Bringing a Warehouse to the Song Dynasty!

Chapter 1084: The final killing move


After noon, the dark clouds hanging over Bianjing finally dissipated, revealing the golden sunshine behind it.

But not long after it came out, with a loud rumbling sound, the rising smoke and dust completely blocked the sky above the imperial city, blocking the sunlight. It took a long time for the smoke and dust to settle, allowing the people in the city to clearly see the vague figures surrounding the gap in the city wall, as well as the large banner with the word "Sun" that was hoisted earlier!

When they saw Sun Tu's flag coming, the last hope of Li Gang and others was completely shattered. Everyone's face was ashen, their eyes full of despair, and they even murmured: "How could this happen? How could this happen..."

Li Gang himself, on the other hand, had obviously accepted Sun Tu's statement before. He didn't show too much despair at this moment. He just stood there expressionlessly, without even moving his eyes, just like the one in the temple. It looks like a clay sculpture or a wood sculpture, its soul has been extracted from it.

There were a few more banging sounds, but the soldiers outside the wall directly smashed the remaining walls with their wood-ramming and other weapons, allowing the large army of soldiers and horses to enter smoothly. During this period, hundreds of people climbed the wall and entered, led by Han Tao. As soon as he saw that Sun Tu had taken control of the situation, he hurried forward to congratulate him: "Congratulations to the Lieutenant for uncovering the rebel conspiracy in one fell swoop, arresting all the rebels, and stabilizing the situation in North Korea, China and Tokyo."

When Sun Tu heard this, he just smiled casually: "You also have merit, and you will be rewarded when the time comes. By the way, what is the situation in Beijing now? Where are Ruda and the others?"

Hearing Sun Tu mention Ruda's name, many officials who had already surrendered showed signs of shock, only to realize that they had indeed fallen into the opponent's plan early this time. Because according to the information they received, Lu Dawusong and other major generals loyal to Sun Tu had gone south half a month ago. It was obvious that he deliberately exposed this flaw.

Han Tao hurriedly replied: "Back to Taiwei, the two generals Lu and Wu are still suppressing the rebellion in various places in the city. Although Song Jiang has tied up his hands outside the city, the rest of the troops are still causing a lot of troubles in various places in the city, which need to be dealt with in time. To avoid hurting more innocent people.”

Sun Tu's brows suddenly frowned at his words: "You mean the city is still in chaos? The people have also been harassed, are there any casualties?"

"Yes. According to reports, no less than seven to eight hundred innocent people have been affected by this chaos and have died, and there are countless injured people. If our troops hadn't taken action to suppress it in time, I'm afraid the situation in the city would have only deteriorated. It was even more chaotic. Especially in the West City area of the outer city, because the weapons depot and firearms depot were located there, it suffered a fierce attack by the rebels. Several surrounding streets and alleys were affected, and more than a thousand households there were either killed or injured. As for other places, although the casualties are slightly smaller, they are not optimistic."

As Han Tao spoke out, Sun Tu's face became darker and darker. Not only him, but other officials also changed their colors, and their bodies were trembling. They knew very well how heavy their culpability would be once such matters were investigated. Even Li Gang reacted at this time. His body was shaken and he shouted in a hissing voice: "This is impossible! I have warned them long ago not to hurt innocent people. The people below will never dare..."

"Li Gang, do you think it is as easy as written in the book to lead troops to revolt? As a civil servant, you can only talk about military affairs on paper. In reality, you really think you can suppress those chaos. The murderous nature of the army?" Sun Tu didn't wait for him to finish his words and shouted sharply: "Now the capital is in chaos, and there are countless people killed and injured. All these sins are caused by you, so what face do you have

You said you were doing it for the country and the country. In the history books of future generations, they will only say that you brought disaster to the country and the people and killed countless innocent people! "

Li Gang, who had remained calm even after being completely defeated and captured before, completely collapsed at this moment. His knees softened and he almost collapsed. He even shouted in a low voice: "This is impossible, how could it be like this?" ..." After saying this a few times, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly raised his head again, stared at Sun Tu and shouted: "It's you, all this is your conspiracy! It was you who made the mistake in order to confuse right and wrong. People are harming the people, right?”

"Fuck your mother!" Sun Tu suddenly uttered a curse word and kicked out suddenly, knocking Li Gang down. He then stepped forward and grabbed him, staring at him with gritted teeth: "I How could Sun Tu do such a thing if he only wanted to benefit the people of the world? Everything now is thanks to you. It is your selfish greed that has led to the unjust deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Li Gang, you are really guilty. He deserves to die." After saying that, he raised his hand and threw the other person to the ground.

I don't know whether it was because of the fall or the regret in his heart. After landing, Li Gang screamed and vomited a large mouthful of blood. The look in his eyes gradually dissipated, leaving only deep regret. As for the others, after seeing Sun Tu being so angry, they also panicked. They all shrank back and lowered their heads, but they didn't know whether it was fear or guilt.

After venting for a while, Sun Tu seemed to have relaxed a little, and then he looked at Han Tao again: "What about the inner city? Is everything okay in the military camp outside the city?"

"Don't worry, Lieutenant Commander, everything is under the control of the brothers, and the inner city has more troops. The rebels were suppressed by the troops of the Dianqian Division as soon as they launched their attack. As for the military camp, there were no changes. With General Fan Qi guarding the center, none of the soldiers dared to make the slightest move."

Finally hearing some good news, Sun Tu relaxed a little: "That's good. Have all those in the army and court who colluded with Song Jiang and Li Gang shown up and been caught?"

"Yes, all the relevant prisoners have been restrained. We are just waiting for the Taiwei to make the final decision." Han Tao nodded.

"Very good, you will lead people to take over the gates of the imperial city, and then send orders to the outside world. Everything is to maintain stability. No matter the civilians or generals, the injured must be treated, and the dead must be buried in time to prevent further trouble or chaos. It's because of the epidemic. As for how to deal with them in the end, I will make a decision after I enter the palace and see His Majesty." Sun Tu said, and glanced at Li Gang who had his head lowered, and then waved his hand and directed it at his relatives. Bing said: "Pack yourself up and follow me into the palace. The fighting here must have alarmed His Majesty in the palace, but you can't scare him."

"I obey my command!" Everyone below Han Tao agreed in a low voice at the same time, and then divided their work, either following Sun Tu to sort out a little and then heading straight to the palace, or staying where he was, guarding the prisoners, taking over the imperial city guard, and Some people were sent out as generals to convey Sun Tu's military orders to the troops outside.

In this orderly environment, naturally no one paid attention to Li Gang, who had become a prisoner. At this moment, the Great Song Dynasty Zaizhi looked lost and regretful, but in the depths of his eyes, there was still a trace of fire beating.

"This matter is not completely dead yet. I still have one last killing move. Sun Tu, you will never imagine that there is a bigger killing situation waiting for you ahead. I believe that this time, you will definitely die!" And as soon as you die, your hand will

Those people will become a piece of loose sand, and then there will still be a chance to turn things around! "Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but follow Sun Tu all the way forward, and his old body began to tremble slightly again.

For today, Li Gang endured for two years and made many plans. Naturally, he could not just give up. Until the last moment, he still believed that he could eliminate thieves for the country and return power to the emperor!

The Imperial City Wall is only a few miles away from the Imperial Palace. It can be said that as long as you stand on the Palace City Wall and look far away, you can have a panoramic view of the situation in the Imperial City. So when this incident suddenly occurred, the palace immediately noticed something was wrong.

However, the nearly 5,000 elite Imperial Guards stationed in the palace did not act rashly and remained at their posts. However, all of them had their swords and guns unsheathed and were prepared to deal with possible changes that might occur next. After all, for them, their biggest responsibility is to guard the palace and ensure the safety of the emperor and other important figures in the palace. As long as the chaos there does not spread here, it will be left to the troops outside to deal with it.

However, as the leader of the Yulin Army, Yang Zhi still stayed at the highest point of the palace gate, always looking at the situation ahead. However, the melee ahead made it difficult to see clearly how the battle was going from this distance. It wasn't until the winner was determined in the end, and a banner with the character Sun entered the imperial city in the distance, that he confirmed that Sun Tu had finally won the battle.

This made his expression slightly strange, but immediately his eyes became firm again. With a gesture, the soldiers and horses below began to mobilize and prepare.

At this time, Di Huchen, who was in the army with him, also came over: "Brother Yang, the time has finally come for us to repay the king's kindness for the country and inherit the legacy of our ancestors. Are you ready?"

"Of course!" Yang Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly and saw Sun Tuzheng leading a team of people slowly approaching. Just like every time he entered the palace, Sun Tu rode his horse and walked at the front of the team. This made his expression There's one more thing that's strange.

"Lieutenant Sun is here, prepare to open the door to greet him." Di Huchen seemed to sense the abnormality in Yang Zhi's heart, so he spoke on his behalf.

As these words fell, the closed palace door opened silently, revealing the long corridor inside and the open square behind the corridor.

"Lieutenant, what happened outside? Why is it so chaotic?" Yang Zhi had recovered at this time and asked loudly when he saw Sun Tu approaching.

"Today, a group of rebels led by Li Gang suddenly rebelled and wanted to capture Tokyo and kill me. But now I have captured them all. Now, I just want to meet with the officer and let him make the final decision on how to deal with this matter. The crime of rebellion." Sun Tu smiled and replied: "By the way, Your Majesty did not suffer any fright in the palace, right?"

"Everything is well, Your Majesty. Please come to the palace, Taiwei Sun. However, the rules in the palace prohibit the murderous spirit of swordsmanship, so these guards..." Di Huchen also said with a smile from above.

Sun Tu only thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "Then I will go to see Your Majesty alone." After saying that, he clapped his horse and walked straight into the palace wall.

After a while, a man and a horse passed through the luxurious palace gate and entered the corridor. And at this moment, with the sound of a bang, hundreds of figures suddenly appeared on the walls on both sides of the corridor. In their hands, they were all filled with crossbows with arrows.

Before the knight below could react, the bowstring rang, and hundreds of arrows flew out from the bowstring like heavy rain and hail, covering the bodies of the men and horses.

In a shrill howl, both men and horses were hit by hundreds of arrows and turned into hedgehogs...