on the horse's back with all his waist strength. Not only did he sit up straight, he also held the spear tightly with both hands, then shook the spear body, and then struck it twice. Blocked the two weapons attacking him.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Guan Sheng, do you really want to kill me? Don't forget, without me, Sun Tu, you and other generals would still be under the oppression of civilian officials, and it would be difficult for them to stand up. If I today If I am really killed by you, you and others will be liquidated by them tomorrow. Is this really what you want to see?"

These words fell into Guan Sheng's ears, but they only made him smile contemptuously: "How can a traitor like you understand how important the word loyalty is? In Guan's eyes, loyalty to His Majesty and loyalty to the court are the most important things. As for For the rest, I believe His Majesty will not treat us badly!" As he spoke, the knife in his hand struck out again, and this time he also hid three changes in this move. Once Sun Tu blocked it with his spear, he You can use this to defeat his weapons and win completely.

Sure enough, when Sun Tu saw the sword coming, he raised his spear horizontally. The swords and spears collided heavily. With a clang, Guan Sheng turned his wrist again and changed his moves. But at this moment, Sun Tu suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: "Do it!"

This sudden cry made Guan Sheng's heart tremble, and he immediately felt a chill rising from his back. He didn't even have time to use the magic trick in his hand, and his body quickly moved to the side. And at this moment, there were several waves of cold air coming from behind him, on the left and right sides at the same time. Even though Guan Sheng tried his best to dodge, he still couldn't dodge it -

Suddenly, two steel knives penetrated deeply into his body from under his left and right ribs, and a spear penetrated from his back, passed through his body, and finally stabbed his horse hard. On the head. The red-maned horse didn't even neigh, before its hooves gave way and it crashed to the ground with its master.

As a result, Guan Sheng's body rolled forward even more embarrassingly, blood spurting out all the way, and his whole body became a bloody man in an instant. Although he was wearing fine chainmail, the armor could only protect against arrows, but it could not protect against assassination with swords and guns at close range. Although he, Guan Sheng, was the bravest of all three armies and had outstanding martial arts skills, in the face of such a ruthless sneak attack, he could only be defeated and was unable to even counterattack.

A shrill howl spurted out from Guan Sheng's mouth along with blood. At this moment, the fighting around him suddenly stopped, and the heavy armored infantry under his command were completely stunned. They never imagined that General Guan, whom they regarded as a god, would be defeated in such a disgraceful manner. What was even more unexpected was that the people who injured him were the generals who had been on the same side as them before - these people were all close associates of Taifu Song. Brother!

Li Gang and others in the distance also felt at this moment that everything was so unreal. They clearly had the upper hand and saw that Sun Tu was about to be beheaded, but why was it Guan Sheng who was defeated in the end? These civil servants did not even fully understand the actions of the fighting just now.

But Sun Tu didn't intend to give them a chance to make things clear. He immediately urged his horse to rush towards Guan Sheng, who was still rolling on the ground and wailing. Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the spear in his hand was thrust out like lightning. Just puff

In the blink of an eye, the tip of the spear penetrated the back of Guan Sheng's head, and his head was nailed to the bluestone board. After this move, Guan Sheng's body twitched, his screams stopped abruptly, and he became completely motionless.

Perhaps Guan Sheng has enough prestige in the Forbidden Army, and Sun Tu also valued him quite a lot before - otherwise, he would not have been able to lead thousands of heavy-armored elites in the army - but now that he has become his enemy, Sun Tu There was no way he could survive. Don't say that he is just Guan Sheng, he is Guan Yu. If you dare to be his enemy today, you will die!

Today, many people will die because of their wrong decisions. His victory is just the beginning!

Seeing Sun Tu kill Guan Sheng with a spear, then lift his tall body up with a single movement of his arms, and then slam him to the ground, causing his flesh and blood to fly everywhere, the morale of those heavily armored infantry instantly dropped to the lowest level. rock bottom. Although they were wearing heavy armor, they were still made of flesh and blood. When they saw their general being suddenly killed, they naturally lost the will to fight. Even though they still had the upper hand in terms of strength, they retreated hastily. A few even turned around and ran away. However, their seemingly mighty heavy armor became their biggest drag at the moment, making it impossible for them to escape and could only move back a little in vain.

Behind these soldiers, with Li Gang and others beside them, mutations occurred again.

Just when Sun Tu completely killed Guan Sheng with a spear and suddenly reversed the situation on the battlefield, dozens of the soldiers guarding Li Gang and others suddenly took action. Without any warning, the swords and guns in their hands had already penetrated into the bodies of the other guards. When they had just screamed and alerted the stunned officials, these bloody weapons were already placed on the throats of these officials. Li Gang was even kicked over from behind, and a steel knife was pressed against his throat, making it difficult for him to struggle.

"You..." This made all the officials shocked and angry, and the guards who had not been attacked were even more stunned. They hurriedly raised their swords but did not dare to kill them. After all, all the important people had fallen to the enemy. in control.

When such a change suddenly occurred here, the fighting spirit of thousands of troops completely collapsed. If Guan Sheng is the backbone of their courage to fight to the death with Sun Tu's men, then these officials are their last line of psychological defense. But now, this psychological defense line has also been broken due to their capture, which is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the ordinary sergeants.

In fact, they still haven't figured out why things took such an earth-shaking turn in just a few moments. In fact, not only them, but even Sun Tu's subordinates could not recover from such a shocking turn of events. They even saw the enemy retreating and running away, but they did not pursue him and just stared blankly.

At this moment, all the Xixia people, led by Xi Fengchang, had their mouths wide open with disbelief on their faces. This series of ups and downs was completely beyond their imagination. These upright Xixia people were running out of brains. Only Yuesang Wali had worry in his eyes. What he worried about might be about to happen.

It wasn't until Sun Tu shouted loudly: "Kill over, success or failure depends on this!" Everyone was awakened. Seeing him riding his horse again, all the cavalry also roared loudly and launched a more fierce offensive than before. Like a wave, it swept towards those heavily armored infantry who were hurriedly retreating...